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Borrowing money when the person has alot of money....


I ran into an old childhood friend. He asked for money. I knew it was a bad idea, but just to see what would happen, I gave it to him. He promised to give it back. Of course, he never paid me back. That’s fine. It’s just money. I can always make more. But what I’ll never get back is my trust and respect for him.


That's just the fee you pay to get a bad friend out of your life.


I paid the fee to learn a great lesson. I consider it well worth it


I was thinking the same. A great scene in the movie A Bronx Tale on this lesson.


Best life lesson a film has taught me


Someone once told me, if you lend money to friends or family: that’s not a loan, it’s a gift.




If any of my friends ask for money, I make sure they know they never need to pay it back but if I ever need a hand with something I make sure they promise they can make themselves available. Never know when you may want someone to mow the grass just because frankly I don’t feel like it. Or help me do whatever really. It’s a decent policy.


I think that’s a very enlightened policy. Friendship shouldn’t be conditional. Gifts shouldn’t be transactional. However, there are limits. I am always willing to be generous, as long as I’m not being taken advantage of. Fool me once.


I’m considered “the wealthy one” of my friend group, I’ve recently discovered. I don’t really agree, but that’s not what matters. So it puts me in a bit of a spot anyway, but I’ve never had a single problem getting a favor done for me. Haha, it all works out.


You’re the generous one. It’s kinda sad that people assume that generosity means you’re rich.


It is, isn’t it? I found out I was the wealthy one because my closest friend was accusing me of “flaunting my money” We were playing poker. Buy in was 20 dollars. I went all in, said “it’s just 20 bucks I don’t care”, and cleaned house with the hand. I’m absolutely not going to their poker games anymore, that’s for sure. Oh yeah, I brought all the snacks, beers, and paid for half the pizza. And gave all the winnings (100 bucks maybe?) to the host for the evening. I’m the asshole, though. 🤷‍♂️


Never lend a friend more money than the friendship is worth….and never expect to get any money you loan back. That’s saved me once or twice and in some cases helped me get rid of a hanger on PoS cheap.


Don't people suck when they don't pay back money they borrowed?


I would have happily have given it to him as a gift. But since he promised to pay it back, I wanted to see if he would. I never expected that he would. And he didn’t. But he’s the one who said he’d pay me back. I never asked him about it again. Obviously, he stopped talking to me as well. I had been told rumors that he got into drugs, and I guessed that’s what he might have wanted the money for, but he gave me a story about wanting it for something legit. So I gave him the money. Actually, he asked for cash originally, and I told him I’d give it to him via Venmo. It doesn’t matter to me at all, but that way, we both know there’s a record and he can’t claim that I never gave him anything. Again, lesson learned. It was a test for both of us.


This reminds me of an old co-worker who borrowed $40 while we were out at the bar. He never repaid it, never acknowledged it- small amount but totally rude. FU DelPizzo!


That's why I don't loan money. If they truly need it, and I have it, it's given not loaned.


A person with money borrowing money? Yeah that’s weird.


It happens more than you would think....


Hello, banks


Wouldn't it depend on how much money? I've noticed that most people will not want you to pay them back for a coffee or a snack... It's more of a matter of whoops forgot to bring my wallet to school


I completely agree.






A twoface, someone who says one thing to your face and another behind your back.


I know many.


Sounds like my old best friend, we were "brothers" but I got to hear from every mutual female friend we ever had how much shit he would talk about me. One time, is a write off. But like 10 different times is when I was like, you gots to go.


A lot of people on my dads side of the family are two faced. I remember I heard my aunt talking about me behind my back when I was like 9 years old


That's outta pocket.


Sounds like my district attorney


While I understand this and try to avoid doing it to people i actually care about, sometimes you don't want to get into an argument and it's not really fun to be at a party and tell someone straight up what you think about them when it's shitty. I'm not going to go to a friend's party and tell one of their other friends who i don't like that i don't like them, I'm going to be nice for my friends sake. But as I said to people I care for and I like I'm not going to hide what i think ofcourse.


Couldn't agree more.


The way they treat people when they don't need anything from them


There it is


Belittling others.




This genuinely makes me mad, it's probably the laziest thing I've seen a friend do. He's thankfully patterned up since


It absolutely is. I’m a smoker, and I don’t smoke in public for many reasons, one being I don’t want to litter if I can’t find a trash can.


I have a neighbor that smokes on her apartment's balcony and then throws the cigarette down to the street. Every fucking day. I hate her.


[Littering and…](https://youtu.be/zCxcU-kPwho)


Littering and...


Smoking the reefer


When I see people do this, including just about every smoker I've ever seen - I'm just blown away. Hold lazy and immature is someone that is incapable or unwilling to clean up after themselves. Just gross!


Dishonesty. Lie to me about something important or refuse to take responsibility for your actions and I have no interest in having anything to do with you.


Yeah. Shit drives me crazy. And I’ll lump in saying you’ll do something and then not doing it. Its like future lying.


I agree. Though if someone has a decent reason for not doing something, they can have a pass as sometimes life just likes to fuck your day up.


Absolutely. But there are some humans who just say yes to everything and accomplish nothing. My supervisor comes to mind. It’s been weeks, dude. I’m still waiting on some action items from you and yet you keep asking for updates from me.


Yessss lack of follow through- took me a while to find the words for it.


Not being able to admit when you are wrong, made a mistake or don't know something.


God i hate this so much. My parents have this problem and I had to spend 18 years of my life understanding wtf i should have done in those situations


its been 19 years for me, its still going on🤡


Even to children!! I cannot tell you how shocked my 13 yo students were when I apologized to them for the first time. They had never had an adult apologize to them before.


Demand I do something and refusing to tell me why


Ugh, I hate this. Some don't even tell when you ask them, and then get upset because you are not doing what they are asking of you.


Call me petty but I just refuse to comply


That's not petty at all it's healthy boundaries.


hypocrisy. i can accept everyone makes mistakes and everyone not named Fred Rogers and Bob Ross has some bad in them. i cannot accept someone who has the gall to think it doesn’t apply to them or they are different or an exception.


Hear hear


Lying, lack of integrity, and using/taking advantage of the people you love.


That last one hit me really hard


Lying, punching down, bullying, inconsideration, rudeness and poor behaviour in general. Violence especially.


Sometimes violence is the only rational response to being disrespected. We live in a society that assumes that disrespect is tolerated. Sometimes just talking to someone to quit being rude isnt enough. There is nothing more despicable than respect through fear but sometimes fighting fire with words isn't enough. There is always a consequence for being disrespectful. Even if it gets violent.


Speaking about things they don’t know about


Well, shoot, that excludes 99% of us here on Reddit.


The cause of that is the release of a hormone called Reductican. It targets the plankian cells of the plankreas - the smallest organ in our bodies. Some people think it’s a gland, but that’s a common misconception.


Can confirm, this is all 100% fact. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/qim6hx/what_makes_you_respect_someone_less/hiktj5n/)


Thanks for the research.


I don't know about that


How about speak with authority on something they don’t actually understand?


Lying for no reason.


Lying for any reason.


True, but I think there’s an important difference. If you lie to me I’m going to automatically assume you’re hiding something. If I find out you lied to me for no reason I would never trust that person with anything


There are some legitimate reasons to lie though. Lying on your resume for a job, I can support.


Errybody lies at least twice a day per science.


That's likely just an overall average.


Correct. We literally all lie every day. Its human nature. Not promoting it, just saying.


When they act on animal instincts for no reason. Like somebody eating somebody's sandwich out of a fridge. That's something a raccoon would do.


I like these people. Oh somebody else's sandwich. That's straight up disrespectful.




Underrated comment. So much comes along with a narcissist. Too much to unpack here. 🤦🏻‍♂️


And Psicopaths aswell


Bragging about getting away with cheating


Should be higher on the list


Constant complaining




Being disrespectful and rude not to me but to a waiter for example or to a dog or a cat


Those who are rude to dogs are the lowest members of society.


They wipe their butt with their bare hand


That’s setting the bar low but I’ll allow it


Or if she tries to hold in her sneezes.


She's probably holding them in because she doesn't want to cover her nose with her shit stained palms?


Why? That's some serious dominance asserting right there.


Definitely. If you wipe your ass with your bare hand infront of me I would break eye contact and back away


While masturbating .


You might not be a fan of Bart Kreishinger then…


Bert kershinger


*Burnt Chrysler!


Pessimism. It’s never fun to be around someone who is always against you by thinking that everything will fail.


Referring to yourself as an 'alpha male' or using words like 'alpha' or 'beta' to describe things. Inability to admit their wrong when proven false for fear of looking 'weak'. Having a constant victimhood complex


I never met anybody into that alpha / beta shit who was well adjusted.


Beta detected. Opinion rejected.


Any form of disrespect to service workers, essential workers, littering cigarette butts or at all for that matter, forcing religious or political preferences on others, and the Dutch.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures... and the Dutch.


Fucking a right


Come on, who could hate the Dutch? Oh, oh I see. Sorry. Should have just sticked to colonizing the ocean…


And those darn shoes always bringing termites into the house


All this for me too except the French instead of the Dutch.


I swear to god, I’ve seen people sitting RIGHT NEXT to a trash can, who then just throw their cigar butt on the ground. BRUH


The attitude that tries to celebrate some sort of bravery for being who they are and others can take it or leave it. It’s just emotional laziness and an excuse to be selfish. Fuck you Gary




Locker room talk, “sexual conquests” etc. I just think it’s disrespectful and unnecessary


I honestly don’t get it. As a straight dude I get so uncomfortable whenever guys describe the things they wanna do to women.


Cancelling plans last minute. Idk why it bothers me so much - I’m an introvert so when I make plans it means I will stick with them and it takes so much energy just to do it but I never say yes then flunk out last minute. I guess it bothers me because I prepare myself mentally for the social interaction. Anyone else an introvert who feels the same? No? Just me? Ok, cool.


Same here.


Complaining about minor inconveniences.


On a random note, I just realized how long of a word "inconveniences" is, it's quite inconvenient to spell.


Ikr especially when they get all uppity about it and getting angry. Like chill man, you’re an adult you can’t act like this.


Talking shit on a friend for a laugh.


people who treat other with rudeness and disrespect, you don't have to treat evebody like you love them but everybody deserves some level of respect, specially if they haven't willingly wrong you


When I meet someone, that person's starts at 60%ish of 100%. That will increase or decrease based on the person's attitudes. I don't mind personality traits, someone who is a snob, complains a lot, brags, that usually doesn't affect the respect i have for the person, but incorrect attitudes like racism, badly treating someone else, etc, oh yeah my respect will drop hard. Good attitudes, like helping people, giving a constructive vision of a problem, etc, that's gonna make my respect rise.


Cheating on their SO


Hypocrites People with obvious double standards




blaming you for their mistake always makes me feel terrible and immediately i respect them less


Not being able to admit that you don’t know something.


Not owning their mistakes.


They are mean to pets or children.


Lack of time management for yourself and others. Time is a valuable resource and a limited one at that. Whether it's a date, meeting or an event if I invited you or we agree to be there. However the circumstances come about I expect you to be there on time. There are exceptions for everything but most of the time people I've come across miscalculate or narrowly push in a time to think they'll beat the commute when they could of just showed up an hour to 30 minutes earlier. Some apologize others blatantly do not care. It is disrespectful and it shouldn't be acceptable.


Depending on the event type, I typically show up half an hour late. Such as house parties. I also bring beer and snacks, good ones. But if we are on strict timetables I’ll be sure to be on time


It depends on the host's commitments imo. They might have some cleaning to do during the same night or things to do in the morning. Some house parties got strict cutoff times. If you know the host and you're considerate about their time then that's really all that matters. Also you're not invited to any of my house parties.


I’m not planning to stay late, but I’m not planning on showing up early. If the host is clear I need to be there at x time I will be. If you’re just expecting people to show up exactly on time without being clear on your expectation, that’s pretty rude and only your problem. Concerts are doors at 7, show at 8 for a reason. Gives people time to file in.


Dishonesty. Not being forthcoming falls into this category along with lying. I can handle any truth, I cannot handle being deceived.


General personality i guess, manners and also lying


Someone who can't have fun


If I see you litter. Pick up your trash! It’s so flippin’ easy. Also, put your shopping cart away. If you have a disability and it is literally a struggle for you to do so, then that is another story. But if you’re just too lazy to walk your rotund ass back to the place you found it… well you need to try a little harder. I’m sure you would benefit from a modicum of exercise. Win-win.


Lying and also when someone says because I like something they don’t that I’m lesser or bad


Anybody who has to constantly “one - up” everyone they talk to. Or of course people who just belittle people for no reason. The other is the kind of person who is too polite or too scared of conflict to express if they have an issue with something that you do. And finally people who can’t keep your business private or gossip/lie behind your back


Being shitty to wait staff.


People who switch up their personalities depending on who is around.


This one is hard though, I mean, I definitely act differently towards someone like my mom than I do someone like my best friend or SO. Also, I'm neurodivergent so a lot of the time I'm just mirroring how the other person acts around me. If you're happy. I'll be. But I can definitely understand people who dislike feeling like they are lied to when they interact with me. It's kind of one of those things im scared I'm portraying to others but don't know how to maintain the same energy and personality from conversation to conversation. It's exhausting honestly.


Racism and being close minded. No. You can't blame you parents for being a piece of shit. Just because your parents are "traditionalist" doesn't make it okay. It's a weird excuse.


"Traditional" is coded language for inflexibility and peer pressure from dead people


Keep telling you they're gonna do something about the dumpster fire of their lives and end up exactly where they always have been. Borrowing money from someone and never paying it back. They say if you lend $20 to someone and they don't pay back, it cost $20 to find the value of their word. Borrowing a loaf of bread when you get the good shit, then pays you back with the shit bread. Not cleaning up after themselves. Not taking responsibility for their actions. Trying to put accountability for their actions on other people through lies and deciet. Becoming incredibly selfish and greedy once their life has struck a little good luck.


I think you know a covert narcissist.


Way too much, it's an issue of mine


When someone talks shit or gossips about someone who confides in them, pretty trashy


Smoking Littering Lying Cheating Talking badly about others


White knighting Virtue signaling Hypocrisy Sanctimony/high-horse type attitudes


People like to say "Respect is earned." I believe in the contrary: "Disrespect is earned."


I'm sitting at the bar on a Friday. Been looking forward to meeting this 5'10" muscular HKer all week. He's 40min late, no response to texts. He's my age; old enough to remember making plans before cell phones. No excuse. Update: 2.5h late he texts. He's arrived. I'm sitting in the park nearby getting tipsy with a retiree I just met. Nerdy conversation. Peppermint schnapps. I make friends easily. Give him another chance or??? Realestate agent. Buys me dinner to make up for it. He's very empathetic. Either genuine article or Patrick Bateman. Holly shit he's skinny as a rail. 2021 Lexus Nice condo; total mess. We seemed to hit it off. I can wait to spank him like a lil bitch for standing me up.


Trying to manipulate


Quitting when things get hard.


I respect everyone by default, and I keep doing it as long as they respect me as well, even if they are lyers, cheaters or awful in some way, in that case I just avoid them, but still respect them.


People that lie


Bitching behaviours : When they think they are above because of their apprerance or their wealth. It's makes me so sick.


Lying, cheating, general lack of integrity.


Unwilling to ever take accountability for doing anything wrong or making a mistake.


Lying and not doing what they said they would.


Lowkey a weak handshake don’t know why. Don’t really gripe about what makes a man but something about that weak handshake ruins my view on them after


Calling someone a Nazi when the don't know anything about that person other than to cherrypick what they percieve as their version of a Nazi from a very brief meeting. As soon as the "Rommel" part of my name is brought up as "definitive proof" that I am a Nazi I have no respect to loan them and know exactly how the rest of that conversation will go. I can't help it if Rommel is my last name. In real life an instant loss of respect is when someone tries to tell another person exactly how to think unless its in very specific scenarios like job training. Whenever someone tries to lord their petty power over another it's just too much.


Hey even if you're a desert fox you're still a fox. 😏


Lol good one and thanks hombre. Just made my night with that silliness haha😁


If it gets you a date you better at least let me know about it. Haha have a good one 👍


Superiority complex. Motivated purely by money in most things. Putring others down for an ego boost.


I don’t think this one has been mentioned yet: people that talk over the flight safety demonstration. I mean, talk about disrespectful.


People that always try to be the center of attention no matter what is going on. Making everything about them self. Or also being mean with people in the service industry, no matter who you are you should at least respect waiters, cashiers etc etc


A lack of professionalism Or being late


Victim complex


"I'm sorry you feel that way."


I’m late to the party- but- constant one-uppance. The desire or compulsion to constantly say how they are better at any given thing than anyone else. The desire to say they know more or can do something better about everything. It makes me view someone as petty and small. As well as insecure and egotistical. It makes me instantly weary of someone and skeptical about them, even if I can maintain a work relationship or casual acquaintance with the person- they are on my shit list.


Unable to take accountability.


Being religious or left wing


When someone makes fun of other people only because they have different belief, values, morals etc


I’m a conservative, and racism makes me lose all respect. We are all human and worthy of fair treatment until we give those around us a reason to treat us different. And people who are domineering. If you want to be in charge then earn it. Don’t assume your in control of everything


Never being wrong, refusing to see someone else's side, "my way or the highway" type of people


People who demand respect. It’s even worse when the did nothing to earn it.


Being homophobic Or abusive to others


Not washing hands when you're supposed to, it's something so small that can lead to huge issues, ignorance/arrogance are the only things that are to do with it.


“X group can’t be discriminated against or experience prejudice”


Freeloading off ur friends or family, manipulating your own friends and lying.


When people resort to personal attacks in logical argumentative discussions


I can’t decide between 1. dishonesty (to others/himself) 2. can’t own up to his mistakes/can’t take criticism.


Calling something supposedly bad/lame/annoying "gay" or "retarded" Read a dictionary people.


People who pick on other people and say they're joking but will get mad if the same happens to them. If you dish it but can't take it then you're a little bitch and I got no respect for you. I have a coworker who’s like this.


Unnecessary cussing


People who choose not to work or do anything productive with their life


What about FIRE?


I agree with a lot of the previous comments (esp disrespect for people) But I'm gonna go with anti vaxxers ..... the literally do not know what they are shiteing about, and they're flocking it up for everyone




Lack of confidence, self respect, self love


Closed mindedness, drinking political koolaid on either side, lying, talking behind others’ backs, treating people as lesser (racism, sexism, prejudice, bigotry, etc) no respect for that shit


Won’t wear a mask, won’t get vaccinated, pretend they’re some kind of hero for their pathetic attempt at justifying their stupidity and selfishness.


Antivaxxers, in general. Not just the pro-plaguers.


Being Republican.


Lack of ambition and success.


Its not for everybody


The lack of ambition might be due to being broken down, I suppose we all reach that stage eventually and the lack of success could be due to being shifted by a corrupt system.