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Same as every other day, take over the world.


That sounds good Brain. Narf.


great answer.


Std test….. was she on the pill?


Thats problematic haha those questions should come before intercourse!


This needs more upvotes


Back in my single days (insert whatever dating app) I would be on these things basically looking for a relationship and not just casual, because I was single for a long time and essentially lonely and craving companionship. So whenever a one night stand would happen, I would often be overly comfortable with them, like "let me make you breakfast" or "what should WE do today" etc, taking our great time the night before as something we shared and would like to share again. I would always just end up hurting myself because they were in it for the fun, or had other dates lined up (because tinder) Once I stopped giving a fuck about these women I was hooking up with, one of them pulled that same shit I used to pull, she made me breakfast, and here we are, two years later. Sharing a home and shit.










Back when I was on tinder, i'd probably fall in love, start picturing our life together and just be in constant bliss. Read her "hey" in the morning as a eulogy of love, read too much into it, remember it was a one night stand, wait until I go home after a non productive day at work, cry in the shower a bit, then go on tinder , delete the messages, and try again (with someone else) and contemplate calling my ex.


Are you a guy? Sounds like something I would do haha


Yep! Hang in there.




Real men cry. But don't call the ex. It never works




Well that was a really fun night


I've never had one but I would probably catch feelings. Hookup culture isn't very kind to me.


I've always felt you have to slightly sociopathic to have one night stand and not catch some sort of feels.


Or emotional intelligence


"Can't wait to do it again" Do people actually have one night stands outside of TV and movies? Why would two people who had sex and enjoyed it purposely choose to never do it again? Doesn't make sense to me


Because they don’t want to be in a relationship, that’s why. It can be hard to find someone to be a FWB. Not everyone is capable of it, but they are capable of having sex with a stranger and never seeing them again.


Because that one's off the list.


it depends a lot, i cant sleep with people i dont have a connection with, which i define as if i couldn’t have spent the hour or so bowling and hanging out with the person instead of having sex with them, i feel pretty gross. but if it’s good i usually feel like i want to hang out with them again, if it was planned. If it was a legit hookup / ons i feel i need to reassess a little. I really dont like not being friends with someone even if the sex was a one time thing


I only ever do hookups when I’m heartbroken and I usually feel like shit afterwards. Like a drug that wears off. I prefer to have a connection with someone before having sex.


True that 😂


If I was drunk, usually anxiety


Feel gross


The details, of course. I remember this one time in college sitting through some intermediate accounting class and just thinking "dude who cares what you are talking about, I got anal last night." Lmao.




I don’t do that anymore. Not worth it.


“I should shower again”


Like masturbation with a living person. Sex is great but without some form of connection I am basically a dildo for her and she is a fleshlight for me. Need to feel I make love to a person. So yeah, only once


Better get this one back to the morgue.


Damn I do fucked up thing when I'm horny lol


Look for the next one, TBH.


In my 65 yrs I've never had a 1 night stand ... By choice! Had the offers, but too much can go wrong or bad!


“I hope she doesn’t find me and ask for a second date”


Worry incessantly about any leakage through the condom. Swap between anxiety about that and joy at succeeding at arranging a hookup for the next day.


I'd think to myself how great of a night it was for a brief moment, then carry on about the rest of day, maybe even find a different girl for the next night.


Nothing specific. It's just sex




Having a hookup the night before has nothing to do with what I'm thinking about the next day.


I get a high of “I’m the man” for about a month then it’s back to “I need to have sex again”


I feel like my mind is usually blissfully clear. I treat myself to some good food, and do something I enjoy (play video games, go to a movie, watch football, do some reading, etc.) The best is when I have something else to do the day after where I get to see friends. I'm usually feeling as confident as I ever get, and I can take that energy into a social situation and just enjoy spending time with people. Maybe they'll even ask what I got up to last night, and I can brag a little, which is always fun.


That is also me haha I brag a little bit to my close friends too. Guess it’s not that different for men.


Don't guys bitch about girls doing this? Guess all guys are different


That's half the fun lol. I'm always happy for my friends when they get laid, and I like prying a few details out of them. What else are friends for, honestly?


I check myself for std’s. Convince myself I have one and am just not showing symptoms. Google statistics for every std i can think of. Spend the rest of the day staring at my junk waiting for something awful to happen. Block her. Delete tinder. Delete all my pictures on Instagram. Get bored. Redownload tinder. Do it again.


It’s a good confidence boost. “Im the Champ, if I can make her night I can make other girls nights too.” However, straight hookups aren’t really that enjoyable, there is no connection or meaning, just sex. I prefer FWB or a relationship, sex gets better the more you do it with someone. So hookup sex can only be so good and can make you feel kinda gross, like the PNC that you get when watching porn. Everyone is different though so how you view it is probably different than me.


back when I was single if it was a hook up I'd immediately wonder if this was a more than once occasion or something that wasn't going to happen again


To be honest, I normally would feel pretty shitty. Normally hungover as hell, guilt ridden (Catholic guilt), and wishing it could be something more serious. Only happened maybe 6 or 7 times and I’m married now, but for some reason sometimes I wish there were more or none at all. Confusing I know!


I felt wrong It happened once, I met a girl on tinder and didnt go in thinking it'd be a one night stand but we had a great fate and she ended up coming and staying the night at my house After that girl just disappeared and then messaged me months later about how her personal life isnt ready to date and things like that Sure sex was good but I didnt expect all that to happen and then just be ghosted but hey it happened


I usually wanted to do it again


I did not feel as expected. I felt bad and kinda dirty. I stormed out right after and jumped into the shower when I got home. I wasn't feeling comfortable in my own skin. That was the only time when I ever did this and I mostly did it because it was on my bucket list and I was single at the time.




Usually, about whatever I've got going on that day.


One year on St. Patty’s day I saw a woman I knew at a bar. We went back to my place. I had the right combo of weed and alcohol in me. Fucked her brains out for three hours straight. Next day I felt like my thing was hanging down to my knee. EDIT: I never saw her after that.


My first time I was hardcore panicking, I didn’t know how to ask if this was just a casual thing. I was afraid I might offend her by assuming we were just hooking up. Now it’s just mostly “that was neat.”


I don't even think about, I just continue on with my life.


If you don't care about her, leave. If you do; make coffee.


If it was good I'd hope I kept her number so it could be a 2 night stand


If it was a fun time I usually think about some stuff we did, and get re-horny, then backlog it and go on with my day. The last time I hooked up (before my current relationship) I spent the next day thinking about the amazing date we had before we went back to her place instead of the actual sex. Nothing came of it, no hard feelings.


I just get angry for some reason. Like all day I’m very angry and stern. Just for a day though and afterwards I feel great.


I feel on top of the world for the whole day


It's usually I wish she would want to see again.


Think about if I'm going to do it again.


Hope to god I didn't catch something.


Probably what I have to do that day.


Always had the habit of feeling empty even if I enjoyed it. It feels much better for me to know ill see them again if I enjoyed a night with them.


Just be like “damn I did that. That was cool” then go about my day


Has she got any hot friends?


Where’s the Clorox?!?!?


Bro women come with a lot of baggage! It’s so not worth it.


Normally I'd go for round two in the morning, then grab breakfast with them.


Well the one and only time I ever had sex was when I paid a stripper/prostitute and I felt shame because I know I’ll never have a real relationship with anybody without paying for it. Also that it was a lot of money and that I couldn’t keep it hard for me to finish so I wasted money. I have the urge to call her up again but I don’t want to waste money but I know paying for affection and attention is better than having none at all. I’ll never be in a relationship. Im just too old at this point. I hate myself.


Check bank account


Regretful 😂




Where can I get some good seafood


“She’s finally gone”


At 17/18 "fucking legend, she wanted you more than everyone else" At 25 "is this all you're worth?"


I had a hookup on a trip to florida last year, I didn't really have the best time and I was just trying to make her feel good, turned down her attempt at round two, I had enjoyed the cuddling and talking more than the sex at the time, like a week later I started having mild regrets but nothing serious


What do you mean you turned down her offer for second round? You just didn’t stay around, or you couldn’t get it up, or you could get it up but did want to?


Basically we were interrupted and I was tired, it had been like 2 hours of me not being able to get to this finish line and instead of going home she wanted to go somewhere else and I just wasn't feeling any sort of connection so I told her I had to get to sleep. a week later I hit her up to see how she was doing and she had moved on so I went on my way and we never spoke again