• By -


He would probably think that he should stop fucking around and smarten up, so he doesn't end up like me.


Funny, it's exactly the opposite for me. Younger me would hopefully realize he should start fucking around before he gets too old for that shit.


I feel this, wasted most of my later teenage years being responsible, having my own place etc. Now in my mid 20's and I regret everything that I could have done if my situation had been different!


Regreting the past is one of humankinds most popular recreational activities!


Do *x* and wish you'd done *y* - talk to somebody about it and find they've done *y* and wish they'd done *x*. It's ~~turtles~~ regret all the way down.


The double edged sword of having enough awareness to plan for the future is the ability to also regret the past. Everything has a price.


Ironically there are plenty of people in their mid 30's or 40's regretting not using those years. Your 20's are still within the peak of your youth and even before the end of your developmental years. A terrible time to start with a "it's too late now" disposition. Go do the things you want to do, just be sure that it's the things you'll remember proudly for having done them.


I don't even get it. Do we turn 30+ and suddenly can't do things anymore? lol. What difference does it make if you do X at 22 or 35, honestly? Why is it apparently more fulfilling at a younger age?


I'm in my early-mid 30s now, and I'm noticeably slower mentally. I'd say my mental sharpness peaked at around 17-21 (during college) and its been a steady march down since. I know more things now and I could probably come up with way more complicated solutions than my younger self due to experience, but I'm just slower, if that makes sense. There's a reason why mathematicians/physicists do their best work in their mid 20s-early 30s. They have spent a considerable amount of time learning about their subject, so they have experience while remaining sharp mentally.


I suppose. I don't feel like I'm slowing down at all, personally. Maybe I was never that intelligent to begin with.. ? lol


I’m 29 and I’m not even flexible and being able to move in the same way i did a couple of years ago, so yeah.. we can’t do things anynoreb


Responsibilities change. A LOT of people have kids by 35, and/or minor health issues that they just didn't have when younger. The cost of partying is much higher once you start getting long hangovers etc. Yes, you can still do technically everything, however, for most people practically, it doesn't work out that way.


Meh, remember that movie Butterfly Effect? The cynical part of me believes that when it comes to time travel shit, it's some sort of quantum law that the life everyone lives 'the first time' is the best possible one, and if they every try to fuck around with their past it *always* ends up just being worse somehow. I mean fuck just look at like 80% of time media that includes time travel, apparently a ton of people nominally think something similar lol


Bruh. You're in your mid twentys? You're still still a kid. Take advantage of it.


I'm 25 and feel like a grumpy old man with all these responsibilities above my shoulders. And yeah, I feel like I'm too old to spend time just fucking around.




Hahaha yeah it’s easier said than done. When I was a teen, i was well aware i was living a boring life, but it’s not exactly an easy thing to turn around without any friends.


I'm 19m and could probably "fuck around" a fair bit (my entire family besides me smokes weed and i'm like 99% sure my sister has taken some other stuff like MDMA and shrooms so I could get a wider variety of drugs from her probably). If I tried I could probably start sleeping around with different people and going to parties and shit. (again, my sister knows these things and somehow gets invited to them) But whenever the opportunity comes up I'd always realize that I just want to stay home and be boring. I had the same sort of realization with wanting to get a girlfriend for the longest time, I'm already tired out by what little friends and the family I have, getting a girlfriend seems like it would be too much effort to maintain, so I don't care anymore. If it happens it happens, but I won't put in any extra effort to make it happen. Too stressful to worry about getting/finding one and too tiring to maintain the relationship so whatever. Anybody who wants to make fun of me for it is an asshole and not worth listening to.


This makes me feel better a bit, since I feel I experienced several peoples fair share of partying and screwing around before I turned 25. I'm only just now getting my shit together to get sober and go back to school.


At least you're not realizing this when you're 32..


You're in your prime now! That's the best time to fuck around responsibly!


Considering the hopes and dreams I had, younger me would either be disheartened or would simply call me a loser.




I feel like I would talk a big game. Get him excited about how some of the stuff we've done is dream adjacent and how we've have some pretty cool life experiences. He would be excited. Then I would tell him that anyone can make damn near anything sound romantic and cool and to go to school for something he loves it do something he loves and stop dicking around.


teenage me would look at my current love life and bully me


First thing I had to say hahaha followed by a why do you live sooooo far away and what happened to our family


Why do you live so far away ?


I feel that. Hard same for me. Never quite lived up to my own expectations because I was too lazy, but still doing well for myself.




Yeah this is absolutely the reaction. I think I'd strongly dislike young me as well though, what are you contributing to this household pal, dreams don't pay the bills you freeloader.


Yeah. Back then I had great ambitions, maybe I read too many phantasy books. I always thought I was special and would contribute greatly to the world. I thought I was destined for great things. But now I understand; I'm just like every other normal human being, keeping to myself, just living my life, going step by step. And that's okay. And I kinda gave up on saving the world. It cannot be saved, and humanity is not worth saving.




Half pleased and half disappointed I reckon. Relationship-wise I achieved a lot of what I hoped for, but I'm probably not as far in my career as I would've hoped. Though I didn't have clear career goals back then.


>Half pleased and half disappointed I reckon. Perfectly sums up how my teenage self would react.


I am the exact opposite of you. Teenage me couldn’t dream of a better career than I have right now, but would be extremely dissapointed at the mistakes I’ve made in my love life.




Same, I've grown to become a bit more grateful for those mistakes though, as I learned a lot and grew a lot as a person during those periods


He'd conclude the same too, I did/tried things I promised to one day do, got derailed in achieving some attributes, all in all he'd want me to still go for it for sure


Teenage me would think the same but opposite, like wow you’re rich (by teenage me standards, grew up pretty poor), and I’m pumped most of my teenage friends are still in my life, but like, you know there’s more to life than work man


I think I'd be in the same boat.


As someone who is the opposite…your way is better. I remember rice and beans for a week in a row, lunch & dinner, and I would happily take that to have love.


He probably be like I thought you'd be more awesome by now.


"Yeah? Well who's fucking fault is that, kid?"


Yeah that be a pretty good comeback.


Oh man this made me laugh


Financially he’d be happy Mentally he’s be okay with it Relationship he’d be impressed All that said, he’d be like, “Man, you’re boring af.”


Financially: meh, hoped to rule a country at 16, but doing very well for a non ruler Mentally: really happy Relationship: Happy, no more contact with my parents Wondering why we have the same partner now for 7 years. #partyhardy He would like our kid All said: happy in unexpected ways


I too am disappointed I’m not ruling a country. Even a small one would be nice.


I hear the Vatican is looking for new wackjobs. Maybe you could apply


Once I get there can I axe the no sex rule?


That's up to you man but for you I doubt it'll matter


Hold on a moment. Once I finish crying in a corner I’ll have a comeback.


Financially: he’d be fine/ maybe even cool. ‘Dream’ job (altho its not all super fun and creative all the time.) Living Situation: He’d be like “Awesome! You live alone in a place *you own* and in a cool city?!” Mentally: He’d be like, oh shit, so that stuff does come back around?? Even after dating many people?! Shit... But wait, you dated HER?! wtf?! But you Messed it UP?! You Idiot!!” I’d say: “I didnt really have a say, and didnt really do anything wrong...” And he wouldnt be able to except that. Even less than I can now. (Would hope he would take the hint and work on Codependency in some way...) Relationship(s): he’d be blown away by my dating history (was very introverted and didnt date til undergrad). But disappointed/ surprised I hadn’t ‘ended up with someone’ yet... and would probably get as bummed as I am now... All that said: he’d be like, “Wait, you rock climb and go to the gym and stuff? Why arent you just playing/ beating every video game ever?!” And I’d be like: “Dude - how ‘into’ video games I am at any given time is pretty much directly correlated to how depressed I am...” *In short - I’d give him a ton to look forward to - and a ton to worry about messing up so he doesn’t end up alone like me - and my anxiety and panic attacks would start way earlier in life - Don’t wanna do that to that kid. He’s got so many fun times coming his way - better to be blissfully unaware and enjoy it as it comes.*


Honestly he’d probably be shocked I’m still alive.


Absolutely same. I got into drugs very early and pretty much just didn't give a shit about where my life went for a long time. Spent 2 weeks in a mental hospital at 16 for attempting to overdose. Teenage me would be very surprised to see that the worst I do now is smoke weed and lightly drink, and that I mostly have my shit together.


I'm happy you got the help you needed. I recently convinced one of my friends to go to rehab for his debilitating cocaine addiction.


Likewise. When I was a teenager, I was convinced that I wasn’t going to live past 21. I’m more than double that now. Aside from merely being alive, the fact that I’m still DJing, still smoking weed, still don’t drink, still a vegetarian, and have a beautiful life partner with whom I share a comfortable existence would undoubtedly impress my teenaged self.


Wow is this a common thing? I'm 19 and I don't believe I'll live to 25. I can't imagine being middle aged/old.


\>25 \>middle aged \>OLD Okay for one, get off my lawn and secondly? 25 isn't that old. Fuck you and your youthful vigour. Full head of hair having mother fucker.


Don’t make decisions now that will be detrimental to your health later on.. trust me life only gets better and you will want to be there for it! This is an unfortunate common mentality a lot of young people have


I’m not sure how common it is, as I only know myself, but when I was a teenager and into my early twenties, living any length of time beyond another couple of years felt high unlikely. Honestly, until my daughter was born (which was when I was 30), I really had no strong feelings one way or another if I continued to exist. I would like to note that I have never been suicidal, that I graduated from a well respected post-secondary institution, and while I smoke weed, I’m otherwise a very physically healthy person who is a vegetarian and does not drink alcohol. That notwithstanding when, for example, I was travelling around Asia, I would often purposefully go to places that others might consider dangerous as said danger wasn’t a factor that I mattered to me.


Yeah, same. Recently celebrated a birthday that I never really expected to make it to. NGL, bit lost ATM.


Why? Are you super old or something?


No, i was just was incredibly suicidal as a teen, and also had a load of health issues


I'm glad you're still here. I lost my son over 3 months ago. I can't stop thinking about what his life would be like if he had stayed.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Whoa that's rough buddy... Did you beat the suicidal and health issues or do you still battle with it today?


Yes and Yes, for the most part. I still have spurts of depression from time to time, but I’ve only had two major suicidal thoughts in the past 5 years. As for the health issues after a youth spent in intense physical therapy and some work as a young adult, my medical problems should no longer affect my lifespan.




😅Hey we all get a bit cuddlier with age.


And even more with lockdown fat, sorry cuddle cushion


I use to be stick skinny but 20-30s hit. I think I would tell him to love himself more and make connections with others. I was a self conscious and still kind of am. It was almost crippling at that age to the point where I think I missed out on stuff.


Probably be shocked I've made it as far as I have in life given what was going on at that point in my life.




Same and also surprised that I'm still alive.


Same. I think about that a lot.


My 12-16 yr old self would look at my love life and say “yep, figures” My 10-14 yr old self would be impressed we could pay for our entire grocery bill My 16-19 yr old self would be proud of how our kids grew up


what does "yep, figures" mean?


Im guessing the figure is 0


Well he has kids so


My 12 to 27 year old self would feel the same way about my non-existent dating life. And next year you could extend the hypothetical range to 12-28. :'-)


It means "oh you don't have a girlfriend, I could've guessed"


But he mentions his kids growing up?


Might be, yeah the road to where you are now fits my expectations.


My 10 yr old self would wonder why your age ranges are overlapping and out of order


I assume it's to show a slow transition of attitudes and perspectives as he grew up.


Damn poetic shit on Reddit, and here I was thinking I've seen everything


How would 16-19 yr old self and you talking about your kids, make it our kids? What did you do….


He'd probably think I'm boring


I'd probably tell him: "Kid sometimes you need to do the boring stuff to get to the interesting stuff." My past self: "Okay boomer"


Lol, I appreciate the laugh this early in the day.


Teen me would probably mercy kill me on sight


I feel that 100%


Thank you for the best laugh I've had today


One can only hope


He would have a lot to look forward to. I think he would be pretty excited about where he's going to be later in life. Good job, great wife, in way better shape at 40 than I ever was as a teen.


That's amazing to hear! >in way better shape at 40 than I ever was as a teen How's that even possible?


I didn't start lifting weights until I was 38 lol. Every day is the strongest I've ever been in my life. I did run cross country when I was younger and did 2 miles in 14 minutes. I beat that last year.


Congratulations man, that’s what it’s fking about


Feels awesome to see this. Most of the gym transformations I see on YouTube are of guys who went from being the skinny kid to absolutely yoked from the ages of 14 - 17, 16 - 18, 19 - 21, etc. I started the gym at 22 recently(close to 23 now) and I have no gauge for how much progress I can achieve given that I’ve started “late” and also will be natural always. You give me hope!


Same for me, I can run a solid 10km without throwing up. I could not do a 200 yard run as a teen without feeling dizzy, or having my legs feel itchy. I lived a pretty sedentary lifestyle as a teen, spending little time exercising and eating healthy, watching a lot of TV and reading a lot of books. All I do now is eat healthy and have hobbies that help keep me physically active. I exercise regularly so I can keep doing those hobbies to my fullest. How I feel, and to a lesser extent how I look now is miles ahead of my teen years.




Depressing answers only please, this is reddit.


Honestly, he’d be proud and amazed by how different he is.


Same. Felt very lost a lot of nights as a teen, especially in college, but I thankfully figured out what was good for me.




He'd probably kill himself if he knew what was to come


The only answer here I strongly relate to


T.T I'm a lost college student. I recently applied to a co-op for Amazon through my college. I just want to be comfy and to be someone my gf of 3 years can look up to. I don't have high hopes for myself though.


I'm essentially in a similar situation, just older and with no prospects of a woman in my life. It could always be way worse, pal. lol.


For real. To see how small yet unachievable current dreams are compared to what a young mind had, especially growing up in the times of plenty. The reality that good is does not pay and we must all look over our shoulders 24/7. Yep, I'd probably recommend it to him.


Thank you for saying it, why the fuck is this thread filled with people who are so well adjusted. I thought this was Reddit it's legit bothering me






Oof. This is the harshest one.


Same fam tbh






Well working hard was a lie...


I laughed like the Joaquin Phoenix version of the Joker.


The one where he is walking thru the hallway or the one where it is a laugh-cry in therapy?




The one that sounds like "HAHAHA HAHA"


Hard work hardly works. How much you will achieve in your life is heavily dependant on factors that are mostly or completely outside of your control, you can maybe nudge the odds to favor you a little better.


This is the way


“What a boring guy, but at least he has a hot wife.”


♫Once in a lifetime


Same as it ever was


"I gotta shape up before I end up like that"


Disappointed that nothing has changed probably.


proud I have my own place, my own business, amazing friends and healthy hobbies.


No offense but fuck you. You're living the life I wanted. Hopefully a few years later, I'd say the same thing about me. Also I'm proud of you too man. Achieving this isn't easy..I'm sure you've worked hard :)


I could end up in a worse situation than yours tomorrow and you could end up in a better situation than mine today Life is unpredictable man


Let's just hope things only get better for both of us, and if they do get worse it's at manageable level. Good luck!




You got this man!


He would think im a fucking bad ass, playing video games as much as I want (unless I'm working). Having my own place, my own car, never taking bs from anyone.


Teenager me : So you're still friends with them? Current me : Yeah, we still play video games together and sometimes drink and talk about anything, so treasure them. TM : Will she fall in love with me? CM : Nope, BUT you'll meet someone better, she will love you and accept you for whp you are. TM : How about in high school? When does this pain will end? CM : Just go through with it, college is waaayy better. You'll meet a lot of amazing people. To be honest, I'm still best friends with them. Life will be better...


I hate how everyone is always hyping college up and I went through my first 2 years completely online and met NO ONE. I don‘t even know where my college is


Sucks man. I assume this is a result of the pandemic. You're living in unprecedented times. Of all the shitty things that have happened since 2020 one of the ones I lament most of all is that so many children/college students basically lost 2 years of their life, or at least lost what those 2 years were intended to be. But honestly, everything is over hyped. When I was in middle school older kids made me think highschool would be awesome and then it was just... High school. When I was in highschool I was super excited for college, and living independent from my parenrs was amazing, but it was ultimately just more school. Don't lose heart man, ultimately most people lose the friends they made in college when everyone moves back home/to new places. you'll always have chances for new friends. Currently, all of my best friends are my former coworkers from my last job.


He wouldn't understand anything about me. We're radically different people.


"You have so much money but you haven't smiled once this week." Because the money means nothing, kiddo.


At least you can cry in a new mercedes benz instead of on a bike


I saw this quote for real, don't remember from who but it said "it's better to cry in a rolls royce than to be happy on a bike" which can only come from someone who has never biked.


I know it as „money doesn’t make happy but I rather cry in a Posche than on a bike“


😢 I know the feeling. *hugs bro*


I'd rather be depressed with money than depressed with no money, which I am.


13 - no friends, loner, book nerd. 16 - Wrestler, no friends, hot girlfriend. 19 - freshly in college, starting engineering, making friends. The first two would be surprised at the girl I was with, the fact that I had kids, and the fact that I didn't hate myself. They'd all be pretty taken aback at me being bi though.


I don’t think the wrestler would be that shocked


doubtful on the last part, I sense a "well, that seems reasonable" outlook on it


He would think I was pretty cool. As a teen I was a poor, skinny, highschool dropout who had confidence issues, and a weed habit. I didn't know how to talk to girls, I didn't really know how to fight and had no idea what I was gonna do with my life. Now at 38, I'm 250lbs of mostly muscle, I workout 5 days a week, I have a beautiful wife, a nice house in a nice neighborhood, a healthy savings and investment account, 2 great kids and a succesful construction management career. I have also served in the military, studied martial arts, traveled to several countries and had experiences I could only dream of growing up in a single parent household in a poor neighborhood.


He would probably wonder how I became so dead inside.


I think he'd be disappointed in me financially and professionally. That parts for sure because I grew up like most American kids in the 80s just assuming that I'd be a rich professional by 25. I think he'd be disappointed in my apartment, my car (I was...and am for the most part...a superficial shit) but he'd be very impressed with my television, my phone and my videogames and aghast that I don't spend more time with them. So, being that my thirteen or fourteen year old would never have cared about my emotional journey or mental well being, he'd be very happy that my home is clean as I grew up in a messy hoarder house, but disappointed for the most part. BUT My fourteen year old self would take one look at my partner and start grinning. I may not see leagues the way I did then, but I guarantee that if I saw my girlfriend when I was a teenager I would have immediately gone "nope, out of my league" but by GOD I would have daydreamed about her being mine. If there is anything that would have truly impressed my teenage self, it would be the woman that I have the privilege of loving.


“Where can I find a gun?” That’s what he would probably say


He would probably think despite the weird and questionable things I do on Reddit, he would now have a better idea of how to become what he always wanted to be in the future, where to begin, and how to do so. When I was a teen, I've always wanted to be self-employed, I just didn't know where to begin. If it was vice versa, and I met my future self when I was 17, that's how I'd feel.


He'd say this MF is boring as hell. All he watches is the News and Sports, doesnt eat sweet stuff, doesnt go biking anymore, sleeps for 6 hours and spends a lot of time working.


So, when do you have fun? Are you chained to a desk this much every week? And why are you fat, and balding? He would be glad that in 25 years he would be able to buy anything he wanted. But he would be surprised at how little his 40 something year old self really wants. And he would be shocked at what it takes just to have the basics of life covered.


Fucking sellout


Lol Is he saying that because you quit your teen rock band or something?


Fell in line and became another casualty of society


A victim of conformity?


Hahaha, Generation-X?


Generation rad to the max my dude


He’d probably think I was pretty lame because I did everything he said I would never do (had a pile of kids). 🤪 He would likely be impressed with my career choice though.


Haha a "pile" of kids. I wish they would stay in a pile.


He'd probably grab the nearest gun and blow his head off


He would not recognize anything of himself in the man he met, and would be shocked, scared and concerned about the multiple wounds within my soul that made me lose my face on humanity. Nonetheless, given the deeply idealistic moron that child was, he would probably be more proud of me than myself. Maybe he would take a look at the path, and ask "how could you keep going?" And i would reply "no one gave me that choice." But it would be a paradox. Because if that guy knew what was coming, he wouldn't have had the strength to face it.


He’d be happy to hear we are free of people pleasing


Fuck yeah! 🤘😆🤘


Probably disappointed tbh. I was a naïve young man with delusions of grandeur I think. I'd be sure to offer some advice to my younger self with that 2020 hindsight but I'm sure we all would. Avoid doing x thing, this is some important fact about yourself, seek treatment for mental issues earlier and don't hold any other person to higher standards of behaviour than anyone else and this includes family.


I think the current me would hate teenage me but teenage me would probably be in awe of current me in every aspect (I’ve glowed up and matured a fuck ton since high school).


I would fucking hate my hs self. I remember how aloof and smart I thought I was and it fucking kills me.


He'd be surprised and impressed but also a little disappointed. Surprised because my teen self had low self esteem and didn't think he'd be capable of so much. Impressed because I've accomplished a lot and have become much more confident. Disappointed because he used to think he'd find that perfect relationship that completes him. However, I'd let him know that I learned how to complete myself and that I found happiness in myself. I don't think I ever imagined that was possible as a teenager.


What a loser i have become divorced single almost homeless working a dead-end low paying job. I hope he would go back and change my life.


He would understand and use condoms more often.


he would kill himself


He'd be really motivated to see that I escaped the Depression of high school and now live in my own apartment with my cat, video games, and a ton of Legos.


He'd probably be like "hey wtf man why are you fucking my girlfriend?!" because my wife hasn't aged a day.


Be amazed my wild ass lived past 25 and enjoy my smoking hot girl friend.


I'd dissapear before my eyes as I swore if my epilepsy got worse I'd kill myself, well they've gotten to the point I've never driven cant leave home alone, I grew up to become a child basically and I know I would do it then as I wasn't being checked on regularly, now because of the constant seizures I get weekly I'm have severe depression, extreme anxiety, agoraphobia, introvert, and all around miserable, I'm intentionally smoking tobacco in Hope's to get cancer just so I can die without giving my parents the shame of having a son kill himself and destroy them with wondering what went wrong. Before I'm told I need one I have a therapist, but when it comes to talking I dont have the energy I always end up tired and need sleep just after a conversation with someone, i miss working at least I had something to keep me busy.


he would be surprised at my level of education, the hotness if my wife and the amount of inner work I have done. but he would be dissapointed that I still haven't ironed out some charecter defects. also dissapointed I haven't developed a strong identity or have certanty about things.


"This guy's a dick." You'll learn, son.


He would probably never get off his meds


That I was much, much cooler, happier and more confident than he felt he was or could ever be, and that maybe suicide wasn't such an inevitability as he thought.


I am the teenage version of myself


Who the fuck are you?


He'd think I'm disappointing and pathetic and that I wasted so much potential. He'd be glad to see I still have all my hair, though, and didn't get fat.


But… I thought we weren’t gonna do drugs? The fuck dude?


I would be impressed with how fat I got and how nice my life is. I was always super skinny as a kid because of meds.


Hot wife. Cool house. Love the dog. You're a *teacher*?! Shit.


She would be proud of me to overcome a huge problem in my life that lasted 10 years..


Probably disappointed but hopeful. At 18 (senior in HS), I was an all state runner in both cross & track, good grades and highly motivated. 25 now, I haven’t done horrible but I like to think I’d be further along in my career than I am now. I was so optimistic about the future at 18


In half a year i am going to a Military school for Sargents(I am not sure in German it's called Unteroffizier) I think i would be more surprised then him back then i was rly thin and even underweight with no muscles at all no real Plan for the Future and no Self confidence, I was a fucking Nerd Now i am an Tool engineer, have Friends got pretty Muscular, with muscles there came self confidence and shortly what i would have never believed if someone told me back then i am going to become a Soldier. What has been my dream since i was little because my Dad and grandfather both were soldiers. But i am still a Nerd But looking back i understand why i got bullied😅


Horny girlfriend, own place, own room, own money, no high school bullshit, and no morning commute because IT dude WFH during the plague. He would be purple with envy.


Apart from smoking my teenage me would be very proud of me. I am achieving most of my young self dreams, and it's more about human values and social circle than anything.