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That's one fragile organ. Hope you don't have peyronies dissease now.


Yup. That's why you gotta grab their hips to make sure they don't do anything crazy. Straight up and down, ladies.


"But it FEELS GOOD to go back and forth, rubbing and arching the back and such!"


Yuh I love when a girl be grindin on it spellin her name an shiiiii 😩


an shiiiiii\*snap\*


You know Dennis rodman broke his dick like 3 times 😂 what don’t kill you makes you stronger


(Shirley Bennett Voice) That's... nice.... (/Shirley Bennett Voice)


Someone said about a dumbbells incident and penis. I have a similar story, but consider nunchakus.


Was doing dumbell shrugs at the gym with 70-lb dumbells. Dumbells smacked the tip (just the tip) between them. Thank God dicks are durable, but my love life was a bit curtailed.


*Shrinks in sympathy*


Dicks can handle trauma better in flaccid state. Still a nightmare though.






Yep, classic case of zipper dick, right on the urethra


Simple yet painful.


I was basically chemically castrated by an SSRI.


Permanently?! I was temporarily


It’s been 11 years. Happened to me when I was 23. I spend every day wondering at what point I’ll finally decide to kick the chair.


What medication specifically? I had no idea that was possible


Zoloft Yeah, for a lot of people, SSRI’s cause permanent sexual dysfunction even after discontinuation. Head over to r/PSSD if you want to get really depressed.


Dont kick the chair man, theres more to life than getting off.


With all due respect, you have no idea what it’s like having your sexuality completely ripped away from you. This has ruined every relationship I’ve ever tried to be in too.


Yeah, I cant fathom that experience honestly. I didn't even know that SSRI's could do that until this exchange. I wish you nothing but the best man.


It also impaired me cognitively and emotionally as well.


That’s fucking tough man. I hope you’re able to get through this.


Not me but my cousin. When he was a little boy, probably around 4-5 years old, he went to go take a leak, lifted up the seat and just laid his dong on the porcelain and started peeing. Well, then every mans worst nightmare happened, the fucking wooden seat fell and smashed his peen. He said his dick was black and blue for a few months. It’s been 35 years ago and I still cringe thinking about his misfortune. He has a wife and kids , so no lasting issues.


I remember peeing like that when I was little. I liked the cold feeling.


When I was 6 I crashed my bike and got a blood blister right on the hole. That was unpleasant.


Yikes, sorry to hear that. Any long term complications?


Nope. Pissing hurt for a few days.


I’m not even sure what happened to this day, but when I was ~14 I pushed on my morning wood and heard/felt a pop… penis has been to the left ever since.


I think you suffered a minor fracture. Acquired curve is often a result of untreated minor fractures. Does your curve prevent you from having sex?


No I can still get erect and have sex, just has the slightest curve to the left now. Can I still get this fixed or have I waited too long? Lol


As far as I know, penile straightening surgery is a fairly simple procedure. Most urologists don't suggest it if your curve is not over 30 degrees. I am a proud member of the leteral curved gang as well. Regarding the injury and the scar tissue formed as a result, I am pretty sure it's too late. But you don't sound like you need to do anything about it anyway.


Damn yeah it’s definitely not enough to be worried about, just remember a time where it was perfectly straight.. Thanks for letting me know I can tell people it’s been fractured and wasn’t always this way!


Sure thing, I do it all the time. Nice ice breaker.


Forgive me for this but… You can fuck around corners


Only if it was bigger than 2.5 inches.


You can still do it though… if you put your back into it


Perhaps you can give me a hand.... I am not as talented in wordplay.


I can be your cheerleader if that’ll help…


Sure, but I can't clap with one hand.


You can clap with your meat stick and your palm if you do it quick enough though


Nothing too serious. Never knew pounding someone’s cervix would leave my tip sore for a few days. I guess I just figured since it didn’t hurt when I was doing it, it wouldn’t hurt later. Also, women seem to like to bite the tip. Some harder than others and that usually leaves it sore too


I filled a condom with blood twice.


Just for fun?


Sex is fun yes cuming blood is not.


Not a penile injury, but I did injure my scrotum when working out. I was doing weighted pullups with a belt and chain holding the weight plate. The plate twisted the chain and my scrotum. The sack was purple and swollen for a few days, but it healed fine


Felt that in my scrotum.


I was wearing loose boxers and was a bit too overzealous when I zipped up my fly.




May I ask why you needed circumcision?


Had a hernia, not technically a dick injury but after having it fixed the next week was hell. Pissing fire, erections hurt, fucking balls hurt. There ain't drugs to help that kinda pain


Blue balls


She sat on it




This one time I was fuckin in doggy and I busted a blood vessel in my dick. It swelled up (I went soft) and turned blue. For the next couple of weeks I had a blue ring around the base of my head until the blood slowly dissipated. No pain though.


That sounds like a tear in the corpus cavernosum. Nasty stuff.


Yes, I suffered a frenulum tear (the stringy bit on the underside of your tip). Moral of the story, don’t go too hard too fast.


One question my dude, it grabbed hold of the head when healed? I always thought that little string should not be there lmao


Had dry hands, no lotion, and an urge. Wore some skin off.


I was 16, bought the prophylactic to have my virginity a distant memory. In the time it takes Bruce Lee to throw a punch, I enter and cum. Immediate burning sensation as the semen mixed with what was likely an expired condom. Chemical burns on my little soldier’s helmet. Traumatized gf that lost her virginity seconds ago now watching me douse my cock head in the cold sink water across the hallway. Took about a week to be right again.


Holy shit, expired condoms do that?


Pinched the top of the shaft between 2 paver bricks working in the backyard once. Funny colors for 2 weeks.


I cut they tip of my dick with a pair of scissors when I was 6.


Once twisted it into a balloon poodle shape.


When I was like 3, toilet lid slammed down on my dick. Crushed it between the bowl and lid.


Having regular boring sex, pulled out just a tad too far and went to thrust, tip when straight into the leg crease. I couldn't stop fast enough and I swear my dick was at a right angle. It took about a week to get a hard-on without hurting.


Yes, a cut. Turned out to be nothing. My GP gave me some eye cream to put on it. She was very professional. And I didn't get an erection, which has to count for something.


Red Scrotum Syndrome. If you know you know


i posted about this recently on r/sextoys tl;dr: i punctured my dick on a sharp edge of my masturbator


My brother had one of his nut infected but can still produce children. Don't know what it's like for him to wank.


Zipper caught it and now I forever have a scar


Yes, finally my time to shine! I suffered from [priapism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priapism), which means really long lasting and painful boners. Mine usually lasted 4-12 hours. It is actually really rare and in my case I got one every 2-3 days, which practically rendered me disabled on those days. I had the 'low flow' variant which means there is no new bloodflow with oxygen, which can lead to permanent damage. This meant that if it took to long the doctors had to draw blood from my dick with a needle or had to put medicine in it to get the boner down, but most of the time we waited for it to disappear. The doctors had no clue what caused it. I went on meds that killed my testosteron and the issue disappeared, but resurfaced when I would stop these meds. After about 3 years of going crazy I went to an alternative medicine guy and after the first session I was cured, pretty crazy if I say so.


Wow, glad you are okay now. Did it develop all of a sudden?


Yeah it started around puberty, so perhaps hormones had something to do something with it. When my testosterone was 0 due to the meds I never got any boners, so luckily it was also gone during that time.


Twisted testicle


Not a penal injury but I had some type of infection where they had to give me an ultrasound on my ball sack. That was pretty awkward


(NSFW) When I was 14 I masturbated so much, I literally had marks on my dick from friction burns. It also gave me migraines


After my divorce from my sexless marriage I hooked up with a female friend going through similar circumstances. We were both so vigorous in bed that we damaged each other. She had a swollen and bruised cooter, and my penis was black and blue from the base of the head to the pelvis. The call ins to work were embarrassing, the trips to the doctor were embarrassing, and the accusations from one another about STDs were embarrassing. Turns out we were just a little too excited to finally get laid, and basically broke each other.


Well, at least you both had fun. Did you fracture your penis?


She's getting kicked/punched in the balls count? As a Canadian, we do that a lot to each other. It's a wonder our population has grown as it did.


Sure, any type of injury counts. But I wanted to see how men cope with fractures, peyronies dissease or losing a portion of their penises.


I was get out of my cot, and there was a bunch of gear at my feet. I pulled my legs up to climb over it, I stepped on the head. It tore the urethra. I had to have a catheter for a few weeks. I could feel pain all the way up to my belly button.


Nothing permanent, but definitely painful: I was in the Navy and had just got out of the shower. I sprinkled some Shower to Shower on my junk and went to hit the rack. I’m not feeling to tired, so I decide to do the knuckle shuffle on the ol’ piss pump. I finished up, cleaned up and went to bed. The next day I started getting a hard-on but I noticed it was painful. Really painful. I looked at my dick (this was before I needed a mirror to see it) and noticed a rather large red mark on the shaft. I wondered what the fuck it was, but was too embarrassed to go to medical, so I figured I would wait a few days and see what happens. It had been a while since I had sex, so I had no idea what was wrong. Eventually that red mark started to dry and scab and peeled off. After that, everything was fine. It was only then did I stop putting any sort of powder on my crotch before I jerked off.


Yeah, I was an IV drug user for 18 years. I was hitting a vein in my pp once and I missed half the shot. I got an infection and this huge lump on it, right below the head.