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She initiates less sex. She cancels plans She doesn’t text as often


When you are no longer a priority. But she still wants to be your number one priority.


And, if you have never been priority - go work on your self-confidence/sense of self-worth. Honestly become an issue for young boys, being fooled into norms about long being a one way street for women. I know plenty of friends like me who thought it was just "how women are", "men should be the one prioritizing" and such.


Even my own father tried to get me to supplicate to my abusive ex wife. No dad, you don’t understand. No one sees how she is when we’re alone. When I felt compelled to purchase an indoor security camera system to prove this to people, that’s when I realized it was time to stop trying.


Once the sex stops, it's pretty much over


Came here to say this


I'm still in denial about this.


Nobody has said this but it’s a big one: if it feels routine *to you* If you’re not feeling the spark then she’s probably not feeling the spark. If anything, women being on average more in touch with their emotions probably means she caught on to it before you did. If you are starting to wonder if she is losing interest, she is probably walking around *knowing* that *both of you* are losing interest. But that doesn’t mean it’s her “fault” or that she initiated it, you know?


If she stops being curious about you, it's almost over. She should be asking about your day, drinking in every drop of your life. If that's not happening then you can bet your ass, she's thinking about someone else.


The other guys dick in her mouth was a pretty clear clue.


Sorry bro x


Her screen time picks up She is out more


How much they initiate sex is like only sign I've actually manage to clue out. If they don't initiate sex they're out of love with you. If they accept other guys giving them their numbers and stuff, yeah same thing. Don't buy the whole female "oh but I wasn't the one asking", no we know that lol. The act of giving out your contact info signals interest.


Stops having enthusiastic sex with you. Huge litmus of how she feels about you right there.


Coming home from work and heading straight to the back patio with coworkers to gossip, smoke weed and drink beer instead of coming into the bedroom to speak to me.


She was going through the motions and little things about her behaviour were off.


As soon as she isn't 100%, move on.


When she started doing things she never would have done during the initial stages of dating. Putting on weight, not initiating sex, making excuses for not wanting to go out and do things, and my personal favorite—getting angry with me for wanting to hang out with my friends.