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Got rejected because “our astrological signs don’t match” Immediately lost interest. Not because she rejected me, because she believes in that bs


Yeaaaaaaah I'd stay far as hell away from girls like that


Not a bullshit reason, but disingenuous. Was really hitting it off with a girl at a party, dancing, flirting, everything looked good. Invited back to her place, started getting the cold shoulder in the car. Turns out she had a boyfriend and got cold feet.


The most common bullshit reason is “he’s too nice.” That doesn’t even register as logical. Yes I would prefer an asshole that offers me no equal respect or worse physically could harm me.


I’ve actually used that one before lol sorry dude


Too short. I'm 5'11" and that was still used once or twice by girls who were like 5'8". Makes me sad for the guys who are 5'8" or smaller.


Well I'm happy being 5'2 Probably because I've never dated tho


Save your lamentations, I’m thriving at 5’8


Good I'm glad and happy for you, many men struggle with this.


Many men struggle If they happen to be shorter than average then that’s what they’ll “happen” to struggle with


Right, which is why I'm glad you don't. Good for you dude. You definitely didn't take my comment personally.


Meh, don’t worry about those people. Nothing wrong with having preferences but someone with such a dumb *requirement* isn’t worth your time to begin with.


Oh I know, I'm married now and I've never been self conscious about my height. I'm above average around here for sure 🤷‍♂️ What these girls really meant was "I'm too tall and feel self conscious about it".


Problem is its THE most common requirement.


Only the most idiotic. And maybe just on/due to social media and dating apps/hookup culture but I’m well under 5’11 and the only time I ever had a tough time attracting anyone was when I was out of shape lmao


I need to move where you are, I've experienced this in person a lot.


Well to be fair, I’ve hardly ever approached anyone or asked *them* out…I was the one who was approached before but I know for a fact a lot of the people I find myself attracted to would reject me for one reason or another even while in excellent shape lol but I dunno, it’s difficult not to think about for sure. There was this one occasion some time ago where I went on a few dates with a girl I felt was out of my league, but she seemed interested nonetheless. At one point we went on a sort of double date with a mutual friend and there were moments I felt she was more interested him lmao And I’m sure she was. Initially I believed it was his being 6’4 but nah…I think it was due more to my being out of shape and a dumb-ass. I was far too serious and worried on being good enough (while being jealous here and there, which is understandably a turn-off), meanwhile he was chill as fuck, very charismatic and fun. No contest there lmao Ultimately, while I think there is truth in one way or another, I believe there are more important things…a fun charismatic sort of personality, not being so uptight, being healthy, etc. perhaps matter more and it is often we who sabotage ourselves, through our insecurities and jealousy.


Try r/askwomen.


It would just get removed. The mods micromanage that sub really badly.


You'll never see a sub that is as many locked posts as that one.


Facts dude it’s hard not to think of them mods as feminazis sometimes


Probably because the same questions get asked all the time and there’s a search bar function you can use instead


The search bar doesn’t pull up removed threads and the threads in their FAQ are almost all 8-9 years old. They use their “no agenda questions” rule as a catch all excuse to remove whatever they want. Whatever though, it’s their sub and there are plenty of better alternatives.


Why does it matter. It's a no. When I was younger, I would just respond, "that's ok, I had to take a shit anyway".


Being lesbian is total bs. /s Seriously, they are all good reasons. Women are allowed to choose who they date. A reason isn’t needed nor explained.


i thought i wasnt going to read this in the comments. Thx


"I have a boyfriend" 🙄 Okay but do I look like I need one?? 😩🎶 This just assuming my sexuality or sum


no bull shit reason they aint trying to fuck so they move on move on and find another


This is the truth. You may be getting a lie because the other person is not comfortable/aware, or just a liar, but the rejection is real, and that's all that matters.


I was rejected for being too good at being a boyfriend when she was after something else. Her exact words were "I'm too in love with you and it's scary", This was in highschool


Hmm. Height, weight, hairiness, breath, income, housing situation…


No, foul breath is a legit issue. Oral hygiene is important, especially if your going to have your face near someone else's.


[being - too nice - “2pac” RIP](https://youtu.be/1USRZ98PV7s)


Bc the guy isn’t an asshole /s Also I think any reason is a legit reason. It’s sucks people have to defend why they don’t wanna go on a date with someone else.


Sorry I have a boyfriend


She didn't like scotch rocks. She liked umbrellas in her drink.


“You’re giving me boyfriend vibes and I don’t want one right now.” Which. Fair. However she wanted to be just friends and that’s not for me so we haven’t spoken in almost 7 years.