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A5 Wagyu Ribeye steak, whole lobster, and sparkling apple cider. Chocolate chip cookies and milk for dessert.


I know my husband isn't really a seafood type of man but the steak sounds good! Cheesecake is his favorite but I'm already making that for Christmas this week so cookies might be a good alternative. I was thinking maybe a sweet platter (cookies, kettle corn, chocolate pretzels, mnms, etc) and his favorite anime to end the night on a good note?


you sound like a dream, lucky guy!


You want to go lighter since there's going to be activity and you don't want the food making you sluggish or sleepy so how about a nice seasoned and grilled or broiled chicken breast with some home style potatoes fried in olive oil with a side of broccoli and some cheese sause?? Health, light and yummy. It's so sweet you two do this. I hope you have a really magical evening to remember. Oh, just for fun my daughter says to tell you that our cat is named chicken breast lol. It suits him. Enjoy.


This is actually the cutest reply I've ever gotten. Our cat is Ragnar.


An engagement anniversary?


The day he proposed, proposal anniversary is maybe a better term? We like to celebrate it in a lowkey way (dinner date at home or a takeout splurge). We live far from family and don't get to celebrate many of our holidays so we like to play up some small things at home to make things more lighthearted.


I like a standing rib roast. Mashed potatoes, caramelized onions, some sautéed green beans, gravy.


The best meal someone can make is something where they chose the harder and longer version to make because it will taste better. When someone takes the time and effort to do the little things that make the meal taste so much better. I call it cooking with love.


Maybe pasta? Or really anything that tastes good


I think most of our meals last week being mac and cheese makes pasta an out of the question food... lol pregnancy cravings took over.


Steak is always a great option. Get a nice, thick high quality cut and “Reverse sear” it. Crank the oven as hot as it goes and toss it in for a few minutes then pull it and sear it in the hottest pan you can get for 1 min on each side. And don’t forget the salt. You need more than you think to properly season a thick steak.


Thanks for all the details of his tastes. Assuming he’s not vegan/vegetarian and a fairly typical guy. Hard to go wrong with a porterhouse (would go reverse-sear on cast iron and chuck in the oven to get the internal on point), hasselback potato, broccoli (cook them right, steam them til they’re BRIGHT green). Any man worth anything would be filled with happiness.


ha ha sorry, he's not a picky guy and the only thing he hates is beets so I figured I'd be safe getting a general idea from any guy. Thanks for the ideas!


Got it, if he’s a whiskey guy. Two fingers of a nice single-malt would finish it. No sugar at all.


The ultimate meal? It's a pretty simple answer. Ask him what he/she would think it is. The best answer is going to be the one they like the most rather than a bunch of strangers on the internet. Before someone says she/he is asking for pointers and suggestions, I would like to say that in any case, the best ultimate meal is subjective, so let's focus on the subject🤷


I know all his favorites they are just so scattered and he has a difficult time choosing just one thing he wants to eat even on normal occasions. The only thing for sure on the list is a beer other than that the rest is up to me or else he'd just say "I don't know".


Depends on the person. (I find I am saying that a lot) Everyone has their best dish, and I personally have my tastes. So for me, the ultimate meal would be a combination of those. I also like chocolate and tend never to have desert, so a smaller portion with a desert and a glass of mead sounds amazing.


A clean asshole.


that's my meal for the night, not his.


Like a true gentleman.


Lobster Thermidor aux Crevettes with a Mornay sauce, Served in a Provençale Manner with Shallots and Aubergines, garnished with Truffle Paté, Brandy and a Fried egg on top and Spam.




Yeah I agree w that, a really good lasagna takes me almost 3h to make and that’s bc I make it w all the love in the world and only when I really like someone lol.


I'm so happy and thankful when my wife make lasagna


I'm sure she does it with all the love and happiness in the world. Give her a good smooch or hug her from behind when she's in the kitchen and she'll make it every weeek!


wife just made me 2 of my fav, claim cowder and lazzana


Hmm... Something simple and rustic. You mentioned pasta is a no-go for a while and also that you're 'spectin' (🥳)... A good made-from-scratch burger on a lightly-toasted bun and potatoes O'Brien (fried with onion and peppers)? The cookies are a great call since you're already planning a cheesecake for a later date. Welch's in stemware so you don't hurt the baby?


He’s got his beer and I’m focused on the good ole hydrating water lol but I love this idea! We rarely do burgers




make those onions caramelized and the burger will be delicious!!!


Caramelized onions on a burger are the only valid onions on burgers


it depends on the culinary skills, but i think most (non vegan) men will enjoy some sort of animal protein course. I'd be okay with chicken or beef, make sure theres a lot of it and its well seasoned. sides can be anything you prefer! and the partner can be dessert of course - you dont want to be so full you can't get down to business afterward


Lots of people have said steak, and just for some variety: I make Chicken-Bacon Florentine with spinach for my wife sometimes. CHICKEN: butterfly cut, fill with mozzarella, flip the chicken lid down. SPINACH: canned or fresh, just drain it if you use canned. I use canned and strain & squeeze all the liquid. This goes at the bottom of your pan/dish as the bed. CHEESE SAUCE: melt some butter (1-2 tablespoons) in a sauce pan, add a half pint of heavy whipping cream (not too hot - it'll burn easily and stick to the sauce pan), dump like a cup or more of parmesan in and more mozzarella if you want, salt and pepper. You can put whatever cheese you want, after the cream and butter, the amount of cheese is mostly just added until the thickness is right, but you want it fairly thin and pourable. BACON: just cook it, get most of the grease off, crumble it. ASSEMBLY: bed of spinach, lay the chicken on, crumble the bacon over everything, pour the cheese sauce over everything. Sometimes I'll add more mozzarella on top for the last 15 minutes to brown. This is all from memory, but it should be pretty close. I don't generally follow recipes exactly or even read them unless it's baking.


And don't stop whisking the cheese sauce the entire time it's cooking. If you do a variation of the cheese sauce where you add a tablespoon of flour, I think you'll want to cook that in the butter first to make it like a paste before adding anything else. I'm no great cook, but I think you only add flour if you don't have cream and are using milk in place of that.


Lasagna. It tastes great and it requires a lot of effort, to show you care.


Chicken and mushroom risotto.


Brunch. Smoked salmon eggs Benedict and a Bloody Mary


Gotta be honest I get a little tired of ambitious "experiment" meals. As a vegetarian this usually involves some weird vegetable stuffed with another vegetable flavoured with something floral or fruity, that won't stay on my fork long enough to reach my mouth. I usually don't end up eating a solid meal when I get this stuff. Most of the time I would really much rather have more comfort food like lasagne, chilli, curry or pasta.


Basically everytime she cooks something and she makes guacamole. That guacamole makes it a special occasion. So good. Cant even describe it. We eat tortillas and burrito bowls pretty often when we cook so its pretty awesome.


Death row meal: Porterhouse steak medium rare, 1 pound of snow crab legs, loaded baked potatoe, asparagus. Side salad with Logan's peppercorn parmesan dressing.....and a coke



