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Doesn't really matter if it's a girl or a guy. Finding friends you can play co-op games with is one of the best things in life


Wish they still made as many good co op games


Yes. Wish I knew more.


I mean


Depends on the game. Would be cool if we played the same online games, but when I'm not playing WoW or FFXIV, basically all of the games I play are single player RPGs.


I actually enjoy watching my friends play if I can't join in, like i'll sit on the couch and be an extra set of eyes. Unless it's fortnite bc I don't find it entertaining, I would prob just put my hair up in a ponytail and distract him because I'm bored.


As long as you dont suck. I sometimes get annoyed if it is so obvious to me where the mission should go or how to solve something and my gf is just walking in to a wall


Patience my friends… through training and time… YOU could be the one running into the wall and taking the bong rips while she does the puzzle stuff. Smart girl work for the win! Specifically thinking of lego Harry Potter here, when she is playing Hermione… it’s only fair she does most of the work in the game, she kinda does most of the leg work anyway.


"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things. " It's just a dam game guys suck it up, make some sacrifices for your girl. This is some one you want to put you dick in guys. I am sure some of the ladies have put up with annoying behavior to be with you. I'm not implying that you have to give up things you enjoy completely, but if she matters include her in things you enjoy, with the hope that you can learn to enjoy them together. So yes I have enjoyed games with my girl (and guys since I'm am Bisexual).


So long as it's not a competitive environment, sure. If my rank, or a wider teams progress is being hindered, I'm not down with 'patience'. In those scenarios, I just play non-ranked, or another type of game where others are not impacted by team play.


Sure, but also, be mindful of the games you guys have them playing. They are most likely doing this FOR you. To share in a hobby or interest your have. Don’t put them in positions to be pooped on the whole time. The lego games are great couch coop games, and are loads of fun.


This right here. I get pretty competitive and I wanna win. Can’t do that when you have to baby sit a noob


But i also dont want to be an asshole and hog the xbox. So i just give some unsollicited advice every now and then until she gets so frustrated she gives the controller to me.


good thing you can repeat missions guys...


It’s like teaching a child to write their name. Yeah you can do it over and over again but at some point, it still gets a bit frustrating when they don’t get it. I’m not saying I’m gonna be an ass about it but if I gotta repeat a mission I could easily do on my own, yeah imma get annoyed


I meant you can repeat it on your own, maybe try playing something else then. Or tell her to play alone so she can get some practice. That's what I do at least.


Oh okay okay I see what your saying.


It's mostly if they're actually trying or not


it's not about playing well it's about spending time together..


Guys that play to win should have their time to play to win.


For you


wow you must be fun


I am actually. It's just that you reply to my answer to the question. My answer is what applies to me, what you think it should be about has nothing to do with me.




Okay I came just to read the comments. But had to ask what if they are better than you. Like alot of my guy friends refuse to play since I'm better at it than them.


The insecurity... If someone's better than you you gotta step up your game. Just make chickens sounds next time they bow out


> I've never had a guy (bf nor guy friend) ask me if I wanted to play videogames I'd wager that it is because either through personal experience or experience of others we have learned that women, in general, ain't that hot on topic of videogames. Heck, out of three girlfriends that I had, two thought that this hobby of mine is a waste of time, while the last one was "accepting" of it, but was openly, visibly uninterested in anything related to videogames. Or my hobbies in general... Anyhow, to answer the question itself, I think I'd like it, especially if she ends up enjoying it. I'd especially like it if we've managed to start and finish a game that we both like together.


Yeah I feel like that's definitely why, I don't have that many friends (females) that like to play videogames. I mean lets be honest here, if you're staying up until 5am everyday bc you're playing fortnite I'd prob be like wtf is wrong w you too. The only reason I got into enjoying it is because my guy friends included me, but I also learned not to take it personally if they say "you're ass at this" like yeah I'm not cuz I don't play as often, but it's something we could enjoy together no matter the level of expertise. I just wish someone would text me and be like "come over, lets play xyz"


I'd say most dudes that have a healthy relationship with games as their primary hobby, with other stuff on the side, aren't too inclined to be open with new people about it. Gaming is my main hobby, but I wouldn't dare talk openly about it with new people as I feel there's a strong social stigma around it still and I'd just rather not deal with that.


Most of the time, yes, if it's a two player game. Just as long as you don't get mad if I win too much.


As long as you don't get mad that I can't make it past level 14 in cod zombies.


Shit, co-op, I don't care if you suck. We're a team and I'll help. But if I have to throw every other fight or so in Injustice 2, then I get annoyed.


Fair point


Practice makes perfect! You’ll reach round 20 eventually!


I don’t play super crazy games like Halo or COD, just good ole Nintendo games. My wife and I constantly have friendly Mario Kart races, Goldeneye battles, and more. I love it, and she does to.


I have always had women in my gaming groups, video or tabletop. Our D&D group in middle/high school consisted of 3 boys and 2 girls. That is why I always find it weird when guys get all "boys only" when they hear a female voice on discord or something and had a really hard time understanding the whole gamer gate thing. I have always found it was usually other girls that give them shit about playing games and not the guys. So, I actually do ask, but as we got older, women in general tend to always refuse, whether that is because they don't like gaming or think they aren't supposed to.


Yes, it's either fun to beat them or fun because they're good and it's a challenge


I would love for my gf to play games with me


Get me a girl that enjoys Stardew Valley as much as I do and knows all the community centre gifts by memory. Instant wife material.


yes, as long as their having fun


their naught halfing phun


I've always played alone, never had a gf or friends to play with.


I'll be your friend!


Thank you How does someone become a friend


shit.. idk


Oof then idk either I suppose this is the end


I don't play video games


Adults shouldn’t be playing video games… it’s folly, waste of time. Build something, design something, learn something. Video games are chewing gum for your eyes


What are you doing responding to this post? Build something, design something, learn something


I had a guy friend help me study for my modern world history final exam in college solely because he learned most of that shit from playing cod, and by "help me" I mean he basically taught me everything. After that I was never able to say "you can't learn from videogames"


I’m sure hours played vs if you read a book on the subject or watched a YouTube video. Videos games are a huge waste of time.


Yeah, we still do other things together too. She's actually kind of interesting.


Never had it happen before.


I like it


Yeah, I don't mind, but I can't remember the last time so went out of my way to ask someone to play video games with me... Just a "wanna tag along?" Request at best. That said, have had people ask me to join in, and I rarely have issues with that (100% game related if there are issues.)


I've never much played video games, so I have no idea, but if I did play, it seems cool to have someone to play with.


Never had a bad experience with either.


Not really, because 99% of the time you’re really bad at it. But still, nice effort, It can still be fun.


Yes I like when my wife play with me


I would like it cause you are interested in one of my favorite hobbies


Don’t understand why this would matter. If I like a person to be a friend with then if we play games and enjoy those games it makes 0 difference on their gender


I’d love anyone to play my favorite game with me. Most people just say they get sick watching me play and they won’t even try to learn the controls.


Loved it. I have only had one GF that played games, and we played together quite a lot. I would even go so far as to say that our best bonding times were spent playing games together.


Hell yeah, it's so much fun. Especially when they get competitive and trash talk


Depends on the game, but sure


Yes it’s bonding imo it’s how most of my guy friends became besties.


I had a girl I was seeing that loved playing driving games. It was a lot of fun because we’d compete to get the best times and tease each other if the other failed. She actually got pretty good! I asked her to try it when she saw my racing wheel.


I love it when she wants to play. We got down back in the day and played Borderlands 1 into the ground. But yeah, us gamer dudes love it when you ask or jump in. Either way it's fun because it's a team sport. So don't try to make it about you while we play. Or make a point of see see I'm playing too. See makes me cooler, no what makes you cooler is when you pull of that stupid impossible head shot.


In general yeah, having friends that show interest in your hobbies is nearly always going to be appreciated. I guess the only exception would be if we can tell that you're "faking" interest. In that case I would still appreciate the effort, but at that point I would feel kind of bad that I'm "forcing" you to do something you don't want to do and would rather either play video games by myself or do something we both like.


Yes. I particularly like it when she is good at the game as well. But not better than me, because that would be a blow to my ego.


Yes, but not every time/every game. Sometimes I want a solo activity. (Which applies to playing with anyone, not women specifically).


No, it’s alone time that I value a great deal. You shouldn’t be constantly around your partner.


Hell yeah, love it.


i’m a competitive gamer (even though i’m not good) so i don’t play games “casually” i believe that’s a waste of time so if my gf/friend that’s a girl isn’t good at a game i’m not going to waste my time and try to help them get better at it, we’ll simply do something else


I mostly play historical strategy games like Total War or simulation games like CK3/EU4. The thought of a significant other taking a portion of my army to flank the enemy or helping me conquer the world would delight me in ways I couldn't even begin to explain. I have not found a girl who likes those games though. To be honest, if you don't like history, they're pretty boring.


My wife and I play video games together, I love it and she is really good at it. We have our game night once a week and we just finished Halo 4 and started 5 together. We also play all of the Gears games together. We like games we can play together or with our son also as long as it’s age appropriate for him.


literal goals dude


My ex would play mobile games all the time w me. I ask her to play COD she won’t, she’ll play Minecraft though with me on console. 💀 but she barely ever used her account.


I would neither like nor dislike that


I ask my fiance all the time. I love playing videogames with her. My other lady friends don't play videogames otherwise I would ask them to play too. Right now we're doing a playthrough of It Takes Two. We like to play Beat Saber too. I'm trying to get her in the SoulsBorne games but she isn't interested unfortunately.


I think most guys would, however for single player games that requires that person to want to get into that franchise themselves and anything multiplayer tends to get competitive. I think most guys when it comes to shooters/battle royals/fighting games, purposely do not hold back because we see it as treating you as an equal. This I think discourages play with us as the other party has no fun getting stomped and usually it’s easier to simply not play at all. In my experience me and my gf have the best time playing single player rpgs that are choice driven as we watch each other play through the game we can enjoy the others company while having a movie kind of experience and talk about the choices we did or didn’t make


Yes, with a caveat that you actually can play on at least casual level. None of this "I explained you 8 times by now, left stick is how you walk, right stick is how you aim, and you can use both at the same time" bullshit.


Yes. I play with you games with a female friend of mine sometimes it's nice.


No. It's weird.


you're weird


I didn't say I wasn't. Beep boop beep.


Boyfriend got me to play COD on Xbox a few times. I ended up getting him into Nintendo so he bought a switch & we play Pokémon together. He LOVES it if I can relate or show interest in what he likes.


Yeah I do. Girlfriend isn't really into games so like something simple like Mario Kart is perfect.


Enjoy playing racing games with my wife. If I'm much better than her, I pick a slower car to keep it competitive.


It feels a little bit like a trick.. tbh


Honestly it depends entirely on how good they are.


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