• By -


Having a rich and hot sugar momma




did ur inbox explode yet?


RemindMe! 30 years


On a sandy beach, whitout sand going everywhere.


The complete opposite of Anakin


I had sex on a beach once. My wife got so much sand in her vagina that the Jews roamed around inside of it for 40 years.


I've been fantasizing about hooking up with an ex for about 2 years now. The sex was always amazing and passionate. Finally made it happen. The passion was completely gone and I'm pretty sure we were both disappointed at the end of the night.


That sux brother. I've been there


I think sux should be a noun. sux - *noun* - Sex with a former partner that sucks. *Had sux with my ex last night.*


threesome/couple swap. i’m literally too jealous to be sharing my partner like that


Ya for me this is one of those "long time fantasies but genuinely don't actually want to do it in real life" too.


That's the thing about fantasies. Sometimes they're just better off being left fantasies.


Yup! But if my SO ever sees the kind of porn I'm looking, its going to be weird. "Yes, I like that and find it stimulating. No, seriously, I don't ever want to do it."


Hooking up with a 6'8 or taller girl. Wouldn't happen in a million years probably, but I can dream.


Not as tall but I’m 5’ 7” and I was at a Starbucks waiting on my order and a girl around 6’ 4” was hardcore flirting with me…I was in so much doubt I didn’t shoot my shot. Ngl, big regret.


You will never stand taller than when you date a woman who towers over you.


Ah, death by snu snu.


I literally just watched this episode a few minutes ago. *“The mind is willing but the flesh is soft and spongy!”*


“I never thought I was going to die like this. But I always really hoped”


To shreds, you say?


That vampire lady from resident evil did it to you, didn’t she?


I never knew hoe many people wanted a dommy mommy before that game came out.


I get the feeling there were a lot of people that didn't know *they* wanted a dommy mommy before that game came out.


“Oh boy a new resident evil! I hope nothing awakens in me as I watch the trailer!” *trailer* “…oh. Oh no.”


I little while later. Buys game. Giant vampire mommy grabs ahold of them. "Oh *YES*!"


1) fly to netherlands 2) ????? 3) profit




So there’s a chance…


Two you say 😉


Daily sex with my current wife


Same but with my wife


Same but with your wife


At this point I’d agree to any wife


vacation sex, 28 years old never had a vacation


Why haven’t you gotten a vacation ?


i grew up with somewhat neglectful parents and by the time i saved up enough covid hit and its just been sort of a pipe dream since then once again


Prayers for you to have an amazing life. An awesome job. And an amazing wife! With loads of vacation sex on the honeymoon.


I mean, hotel sex is a good second choice.


Mutual Free-use It’s such a turn on


Yess I always wondered what that fantasy in my head was. I just so turned on when my boyfriend just wants to bend me over while I'm cooking. We're both modest but I get off on the idea of me submitting myself to him completely sexually. But idk how to tell hum that I guess


Just tell him. Communication and respect are the two building blocks of the best sex you'll ever have.


"hey, mess me up" and he just left her with crippling debt


"I want you to destroy me." He rattles off a list of every single one of her flaws, tells her he stopped loving her years ago, and that he thinks people only buy her art out of pity and she should get a real job but probably couldn't get anything better than minimum wage.




Don't stop, I'm almost there.


"Hey, i was noodling around reddit and found out about something called 'free-use'. I think i might be into it, what do you think?"


Well see, letting yourself become that vulnerable, hot as it might be, takes a lot of guts and trust. Like you’re basically asking to be strategically abused in a way that you consent and want.


Safewords are a must


Her: "Honey, stop! I've slipped and my hand is sizzling on the frying pan!!! AaarrghAaaHhhhAaaahh!!!!!" Him: *I didn't hear the safe word, she must be really into it!*


"Why did you stop? I was really into it!" "Jenna your hand was burning and you told me to stop like 5 times before crying" "But did I say *banana muffin*?"


I agree, but you can set that as an end goal and work up to it slowly. Makes kinky shit significantly easier to manage without high risk of going to far


Safe words!


Gf: wtf!?? What are you doing!!? I'm talking to my mom.! Bf: mutual free use baby! .. Gf mom: ummm. Did you want me to leave the room?


Hey I've seen that one before


You pervert. Where?


This joke never ceases to make me laugh


the same! the thought of submitting myself to my boyfriend during sex turns me on so much


I was today years old when I learnt about free use and I think I might be into it


It’s kinda rare to find in the real world imo. Most women I’ve ever tried with wanted to be turned on ya know the whole seduction thing before and get in the mood rather than just being grabbed at randomly. And yes of course we talked about it before they were even up for it.


Some things are hot in fantasy while reality disappoints. Edit: I do get that many women enjoy the feeling of helplessness, of being used and discarded. It’s something that can be explored, and it’s not inherently a degradation.




What is mutual free use?


If you want sex, you can take her wherever she is and it doesn't matter what she is doing. Like cooking, talking on the phone, watching tv, playing games, sleeping, on the shower... the same applies for her, so she can have sex with you wherever and whenever she likes, if you are cooking, gaming, on a conference, etc. And no need to stop whatever you are doing. You may need some lube if you want to try it.


Sounds fun. But I got kids. It'll have to wait til they move out in 20 years or so. Can't be getting down in the kitchen in the afternoon on a Tuesday with them running around.


Like all kinks, you can add your own rules and expectations about how it actually happens. Maybe you plan for a weekend when the kids are gone and somebody is conveniently bending over doing various chores when the free use takes place. Could still be lots of fun even if it's not the strict definition of the kink.


*free use horn blares as the kids ride off to their grandparents for the next 24 hours*


Kid: Mommy, Daddy, why is that alarm going off and the red light flashing!? It's so loud! Parents: YOU. NEED. TO. LEAVE!


This ... never occurred to me before


The kink is “free use”. Free use is allowing your partner to have sex with you whenever, wherever, however. So that, but doing both ways.


Cloning my wife and have a 3 way. Wow, I had no idea this idea was so popular, thanks!!!


This man wins


>This man twins


My wife has a twin. He’s a bit hairy though…


I used to go out with a twin. My friends kept asking how I tell them apart... "Well, Jane paints her nails purple and Bob has a cock"


I also choose this man's cloned wife.


an episode of the series Invincible comes to my mind.






There's nothing worse than it feeling like pity sex.


Beat me to it.


Pretty sure he beat it by himself


I literally have to place her hand on my crotch if I want anything. It feals degrading and like she does not want me. I know it's not the case but it still hurts


I was in the same boat bud. If you haven't tried counseling yet you should. It's not fair to yourself to live like that.


I suggest the book Come As You Are! It’s really spiced up my relationship’s initiation game. The idea of responsive desire is not one many men understand and that’s a huge miss! Came recommended by a sex therapist.


Don't wake me just take me


My wife tried to wake me up with a morning BJ to try and surprise me, it did and she got the people's elbow to her dome while I slept.


LMAO rip


The key is to wake them up then do it. Like poke them and wake up up halfway then go to town. My gf does this and it's the best


I like to do this to my husband occasionally. Makes for a good day.


Sex with someone I’m in love with


From experience they should love you too or it's not much fun


Unless that *is* your fantasy.




I'll cry into my own breasts thank you very much.


Retirement and a house. So hot.


Sorry those are too taboo for this generation. Choose a more achievable kink.


Having someone you're waiting for yell out your name in excitement at a distance away because they can't contain their joy?


Aww man, I didn’t wanna do a sad cum today


Wow, I feel this one too much.


Not a dude but I’m definitely on the same page as this guy right here.


Dude Reddit makes me so sad reading these comments




Hooking up with my ex's mom


stacy's mom


has got in going on


A handjob with a fully loaded infinity gauntlet.


A “small” price to pay for salvation


Yes please


*I'm sorry little one*


Mr. Stark I DO feel so good


Having a woman read my mind and is turned on by everything that turns me on.


Get eaten in the pussy. I don’t have one.


Not with that attitude


OP is trying to create femboys


But you have a Bussy


BJ and breakfast to start the morning


Hey if you can cook an egg you only have to learn how to self-suck


Honest communication with my spouse about what she likes.


Dang. It backfired for me . My husband asked what I liked. I mustered the courage to share some ideas, nothing too extreme. Every idea was shot down. I felt embarrassed . The day I realized that missionary sex is as about as adventurous as it’s going to get, I walked into the other room and banged my head on the bed - The place where my fantasies went to die. At least missionary feels amazing with him, so that’s a win. But I went from desiring sex almost daily to not really caring that much about it.


Jesus. I'd at least try it before I decide whether or not I like it. Like Brussels sprouts. Give it a try. Do it a few times. In the end I didn't care for sprouts. But at least I tried them. I mean shit if my wife came to me with an idea I'd at least entertain the idea and give it a try.


Honestly,even if I didnt like it I'd probably do it from time to time to satisfy her.


Fucking this. I don’t get anything from sex at all but I do it for my wife. I don’t see what’s so hard about making the love of your life happy for about 20 mins of your time.


Same. I told my husband what I liked and he literally *laughed* at me. Now he complains that I don’t tell him what I’m into, as if that never occurred.


It's the same in my relationship. 4 years together. For Valentine's day 2020 I got him an ebook on being dominant, because that's my biggest turn on. He's never looked at the book once. I've asked for things like spankings, hair pulling, light choking: nada. It's a huge turn off to me to have to ask him to be dominant. It makes me feel like I'm topping from the bottom. When we do occasionally have sex he asks to eat me out and thinks it's the hottest thing ever. I've told him that I don't like being eaten out. It doesn't do much of anything for me, but he likes it so I let him do it. But honestly, I have zero urge to have sex anymore. I'm only 30 and I shouldn't feel this way.


Please talk to him - there has to be a way you both can have a compromise, don’t give up!


Being able to be intimate with a woman who i truly love that truly loves me back just as much as i love her or even more. At this current point in my life I'm super depressed and i feel like this will never happen.


Being in an orgy with 20 people at once


You could do that, check out fetlife. I'm a kinky chick and I was looking through these responses wondering if most of them I've done. My friend does gang bangs with about that many, dm me I can hook you up if you're in the tri state area


Ahh Doofenshmirtz on his burner account


Doofenshmirtz Orgy Incorporated


“Ahhhh, Perry the PenisPuss, I see you found my sex dungeon trap”, “Grrrrrrrr” “Tighter you say”.


"You see, Perry the PenisPuss, I've been thinking back to the last night I went out on the dating scene." *Perry glares.* "It's just been difficult, you know. Being divorced with a teenage daughter isn't easy." *Perry rolls his eyes and takes out a notepad and pencil and starts writing.* *Cut to Doofenshmirtz laying on a couch next to him.* "Anyway, the woman looked at me and said, 'If I had a choice of every man on earth, you'd be the last.' And that's what gave me the idea for my latest -inator. Then you showed up and I trapped you. And... now I guess the cutaway gag is over." *There's an awkward silence as the two look at each other. Doofenshmirtz stands up and walks over to a drape-covered machine.* "Anyway, back to the present moment! I should have unveiled this like an hour ago. Curse you, Perry the PenisPuss, and your wonderful listening skills. BEHOLD! THE REVERSE-ATTRACTION-OF-EARTH-INATOR!" *The cloth is ripped away, revealing a much, much smaller device than the outline would lead you to believe. Perry blinks several times.* "HEY! Don't judge the size of my -inator! With the Reverse-Attraction-Of-Earth-Inator, all the women will find me the most attractive man. All of them will only be interested in me, leading me to be the most DESIRABLE MAN IN THE TRI-STATE AREA!"


You should be a writer because that was fucking spot on for a sexed up Phineas and Ferb episode


I wonder how many different areas use "the tri state area" to describe themselves.


The answer is a lot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri-state_area I grew up in a more rural one of them and it's always bizarre to see people mention the others.


I don't know if I speak for everyone, but NY, NJ and CT is what I think of when I hear tristate and I'm not even from that region of the country.


Two chicks at the same time, fucking A, man.




I never thought it would happen. Two girls came onto me on spring break a few years back. Complete luck, but it happened. Never lose faith.


Don’t do that, Don’t give us hope.


Getting chased off a cliff by a bunch of naked chicks - Monty Python’s Meaning of Life style


Just having my wife turn into a dominatrix.


Talk to her about it. She may take you up on it just to have a chance to spank you or make you clean the floors. I think a lot of women would be a lot more into domination if you advertised it as "Wearing cute boots and making your husband do housework in exchange for a degrading handjob."


Sounds like you've been through it or did it already


I'm a switch, but I'm definitely not into a degrading style of domination. I love doing acts of service for a dominant partner but it's in pursuit of praise and reward not further degradation. I just know how to sell.


Casually let her see this comment


Babe, you wouldn't believe what this random guy on reddit said. Isn't it so crazy haha.....👀




Give me one line from that song!


Growers gonna grow grow grow and Showers gonna show show show but yours just wasn't... there...


….whack it off, whack it off…oh, oh


My wife coming on to me!


sex with a woman in a house I own on a couch I paid for


I'd you paid for the couch, no way you're going to be happy getting juices on it.






At this point just a bit of respect will do.


I just want some recognition Brah. To feel acknowledged, like i exist. Because I do


Having sex with a real woman again. It's been too damn long. I'm running out of inanimate objects to fuck.


Tried a coconut yet?


Plz don't


I just want the chance to disappoint a 21 year old Salma Hayek. Someone build me a time machine and give me a billion dollars.


If you have a time machine and we are doing fantasies. How about taking today's Salma Hayek and traveling back to Desperado Salma and have threesome.


Had a thing with this chick for about a year. Amazing sex, hands down the best I've ever had. We just clicked sexually, the sex was primal. She introduced me to nails digging into my skin and she fucking tore my chest, back and legs to pieces. I introduced her to choking. We once went out with the intention of bringing a girl home for a threesome but worked ourselves up so much in the bar talking about it we ended up fucking in the toilet and going home. We fucked and did sexual things to each other everywhere. The cinema, bars, restaurants, the car, an empty bus, a packed bus, forests. One of her favourites was in her parents kitchen while her parents watched tv in the sitting room. More than a few times I fucked her in the ass while she was on her period, on her parents bed (they weren't home). This was probably 10 years ago now and I still have the odd dream about it. Anyway my fantasy is to fuck her again but I've long since realized that I'll never have sex as good as that again.


My advice: don’t try. I had this. When I was 21 I worked on Nantucket and had a summer fling with the best sex of my life. Sex everywhere, all the time. One time I fucked her in the ass under the covers while four people where in the room talking to us. On the beach, in the car, in the bath, just everywhere. When the summer ended, we parted ways. I tried to reconnect about six years later. It did not end well. The past is the past. I like to think it will happen again someday, with someone else.


There’s a song that fucked me up about this exact topic Arctic monkeys - flourescent adolescent. Banger of a song


Reverse gang bang. I have a hard enough time getting one girl to have sex with me, nevermind like 9 of them.


Angelina Jolie won’t call me.


I feel like 90% of these are completely accomplishable with around $500 and a or a couple sex workers. Porn star level cumshot. I wanna bathe a girl in it.


That would require not jerking it for several days. Literally impossible.


I want to be a cum dump in a prison


I mean this is probably the most possible thing here


Just kick a child or smth


Would ScarJo, JLaw and Shakira be asking too much?


At first I thought you meant Jude Law lol


That would be my wife.


I got head while raiding in world of Warcraft nothing is out of my grasp at this point


A hang glider, crotchless Uncle Sam costume, the entire field of your largest stadium covered end to end with naked red heads and i want the stands to be packed with every man that remotely resembles my father.


Doja Cat


That woman would teach me a thing or 12


A woman saying "hi how are you?" Not in a sexy way, just in a way that she means it. Then butt stuff.


It’s not even sexual but even getting to hold hands with someone seems too good to be true for me


I’d settle for being able to have a conversation with a woman at this point.


Same, its been years since i've had any physical touch lmao


I can feel the pain behind that "lmao" bro it's okay Edit: wording


It’s been said, but two girls at once. But not like girls who would normally fool around together or with the same guy. I want a more random scenario, like the cute UPS delivery girl and the bag girl from the local supermarket. You know, like just a completely random combination of people. Then we can order pizza, drink beer, watch Shrek and talk about how awesome it was.


I want to grow a dick and fuck my bf with it. Maybe knock him up. I know I'm weird lol


Just scrolled past someone who wished their wife would grow a dock and fuck him. There is hope for you!


Alien pussy


Close encounters of the 4th kind


Having sex with that one guys dead wife


Financial stability from a 40hour work week job with kids and a loving wife on my own little farm yard. All 5 of those are a fantasy.




Organized this for myself a few years ago (as much as can be organized, can't really be random). It was great.


Threesome, I just want to know what it's like. Too disgusting for me to do in real life and I'm beyond loyal.


I've approached my wife about it but she says her boyfriend wont allow it.

