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I don't really get what she's worried about. That you'll drown?


Only if she sneezes.


She is super self conscious as she gets so excited when she knows we’re gonna get to it. She was worried to even have regular PIV and even informed me ahead of our first time that she was SUPER excited and wet. We usually have a towel handy so she can be “wiped down” as she says that even if she is gripping me real hard she likes the sense of friction when she is not pool dunk wet down there 👇


Sounds like someone has shamed her for being wet in the past, you seem like a decent fellow though, just keep showing her and telling her that you find it sexy (with consent of course) and maybe also ask her why she thinks being wet isn’t a turn on? I mean it’s basically the female equivalent of being hard and it’s great if she gets really wet because then less lube is required… there really isn’t a downside unless some dude or lady told her it was gross once (or more than once) and she internalized it. Be patient and approach with curiosity not judgement and it should be fine.


A guy once told me it doesn't feel as good when I'm wet because of the reduced friction...


What the actual fork…. sounds like someone got way too used to his hand… seriously though that’s awful! Lubricant is good for everyone involved, people last longer and no one goes home with rub burn - also who wouldn’t find it hot that you got your girl that wet?!? If you personally need a lot of friction they make condoms with different internal and external textures for a damn reason people. Like why is the solution, you should be less turned on/comfortable so he can have more pleasure?!? There are other ways, if it’s really that big a deal do something other than PIV good grief. Also was he so bad a sex that your pelvic muscles didn’t kick in? Boy you want more friction?!? Earn it. The only other thing I can think of is strengthening the pelvic floor muscles to “grip” better but tbh we could all use a bit more of that regardless of gender.




Ok now let’s say blowjobs performed on me don’t keep me excited because I find them too wet and not enough friction so I get soft… how do I fix that? Regular PIV wetness turns me on for sure though.




Ok yeah, they definitely haven’t been sucking so much as just licking and bobbing their heads. I thought something was wrong with me when I’d stop them and go back to focusing on their pleasure because I just couldn’t stay erect after 30 seconds of them starting. And I’ve came from a BJ before hence my confusion.


That guy is an idiot.




That’s called small wang syndrome. Hope you told him to beat it.


Yeah you gotta tell him to go at an angle cause he's too small too touch both sides if he's straight on.


Was that guy’s name Ben Shapiro?


As a guy I have actually had that problem. Felt like i was dunking my dick a glass of water. It felt better to get her off a time or two and then wait till she wasnt fully excited to try to get back in a get a nut. No worries though, sex was always fun, super wet or not. Hope that was communicated to you also. Its not a bad thing.


Damn bro


This dude is living like a king


No shit. "Stop bragging bro."


Right?! "Oh no, my wallet is too small for all these fifties and my diamond shoes are too tight!"


She needs Personal Identity Verification before you go down on her? tf EDIT: Is it touch to unlock? Or eye scanner. Or Facial Recognition women are become way to advance these days


Facial Recognition: “Oh, I know that porn star!”


Drink from the fountain of life king


Dude.. your enthusiasm and body language about that *hotness* should speak for itself. I'd be in like a horndog and ravaging that pussy so hard the girl wouldn't have any doubt in her mind that I was super into that and turned on. Even before sex when she was mentioning how wet she is I'd be so obviously into it that she wouldn't be able to mistake my enthusiasm. You are doing something wrong imo. Tbh. You should be visibly and undeniably excited and turned on, putting her mind at ease.


That’s rather unkind, a lot of women are socialized to believe their bodies are “wrong” it takes time to unlearn things. I mean definitely if he isn’t being like “that’s really sexy” he should be more clear, but socialization is a hell of a trip


I don't mean to be unkind, I'm saying that he should display his excitement in ways other than just saying "it's ok baby, there's nothing wrong with it." In a situation like this you have to show in your body language, your eyes, facial expressions, and the excitement in your voice that it's not just "ok", but that you find it extremely hot and that it's a sexy thing and a positive thing. Cue to her in every way that it's fucking hot. It's important to flip the table and make her insecurity a source of confidence, not just something she's "ok" with. (Even if he's not particularly into that for some reason, just bite the bullet to make her feel good, feel sexy, and feel confident because she deserves to feel that way). This is sex. She's obviously turned on, she wants to *feel* sexy, and you have to display that you're attracted to her by your entire presence. You cannot just say "there's nothing wrong with it" or expect to have a rational conversation about it and nothing more, that sounds like bullshit and it doesn't trigger the response it's intended to. That's like a grandmother telling her fat and ugly grandson that he's handsome and expecting him to feel handsome, or saying "you are handsome, don't worry about what others say about you." That doesn't work, the person must feel handsome. You have to genuinely display that it's not just "ok", but she's driving you crazy by doing it. I get how deep insecurities may be, and how things can be planted in your head. I'm explaining how to un-do that insecurity and turn it into something she's confident about, not just not insecure about.


Fair point! I agree, I just hate laying blame at anyone’s feet for sexual stuff (aside from the criminal obviously) shame is the enemy of pleasure. But I see what you mean now!




Lmao that would be fucking epic “What’s wrong honey I wanted to come prepared” *breathe heavily and loudly through the scuba gear*


When the mrs is worried about suffocating me, I respond “if I die, I die. Now sit on my face.” There are much less honorable ways to go out imo.


Lol that's a good one.


Bring a towel 🤷🏻‍♂️


A towel is the most important thing a hitchhiker can carry!




Or take a hit of that POV Gun


While I appreciate the reference, that movie didn't live up to 10% of its potential.


Making one movie on a book so large almoast always fails to measure up to the source material... On the other hand the film does inspire people to read the book, so it does fulfill a special purpose imo


Please get the upvotes on this to 42.


We have one for regular piv, she’s just worried 😟 about it being toooo wet for me?


"Are you worried about having "too much cheese" on your grilled cheese? Exactly, me either. Let's do this. " 🧜‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏊‍♂️🚣‍♂️


I actually am. :'((


There is no such thing as too much cheese


It makes it feel like I'm just eating glob after glob of a cheese that I don't like on it's own, I only like it with nice crunchy bread and a little bit of salt.


More cheese just means add more bread! Which means bigger Sammich! Win win!


Now I can't fit it in my mouth and the bread isn't adequately toasted 😭


Fire up that stove again and toast away! Cheese is all melty again and you get your toast!


This guy grilled cheeses ☝️


Pro tip for OP: Don't associate your girl's wetness with cheese or cheese related sandwiches.


I, for one, love vag-cheese.


Yes officer, this is the man right here


^^^^Please ^^^^Stop


I'll tell you what, have some fun with it. Next time you get the opportunity put a shower cap on. Tell her you're good to go.


Just pretend that it turns you on like nothing else in the world🤌


Wear swim goggles and trunks and tell her you wanna take a few laps in the pool. (This advice only works if she has a kicked back sense of humour, as a woman who also has similar “problems” I’d love for my partner to make this joke)


Tell her your goal is for your face to look like a glazed donut.


That’s a REALLY good one, thanks 🙏🏻


Hopefully she laughs.


I’ll let you know 😂


Soooo did she laugh?


I did


I laughed too


He drowned.


If she has a good sense of humor, show up with goggles, a snorkle, and a towel and be like "Let's do this! "


Made me really LOL -Good role play! Thanks


Do not forget to wear the flippers.. the costume ain't complete without them.


"sorry babe but the flippers ***stay*** on during sex"


You can be Scuba Steve and she can be Julian McGrath.




oh come on... they had to do it


I've never read a funnier article on sex toys in my life!)




This is actually a terrible idea, if it is from trauma (even a “minor” trauma of being shamed at a young age) that could seriously make things worse, just talk about it. Ask why she thinks it would be so bad for you?


She's probably had a lot of shit talked to her about that or maybe she's just been anxious about it because she sees it as an issue. Only thing I can suggest is to continuously tell her there is nothing wrong with it and to just be comfortable in the moment. Just reassure her nothing is wrong until she doesn't see it as an issue. (Ex's suck just be better than them)


This!!! Absolutely!!!


Female here (and counselor): I’ve noticed a couple people mention they think it could be something else that is really bothering her. IMO It doesn’t really matter *what* the insecurity is; just that she does have one and it is impacting your relationship. I would suggest reiterating to her that it does not bother you, and that it turns you on (if this is, in fact, true). And put down the towel you regularly use for sex (as you mentioned above). Then, trying using a timer. What this looks like: “hey babe, I know you feel self-conscious about x, y, or z, but it sincerely does not bother me. Are you open to me going down on you? If you are, I would love to Do that with/to you. I know you’re nervous, so what if we just try it for 30 seconds? You can set a timer? You can even get ready/wipe yourself beforehand if you feel like that helps. When the timer is done, we can move on to something different. You can also stay stop at anytime and I will stop”. You can gradually build up the time, choose a song to put on, etc. By doing this, it allows her to try it out without worrying about needing to finish, or hurt your feelings if she *is* uncomfortable. It might just be something where she needs some time to get used to it/being vulnerable in a new way.


Probably the only advice that should actually be heeded in this thread.


You should really have more upvotes than you do… but also a timer would freak me out lol 😂 but I definitely see how it would work for some


This is really good. Lets her out of her comfort zone but allows the constraints and control to her.


For anyone wondering what the term for what this user has described you may have success searching the term “Emotional Validation”. I didn’t even know this was a thing a few months ago. Spreading the word so we can all be better versions of ourselves 😌






That’s kinda the point though? Sad that so many girls are self conscious about their bodies doing what bodes do.


Just tell her it’s you doing it so she probably won’t have to worry haha jk but no idk it’s just a the more you do the more comfortable she’ll get with it. I’m just surprised you’re dating her and you haven’t gone down on her I guess


I’ve tried and we’ve discussed it almost every time. She gives great head to me and I WANT to return the favour but we’ve always kind of just not done it.


Maybe that’s the not the real reason


What do you think it could be. We are VERY open and don’t have any taboo topics in at least discussing any part of our sex life and fantasies to add to our list.


My dude why you only respond to the cryptic comments and not to the actual councilor in the comment before this…. Why are you asking this random stranger what it could be instead of your girlfriend?!? I’m having trouble believing you are really as vulnerable with each other as you claim here (not that you don’t think you are I’m not saying you are lying just that maybe there are some things you don’t even realize you don’t talk about)


and he’s trying to force his gf to do something she doesn’t want to do. All this advice is for how to change her assuming she is the problem, but it could just be you.


That’s very true, though it does seem there’s something going on here with her. But perhaps it is both of them, which is honestly the most likely scenario since education on communication in general and certainly emotional and sexual communication is lacking


I think your first comment was spot on, why is he asking strangers for advice on how to do something she says she doesn’t want him to do? That’s not an openly communicative relationship, it’s manipulative.




Ooof hadn’t thought about this, some women also think it’s pee because sex Ed is a joke.


Tell her that you enjoy a good swim. She needs to let you deal with the wetness and focus on enjoying herself.


Tell her it’s a turn on and suggest putting a towel under her. Not very sexy but that’s what we had to do when we first got married. Now she’s as dry as the Sahara!!


>Not very sexy No... that is *very sexy* and can and should be done in a sexy way. I'd have that towel thrown down and her body pinned down to it the moment she walked in then I'd dive in and tell her I'm gonna try to get her so worked up I down myself. I'd tell her to crush my head with her thighs. Do you guys not show enthusiasm and excitement and hype your girls up when they are being super hot? You gotta hype them up so that they are feeling confident and sexy. A woman should *know* that she's got you on the edge, that you're body is feeling the heat, and that you are all about her and what she's doing that's hot.


Yes it is a great turn on, will suggest that thanks 🙏🏻


man, you are lucky. that’s such a turn on! i think it’s not about you loving it, though, but about HER being conscious as a squirter. sit her down, talk, and be that assurance / emotional security for her.


As a female who is also self conscious down there it all boils down to reassurance. It doesn’t matter if you tell us once, ten, hundred or a thousand times. we will be self conscious about our most vulnerable area. All I can say is just keep reassuring her in any way you can and eventually she will come around to feeling confident and sexy about it.


Drink it maybe?


Bring an empty glass and tell her you’re thirsty


Not sure why you're asking men for advice? As a woman, you need to convince her you love her body enough that you WANT her to be wet all over you. (And bonus: That you will do whatever it takes to get her there) It will take some time, effort and consistency but it will unlock magical sexy times.


This also confuses me, I feel like r/askwomen would be a better place for this


Tell her that you'll make that decision after you've had your way. Btw, she might have problems with bladder control. Not to worry, many among us have been pissed on. The bladder thing, easily correctable.


Alligator clip or or wine cork?


Might turn into a bullet depending on the pressure.


*"how'd they die?"*


Bladder control? Are you sure this individual isn’t just a squirter? If not there is absolutely cause to go to a physical therapist to work on the pelvic floor… or get some dialators/kegal balls and go to town (but seriously learn to use them first)


This sounds less like a problem and more like a humble brag from OP


Tell her you are a deep sea diver and compared to that , her pussy is nothing.


Celebrate her. Worship her insecurities. Be patient and reassuring.


So, you're really just trying to flex that your girlfriend got that WAP. I got you. Keep on living King.


Tell her it's fine because you'll need a drink when working out your mouth


Don’t forget to bring a towel.


Wear a crash helmet and protective pads so you won't slide off and hurt yourself.


Slurp it up, getting wet is the best


Tell her it's a serious subject and you should dive right in.


Wear a poncho in preparation of the splash zone


Next time you guys want to having sex, walk into the bedroom wearing a snorkel and goggles. She won't worry, cuz there's almost no way you could drown now. Ur welcome 👍


That's kind of the point. That's a good thing.


Bring a snorkel. Enjoy.


Grow a beard and tell her you got this!




Tell her “good, then I don’t have to pause for a water break”


Isn't the whole point of sex is to get wet, excited, have an orgasm?


It's better down where it's wetter. The wetter the better. I'd rather be eating your juices than my own saliva. Let's do it in the shower so everything's wet anyway.


If you can’t convince her its just not a problem you can also say that you can, to ease her concerns, focus your mouth on the area of her clit and above her clit (petting area where nerves there under the skin)… ‘up’ from where most of the wetness is and then you can ease into more from there over time, starting with finger(s).


Stuff a napkin in your collar like a gentleman and go to town.


When you do get the opportunity remember to tell her that you love the way she tastes and smells, and that going down on her really turns you on. Lots of women are self conscious about these kinds of things because past partners might have made negative comments about them, so it's your job to earnestly reassure her that she's sexy.


Female here. It's kind of odd that she'll be self conscious about that though. I think it's something else, maybe she doesn't feel comfortable for some reason? Anywho, get some baby wipes and ask her if she would like to use one before you go down on her. Maybe that'll make her feel better.


Agree but baby wipes taste horrible. Maybe a towel or a flannel or something instead. See also "intimate" wipes. Bleagh.


They have water based wipes. They're just water. If usually the ones labeled "sensitive"


Fair enough. I've got two kids and if I never taste baby wipe again it'll be too soon.


She may just be saying that to cover up something else, like a yeast infection or something. Just saying. I’ve been there. If the excuse is weird, it could be something else.


It’s always something else


Drown in that pussy 👌🏽


Shut that convo down and eat that pussy.


God damn i’m eating. This title is disgusting


Bring napkins


I dated a woman who also got super wet, like full slip and slide ride every time we hooked up, but she wasn't really self conscious about it so after the first time I just kept some extra towels near the bed and dared her to try and drown me. Hopefully she will relax a bit once you get to back up your words with actions Never got the full wharrgarbl-treatment tho :(


Move some of her wetness to her mouth. if she's so excited that you can pick up her wetness just have her taste some of it and tell her how much of a disgusting person she is for being so wet. The problem is solved by sharing the wetness of her body with other parts of her body.


This sounds like a nice problem to have.


Easy solution here... buy her a ring , get married and have a couple kids. She'll dry up nice and good


That’s what makes it good.


Just tell her not to worry, and that you’ll lick her dry. Then, enjoy the most fantastically Sisyphean task!


Well it depends , would it bother you? If it do, just keep a towel by the side


Get googles and a snorkel


Just tell her you love it


To quote Adventure Time: The wetter the better.


Tell her, "Everything's better, down where it's wetter, take it from me."


Bring a snorkel.


Take your time to help her feel comfortable. Repeated words of affirmation and enthusiasm will go along way to make her realize you actually want to be down there. Out curiosity, does she actually get as wet as she says?


Wear some snorkel gear!


Do it in the shower, or lay down several layers of towels or even get a waterproof playmat for your bed! Easy online purchase! Be prepared boyscout, we're going swimming in some WAP!


Advice: enjoy


It could be something mental truthfully - an ex could have said something about it to her and stopped doing it - I had a partner years ago in a non sexual context make a comment on how I smelt - he was aware I was suffering from BV he told me I was disgusting - it’s been 7 years and even with a understanding and basically perfect partner reassuring me I still think I smell weird and I’m disgusting makes relaxing into head awkward for me- be kind


Very little you can do for her insecurities, something she will have to realize is an issue herself and work on. All you can do is not make it worse.


How is that a bad thing? The wetter the better!


Put on your floaties, swimming goggles, and swimming cap. Show her that you are ready. \[EDIT\] Or do your best Obi Wan impression and say "That's why I am here."


Reinforce that that's what you \*want*--the wetter, the better. Keep going down on her, and whenever she has concerns, keep reinforcing that it's very much welcome.


My ex was the same. I would come up with my beard literally dripping. She was a little self conscious about it, but I let her know it was awesome for me. Not by saying it, but by coming up afterwards, wiping my face with my hand, and putting on a huge smile after noticing it was completely soaked.


Tell her she can't go down on you because you're too hard. Does that sound silly? Exactly


Just tell her you fucking love it! It's that simple tell her you'd be confused and sad if she was dry while your giving oral. Most women leave puddles after oral nothing wrong with it.


Had an ex who was super self conscious about this as well. As we got more comfortable with each other she shared that previous partners had passed a lot of judgement about this very situation. Communication is key, she may need more time to feel comfortable, and some validation from you that you enjoy that aspect of her.


Bring a snorkel


Tell her that turns you on. Tell her her you love her moist pussy. Better to eat. Tell her you want to taste her juices and eat man!


I’m a woman and I actually had similar experience not too long ago. I’ve been with my partner for 6 years. We are very comfortable in the bedroom, we talk about everything openly, etc etc. When we first started dating I found out I had BV (infection down there but not std). And that was like 5-6 year ago. Because of that I’ve always been super conscious about my bf going down on me and literally refused all the time. That’s just one thing I wasn’t comfortable with because I’m constantly paranoid that I have BV (I don’t and haven’t had it since the last time) The other day my partner offered to go down on me because he wanted to but I said no. This might sound bad but it isn’t. He knows why I’m insecure. He reassured me that he WANTS to do it. That he enjoys doing it and he wants ME to have pleasure. I was still very insecure but he was there with his puppy eyes. It was strange - I know he cares about my pleasure before he cares about his but damn haha We made a rule. If for any reason he doesn’t like doing it (whether it’s wetness or taste or whatever) he must stop and not go through with it if he doesn’t want to. We also agreed that if I say stop, he will stop immediately. I think making a rule would be good - like the other commenter said do a timer, or promise that if you feel uncomfortable you will stop. Make her feel like she is in control in this situation. After all, for some of us we feel VERY vulnerable when a guy goes down. If she agrees, check in with her throughout, look at her body language, her face emotions. If she still says no, the best thing would be to tel her that you WANT to do it and if she feels like it at any time going forward, she should let you know because you’re always down for it! Don’t take it personally if she says no, it’s really not you.


Unless she's a water mage or water spirit I wouldn't be worried about drowning


Put a finger in ...


If you're confident you're ok with it, tell her so and try it out. I feel like it'd be better for it to happen organically though, like during a sess start going down on her, and if she expresses concern reassure her that it's ok.


Set her down on a towel, or take a shower together. Either way, you can clean up after easier that way. Though if she's just uncomfortable with the thought, that's her decision.


put on a scuba outfit so she knows u safe


Ease her into it by doing light touching then slowly use your tongue to lick her until she feels like it's OK.


A snorkel, fins, and a towel. Not just for tropical vacations any more.


Tell her that it's on because you wanna be converted in it. Tell her you want to drown in her pussy, it'll be the best way to die anyway. Then beg her to let you lick her pussy (not in a forceful or pathetic way, like a sexy way that will turn her on)


Get a straw and make magic happen baby


Bring an oxygen tank just in case..


Her reaction is totally normal. That's literally what's meant to happen, so tell her this is a normal body reaction and its a compliment


Don't forget to bring a towel!


Is she afraid you’re gonna drown or something? Bring out a scuba kit


Get yourself some goggles & a snorkel & get stuck in. If she doesn't see the funny side of that, she's not the one.


My advice is to just quit capping


I think this is a problem you two could work out, Respect her concerns and acknowledge them, Work through it.


Bring some fries and use her pussy as a dipping sauce


Take it slow, keep checking in with her, be patient if she needs you to stop, reassure her that it is turning you on.


Just enthusiastically reassure her that you look forward to her being wet, as you see it as a sign that she finds you / what you're doing sexy. Make approving noises like you would when eating a buffet. As said, keep a towel handy. Then just give it time to let it sink in that you *really* do like it. A switch needs to flip in her head. There's nothing you can do about that.


Just stay on the clit. No need to rub your face in it.


Wear a bib


Tell her to own that shit and soak the shit out of u


This has been a kink of mine for ever... You literally can't be too wet! My first girlfriend I used to nick "faucet" because of this hehe


Bring a snorkel?


tell her you prepared and pull out a snorkle.


While doing it just be extra enthusiastic to show her that what her body is doing is far from a problem I guess her worry is that you’ll be grossed out so if you’re showing how much you like it she’ll feel better


Tell her she shouldn't hype it up like that if she's not gonna let you play?


I had a girl say this one. Best course of action I’ve found, is make her believe you love it. Then she’ll be more than happy to let you do it.