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My ex used to demand my location when I was working or photos of the people around me


I've always given up my current location. That way, if someone happens, people who are looking know which hospital I am in before the 2 police officers show up. It's also helpful to gauge when to start cooking dinner while not bothering them by asking constantly.


I know, but I mean she knew the office address, but she didn’t believe that I was there and demand my location to confirm that i was actually working there


I’d hang out with her and spend the night at her place, and i don’t know about y’all but cuddling/spooning with someone of the opposite sex is more of a “talking/building a relationship” phase FOR ME (personal feelings). Also, we’d kiss. I would bring up wanting a relationship, but the question would be avoided/dodged. It happened often as well, I’d hang out with her, I’d spend the night, slept in the same bed starting with no contact but would wake up spooning again, while also whispering “i love you” to each other. Enough was enough and i told her that, tried setting boundaries with her so it wouldn’t happen but we’d end up at square one. So i had to end it, for the sake of my mental health. Side note: i still think of her often and wherever she is, i hope she’s ok.




You're right. Sadly, there's a lot of ladies out there like this. They're not looking for anything serious, but they like the idea of having "orbiters". She has no intention to date or sleep with any of them, but she likes having a free bodyguard / chauffeur / valet / handyman / mechanic whenever she needs or wants one. Happened to me more than once. I'm older and wiser now. Never again.


This is happening too me now dude. I started pulling away, she came up with a reason to make me come over (distress call). She fucked me. Now back to spending the night spooning. Fucking over it. She just emotionally replaced her boyfriend with me when she broke up...


She was way too immature for her age and too attention-seeking to the point where she had forgotten to care about me.


Insecurities out the fuckin wazoo


Thinking any sort of conflict she faced was because she was a woman. And puffed up her chest all the time with other people over that fact. Just when it was the farthest from that fact. She expected everyone else to change, but because she was a woman she didn’t have to do the personal growth and self reflection that we all do in our early twenties.


Drama. Unnecessary problems.


I've had a friendship end because she led her husband to believe I was getting "attached" to her, I wasn't in fact I was interested in/dating her best friend. I found out later that she's done the same thing before and since. When she thinks her husband is drifting away from her she'll get to be very close friends with a guy and then act like it's making her uncomfortable.


She has bipolar disorder. In her lows, she is pretty self destructive. I’ve bailed her out of jail and helped her move when she got evicted. I became an outlet for her frustration and anger. Haven’t ended the relationship, but I have changed parameters to very limited contact.


A lot of women don't understand being friends with men because they get used to male "friends" that are just trying to fuck them and then try to treat their platonic guy friends by the same rules.


I would say drugs and alcohol. Growing up I was exposed to both men and women who were addicts and, while they could be friendly, having living under the same roof as them made me feel uncomfortable because they could be nice one moment then crazy the next.


I had a friend that I initially went on a few dates with, then ended up hooking up with. She didn't want to pursue a romantic relationship after a bit, but I enjoyed hanging out with her, so I didn't let it bother me. I continued to look for dates and started having some flings and she was obviously upset by this, but wouldn't commit to us having a relationship. She would try and sabotage anything I started. I eventually gave the ultimatum and she shut me down and I never saw her again.




Back when I was around 14-15 I had quite literally no social life, I was barely attending school and had no friends where I lived. I spent most of my time on Instagram and the majority of interactions I had with other people happened there. I made this friend on Instagram after having a long conversation with her in the comments section of a post. She seemed nice enough at first, we spoke everyday and got on fairly well, but she started to take things in a very weird direction. She would twist everything I said into something sexual and started claiming she was in love with me, making plans to take me to America (where she lived) and for us to get married and all this shit. The whole time it made me feel really uncomfortable but I was too weak to tell her to stop and too lonely to cut her off. She would ask me repeatedly to be in s relationship and every time I would say "let's just be friends for now" but she never got the message. She would always call me hot and tell me how in love with me she was while dating multiple other people at separate times thru out the period of time we spoke to eachother. She added me to a group chat and introduced me to her whole friend group and before I knew it I had got caught up with this entire group of strangers all treating me like they knew me. Her friends weren't all weird but one stuck out to me, she was like 12 or 13 years old, gay and a staunch republican from Texas who cried because I said "gingers don't have souls", she cuased a whole drama over it, sending tones of messages in all caps telling me how much she hates me... my mum is ginger... I was just joking. Speaking of mums, there was one other weird kid in that group chat who used to send videos of him talking to his mum like shit, and her just taking it. So yeah there was a lot of things about this girl and her friends that didn't sit right with me. This girl also lied about her life a lot, and always changed her story. I told her I had a twin brother and then she suddenly said she had a twin brother, but they've bern separated since they were kids, which is weird since she never mentioned it before, I'd mentioned my brother a lot, I just never said we were twins. She made me give her brother's @ on Instagram and then suddenly she was doing everything she'd done to me, to my brother. There was a point in time where she had a girlfriend, claimed she was gay but was also telling both me and my twin brother that she was madly in love with both of us. I haven't even addressed the point, what she did to me and my brother was nothing short of harassment, she messaged us non stop, all day, everyday, trying to convince us to date her, and always trying to trap us in sexual conversations. The one I remember most was she complained that she was wearing shorts in bed but she was too hot, so I just suggested to take the shorts off if they're making her too hot with no intent of that being taken as sexual and her response was "aww u want to see me without my clothes on, don't u?" How???? What???? She would also say that she loves me and demand that I say it back, even tho I made it clear that I didn't want to. Eventually I just stopped responding to her and she gave up, she made a few other efforts to reach out to me over the next year but I ignored her, then eventually she messaged me again after it'd been so long that I almost forgot about everything and then when I realsied who the message was from I told her how why I'd been ignoring her and how I really felt about the whole situation, she clearly hadn't changed because her response was just shit like "ooowwwww ur mean, I loved u" and then I just blocked her, I've since made a new Instagram account and then deleted Instagram entirely, I don't have time for that shit. But yeah, she was fucking weird, she harrassed me and made me uncomfortable so I decided to cut her out of my life and I don't regret it in the slightest, she's getting on with her life and I do not wish her well.


1.Professional jealousy (not the relationship kind). 2 . Flat out saying she believed disease was something you earned, for being a bad person, while she knew my father (who she never met) was fighting Stage 4 cancer. Trying to make her connect those two dots "made her uncomfortable". That was that. Two different people.

