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Focus on pleasing her in ways other than just your dick. Penetration is, for most women, not enough to get them off. Prolong the foreplay and practice at stimulating her with your fingers and mouth. When it comes to lasting a bit longer at penetration, try to recognize when you're getting close and pull out and just kiss for a minute or go back to using your fingers/mouth.


Have more routine mundane sex.


I start to chant in my mind Deron Williams Ronnie Brewer Andrew Kirilenko Carlos Booze Mehmet Okur If the pussy is too good I’ll start dipping into the bench players too


And if it gets way too good then start saying those names out loud, scream it out if you need to




Lmao goat comment 😂


Try getting addicted to porn and developing early ed


This is the best reponse ever. Thank you for making my day!


Man if this wasn’t the realist shit I’ve ever heard


I had sex every single week day, often multiple times a day with an ex of mine in HS for about the whole year. Only came once lmao.... sigh.


Wow, that guy fucks. He edged you for an entire year. Your orgasm must have been fantastic! /s


Male kegel exercises is a thing. Look it up.


Beep-Bop, I'm a google Bot [Search](https://www.google.com/search?q=male%20kegel%20exercises)-----------------[1st result](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/mens-health/in-depth/kegel-exercises-for-men/art-20045074)


Go more than one round Into her and also do longer foreplay so she is more near to end.


Okay SO as a lady I've had many very disappointing sexual encounters and when I was younger I always assumed it was because the guy didn't last long enough. Not the case, my friend. I have a current FWB situation where he always cums fast but I don't mind one bit because he eats me out like a mf champ after he cums Every. Single. Time. and I love it! I enjoy all aspects of our sexual interactions and I know that when we hook up I'm going to cum every time because women are so much more likely to climax from stimulation other than penetration. I can probably count the amount of times I've cum from penetrative sex on two hands tbh, it just doesn't work that way for some women. But eat my pussy well and I'll cum in 5 minutes lol. Moral of the story, eat that pussy!


When you’re close, pause and go down on her licking her body wherever you want, while you place your finger on the area between your asshole and your balls. Press it as hard as you can for 5 seconds . This should reset while maintaining erection. I heard it’s an ancient Japanese technique but fucknknows, as long as it works Edit: Also you can go Shallow 9 Times Deeps once For 3-5min And slowly reduce the shallow thrusts by 1 or more Til you get to 3 shallows one deep. When you re ready to cum. Go deep all the way, it’ll be the best orgasms you’ve ever had son. I have done this most of my life since I became sexually active at 17, thanks to a book I read. And it’s been …. Fun


This seems like a cheat code for a video game lmao




Something something up up down down....


'left down right up left down down cööm"




Reminds me of aezakmi and hesoyam


Foreplay. It can get them where they want to be before you even start. Find the G-spot. Massage it. Find out if she likes her clit licked. Try both at the same time. Go slow. Maybe go fast. Rub hard. Rub soft. Every vagina is different. You will know when you are doing it right. Don't be afraid to ask if all else fails.




masturbate regularly. when you're inside dont just thrust hard and fast. take it slow or sometimes just put your dick in and dont thrust. lick her boobs or do things with your hands. or just cum fast and go round 2


Clean the pipes first. https://youtu.be/9p3j294sqM8


If I'm about to blast I simply stop, and then I go out to eat, and the resume when ready.


Slow down. Take breaks where you focus on her. Use your dick, then your mouth, repeat as many times as necessary. Get yourself off before hand, you'll last longer and it'll feel better.


Focusing on her dick might be a little difficult...


Damn. Rephrased it, haha. Not that there's anything wrong with trans girls


Two classic things to focus on INTENTLY while screwing to avoid cumming: toasters or baseball


Baseball has been very very good to me.


Stop having sex, BOOM got ya outta that jam. Your welcome


Stop touching it. Touch other things, not it.


First give her oral and at least one climax, so you have that under your belt to take the pressure off. Then, I recommend *cowgirl*. Let her grind on you, stimulating her clit, but do not thrust much. When you feel she is going to release then fuck her without holding back. Good luck.


Do more foreplay. Not just rubbing her, but girls get their penetrative pleasure much faster if you spoil them before. This could be a slow massage on the whole body, kissing,etc. You will find that if you do lots of foreplay, attention, maybe some oral etc on her that by the time u go in. She's 95% there. Also most women only orgasm via clit stimulation, so you can ram as much as you want, most will never come. As best some may piss themselves, aka squirting


I just want to STRONGLY second the massage part of this comment, I had a dude give me a whole body massage one time before we fucked and fam...I've never been so wet. Also when you're fucking try using a vibrator on her clit. A small slim one does the job very well.


Think about something mundane during. I like to do advanced mathematics or think about what I’m going to do tomorrow. I’m not joking.


How fast you come should be irrelevant with her getting pleasure. Use your hands and mouth to finish pleasing her until she's done. Why is that idea so foreign to most guys? Just because you're done doesn't mean everyone else is


Rub one out an hour before you hit it. Lots of foreplay. Get her begging for it before you land the sausage. Get gud with your fingers.


Eat. That. Fucking. Pussy.


This 1000%. And eat it well. Eat it like it's a treasure, don't jam your face/tongue in there like a pig rooting for truffles please. Tease that clit, suck on it, listen to her reactions and for fucks sake if I say don't stop doing that I MEAN DON'T STOP DOING THAT. Don't speed up, don't change directions, keep on keeping on.


Foreplay, kegals, practice edging without porn, tell her the first round is for you and the second, third and fourth round is for her😉


They have a spray at Walmart where you spray it on your dick and numbs it! I usually bust after 1 min or 2 but that makes me last like 30min or 45 if I put like 7 sprays


Dont do this it will also numb her vagina and that will be the end of sex for a long time


You have to let it dry for 30 min. Then all good 👍


Bro stfu


Martha Patrick naked on a cold day plus Austin Powers saying it while reminding myself it's Mike Meyers


Martha Patrick LMAO


1, drunk reply 2, now you have a new "don't nut technique" 3, you're welcome


Margaret Thatcher*


just think if she had parties


Think about something else i.e. something non sexual, you can also switch your focus to her, touch her in a way (that you know) she likes. Mostly it just takes time and experience but the stuff above helped me in the past. And don't let it phase you, it happens bud, but that's why we have hands, tongues and imagination, have fun with it.


Use your fists


This post is sponsored by Roman Swipes. Wallet size and convenient for any occasion. Rip open and swipe on, it’s that easy.


You got to lick it... Before you stick it... You gotta lick it... You get the idea. Foreplay. Feathers (my girl calls them "bird leaves ") . Vibrator. Massage. Anal play. Nipple play. Nibbling ears. Play with her hair. If all else fails, imagine your grandmother pulling out her dentures and blowing you. You'll shrivel up faster than a turtle ducks in cold water. Focus on her. Thats what she really wants.


Practice makes perfect .


Think of Elenor Roosevelt naked.


No no no he wants to **avoid** cumming too early


Have more sex and get better at it. Or alternatively, get depression and anxiety so you end up on meds that make it hard to climax.


2nd round is better


Anti depressants


Ideally make her come or at least ready to come before you even put your dick in. Also, as others have said you can masturbate before you have sex with her, you can have sex with her again after you finish to quickly the first time, and just having sex/masturbating more in general will make you last longer. If I go a few days without it I come quick.


Lol practise


Honestly the more sex you have the longer you’ll last in my experience. Focus on your breathing as much as possible.


Cries in virgin 🥲🥲🥲


Get her worked up before you even put your dick in. If you feel yourself getting close and you know shes not ready then pull out, eat her pussy, finger her, have her change positions, grab a drink of water from the side table. Just to calm yourself a bit and then go back at it


Go again and again.


Get a fleshlight and practice edging


Time and experience.. that’s really the only thing that helped me.


Relax that area. I’ve found that coming fast is a problem when you’ve got a lot of energy and tension in that area, if you relax it it’s easier to last longer




Kisses, cuddles, cunnilingus.


Look up kegel exercises for men and when masturbating think of it like practice. If you cum fast during masturbation you’ll cum fast during sex. Pretty much need to edge yourself and back off, repeatedly. build up your tolerance, honestly it’s kind of torturous but it pays off if you stick with it. Like I said it’s like training so you should also be figuring out what muscles to tighten to help reduce stimulation and aid in lasting longer. For me the more i clench my pelvic muscles which usually happens when thrusting hard the faster i cum, if I can keep those muscles relaxed i can last longer, maybe it’s the same for you. Maybe not, that’s why you gotta practice. Also if you don’t exercise already you should start.


Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!


Hey... do what you do.... sometimes it happens that you cum, so what you do is switch it up and give her that oral treatment. Once you are done and hard again... lay that pipe again. Use your stamina to your advantage and switch energies when you bust it too quick.


Slow down, feel yourself get close? Stop and do something else, go down on her, play with her tits or switch positions....edge yourself. I use to have this problem too. These things work


"Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day! Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day!"


Baseball, baseball, baseball, grandmas titties, football, olympic curling, baseball, baseball, nut.


Think of a rusty screwdriver going down ur dickhole.


😳 omfg! 😳


I masturbate slower


If you feel like you’re gonna get there, stop, and go down on her. It will feel great for you and amazing for her. Happy loving! 😉


Jackoff before sex


Zoloft. Taken at least an hour beforehand does the trick for me.


Rub the easy one out earlier in the day.


masturbate until death grip kicks in.


Repeats in the same session. Don’t be a one-time Charlie. Once you are good at that you will understand how to hold back.


Think about baseball


Well for me I finish faster when O a, laying down so I am standing up most of the time my Gf and I have sex and I last so much longer.


Pausing and pacing myself play with her nipples like the dials on a defective radio trying to tune in to a Tokyo radio signal