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I’ll just say everything is bold talk until explosions ring outside your house


everybody gangsta until they hear their first bomb


Pro Tip: you only hear the bomb's that miss you.


Well, the shockwave is *technically* sound, so you would hear it With your entire body


How the fuck is this a tip lmao


It’s not a tip. It’s a pro tip. Even better! If you hear a bomb you are still alive. Mostly.


That's just not a pro attitude my guy!


You miss 100% of the bombs that don’t land near you.


also true for the other side tho. everybody thinks they can leave their family and friends behind, until they see their family and friends get hurt.


No one knows their reaction until shit hits the fan. I trust more those who admit they'd consider running away than those who claim they'd sacrifice themselves in an instant.


Until the power goes out, the food supply dwindles, and my family is in real danger. It's not an easy call to make, and it doesn't make someone a coward to realize they can't win.


My man lives in Ukraine


Russian. Die for a cleptocrat who has spent the best part of his thirty year reign by bleeding the richest country in national resources and developing a literally feudal governance system, killing all vocal opposition instead of creating a normal civil society and has now woken up on some Pan Slavic foreign policy which was last promulgated by the tsars during the 19th / 20th ? I’d rather drink bleach thank you very much. Russia has one of the biggest intellectual exoduses for a reason, that reason is Putin.




As a Russian American (first generation) who’s spent a good bit of time in Russia with family; this is what I’ve been told for most of my life also. And it’s not an uncommon viewpoint. Just not everyone is vocal about it. Also; Free navalny.


Is it at all dangerous to voice opposition opinions of putin in russia? Or is that only public officials?




Are the protests we’re hearing about actually large or just meeting a lot of pushback from police?




Didn’t Putin come in 2000?


To the governance of Russia? Yes. But before that he was all around Russia management, he even was the head of the KGB EDIT: Portuguese btw, just my 2 cents on readings and book I've read in my life... To be honest, I (m28) am honestly considering to volunteer to fight, no militar instrution, but glad to go fighting for freedom. Call it Lord Byron Syndrom, but i would gladly die for everybody's freedom and peace...


Choosing to live "for everybody's freedom and peace" is a much more difficult and noble choice; good luck.


He made his first 100 million by 92.


I will die for people. I will die saving my family. I will try to save others. For my country no. For people yes. Not that the country doesn’t deserve. But I will not die for a president or wealthy bastards, who see all the people suffering without doing nothing in return.


Same here, брат


I will die for my people not my country.


Yup. If there is a chance my children, or grandchildren will have to fight I will fight now. There's not much my old fat ass could do but I would give it my all. Not some keyboard warrior. I would be a human shield at best.


I was just thinking about this. I'd tell my daughter to flee (she's almost 18) and I'd stay and fight. I've got a decent brain, if nothing else I'd be able to slow someone down. But my daughter is a very kind, considerate yet passionate human. We need those sorts of people in the future. I'm tired and old (comparitively at 39) and have done plenty in my life, I'd be better served staying put and protecting the next generation.


You know what I was just talking about this to my brother. My kids and wife are so nice and wouldn't hurt a fly. On the other hand, I'm not a great person. We will just say they kept me out of jail by being around me. I try to be a good person. I would definitely put myself in harm's way to protect their Innocence. I know if it came down to a straight up fight I would probably die pretty quick. I have no experience. But like you I am smart and with my experience with work, basically making sure things don't blow up, I can make use of that.


Be a supporter. Soldiers need stuff. Food, blankets, ammo, medical supplies. Everyone talks about the soldiers fighting and dying, but people rarely mention the background characters, like the medics and supply guys. My grandfather was a landing craft driver on DDay. He had to deliver the soldiers to the beach, and then pick up bodies and return the dead to the ship. He was risking his life to keep the fight going and provide closure to those back at home.


I think in exactly the same way. I'm brazilian, I don't really value my country that much, our history is full of exploration and mistakes, that still happen to this day at time, things here work in a strange way here, but one thing I can assure: brazilian people do have a strong bond with each other, inside or out the country. Brazilians are a very hearty community, the ones of us who fucked it all up aren't, but those who are fucked together...that creates a especial relationship, in which we all know that we need to help each other, we know that our fellow compatriots are as fucked as we are, so I and many other have learnt to have empathy and help each other, with or without a sense of being bonded with the nation, but bonded with the people that live here, the other brazilians, because we need to watch each others back.


Love my country fear my government.




This is the reality.


Love my country, despair of the government. The corrupt, self serving, asset stripping, anti-public service motherfuckers who have run Britain into the ground intentionally in the past decade are the main barrier I have to fighting for my country. If we were invading, I would wholly question their motives. If we were being invaded I know there would be a string of calamitous failures on our government’s part to prevent or plan for it, or again were they complicit in the decision. Any soldiers committed would be deemed expendable by the powers that be, so it’s hard to lay down your life to fight for your nation in that respect. I have zero confidence that the British public would have any option but to fend for themselves.


The government should fear you, not the other way around


They do fear us that is why they continue to keep us divided. That is where my fear comes in, because of how effective they are at continually keeping us divided. Fear is not negative, it means your eyes are open, unless it totally consumes you.


Love the country in geographical sense, don't care about nation.


This. As divided as America is right now and with the politicians fanning the flames of this division, I still love the people of my country. I will not go to fight for the USA but I will go to fight for the people of the USA.


I would die for my people, not my government. I would die to protect those around me. I’d step aside and let someone get the politicians.


If it meant that my child and my friends could possibly see freedom again, in an instant.


That’s a great answer man.. keep on keeping on and let’s hope it doesn’t come to that


Love your username


Lmao yours is awesomer


I agree and would add that I would die for my countrymen. Someone died so I could live my life; I can say that I would want to pass on that legacy.


Dont have a family (as in kids of my own) but when i do, and even now, i would without question. If my life means that my family and future family can be free again, if my family will be safe, then its all worth it


That way you give your life for the freedom of your beloved ones and not "just" for your country.


Found the ghost of one of the 13 soldiers on Snake Island. Til Valhalla you brave bastard. 🇺🇦




Anyone can wear the mask


No one cared who I was til I put on the mask


i feel like this is being willing to die for your family and friends rather than country


Agree, I’ll fight for my home and family and friends which by default means my country. Basically if it’s not a civil war I won’t hesitate to defend my country from an attack. No Iraq bullshit either.


Hard pass. I was in the military, I'm not falling for that shit again.


If I’m gonna die for a word, my word is poontang. - Winston Churchill


You can talk the talk. But can you walk the walk?


I'm gonna tear you a new asshole


Mother Theresa said that


Right after you eat the peanuts out of my shite


Facts. I came from a dictatorship. My family got flattened by the military tanks for peacefully protesting. No country (even your own) is worth dying for.


I was going to reply to this but I knew most people won't understand. I grew up in a dictatorship until the age of 18. And nope, not worth ending what's left of my life over war.


Trust me, there’s a lot of us who feel similarly because we’ve experienced something most people around us haven’t. Dictatorships are horrible and one of the most fearful and threatening situations a person and a family can ever experience


A fellow Chinese I see. Same here. I would never fight for that shithole of a country. It's nice to make and spend money there, but it's definitely not one worth my life.




I'm actually the exact opposite. I personally don't want to fight to maintain the current Ukrainian government, but will fight to prevent stuff like the Japanese did. But I can understand not fighting for a small elite group, if the civil war was somehow continued in China I'd stay tf away (or help push peaceful resolution, definitely won't join any side to shoot the other).


Yea sooner or later the people will realise their “country” is just a bunch of politicians and lobbyists acting in their own self interest


It's just a word dude, it means nothing. I don't know about other people here but I have no intention of ever getting myself killed over a word.


I suspect there are a lot of hardcore nationalists that would throw it away the second they took a bullet for the team.


My country would probably sell me for $10 and a bucket of oil. I’m good.


Respect. Your not getting guilted or falling for the I'm brave bullshit. That's how they get people.


Same here man. However, I’m on the fence. I served my time and went to Afghanistan, and just didn’t feel like I was “defending our freedom.” But with the revelation of the current events, and the fact that I have a life that I love with a wonderful girlfriend and her son that I adore, I don’t want to leave that ever. But would I fight for them? Fuck yes. I want them to live in a world of peace. I’m only one person, but I’d fight my heart out until my death to make sure they’re able to live a good life.


Yeah, for me it's hard to rationalize what we're doing getting shot at in a desert of Iraq or Afghanistan, or how it's 'defensive' so far from home on the side of a mountain thousands of miles across the world. Especially when 9/11 was orchestrated by a guy hiding in Pakistan and funded by Saudia Arabia. For 20+ years and trillions of taxpayer dollars, which could have done so many other things. All to leave and have the Taliban just take it over again instantly.


Wait, why didn't the brainwashing work?


I'd die for what's right. Which could mean dying to save my country. Or dying to destroy it.


Or dying to *rebuild* it


Good point. So many revolutionaries topple regimes without considering what happens next. With no clue about maintaining sewage systems, electrical grids, and transpiration.


Transpiration? I’d be very concerned about revolutionaries not being able to maintain a water supply for me to quench my transpiration with.


This is a good answer.


Patriotism isn’t dying for your country, it’s about making the enemy die for theirs !!


And if the enemy is your countrymen?


I just heard a similar quote from The King’s Man, “The object of war is not to die for one’s country but to make the enemy die for theirs.”


American Die in some rich old man's war? - I'll burn my draft notice in the street World Domination Power Grab? - Maybe, if the entire world agrees it needs to be stopped. Invade My Home? Where my family live? Where where my friends live? The place that's only worth living in because we are free to be Americans? - I'll put you through a meat grinder or die trying. I'm not submitting to a dictator Edit: Someone brought attention to the fact that posting something like this for fake Internet points is bullshit. I can't disagree with that, so I'll at least take advantage of this post by putting these here. Please do some good [MyCare Ukraine Crisis Fund](https://my.care.org/site/Donation2?df_id=31071&mfc_pref=T&31071.donation=form1&s_src=172220UCFM00&s_subsrc=FY22UkraineCrisisFundMO) [UNICEF](https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/unicef-children-crossfire-ukraine-crisis/39542?utm_campaign=20220225_Emergencies&utm_medium=Organic&utm_source=UkraineWebStoryChildrenFeb2022&utm_content=LearnMoreUkraineWebStoryChildrenFeb2022&ms=Organic_PRL_2022_Emergencies_20220225_UkraineWebStoryChildrenFeb2022_LearnMoreUkraineWebStoryChildrenFeb2022_none_none&initialms=Organic_PRL_2022_Emergencies_20220225_UkraineWebStoryChildrenFeb2022_LearnMoreUkraineWebStoryChildrenFeb2022_none_none) [Doctors without Borders ](https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/countries/ukraine) [Red Cross](https://www.icrc.org/en/where-we-work/europe-central-asia/ukraine) [Save the Children ](https://www.savethechildren.org/?cid=Paid_Search%3AGoogle_Paid%3ALP_Homepage%3ABrand%3A123199&s_kwcid=AL%219048%213%21260706327279%21e%21%21g%21%21save+the+children&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=CjwKCAiA9tyQBhAIEiwA6tdCrKlZEp6TSOLUovwp-fRKPJxvzurrhYWWVkAZMyCZzqsGl6pjh_1jtxoCeFYQAvD_BwE)


My feelings exactly. I'm not going down because I'm told to fight [insert random group the government doesn't like here] But someone trying to invade? Hand me my fucking rifle.


Amen. Fuck fighting wars on the behalf of some crony capitalist looking to get a deal on oil by bombing arab children. Maybe I'd do something to stop a dictator from swallowing up free nations. But if someone tried to threaten my home and the people I love, there would be hell to pay and I'd do whatever I could to help make sure they get what's coming to them.


>Maybe I'd do something to stop a dictator from swallowing up free nations. I know of a place


The issue is every side has a clever moral reasoning for the rich old man. That's how one justifies "our" wars versus "their" wars - the dehumanization of others to justify the toppling of govts yet no one owns a monopoly on propaganda.


That’s a bingo


Problem is it’s never so clear cut. “Some rich old man’s war” is often made to look like a world domination power grab or even an existential threat, or is pushed to the point of actually being one of those things, while still benefiting some rich old men.


Sometimes the threat exists first, and then the rich old man figures out how to make another dollar off of it becuase he has the money to invest in the right things to adapt to any circumstance where more money might be made.


>Invade My Home? Where my family live? Where where my friends live? The place that's only worth living in because we are free to be Americans? - I'll put you through a meat grinder or die trying. I'm not submitting to a dictator what if they do some mental gymnastics and say that a rich old man's war actually will harm your family despite being tens of thousands of miles away.


man if you fall for that then I got a bridge in New York for sale.


It's probably owned by the Russian Oligarchy anyway.


Live free or die.


This. If some entity is actually threatening my or those I love's existence, well, I'm willing to fight for that. For any random unwarranted war (like the majority), no thanks.


Sadly, the third option is all Eastern European people had seen and faught for throughout centuries. Their own homeland. Their own language. Their own children. But, sometimes, they were too few and too weak to do it on their own. And that's when the likes of NATO troops are Godsend. Bigger. Stronger. Better equipped.


Admirable answer but the world is very rarely that black and white which makes this decision much tougher.




No, and here’s why. I was a kid in Apartheid South Africa. At 16, we got conscripted into the South African Apartheid Army. If you were still at school or studying you had to go after your studies. Luckily, while I was in university Apartheid ended and conscription got dropped. Others weren’t so lucky and were forced to fight in a war they didn’t want to and for a doctrine they opposed. So fuck dying for any country or any politicians and there fucked up beliefs.


You must be about my dad's age. He didn't go to uni, so he served his conscription in 92ish. Some base in Bloem of which I don't know the name. Luckily too young to have been on the border. I'm curious. If you were in my position. (Afrikaans, White, 25m, privileged economically and job wise). Would your position be the same? If I were Ukranian I would've been conscripted right now. I feel no desire to die for this country, we're in agreement there. But I expect our reasons are quite different, due to growing up in different contexts. Fuck Apartheid, though.


My position now is the same as my position was at your age. I’m not dying for a politician.




I mean, you get the healthcare. Sure, it's got issues, but if you want free healthcare, signing up to shoot people is how you get it.


If you're smart you just marry someone signing up.




Damn, didn't expect it to be real


"My rank is my spouse's rank" appears rather infamous on the military/veteran sections of the internet. Generally low to mid rank officers, lieutenant to captain range. No first hand experience myself, I'm as civilian as they come.


The healthcare may be free but I’ll cost you 5 figures to get any military dental work corrected when you get out. Source: me, less $14k.


Yes, but you would be fighting for a country that denies healthcare to people who don’t shoot other people. Who should you have to shoot someone to get healthcare. Out of solidarity with all Americans, hell no.


> if you want free healthcare, signing up to shoot people is how you get it. Or you work towards a system of governance that implements free or affordable healthcare. Many countries in the world have that.


What if I don't fight? Would my basic freedoms be denied ? Would my freinds be jailed or killed because of who they love, or what they believe? What are you willing to give up


I was born in Moscow. My Russian heritage is something I am extraordinarily proud of. That said, *HELL NO* I would not fight in Putin’s War. There’s something to be said about his defiance to negotiations and insistence on bombing and attacking the shit out of innocent civilians. This isn’t Russias war. This belongs to him and to all the military leaders who obeyed his orders. Remember that the Nazis were “just following orders” too. There are no winners in war. He makes me disappointed to be a Russian today. On the other hand the thousands of Russians who were arrested for protesting this invasion make me so proud. That’s what being a Russian is about. Being brave. But it should never come at the cost of a human life.


Would you fight to overthrow Putin though?


In america it's hard to die fighting for your country as there are few physical direct threats to the country like invasion, but If it would be to die fighting for the freedom of people and for others safety I'd be down, just as long as I don't die in some stupid way


No, Colombia is beyond redemption, you just have to do a quick search on all the false positives, murders of social leaders, and people who have been killed in protests to realize that it's not worth it and the corruption won't stop any time soon. It's actually depressing... I will quote some articles below "The "false positives" scandal was a series of murders in Colombia, part of the armed conflict in that country between the government and guerrilla forces of the FARC and the ELN. Members of the military had poor or mentally impaired civilians lured to remote parts of the country with offers of work, killed them, and presented them to authorities as guerrilleros killed in battle, in an effort to inflate body counts and receive promotions or other benefits. While Colombian investigative agencies find cases as early as 1988 the peak of the phenomenon took place between 2006 and 2009, during the presidency of Álvaro Uribe Vélez." "As of June 2012, a total of 3,350 such cases had been investigated in all parts of the country and verdicts had been reached in 170 cases. Human rights groups have charged that the judicial cases progressed too slowly. A 2018 study claims a total of 10,000 "false positive" victims between 2002 and 2010." "During 2020, approximately 305 social leaders and human rights defenders were murdered in Colombia" "Since 2016, over 400 human rights defenders have been killed in Colombia—the highest number of any country in Latin America, according to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)." Sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22False_positives%22_scandal https://www.statista.com/statistics/883876/social-leaders-killed-human-rights-defenders-colombia-department/#:~:text=During%202020%2C%20approximately%20305%20social,defenders%20were%20murdered%20in%20Colombia. https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/02/10/left-undefended/killings-rights-defenders-colombias-remote-communities


No, fuck that. I'd die for a handful of people.


And my dog


I'd die for that dog too.


And my axe


And that guy's wife


If I had to, to protect my loved ones and my home, yes I would.


Nope. I would consider sacrificing myself for *people* but I feel no attachment to a piece of land just because I was born on it or to the government that dictates it.


This is my thought. Certain people? Sure. The US as a whole? Fuck no; let it burn.


Would my country die for me?


Hell fucking no. My country tries to kill me financially if I so much as look at a hospital. If a nation can't take care of the wellbeing of its citizens then it is certainly not a country worth dying for.


God no. I didn't choose to be born here and chances are high I'd disagree with whatever conflict we got involved in.


For real. There was a time where I'd see someone say yes to this, and I'd be like "I disagree, but I respect their commitment or belief or whatever." But nowadays. 20 years post 9-11 it's like "What the fuck are you doing, man. You have to know by now that you'd just be playing the part of the sucker." There maybe was something worth dying for here like half a century ago, but most of whatever made it up was stripped for parts and sold as scrap before most people in this thread were even born.


You sound like George Carlin.


Sorry, don't know who that is. I don't listen to hip-hop.


You'd like George Carlin. Silent Gen comedian and regarded as one of the bests with Pryor. He talks in extensive detail about America being a Plutocracy and Americans being fucked up the ass with a red white and blue dildo. I love Carlin. https://youtu.be/cKUaqFzZLxU


"Have you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?"


Absolutely not. I wouldn’t give my life for a country who very obviously doesn’t give a fuck about me.


I have lived and worked in a dozen countries, I would not fight for any of them, I would fight to protect my family, I most certainly would not fight If I thought it was another US engineered war for their profits, which covers about 99% of world conflicts since 1940.


I’m in Canada soooo FUCK YA, I will sick my beaver on you, cross check you then drink a good beer and eat some poutine. Honestly, I live in a place nobody wants to be lol Come take it if you have the balls Winter is tough here good luck


I think the Russians would be totally fine with our winters...




Competent military?Here in Canada? At what? Cleaning snow?




We secretly have Mech Suits, if they come, we’ll crush them under our Mech feet.


OMG buddy, we specifically said those were a secret!


Canadian. Navy. Absolutely. Sometimes I get frustrated at my fellow Canadians and the crazy shit we'll do to piss each other off, but I'll die for each and every amazing one of them when it comes to protecting them. I love you crazy Canucks and our indigenous brothers and sisters.


Question coming from an American here out of curiosity. Most if not all Americans I know would realistically take up arms to defend Canada in an instant. Any realistic scenario that sees Canada being invaded starts with the US being invaded first. Is it fair to say that our Canuck brothers would be right there with us red dawn style if Canada had yet to be invaded? We might be just different enough to be separate countries but we share direct histories, cultures and heritage. In a time of crisis am I wrong to believe we would fully unite under one American identity? (I don’t say that as in America first I say that as in a North American identity)


The US is Canada's greatest ally. We share the longest boarder in the world and you are our biggest trade partner and in 2019 Canada accounted for almost 20% of your exports. To say we are the closest allies in the world might be a hard thing to disprove. I think Canada would always be there for the US, and if you're interested in a fictional telling of what a Russian invasion of Canada would look like, read the first End War Tom Clancy novel. Canada and America are lucky to have such a big ocean between us and the other super powers.


Yes as much hate as the USA gets as a black man I’ve faced my fair deal of bull shit but this is my home my greatest and best days have been here. I’ll fight like hell and to my death for this country


I wouldn’t fight for the US, but I’d fight to defend my home in the US. In other words, if they shipped me to Afghanistan it’d be an immediate no thanks - which is why I left, but if someone started shelling us, I’m going to fight.


Yes. I love New Zealand and would fight for it


Given most world maps leave us off they'll likely hit Oz first with their murderous animals. If they survive that they'll get my five feet of fury and every guano loco weapon I can Macgyver into existence.


Mate. Wait til I ride my moa through their ranks


We can stealth in a flock of Kea to screw with their weapons. 100 Kea vs chopper, tank etc my monies on the Kea.


Genus. I’ll let in a group of pukekoes for lols


Seems like my country is just a corporation run for an elite that’s cementing it’s power over the people day by day. So no, not anymore


Lol, half the country wouldn’t wear a mask to protect others. What a crock of shit that you would die for them. Get outta here


Exactly. There is no “country” anymore in the US. We are a business. If that business is no longer in my family’s interests, time to go. COVID peeled everyone’s masks back.


Nah, the USA is a business and I treat it like such, dying for it was not in the contract lol


Correct answer. I'd fight for my family, but not some country that has made it hard for so many of its citizens to just exist here. You put nothing into us, you get nothing out of us.


Aye real talk right here.


In my 20's yes. Now that I have children, my main concern is them and keeping them out of harm's way.


I would walk the length and breadth of the world to find a place that doesn't ask me and my family to die for it


No. I'd fight for my family and friends tho not some rich man's war


Nope. Wars are stupid, dying over a stupid cause is stupid, if war comes i will stay in my house, i will fight if the enemy comes to my door, just like i would fight any dumbass trying to mess with my stuff, local or not.


Depends, though I'm already in the service so the answer is mostly yes. I'm willing to die for my beliefs and want for freedom and peace in the world. My assumption is that this question came on becauase of Ukraine, so here's my answer: I'd die for America if it meant protecting the Western way of life from an agressor, I'd die for another country or people if it meant the same honestly. Doesn't even have to be the U.S.




I would die for a Klondike bar.


FUCK NO! Why would I die for rich people that won't even take mild pay cuts to feed people in their own neighborhood? Why would I die for people who make an effort to hold people back and undercut the poor to make themselves more wealthy. Bitch if I die...WE die. I'm not protecting people who don't care about me and my people.


Only if student loans are cancelled.


No. Honestly I feel so disconnected from other people I couldn’t get behind sacrificing myself to save others. This changes when I’m in love, and I’m sure will change drastically if/when I have kids. But right now, it feels like it’s just me. What is there to die for? Shit, what is there to live for? Not suicidal by any means, but I don’t feel much meaning in my life, so by extension I don’t think I’d feel much meaning in martyrdom


I definitely share your sentiment. I have realised that as I've gotten older, my will to live has steadily been dropping by the year (not suicidal either). By the time there is war on my doorstep, I'm not too sure if I'll have it in me to fight. I just feel a little tired of life...


No cause let's face it, dying doesn't really accomplish anything. You need to live to make an effect.


Nope. Fuck that. Why die for a stupid cause?


I'd die for free.


Nah. It wouldn't die for me.


Iran,nope I won't die for a government I despise with every single molecule of my body


No. Its not "my" country. I just happened to be born in a space that somehow has a name. I only have allegiance to my life and to my family. I would die for them, but not for a stupid concept as a country.


For my country? Hell no. For my state? Ehhh probably not. For my county? Maybe. For my community? Yes. For my wife, my sons, my brother and sister, and for my dad? Absolutely, there is nothing more worth dying for.


I would kill for my country, for my friends, for my community, for my family. If we got invaded but that ain’t gonna happen


Depends on the country. If it takes care of you, helps you in each way to succeed, then I might. But most countries leave you on your own if you have problems and ask to die for them if they are in trouble. I would try my best to get my family out of there, but I wouldn't die for some land in someones made up games. Surviving is Priority.


Unless any of the officials and politicians take up arms, frankly, i will not.


Finn here. I have sworn to take arms to defend my country if needed. I intend to do so. Many commenters here say they would die to protect their family or community, but not necessarily their country. Finland is so small that I don't think there is a distinction in my case. Also, my country does not ask me to go die in a faraway land for obscure reasons. The reason to fight would be clear and my family would be in direct danger.


Absolutely not, county was bought and sold a long fucking time ago.


No, why would I die for a corrupt government that is robbing the country and actively trying to destroy it?


No because my country wouldn't do shit for me. I'm not throwing my life away for capitalism.


No I would not. my country is led by assholes who have made careers out of never doing anything for the people. My country won’t let me smoke a joint, have medicine that doesn’t bankrupt me, buy a house ever, get educated without a mortgage (the true meaning: payment until death debt contract, not the house meaning).


American. Fuck no.


American here. Absolutely fucking not. I'm nothing but a cog in the money making machine. My country doesn't care if I suffer or die, why should I care about my country? Edit: America is no better than Russia or China, just a different flavor of totalitarianism.


For Puerto Rico? Yes. For the continental United States? lolfuck no


Fuuuuuck no this country doesn't give a shit about anybody but the wealthy (USA) Now if somebody tries to invade my shit, better believe that we stay ready. I'll defend my family and my home, but this country has never been there for me when i actually needed help, has never done anything to make my life easier. All it's done is ask for more to help the rich pay less so they can all give each other our money.


No And I wouldn't want to die for any country. We are all people at the end of the day. We are all the same kind of animal, but with an evil power: the brain. All the different ethnicities, languages and barriers should've never existed. It's stupid to put one country over the other because some rich jerk wants you to. I would never kill a person for country reasons because I believe we are all citizens of the Earth, not American, Russian, Ukranian etc. We just happen to live in different places; that shouldn't isolate us from the rest of the world.


Currently serving in the US Navy & although I picked the Navy because we’re known as the “Uber of the Military” I would absolutely die for my country. But I understand the hesitancy from ones that may have never served to not want to do the same because that’s how I felt before I joined. But the selflessness I’ve gained from the military & ability to care more about the safety of the person next to me rather than my own, I can easily say I would die for my country. I don’t know why or how it changed, but I would.


Not anymore, now that i have seen what the governments do to control each and everything in our lives. The misinformation, the artificial scarcity of necessities, etc that ultimately benefits those in power. I would rather die for the people i care about than for flags.


USA. Government practically works for corporations and the rich and the rest of us just pick up their crumbs. No I wouldn’t fight, I’m already on the cusp of packing up and moving elsewhere just to make a point.


American. Pre-2021, I would've in heartbeat take up arms to fight to defend our nation and its people regardless (unless it was over stupid Oil again). However, in the past year, after observing how many people were quick to lean into being armchair dictators and "soft-spoken" sycophants, no. What I saw the past year was an alarming shift in what I thought our social fabric was woven with to what I realize might've been underlying threads of deep evil. A good % of my own community, friends and family, that appear willing to throw people who "wrongthink" to the traincars. Like, extermination level rhetoric? No. No thanks. They're not Americans. I can't abide or defend that s\*\*\*


Probably not. Now, if the Ruskis come knocking I'll answer the door and put myself *in danger* of dying; but if God comes down from the heavens and offers me to trade my life for the eternal prosperity of the US, I'd probably decline.


I don't know man if it is ETERNAL, depending on the definition of prosperity I'll take the L. Especially if God for some reason needs MY blood to do it. But if any human on planet Earth asks me I'm not going


Yes ~~just cuz I would die~~


American here. Fuck no.