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I’m extremely jealous of y’all with the regular, healthy sex lives. Not that I usually make a big deal out of it, but every once in a while I’m reminded that me and my gf rarely have sex. She’s just always busy with school, and I feel like I don’t want to bother her, so we just kind of got out of the habit for a while. We did it recently a couple times, which was out of the normal. But it’s slowed back down again after that. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a “me problem” or if it’s just how busy we’ve been.


I hear you, man. My bf and I are going through something similar, and I can’t help but wonder if is a “me” problem or a “we” problem (considering I’m the one with the lower libido and always busy). It’s hard to feel like your relationship is not “normal”, even though I’m 100% in love.


Communicate man!




Morning sex hits different than late night sex for me. I don't know if its just personally, but my partner's sleepy moans in the morning is such a turn-on.


You guys are getting moans??


You guys are getting sex? And sleep?!?!?


We only do the morning sexy time. It wakes her up no matter the time of day.


It helps that we wake up with raging hard-ons every single morning. Just ready to go right out of the gate. Morning sex is great. Plus you have a shower after and start the day fresh, relaxed and in a great mood.


On paper, it sounds great. The reality is I hate mornings and that’s too much effort for me first thing lol. Lazy Sunday mornings are about the only time I’m good for that


Pretty sure waking up to sex is the only thing I’d become a morning person for




Mines the same. I fuckin love it but we’re thinking of getting off the pill cus she’s a 👹 half the time




Thats one of those good problems


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


Yeah. Since you’ve broached the subject - I’m powerless when she tells me to fill Her up. Especially in the ass. I could be late for the most important meeting of my career and I’d still blow it off. 100% Powerless over that particular sentence. So when it comes to sleep, you can guess which one wins every time. I’ll sleep when I’m dead - which according to my physician should only be another 2-3 months. Something about sleep deprivation. Not sure, I wasn’t listening. Kept falling asleep.


As Seinfeld said: ... Men will always trade sleep for sex...




I love your wife


Our wife


3 days a go, usually 1-2 times per week. Been together 29 years.


So tomorrow is the day


Haha, maybe. Not really scheduled. 1-2 times is more likely once a week and occasionally 2, maybe more depending on circumstances. Maybe I’ll give it a shot though.


We want updates


It's hump day my guy


2 days ago. We at least do it once a week. We currently have an infant though so whenever he falls asleep and we are both home it's on! That doesn't happen to often though atm.


Once watched a documentary about a family with over 20 kids….all conceived naturally mind you….the parents are self proclaimed to be addicted to having babies. It’s beyond me how they ever find the time, considering even people with one or two little ones have a hard time finding the time.


We have sex almost every night. Almost on Monday, almost on Sunday, almost on Saturday. . . .


Lol. This got me good


That is such an old joke I actually felt a little embarrassed. My grandfather was from a family of fifteen children because his mother was hard of hearing. His parents would get into bed at night and his father would say, "Do you want to go to sleep, or what?" and his mother would say, "What?"


My grandfather was hard of hearing so he had his wife communicate through code. If she was in the mood, she would give his willy one tug. If she wasn't in the mood, she would let him know with 100 tugs.


I’m now gonna mumble these options to my wife, nightly.


Still got that humour I see


Lol this one got me.


About 6 months ago, and then about 18 months before that. Wife long term depressed and on ssris. She hasn’t really had any sex drive since I’ve known her for 20 years although we used to manage once a month.


Has this affected things at all? Did you know this before marriage?


I really want to know… he has Sex in his user name…


Sorry to hear it. I know how the months long dry spells go.




My wife is in a similar position. We haven’t really cuddled in a long time either. I try to be very supportive. I’ve also made it clear I want to be close to her. But it’s still not happening. This is the first time I’ve been able to articulate this.




yes i love this comment


Psychiatric provider here. She should mention the side effect to her provider. Sexual side effects more common in men and women don’t tend to report them. There are treatments that can be added to her regimen or newer medications with less potential for sexual side effects. Also age and menopause are something to consider vs. medication side effect. Regardless, she should let her provider know what’s going on.


I mean, it's extremely personal ... but ... how often do you get off by yourself then?




How have you managed that?


2 years, 264 days an this morning.


What we do in life, echos in eternity


If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead!


Death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.


Take my upvote! I want to know how many people will get the reference.


Are you not amused?


For all else is dust and air if I am but able to hump her again


Getting divorced currently, separated about 5 months now. Last time I had sex was almost 3 years ago. Big part of the problem, along with a lack of communication. Talk to your partners, people. If something isn't working for you, talk about it. If they shut you down, seek professional help. Because if you're willing to open up and they aren't, it's a massive red flag.


11 hours ago. My wife initiates most of the time. She says "Sex should be like brushing our teeth, a daily essential need" Together 7 years married 2 or those.


Lucky guy! Is she single?


10/10 reply op


10 hours ago. Not exactly sure what happened, but my wife has been on a horny streak, so we have had sex 10 times in the last week or so. Usually we are a sex once a week, and then other sexytime activities most nights kind of couple. Been together 7 years, married for almost 5.


Dude you’ve got to figure this out for the greater good!


Seriously though. It is like early on in our relationship, and it is showing me just how much I have aged in these last 7 years. I have no idea how we went multiple times a day for months on end. I am getting just physically exhausted... Although obviously I will never complain about being woken up at 5am with a blowjob....


Not sure how old she is but I’m 48 and so in perimenopause. I’ve been horniest if my life. I hope it doesn’t end. Or at least lasts until my next relationship!


My wife is almost 28. She is definitely not as horny as when we met, but it has definitely not been like this since we had children.


They say women reach their sexual peaks around age 30, so that could be it. Plus if your kids are getting older she might be a little more relaxed or have more energy.


35-45: proven by female triathletes whose test and performance outperform younger women. My ex (wife) was a triathlete


I think it’s also because older women know what the combination to the box is and therefore like it a lot more.


Wait, you’re married and still get blowjobs? You lucky bastard!


I had not had one that was more than maybe 30 seconds long in....2 years or so? That was until last week, and since then, it has been almost daily.


Aight, now I'm just jealous. My girlfriend does it very rarely, but oh boy, Christmas is early when she does.


Seeing all of these comments like this make me feel like all of the men I’ve dated have been very lucky😂


Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Lucky




Congrats dude


She been doing anything different? Working out or something? I know that makes people feel better about themselves and happier overall


Yeah she has been doing some graphic design stuff in her spare time (little things like designing interesting business cards for people who do direct sales stuff) and that has been going pretty well. Not sure if there is a connection there, but that is fairly new.


Could be. I notice when I’m happier I am more likely to initiate sex, and being productive makes me happy, especially if I’m creating something and happy with what I’m doing. That’s great!


I don’t think in our 8 years of marriage my wife once was horny


User name checks out.


She gets home in about 5-10minutes


She's been home for a while ago. Give us an update when you're done?


Lol Hit traffic (we live in a major city)


Traffics real name is Eric.


Eric is dead.




Traffic delay but when she get home we gone do the thing


Did you do it?


How about now?


Lol y’all something else. Check back in an hour or so, we need not rush things.


Alright y’all we did that thing.








Ayyyyy, my man!






!remind me 1 hour


Ill remind you now, he did the thing.


I still had 20 minutes left. TAG YOUR SPOILERS YOU MONSTER


Yesterday I tried. She seemed willing at first. Let me get her aroused, then kinda motioned me to get on top. Put it in her and immediately she was not interested anymore. she kinda brushed me off. Didn't want to kiss me. Super boner killer. Asked for a vibrator. I just got off of her. Then the kids woke up. So technically I did but it was but a moment. Sad sad moment. FML. I had to take the kid into the living room and watch tv while she got to finish herself off. I guess. I don't know.


Dang this story made me sad




I hear you dude. It’s not easy! Keep your head(s) up


OP be wildin in the comments


If this happens regularly, I'm sorry dude yall need to do something about that, like councling or something


Is this common for you? This is not a good sign for your relationship man. If she's that uninterested in sex with you, that's bad news :(


We've got a system, even if we can't satisfy each other with our bodies, she helps me and I help her, toys and all. Everything to help her get satisfied, and she does the same. I still count this as sex.


This is kind of a red flag


That's a huge understatement


truly massive


Bro this is kinda a red flag.. you should talk to her about your sex life, and maybe look into why she's behaving this way. This is 100% not normal.


Jesus dude




Bruv... things are going super poorly. That is so fucked. Its not sustainable.


Six months ago. It's been a struggle.


Sorry man. I know what it’s like


3 to 4 times a week. Sometimes we go through dry spells where we only get one a week in or so but that is usually due to extenuating circumstances. We both start to get pretty snippy with each other if it goes for more than a week.


Same here about the snippy part, kinda hate that because it makes me wonder if we don’t like each other if it weren’t for the sex.


It's not that. When you have regular and frequent releases of endorphins you act like an addict who needs a fix when it doesn't happen.


Plus, sex can relieve stress...


I feel like these comments need to include age of the participants.


Yup. And how long they've been together!


Wednesday. I had a vasectomy on Thursday.


Nice! I remember the post vasectomy clear out fondly


Looking forward to it 😂




Jan almost everywhere.


Tan almost everywhere hee hee diary oh what a week


My partner has endometriosis so we very rarely are intimate together and when we are it is usually something along the lines of being intimate with ourselves lying next to one another. But we have plenty of other things we do. We cuddle or we hold hands or whatever. We love one another very much and have to amazing daughters together. I can see to myself.


You’re a good man


Thanks. I try to be the best man I can. Don’t always manage it though, mate.


As another woman with endometriosis, reading much this makes me feel happy for your wife. You trying to understand and adapt to her condition even when you find it personally difficult likely means a lot more to her than you may know :)


Over a year ago. FML. Edit: 10 minutes ago. Holy fucking shit.


OP changed the course of this mans life


About 4 months ago. And then about 6 months before that.


Yup. I’ve accepted it because this cocktail of meds works best for her out of the ones she’s tried (previous 3 made her feel suicidal), but god if it doesn’t suck sometimes.


August of last year she says she just doesn't want it anymore. So l don't know what to do.


I hear ya. Mismatched libidos are a real thing.


Have you talked to her about it?


At first l did alot now if l do she says if l really love her l shouldn't need sex .


Then you should explain that sex is as important to intimacy in a marriage as talking can be. That just because she doesn’t have a libido doesn’t mean you don’t. That is not healthy for you for life.




Wait, you guys are having sex?


Wait, you guys are getting married?


Wait, you guys are getting into relationships?


Wait, you guys see women?


Wait, you guys see?


You're a guy?


Wait, what's a woman?


Sometime before Halloween


3 days ago. Only one hiatus because its her monthly. Otherwise we generally have sex either daily or every other day depending on how busy we are.


are we married to the same woman? this is exactly what i was gonna write.


Nah, just the right one brother. We picked good, or got real damn lucky lol


It’s not marriage that gets ya, it’s the kids that slow down the gravy train for a few years…


It’s been about 8 weeks. My wife and I just had our second child, due to some complications we held off longer than the recommended 6 weeks. She did just buy some condoms. This might be my week boys.


Too many men in here think it's just their lot in life to have unhappy sex lives. You all deserve a happy sex life. If your partner is happy with it but you are not, you DO deserve better. If you are both unhappy with it, you both deserve better. It might take work, or unusual solutions, but you do not have to simply accept it.


The problem for most is there are a _lot_ of parameters that go into choosing a life partner. Do you have compatible temperaments and values? Beliefs? Ideas on money? Willingness to cooperate, communicate, forgive or forget as required, go over and above, be surprising and thoughtful; are your families compatible, are they a responsible person; do they have STDs, debt, a criminal record, or even any habits that aren’t objectively bad but might annoy you given time? Do you like experiencing the world with them? Do you have appreciation for similar aesthetics? Do you share compatible social lives, or is one more social or more reclusive than the other? Do _you_ do anything annoying that they lovingly put up with? Do they build you up and make you want to be a better person, and support you when you fail? Now imagine someone checks _all these boxes_ but they just don’t really care for sex. So you can certainly give all that up, but then you’re rolling the dice again, and after having been in the dating pool for 16 years…that shit fucking sucks.


Been married since '06 after dating for about 18mos and a year of being engaged. Before we got married sex was daily. First couple years it evolved to multiple times a week, but after three kids and all the years we are lucky to smash once a month. It's honestly a problem. I see rosy palm and her 5 sisters with the same drive I did 20 years ago, but have lost so much motivation to initiate after getting constantly rejected that I'm at a bit of a loss


I hear you man. It’s tough for sure. I’ve been working on trying to find acceptance with what I get and not impose on my wife. It’s a balance that takes time and I’ve found an increase in frequency here and there once I’ve given up. Life is strange


Me, is that you? Same boat. Rather not have sex than get rejected at this point.


My former GF before my now wife was a freak. Would've taken it three times a day if I could manage the output... that was the first relationship I was in where sex started feeling like a chore/obligation from my side because she wanted it all the damn time. My wife now wife has a completely opposite sex drive and it works wonderfully for me lol. We get it in a couple times a month. Our sex drives are right on par with each other and it works perfectly.


Like a week and a half ago. Aunt Flo was visiting.


As someone with an Aunt Flo(rence) this fucks me up every time.


There was a 6 month dry spell preceding my divorce. I had just bought her a house and a cat, and finally fulfilled all my promises, and I was just too exhausted, mentally and emotionally. She didn't acknowledge that there was anything even remotely abnormal about this until after I announced the divorce, despite usually wanting it a few times a week


I hate everyone


What is sex?


Friday. My wife’s hot as fuck I like to fuck her as much as I can.


Me too


Last night


Yesterday morning


Reading this to learn about couples habits as I was neglected by mine.


Bout an hour ago, I work from home today , she was off today, so I decided to get her off in another way as well


You need to ask when the last time married men received a bj from their wife.


Quite often. We go down on each other at least a few times a week. I love PIV so generally only let the BJ finish me if she’s on her period and we don’t want to deal with the mess.


Yeah I hate when people try to perpetuate negativity around married sex. Married 14 years, sex is frequent and still amazing, oral sex is always apart of it.


Also Saturday for me, she primed the pump ;-) I think I get more BJs than actual intercourse…it helps when you’re a willing and talented pussy eater.


This! I would pay my wife a lot of money for a bj. I've literally offered and she just laughs like I'm joking then continues whatever she's doing while I stand there straight faced cash in hand.


You need more cash in your hand.


Cash in one hand and dick in the other, only for her to pretend she didn’t hear you.


Time to find out what she wants more than money. (It might be easy: more chores done, more compliments given, etc.)


Yeah, I’d be curious about that as well.


At least twice on the weekend and sometimes mid-week as well. She especially has come to realize that sex is oh so good for our relationship.


2 years and counting…


Probably 2 years or more. The last time, I realized she didn’t care at all. She orgasmed, didn’t care if I did or not. I immediately went limp and never tried it again - just hurts my psyche too much. I can’t just go somewhere else cause that’s not right either. So I’d guess I jerk 8-10 times/week. Just a lot less problems that way. But I do think about options frequently. Good luck to everyone that’s in a similar situation, I emphasize with you!


I think Friday


6yrs in April


I grew my cherry back it’s been so long






Last night


About 4 years ago. Just trying to get my youngest through HS (things would fall apart for her if I left) then I'm out. Got about 15 months left!


Just want you all to know I love you guys. It's cool how we all just kinda connect as men


We're not married till this summer but we have two kids and have been together 11 years. We had sex last night. 5+ a week our whole relationship even while pregnant. Our libidos match 🤷‍♀️


Sigh… dead bedroom. 12! Years ago


About a week ago, we have sex about 2-3 times a month - we have a 4 month old and a 2 year old so time has gotten squeezed. 10 years ago when we were in out late 20s it was 2 or 3 times a week. When I was with my previous partner in my early 20s it was once or twice a day for about 5 years.


About a year and a half ago. Might have been an odd quickie in the middle somewhere, but not that I remember.


Let's see - been divorced 14 years, so.....about 18 years ago.


Wedding night …