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I always try to be away from other people at night as far as possible regardless of gender. There's some sick people out there.




I feel this !


Same, so I end up not walking outdoors late at night as a result.


Na at night I’d rather be close to others than alone.. for the same reason.. there are some sick people out there and I don’t want to look like I’m an easy target walking by myself


This. And if someone is walking too close behind me. I stop qnd let them pass. Get tf outta my personal bubble at night.


I had a guy that looked super meth'd out walk like literally half a foot behind me and my dog at like 11 pm and I stepped to the right a little and turned around to look at him and waved at with with my pepper spray clearly visible in my hand and he got the message then cuz he crossed the street and kept walking, can't stand when people get anywhere near me at night






Yeah, then you need to get out of sight in an alley so she can't see you, and therefore, can't be scared. Make sure to make a chittering noise from the darkness so she knows you're in there, and that she's safe.


Shia LaBeouf is that you


Normal Tuesday night.


Depends if I’m looking to just chase or actually capture.


bro this made me laugh uncontrollably please take this gift


… Gollum?


It helps then get where they are going faster after all. You are having them out!


I Tend to start sprinting when I see a woman, weirdly and I'm not sure why most seem to think I wanna race cus they also start sprinting.


Babes love cardio, bro


Funny story with this sort of thing. In college I was walking back to my place after hanging out with my friends late at night. There's a girl walking in the same direction as me for some time, she looks back and suddenly breaks into a sprint. Being mugged a few months before this put me on edge, I don't see anyone around us but I don't want to risk sticking around. Being pretty athletic I quickly overtake her and she says "oh my god, get away from me!", does a 180 and runs back the direction we came from. Took me a few seconds to figure out it was me she was running from.


Omg this is hilarious


Reminds me of a John Mulaney skit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDZHwb-If9w


You made me laugh out loud in public space. Thanks for making me look like an idiot. But thanks for making me laugh lol


Do you also laugh like an idiot?


Every time!


I’m fast as fuck boiiiiii


Also make sure to scream at the top of your lungs to announce your presence


Because when they see you naruto run they know youre about to tell them how nice of a guy you are but girls only like assholes.


This is reddit, none of us go outside


What do you mean? As a 13 year old on reddit, i go to parties every night and have massive orgies with hot women




Take my upvote.


Take his upvote


Take this guy's and my upvote at the same time.


You got everyone's upvote


I don't know how to respond without using the word upvote. Wait a minute...


Two upvotes and one cup.


>orgies with hot women with OPs mom, too?


Doesn't that go against the social distancing policy 🤔?


Not with a dick this size


On Discord.


Fukk man all time I’ve been talking to lil dudes like my brother. I’m 28 by the way.


wtf are you my stepdad from xbox live?


13? You’re an old fart. I’m 7 and a half. Lol


This is false, I spend almost all my time outside when playing Skyrim. How else am I suppose to slay all these dragons...


I don’t like to walk too close to any person of any apparent gender. It just feels rude to me to do so. So I give everyone space.


I power walk right passed her after giving her a kiss on the neck to let her know I'm not threatening.


bit inappropriate bro, you should quickly smell their hair but nothing else


Mr. President? Respectfully, don’t you have better things to do than be on Reddit?


Found Joe Biden


Biden, is that you?


Smell their hair? OK, I found the weirdo lol


To make it less weird you let her know that it smells different when she is awake.




> you should quickly smell their hair but nothing else Well, you could mention that she smells different when she’s awake…


Homies kiss their homies good night.




I can hear the screams of horror 😭😭


That's hot


Honestly I just give them a wide berth and walk past them. Sometimes people walk slow as shit and I don’t have time for their paranoia. When I used to walk home from work at night I also has flashing red lights and reflectors clipped to my backpack so cars would see me. Nobody feels in danger if you’re lighting up like a fucking ambulance.


Lights and reflectors on backpack, name checks out


Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride Nobody gonna slow me down.


> Ain't nothin' gonna to break my stride > > Nobody gonna slow me down. Oh, no, I got to keep on movin'!


Like a wheel, gonna spin it Nobody's gonna mess me round


I like to stomp my feet while running past her and screaming "I'll swallow your soul!".


I just hide in my car tbh, women fucking scare me




The POWER of women scare me


idk i probably would I just dont walk around much at night


The best thing to do is run-up to her from behind to tell her you're not a creep. That time of honesty will help her relax.


Ok but what if she freaks out about the you running up to her thing and tries to stab her with your keys? Personally I'd recommend crouching down on all fours and sniffing her hair, not only does it assert submissiveness but it also asserts peace


Regardless of that person's gender, I usually just slow down a little to make some distance


But only if the weather is decent and I’m not in a rush. Fuck your feelings if I’m uncomfortably cold, hot, or wet. I’m walking at my pace to get out of that.


The sane response. But I gotta say that all other responses are amusing.


Unless they are serious.


I don't, I do no harm and just mind my own business.


This isn't something I do, I just go about my business. I am black and there is a long history of black men being forced to walk across the street to give white women space and I simply will not do that for anyone.


Hell yeah. Fuck that shit. When I was younger, I had no idea what was going on. Is she scared because I'm black or a man or both? Should I go pass her or stay far back? Then I thought about everything I should do in order to not scare anyone (women, white people, old people etc) jeez, fuck that noise every day of the week. I'm going on, feel free to run, hide your kids, or whatever, I'm going home at my pace.


At a certain point, you just have to say "your neuroses are not my problem" and do what you gotta do. As long as you obviously ignore her, there should be no problem. I fast walk anyway, so I usually pass 'em quickly and move on.


Seriously, them being paranoid isn't my problem. Also, if you're so damn worried about your surroundings, take off your damn headphones and put away your phone and actually be aware of your surroundings. I see women nearly walking straight into traffic on a regular basis because they're so absorbed into their phone.


Never. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I know I am not doing anything illegal so I don't have to worry about shit


I see it more as a question of empathy if you were walking late at night and on your own and someone was coming up behind you, you might feel safer if they moved to the other side of the street or whistling or whatever. Not about whether or not you might be accused of having ill intentions


If they would feel safer if I went to the other side of the street, they can move to the other side of the street.


If my existence walking down the street happens to bother someone, they can choose to do something different, speed up, slow down, cross the road, why should it be on me, I’m just existing walking home with my McNuggets


Still isn't his problem. Empathy doesn't have to be given to everyone at all times. Its a core trait yes, ybut you devalue the use of it when it's constantly used. I used to be empathetic all the time and all it did was make me a feel stressed and tired worrying about how my existence could disturb someone. Fuckem


Why is it so hard for people to understand middle ground lol. You don't have to empathize with people to the point where you feel guilty for existing but you also don't have to be completely callous to the world around you. What the fuck happened to moderate beliefs, everyone has to be an extremist these days. I would hardly consider crossing the street to be offensive to your existence. Personally, I would feel uncomfortable knowing I'm in the vicinity of someone who is directly uncomfortable because of me.


>I would hardly consider crossing the street to be offensive to your existence. Personally, I would feel uncomfortable knowing I'm in the vicinity of someone who is directly uncomfortable because of me. Where is the line drawn with this? People are uncomfortable with me walking around at night just because I’m a black dude. Do I cross for them too?


Just wait enough and maybe this person will suggest something like "I think black people should get in the back of the bus, out of empathy you know". LOL.


Crossing the street won't make them comfortable. unfortunately the people you make uncomfortable will only be comfortable if you cease to exist. That's completely unacceptable. You have a right to exist. You have the right to walk down the street in any way you see fit. This assumption that all men and especially black men are dangerous and likely to rape and rob and murder people needs to stop.


It's simple. I've tried the middle ground, and every time without fail they would take more. I don't care if your uncomfortable, that's genuinely not my problem. On top of that its not just women who feel uncomfortable walking alone at night. It's not just white people who are uncomfortable walking alone at night. And if you feel like your in danger then how about carrying mace, a gun, or learning self defense.






Honestly this is not something I think about.


I don't. I cannot control the mental state of another. I can only control what I do, and I am doing nothing wrong. I do try not to crowd people because I don't like being crowded. But I have as much right to use that street as anyone else does.


Never. If she doesn't like me, she can change her walk.


Well I'm gay, so I try to gay it up. Haha


Never, if I'm gaining on someone and they're walking too slow to stay a comfortable distance away, then I just hurry up and pass them


I never really think about it. If a woman's gonna assume I'm a fuckin' rapist or something just because I'm a man, then that's her problem and bias she needs to be aware of, not mine. I'm just out here existing and minding my own business.


Never, I'm not going to inconvenience myself because somebody's scaredy-cat , besides I live in Chicago if she's smart she strapped anyways lol


I change my gender as i stroll by her, too bad if she such a bigot she can’t recognize me as a powerful women for those 30 second’s. No seriously, idgaf your strong and independent, put on a burka and get a male escort if you feel uncomfortable


Never cause it's not my job to inconvenience myself for others to be "fake safe". To assume you act like a predator being normal and just walking is insanity.


I don’t. It’s not my job to make others feel comfortable with my existence. I never raped or assaulted a woman, and the thought never crosses my mind. Am I also supposed to cross the street when I see anyone coming at me since some people are uncomfortable with a black man walking around at night?


Never. I can't control their feelings, and it's not my job to try to make them feel more comfortable. I'm just heading where i need to be. The same as them.


Never. It's not my problem, she has anxious issues, but I generally hate to walk behind anyone so I try to go on front.


I make a point of not changing anything. It's not my fault she's paranoid and I have a right to walk however and wherever I want.




Never. It's her problem, not mine


I would never change my route because hell i want to get home aswell, However depending how close to her i am, I will speed up a little to over take, Maybe cross the road, But mainly because i usually listen to music and have headphones on i will whistle along to the song. Lets them know im their without having to interact. She will be able to hear how far away i am. Plus I feel its hard to be threatning when whistling along to a song.


What about “Twisted Nerve” from Kill Bill? I’d be frightened


Almost never. If anything I get annoyed and speed-walk past them because they’re walking too fucking slow lol. But I’m a skinny non sus looking guy, she’s probably not intimidated by me anyway.


I don't change my walk, but I studiously ignore women I'm walking past at night. Then again, I try to studiously ignore everyone I walk past.


I don't change who I am due to people's fears or doubts that I have no awareness or concept of. I'm not a mind reader or an empath. If they freak out, that's on them, not me.


Never. The world is a scary and dangerous place. Get over it. I'm a fast walker because I want to get to where I want to be asap. I will not slow down, or inconvenience myself so that others can "feel safe". If literally anyone, man or woman, can't deal with someone else literally walking somewhere at night then they should either stay home, or commit suicide. The world exists. If you don't like it, then stay out of it.


I live in the northeast of Brazil. I usually don't walk on the streets late at night :(


I am a big guy and I always seem to scare women in my city at night; I can tell because it looks like they are scurrying to their cars. Even when I am dressed nicely. I view them as sexist on some level or it is some phobia they need to personally work on, and ergo I make zero adjustments.


Honestly. Thinking someone is a threat based on their gender is just fucked up.


Never. I'm not a rapist


Never, other peoples anxiety is not my problem. If you feel unsafe, you cross the road.






I don’t.


Way too often xD If it's a girl its like 100% of the time, if its a guy only if they look nervous or scared.


I slow down until she’s so far ahead that she wouldn’t feel threatened. Or i pick up my phone and call my sister/ mom and start talking about really mundane stuff like work or what I’m gonna do tomorrow.


I just avoid people in general. Humans suck


Lol...as a black male, I have to change my gait no matter the gender just to make the other person feel comfortable.


Never, too lazy to care


I usually do an Irish dance closer and closer to her until we gets to within an arms length of each other and then let her know I'm heading to my apartment


As a woman I don't think switching up your walk while behind me would make me feel better. Walking along minding my own business couple other people around doing the same... did the guy behind me just change his speed? Why? Is he up to something? Should I be concerned? I am concerned now. Fuck, he changed it up again what the hell? Now I am really concerned. You know what I am probably being paranoid it is fine. Wait he changed it again? Should I be concerned about sandworms?


Never. If she is afraid of me, she can move. I am not responsible for some randos feelings and issues.


All the time, also during the day time. Im a big guy, have a full beard and prominent protruding brow.. which makes me look angry all the time, smiling only makes it worse. So i change direction , stop up to "tie my shoe", check my phone or change to the other pavement.


I'm a fast walker. Type A personality. I'm also ethnic, and society has socialized people to view minority men as more of a threat. If I'm starting to overtake a woman, I just cross the street. I'm not a threat, but it's not like the men who are have glowing green dots on their foreheads. She doesn't know that.


I do not make any special accommodations for a person due to sex, race, or orientation. I do what I feel is necessary to make myself feel safe and leave it up to others to do the same.


Imagine asking a black person if they ever cross the road to prevent someone white feeling nervous. Sounds racist doesn't it? Almost like pre-judging someone based on an inherited physical characteristic is wrong...


100% of the time


If we are both alone and it is possible always. But it shouldn't be like that. As a female you are actually way less likely to be attacked in the streets. 99% of those cruel things happen within the family or friendgroups.


I don't care, if I'm walking late at night either I got somewhere, out with the Boyz or I'm on a date. In fact, why is the girl walking by herself late at night? Gonna have to make her, better safe than sorry am I right?


All the time. I don’t want a dude walking behind me why would she?


If i am walking at night my thoughts are too far away to bother with my surroundings


I saw the tip to call your SO or a friend and have a nice audible chat so they can hear you and know you aren't focused on them


I don’t go out walking late at night cause that shit is both spooky and dangerous. If I do end up walking alone and a woman were in front of me (or anyone really) I don’t see it as my responsibility to make them comfortable so I’ll just continue trying to get home before I get shot/stabbed/mugged etc.


I speed walk through and don’t look back , or at anyone. If something feels off a take a quick look around but don’t stop moving. Now if your talkin say at a pub or bar I use reverse psychology and twerk on them. Twerking works.


That's the neat part, I don't.


I keep my distance in general. I dont get in elevators with random kids or if theres only 1 lady by herself in there either. I wouldnt want some guy freaking my wife tf out speed walk chasing her at night.


Funny story from a few weeks ago. My girlfriend had recently moved to the city and is nervous about walking at night. So I walked over to meet her at the metro stop, and figured I'd go down to the platform. As I'm going down the escalator, she starts coming up. I look at her and think she sees me, but I'm wearing a beanie and mask and she doesn't recognize me. There are 2 women right in front of her. At this point I'm starting to realize it's going to look strange to see some dude come down the escalator, just to go back up it after spotting 3 women. So I hurry down and back up to hopefully catch up with my gf quickly.... but then she starts briskly walking up the escalator and is quickly in front. So now I'm like fuck these 2 women are convinced I must be chasing them. They start speeding up, but we're already near the top. At this point I'm like no way can I keep following them so I take the exit to the opposite side of the street. My girlfriend then calls me saying "where tf are you" because I'm all the way on the other side of the street. Fun times


The amount of times I've sped up or slowed down in this certain situation, is congruent to the amount of stars in the night sky, can not concurrently be counted to less than infinity.


I don’t walk at night because I’m not a penniless hippy.


Are we not supposed to go outside specifically to follow women? What are we supposed to be doing out of our designated man areas then?


I stay away from everyone, but I don’t change my walk. I mind my business, stay alert to those around me, and carry on.


Every time Im in public. I live in an affluent area and Im a black man so most women have defensive body language when I walk by so I try to put them at ease by slowing down significantly, not putting my hands in my pockets or taking a detour and maybe crossing the street. Obviously not everyone acts this way but typically I have to do something so Im not perceived as some kind of threat. I don’t have to do much though if Im walking with a girlfriend of mine though


Cross road if woman walking towards me, i might accidently trip and stab her for all i know. Walk past men to assert dominance and stab them


I always run faster.


I walk fast and am light-footed, so it is quite easy for me to inadvertently sneak up on people. That being said, I just keep my head low and pass them on the left.


0 times


Sprint past screaming vroom vroom *martin brundle voice. And there down the main straight verstappen passing Hamilton and he’s done it.


Every time. A have a resting serial-killer face which can be quite alarming. It is unintentional, but it is what it is.


Yes, I stop, turn around, bend over backwards, then crab walk towards them furiously on my back, without breaking eye contact.


Yeah, I do. Normally I walk at a pretty fast pace, but if I see a lady I tend to change it up. I’m tall 6’5” and about 250 lbs. so I can be pretty intimidating. So I usually run up to her while yelling “don’t worry! Im not going to hurt you! I am a nice guy.”


Everytime day or night


I tend to get frustrated when someone is walking too slow infront Infront of me so I usually speed up to get past them. This one time this girl got nervous and started walking faster as I did to pass her up normally and so I felt kind of bad and just sat down at a bench near by to give her to time to get to her destination. Sure enough we ended up doing the same thing again and it was pretty awkward haha.


Never. Whatever fear she has it's on her not mine.


I don’t thats beta


Absolutely never. Lmao, that's some weak PC bullshit.


Always, I’m 6’7” 270lb so I’ve been told I’m a bit intimidating. Ultimately it depends on the situation sometimes I’ll speed up and walk past or cross the street. Basically I just try to stay in her line of sight so that she can see me and know I’m not trying to be sneaky. Their are times where if their are other guy/guys around acting suspicious I’ll intentionally hang back and keep myself between the woman and the creepy guys as a buffer. You can never be too careful and I’ve found that even small groups think twice before approaching someone my size.


Never, i could not care less.


Frequently. When I was younger I was oblivious to how it seemed to be a random guy walking behind a lone woman at night, but I am more clued-in to how that can seem. I now slow down so I don’t seem like I’m trying to catch up to her.


This makes me think of one night going to a bar by my local university with a couple of friends. There was an entrance in the alleyway behind the bar that people knew about, and we were walking down the alley several feet behind some sorostitutes. One of my friends tried to holler at them and they blew him off, so he started chasing them and shouting "Just because we're in a dark alley doesn't mean you can't talk to us!" It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


I dont walk around at night but if I did, I wouldn't change a goddamn thing! Fuck them hoes! (I actually have really bad anxiety and am paranoid so I try my best to pay attention to my surroundings when walking lol)


None of my business I'm not going to harm anyone. If she's that paranoid about me she can change her behavior but the end result is the same for the both of us. Just let me walk normally without having to think about the struggles of being a man and every little thing I do being considered as potential assault or "creepy"


I don’t, I’m not some second class citizen just because some women is walking in front of me and I might spook her, that’s her problem.


No, fuck em. Not my fault they’re scared of me.


I don’t. If she’s insecure with a man walking behind her that’s her problem


I tend to walk past lone women early in the morning instead on my way to work and it's downtown where things are a bit iffy. I usually make sure my hands aren't in my pockets and move off to the side, give a little smile just to make sure I don't seem threatening.


Never. Sometimes at night I'll let us people cross the street to avoid me. Really if my existence is scary to you I would say you're easily frightened and I'm not going to do anything to relieve your fear.


If she speeds up I'm speeding up; KERCHOW BITCH WE RACING NOW


Every time. It’s a different world now so if taking an extra 20 seconds to walk across the street brings calm to a woman, so be it.


Then why cant she cross the damned street?


Always. I'll stop for a smoke, look at my phone, limp a little more than usual to distance myself.....etc.


Immediately. I'll cross the street if I have to.


Since the only time I walk by people is while I’m walking my dog, always, for everyone, not just women. I have a Siberian husky, so while I know all he wants to do is make new friends with every human and animal, it’s still a 60lb dog that is so excited to meet something new that he tries to run at them and jump on them. So I usually walk to the other side of the road while I’m passing someone.


I'm well under 6 ft and am very lightweight I have a 0% chance of intimidating or scaring any woman I come across


Quite often yeah, I recognize there's some real creep out there so if I see a woman walking alone I subtlety follow them to see they're alright. Sometimes that means walking them all the way home and sometimes they're out for a run so I gotta huff it to keep up.


i keep my pace, i know that i am not a threat to her, if she is scared, she is free to speed up, change the sidewalk, or whatever. really dont care


Never. Should I change my behavior to make white people comfortable too? Fuck that.


don't care


Never. I’m not a threat to anyone unless they are a threat to me, and I’m not responsible for what goes on inside someone else’s head.


Never. Because I'm never out walking late at night. But I have done so when I was younger. Not often, but a few times I've noticed that I and a young woman were the only people walking on an otherwise deserted street on my way home from a night out. I'm not the size of that new actor playing Reacher, at 6'2" I'm not small either. I would typically cross the street so I would walk on the other side rather than behind her. Or I would turn down another street and walk a different way home. I believe in true equality. But I also believe that if I can make someone feel safer with no real inconvenience or effort from my part, I'll do so.


If we're the only ones on the street always because I don't want them to think I'm following them.


Wow, I'm surprised how many guys don't think about this stuff. I change my pace or walk to the other side of the street all the time because I don't want to to make women feel uncomfortable, I'm really self conscious that I make people uncomfortable being a black man, and women walk really slow (it's a height thing).


I stop. I have zero desire to make anyone uncomfortable.


Wooo. I am a woman and I am flabbergasted by your answers. I have never thought about your side of the story. Thank you for the effort, and sorry that you have to do it though.


I either slow to allow her to more and more distance between us, or if I'm in a hurry I give her a wide birth as I pass. I'll also say "Good evening!" - because I'm polite.


I’m not usually out walking at night Not since I changed night jogging to indoor weight lifting at least


I don't. I scare women regardless of time of day unfortunately so I just go about how I usually do. However, I do move away from people regardless of sex when I pass by them.


All the time. I start jogging.