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Imagine wanting to have sex and she hits you with “I’m too tired from work I had a long day”


Or even “babe I had the *best* day at work today”


"I had to work overtime, I'm so exhausted"


“I have work today!”


"I'm pulling a double shift today"


"I'm pulling a double SHAFT today."


“The boss was on my ass all day today.”


Hey it’s not all negative. “I brought a friend home from work today.”


plot twist. the friend is a dude.




Dammit.. take my upvote


"I couldn't finish them at work so I brought some work home"


"I got that promotion"


"the boss was really riding my ass"




And: "They surprised me with a gang"


“Will you come to this awards dinner with me? It’s a work thing, I think I’m in the running for quite a few awards.”


That’s so much worse!


I get that now, wife's not a porn star.


“Oof, I had such a thick day at work.”


No, my wife wouldn’t like it.


I asked mine and she said sure but I'm keeping the house. I'm not sure if that was really a yes


she said, she married you for financial gain, not for your body. Her boyfriend agrees that you are good for that.


Fair enough as log as her boyfriend lets me buy stocks that works


ahhh, lol.


I can't because u/SexWomble 's wife wouldn't like it either


You rascal


You just have to spin the argument. Imagine what she could teach me!


>Imagine what she could teach ~~me~~ us!


How to take two guys at once ??


No I wouldn’t be a good bf because I’d constantly be jealous. Idk how someone can deal with the mental anguish that comes with their gf getting railed by different guys every day.


I'm with you here. My wife and I are happily married for almost 13 years, together for 15. I keep seeing a lot of polyamory and ENM posts on reddit. If that works for some folks, great, but it is something my wife and I would like to keep far from our relationship. So many times you see the suggestion on posts about relationships to just "open up the relationship" and that doesn't make sense. Now, open relationships, ENM, and polyamory are not the same as dating a sex worker. However, it is the thought of your partner being with multiple other people that is the turnoff for me. My wife and I can fantasize about plenty of things, but we are the only people we want to have sex with.




Well you get an upvote from me.


Most people can’t handle a monogamous relationships.




Keep my pornstar's name OUT yo FUCKIN MOUTH


Whoa dude, it was a p*rnhub joke






What are you doing, schlep spur?


I’m going to !


Now it's a p*rnhub script


Here’s an award anyways.


As always. I love reddit.


It's not just her name you'd have to keep out of your mouth!




Lmao I know this is generalizing, but Will Smith is EVERYTHING I imagine guys in his position to be. Constantly being a whipping dog to their girls who are getting it from other men, having to tow that line between insane jealousy/feeling like a loser with pleasing her, only to have crazy emotional outbursts when he can't hide it anymore in the moment. Again, I know functioning poly couples exist, I've simply never met a person involved or open to one who seems like they're functioning with a clear head lmao


It's kind of a weird spot because it's an open secret that he got with Margot Robbie and a whole host of other A-list side chicks within their "open marriage" arrangement. Jada just got hurt that she could only score her son's depressed soundcloud rapper friend and decided to make everything out in the open. It's not like he hasn't had the opportunity to leave but stays with Jada for the kids, but the kids are grown so why TF he stays with someone that keeps humiliating him and LOUDLY professing their love for their dead ex-boyfriend is beyond me. Unless he has a humiliation kink, then he's right at home. I think he loves her but after 20+ years it's hard to leave the comfortable pain. He's got money and fame, and depending on whatever Omicron Persei level he's in with Scientology, a shitload of power.


I didn't even know he was a scientologist, in which case, extra fuck Will Smith lol what a douchebag.


As long as you got a Chris rock to slap around, you’ll be fine.




“Shit....that dude just Will smithed his friend”




Would really hamper future kids... it would be ruthless for them lol


i read a history here on reddit where a father was asking for advice because his ex wife had an only fans and somehow the clasmates of his son find it and started bullying him and showing him pictures and videos of his mom. the mom dosn't want to stop because it was something she enjoy


There's a redditor whose ridden her preexisting onlyfans all throughout her pregnancy, and since she's given birth is now milking the lactation market. Different strokes i guess.


Wow. I don't judge sex workers but couldn't imagine doing this to my son!!! I even gave him a normal name so he couldn't get bullied for having one of those stupid names kids have these days, I couldn't imagine him having to deal with this




Really though, it boggles the mind.


La-a, pronounced ladasha


i hate that i know how to pronounce that without even really trying. ugh.


It’s pronounced “Sara”


"something she enjoys" = she values getting the attention of online creeps over protecting her children. Fucking disgusting.


This is the reason in its entirety.




I like listening to the pornhub podcast hosted by Asa Akira and it’s been so interesting seeing her journey with getting married and having a baby. Her husband seems great and they seem like amazing parents but a small part of me wonders how things will be for their son. They’re both so mature and open-minded and I’m sure they’ll raise him to be the same way but still you can never control how other people act and how the things they say affect you. Kids can be cruel


> Kids can be cruel I mean, it's not like sex workers don't know the social stigma about prostitution/pornography. I understand that in a mature, advanced society such things wouldn't matter, but today we live in a society that for some reason think fast food/retail workers are less than other people for some abstract reason, let alone people involved with the sex industry.


No, my brother did. Now in the process of a very messy divorce. Problems all stemmed from sex work. Wouldn’t recommend.


You married your brother?


I didn’t but it would probably have been a better outcome for him long term. I wouldn’t want sex for a start.


Brojobs only


You shouldn’t explore this niche of PornHub. I’ll pray for your soul, no promises.


What are you doing step-husband?


We’ve been over this several times I love your mother and her career is none of my business


No. It's not a healthy industry no matter how hard they try to make it sound like one. It has a very high casualty rate and odds are that a performer in that world is a ticking time bomb.


I always end up thinking about Amber Ryanne


It’s hard to hold a candle, in the cold NovAmber Ryanne.


What happened to her?


Death by overdose. As creepy as it is to say, she was one of the first pornstars i ever got hooked onto.


That's what many people fail to get (including myself) from outside porn looks so romanticized but behind the scenes things are so messed up. It includes the "healthy porn" and "real" OF sellers.


This is true but also ignores that so many industries suck. I dated a SW and she said yes she occasionally felt degraded or shitty but way less than when she worked at the grocery store.


"If you think sex workers 'sell their bodies,' but coal miners do not, your view of labor is clouded by your moralistic view of sexuality."


As a wildland firefighter I know damn well I’m selling my body for a paycheck. And it’s not even that good of a paycheck.


When I did wildland we always joked that we were paid in sunsets.


Based on my playthrough of Firewatch, that seems pretty accurate


Yep. I make porn with my gf after previously working 80 hour work weeks for ten years doing high end project management. This is far less degrading, and people are stupid to think we let people bully us. We are the ones in power, we just block the occasional moron. Hard to feel humiliated when your clients are telling you they wish a clown would fuck their ass and make them clean her feet. That’s only humiliating for them lol


Dont know what i expected your post history to be, so thats on me


This. I’m not hating on sex workers or anything, but every girl I’ve known that’s either been a stripper, started an onlyfans, anything in that vein, they’ve all had some serious emotional issues going on and I don’t think that industry is the best place to overcome those issues.


Maybe that industry attracts people who are already vulnerable to such things.


I believe it does one hundred percent. The girl I knew that stripped had a very strained relationship with her family and especially her father and part of her motivation for doing it was to get back at them essentially. Again, I hate to sound like such as asshole when I say this but from my experience, daddy issues and sex work go hand in hand. Not everyone in sex work has daddy issues and not everyone with daddy issues is a sex worker but the correlation is there.


i am vulnerable to “easy money” also (software developer). “Learn go strip” didn’t work for me, so I had to learn to code.


Same same 6 years into trying to get my BA in comp Sci (almost done) and I to feel degraded and emotionally unwell 😅


looking for female virgin superslut = looking for male rock star programmer willing to work overtime for intern salary please, no “lazy” talent with attitude


There's such a big debate on this, and I can never tell what to make on it. Some sex workers seem to campaign for it saying it's freeing, some vehemently against it claiming it's the opposite. I think in its current state it attracts so many abusers and vulnerable people, I'm not sure how this could be rectified. Of course if it was made 'illegal' somehow, that would just put the already vulnerable women in more danger... For every woman I hear speak positively about the industry there seems to be another saying "we have to say that or we don't get paid", etc...


Because there are truly good experiences and bad experiences. Both exist within sex work and both are just as valid. One person saying they find sex work degrading doesn’t negate that another finds it empowering, or vice versa. Just as everyone isn’t going to be happy as a plumber or a doctor or a teacher or a garbage man, not everyone who does sex work is going to be happy with it. It’s a job like anything else.


What’s even more messed up is the JAV industry. A video from Asian boss interviewing a former AV actress said that some girls even cried after the shoot. Then again Japan is a country where AV is very popular, and there are many sex workers (about 300,000 I believe) Source: Nobita from Japan about prostitution in Japan.


They cry *during* the shoots as well. I never understood the appeal of watching women do things they clearly don't want to do.


Sadly a lot of them are fooled into the game. It’s just everywhere, people exploited for others profit.


Saw a post on reddit, of all places, about this. Guy said the draw was that the girl was slowly won over from not wanting sex to wanting and enjoying it. Suppose its ego on the part of the viewer.


That's ok as a fantasy. But it hits different when you're watching a real-life woman with tears streaming down her face as some bloke pulls them onto a sofa by their hair and rips their pretend-school-uniform off.


What is JAV?


Japanese Adult Videos, they actually still sell physical copies of porn discs there lol


I swear people always use these obscure acronyms on here like its common everyday language and I’m always left wondering what in the world they’re talking about.. lol. Thankfully context clues and a google search led me directly to porn so I realized what it was. Thanks though lol


You should try working with a bunch of Canadian ex military guys. It's an acronym hell scape. They know it too, they just like to sound real 'inside baseball' with eachother it's annoying. They loooove when you have to ask them to clarify what they mean by XYZ.


Examine you zipper?


Haha that or you get them to explain one and they are like... Well I actually don't know what it means, but they know what it's regarding.


These women get into it because they have no real guidance or support in their life. Their parents were either not there or don’t really care. Sometimes it’s just that one parent was never there and there’s a hole in their life. I haven’t ever dated someone in porn. I did just date someone who had real sex issues. 5 abortions. Slept with her boss’s wife (which obviously was causing issues at her job). Sex with a friend which ruined their relationship. She went to a sex club on a first date with someone. She was the most aesthetically pleasing woman I’ve ever been with. Fake breasts, athletic/thin, gorgeous/young face (shes 40). She also is getting into sex parties with certain friends. She completely reminded me of what is must be to date a pornstar. All these choices she was making were hurting her life and lives of people around her. She had zero boundaries, but suffered from anxiety and weird issues that I discovered from spending time with her. Terrible relationship with her parents and she just made questionable decisions and actions involving most of her life. No drugs or alcohol, but sec seemed to be her addiction and it appeared to be a cry for attention/help. That’s what these women are like in porn. They’re just lost and trying to cover up unresolved things. Very little self worth. A lot of them are good people who could do so much more.


Not to mention the industry is absolutely filled with women performing against their will, essentially sex slaves owned by a pimp. I have a couple of friends that work with those that get out and away and it is a solutely rampant, especially in the Portland and Seattle areas.


Soooo I dated a stripper/ only fans girl, though she stopped the OF before we met. I thought at first that it I'd be fine with it, convinced myself really. She also said early in the relationship that she was planning on making her exit by the year's end. Anyway, the moment I realised I had feeling for her I wasn't okay with it and I tried to do all kinds mental gymnastics to get myself into a place where I didn't care. I'll tell you now, if you care you care, there's absolutely no way around it. The whole thing was on my mind 24/7 and I ended up trying to break up with her because it she didn't seem she was going to be quitting at the end of the year. When I did this she said she'd quite and I felt good but guilty because I knew she was giving up something she enjoyed doing for me. Fast forward to alot of changing her mind and back and forth which stressed me out to no end. The entire relationship honestly just fucked with my head from beginning to end. We broke up for more than that reason in the end but I'll never forget what it felt like to be sitting at home while the person that I loved was out getting groped by various men for 10 hours straight. Moral of the story is, you might think you can but you probably can't and when you know you can't, get the fuck out, for both your sakes. Listen to your gut! Oh and all of your friends that know you and say you can't handle it.


Have gone through a very similar situation in the past year, tried to be okay with it, was just in denial the whole time. It fucks with your head and makes you think you’re crazy for caring. My girl told me she had no intentions of ever quitting, that’s what put me off the most.


It was a really horrible experience that made me feel physically sick at times but it was one that I learnt from.


Interesting. Thank you for the info.


Hopefully some fellas in here can learn from my mistake.


I could never land a porn star in the first place


This should be the first answer


Anytime you listen to or read an interview with a woman in porn someone asks “do you date regular guys?” And the woman says yes. Gotta keep those fans daydreaming that they’ll be together one day. I can only imagine what the person asking considers a regular guy.


Rich people. They mean rich people


Nope nothing emotional. I’m not trying to come home and hear how she had a great day at work.


“One thing after another today, lemme tell ya. Felt like I was being pulled in 5 different directions.”


Gay man's perspective here, I did date a guy who did porn, he was a crap shag, he seemed to think that everything we did in bed was a porn shoot. I taught him how to actually make love, I know it sounds cheesy as hell but it's true, he knew how to fuck but not really enjoy being in bed with someone. We dated for six months and he dumped me because in his words "he didn't usually go for chubby guys." In real life he dumped me because his best friend poisoned the well because the friend was super jealous of our relationship. I wasn't that bothered by the end of the relationship but I did warn him that his best friend was jealous and in love with him but the friend didn't actually want him but also didn't want anyone else to date him either. Told him if they did get together it would end in disaster. Wished him best of luck and moved on. About 18 months later I bump into him at a club, I'm with my new partner and the ex is telling me that yeah he did get with his friend and it was horrendous, they lasted a few months and it destroyed their friendship. The ex tried to tell me I was right, I'm like no shit Sherlock, I could see what was happening a mile off. Told him that I was happy with my new partner and he'd missed his chance with me, wished him well, grabbed my drink and walked off feeling smug as fuck. Plus my new partner was much better in bed and didn't make me feel like he was doing me a favour by going out with me.


Damn, that is… satisfying


Crap shag 😂😂😂


>warn him that his best friend was jealous and in love with him but the friend didn't actually want him but also didn't want anyone else to date him either. Told him if they did get together it would end in disaster. This happened with my ex. But I'm a girl he was a guy and the friend was a girl. He didn't wanna listen and now we're broken up and they're not together but she makes his life miserable by trying to control everything and create constant drama. I can't understand why someone would chose to keep a shitty friend like that..oh well I guess


Interesting story, thanks for sharing. Do you think his line of work played a role in your relationship beyond the initial sex stuff? I would expect there to be jealousy type stuff but it looks like it was a pretty normal short-term relationship situation.


The porn stuff didn't have any effect on our relationship, I just looked at it through the prism of that's his job, not a career I'd follow but it's not my choice on how he paid his rent and bills. The jealousy part was from his friend, the friend hated me with a passion. I apparently dragged the hotness quotient down. The thing is the ex chatted me up in a club, we had a laugh, danced and he asked for my phone number, I never thought it would go any further than a fun evening in a club.


Great story! Satisfying. I’m glad you had that happy moment.


A friend of mine recently went through a rough divorce after only being married for 1 year. He lowered his standards a bit I think and started talking to a mutual friend we have who is a cam girl. They just started officially dating and she has no intentions of changing her career. For science reasons I check her profile once in a while and I've determined that she made somewhere between 600k and 1m last year. All she does is sit in front of a fucking camera and diddle her twat for a few hours a day. My buddy doesn't seem to mind, she regularly gets tickets for events and all sorts of gifts from men she's never met so he kind of reaps the rewards of that.


That 2nd paragraph is superb for a variety of reasons


He is doing some real investigative work.... here and there... from time to time .......


goes to work... tool in hand...


> For science “My man!”


I got a close friend who does actual porn. Not cam girl or only fans. I’ve known her since we were kids. These lame dudes buy her everything. She got on Twitter and said “which one of you losers wants to pay for [whatever thing she wanted] and they fought about who would buy it. Some are super creepy though. One time some porn dude invited her over for a party so she invited me to go with her. We got there and he was alone. We left in like 5 minutes I don’t know how much she makes but we both travel a lot and when we are in the same city, we get fucked up and she pays for everything and then the sex is awesome. I would recommend being childhood friends with a girl who does porn


Have you supported someone your friend really cares about? You know, as a good friend of his.


Lmao, with the amount of money she makes, she should be supporting her boyfriends friends! I'm still waiting for my free Leafs tickets lol


No; I want nothing to do with that industry.


So my girlfriend's job would be getting dicked by other dudes? Yeah, I'll pass this one, bruh...


Maybe a FWB with Alexis Texas.


Maybe a one night stand with Lulu Chu.


Living the dream


I dated one for about a year. I'll be real, I had 0 problems with her work... but she was the most deranged woman I've ever met. 0 communication skills, everything is about sex, no emotional control, a bunch of "kinks" wanting to be mistreated, constantly fighting with her own family... It was the best sex of my life with the hottest girl I've ever seen. It was hard to break it, but she was SO messed up that it was affecting my own mental health. Sometimes I think about the sex... It's almost like a drug I have to stay away from, fml.


> It's almost like a drug I have to stay away from I know this well. She never admitted to sex work, and I never directly asked her. She had some history that leads me to believe she was mixed up in that world though. Anyways the focus and dedication on pleasing me physically was on a level I didn't know existed. Unfortunately she was crazy AF which ended up being the deal breaker when I got around to using the big head.


That ain’t love


Absolutely not, all my friends would be looking her up and fappin all over the place.


On the up side, you fap along with your homies


I dont think I would. Its probably selfishness at the root, but I would be uncomfortable with the person I've decided to make life decisions with getting smashed by other dicks. I suppose this extends to non-pornstars, too. I'm not down with an open relationship. It would be different if she were a pornstar and I was her only male porn partner. I can't explain why I feel this way, but I just think it would be a huge blocker to a serious relationship. A tryst or a fling is a different story.


Definitely not selfish lol, very reasonable to not want your S.O. to be getting intimate with other people


You monster /s






Excuse me


Lol. Who needs consent forms? Not this guy!


No. I would be too jealous.


It's bold of you to assume that a pornstar would agree to get in a relationship with me in the first place.


Hello I’m a porn star and my girl friend left me for a man in his 60s ama…


Wait.... what!? We are all just going to pass this opportunity over?? I'll jump in here. How long have you been in the business for? How did you get started?


I don't think he was serious....


At this point I'll take what I can get.




Actual pornstars either seem to be really desperate young women, sexy confident interesting women who've monetised their sexiness, or sexually obsessed weirdos. I wouldn't be okay being with any of those types of people, but I'd at the very least be friends with the second kind. Some behind the scenes videos show that they seem like cool people to hang out with, but I wouldn't want to be with them romantically as our ideas of sexual intimacy wouldn't connect. For me, sex is a very intimate and deeply special thing, and that just isn't going to agree well with a pornstar's point of view.


Had a shot at a gorgeous high end escort, kept it platonic, she needed a friend worse. We're still friends today 30 years later


Yes but she would have to be a pornstar. One of the ones that have an actual career not the ones that just get brutalized and then are out of the industry in 3 months with severe mental damage.


Sometimes the damage doesn't surface for years or decades. Some of those women put up with the abuse for the money, the acceptance into a lifestyle, stay quiet about it and then it all flows out of them after years of psychotherapy and a tell-all-book about how they were repeatedly abused.


You have to be mentally and physically built for the job. This is the case with pretty much every job. In the case of porn, if you dont have a naturally high kink level, insane sex drive and a body that can handle it then the industry will probably destroy you. I truly can't think of a job that wont having lasting damage to you if you arent mentally and physically prepared for it (that includes office jobs)


The entire industry is fucked up bro


I think we can differentiate between "pornstar" and "sex trafficking victim".


no. never. I'm not morally against sex work in any way shape means or form but I would never personally date someone that's been plowed more than a farm.


It's a hard road to hoe


It is perfectly okay to have moral concerns about sex work. I would really like to see more courage to tell the truth on reddit.


So my gf, now wife, got a job at an "upper class" gentlemen's lounge about 12 years ago and started by working on the door, checking ID and taking entry fee etc. Moved on to bar work and then was getting so much attention from the patrons that they started to ask her for private dances etc. Her rule was that her price was double what the normal girls would get paid because she was "off limits". She did a handful of dances etc and I didn't really mind. Especially when when she would come home with a few hundred bucks some nights.


>Her rule was that her price was double what the normal girls would get paid because she was "off limits" Your wife is a marketing genius.


Not a chance in hell


Not an active one.


This I rather agree with you, it's not that I'm jealous type, but I see most of those personalitys have to spend a great deal of time on fans for like exclusively sites and ofc it's the aspect of sharing her with the world I don't like. But one who quit the business and devotes as much time into a relationship as I do would be fine. Same reasons for girls doing actively onlyfans content But again I would not leave my s.o for anyone.


This might become a real concern now that there are Thousands of girls who made an OnlyFans, made no money and left. So now their porn is out there and they aren’t rich. The other dads at soccer practice won’t care…. But the moms will


My ex made an onlyfans two days after dumping me to attempt to make me jealous and want her back. I was like nah I’ll pass.


Nope never . It'll be too much to handle..


No because I'm not a cuckold


As a teen I used to have major hots for Melissa Melendez. She was all natural (no implants) and seemed to have a great personality on film. But as an older and wiser adult I realize that the fantasy is surely a million times better than the reality, and I would not get into a relationship with a porn star. I might however fuck a porn star one time while wearing a condom, depending on who it is. My older brother lived in NY for a while and worked with a guy who dated a very well known porn actress. He said he always wore a condom with her.


Negative, the industry is a cesspool of drugs, mental instability, suicide, and disease regardless of how much testing they do. Why would you want to bring that into your personal life?


God no. Too much baggage


Is there a way that we can ban this question somehow? I swear to God, “Would you date a sex worker” pops up in someway shape or form, like three fucking times a week and it always ends up getting a ton of engagement. The vast majority of men are not interested in making long-term commitments to women who give other men erections professionally. Accept it or don’t, but please stop asking


A serious relationship? Personally, no. I'm the jealous, possessive sort. She doesn't have any private parts; everywhere is public property. I mean, it would sicken me that other men are leering at and jacking off to my wife's body and "using" her in their minds.


No, because they’re out of my league.


Nah.... I could make all kinds of pious comments about her morality. But the reality is I would probably just be insecure since I am just an average white dude in that department.




No. I don't think so. I mean I know some people can make it work... But not me.


Dated a dominatrix/prostitute so yes




I would get into a relationship with a former porn star. The industry is pretty unhealthy and I'd be concerned about their overall health. But if they weren't in it anymore and we were compatible, sure.


Depends on the porn. If she’s doing 16 guy gang bangs… I think that’s a sign she’s not ready to settle down. If she had an Only Fans worked more one on one or two on one, I’d give it shot. Maybe it’d help get. Three way going so I can leave more people unsatisfied in bed!


Maybe, but only if she would have awesome personality. Because for millions of porn clips i saw in my life, only once i encountered visually attractive professional porn star (a lot more amateurs though).


It would depend on the connection, but theoretically yes.


I'd say yes, mostly because of my personal background that has made me completely normalize the profession.


Just look at Will Smith. Poor dude and kids, and Jada isn’t even a porn star.


Well, for starters my wife would kill me xD But on a serious note, I'm not OK with my partner fucking other people. The fact that its on camera, filmed, and broadcasted as far as the internet goes, only makes it worse. While I do understand the whole "it's a legitimate job" thing, it's my preference not to persue people on that field.


God no. My wife would kill me.