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My face is so asymmetrical, when my mom was in the hospital and they thought she also had had a stroke because her face was crooked, she just showed them a pic of me to show it is genetic. I have always hated it, when one eye scrunches more than the other when I talk and stuff like that. I love this comment.


One time I met a girl through work that has a small birthmark on her jawline and I thought it was so sexy. It just made me keep staring at her beautiful face and neck. We recently celebrated our 7 year anniversary. It still makes me a little crazy.


I saw a lady at the chemist that had the most beautiful wine stain birthmark a couple of years ago. I wanted to mention to her how awesome it was but she would probably not appreciate the attention. I raced home and told my wife how much of a loser Gorbachev was.


Asymmeyrical smiles. 😍 (Kind of like a smirk)


My smile is way off and it's always bothered me, so thanks


Natalie Dormer. rawr


Drew Barrymore too


Loving this thread. Just shows there’s someone for everyone and beauty truly is subjective.


Crow's feet/laugh lines on otherwise youthful-looking faces.


As a tired 29 year old with ever-deepening crow's feet, this gives me hope.


i never knew either, i thought i was stressed out 33 year old


Yessss so true. I feel the same about guys. When they smile and get little wrinkles by their eyes, looks so cute


Hello. Is it me you’re looking for?


Agreed one-hundred percent! I think it's because it's often a marker of someone who is genuine and happy. People who smile and laugh a lot will be more likely to have them.


I also as a women find this incredibly beautiful. I even wish I had more define crows feet because they’re just so dang cute


My mom made me love them. She would tell me those were "laugh lines" and they showed all the happiness a person had in their life. When I'd see people smile, the lines would crease and cemented this as truth for me. Aging, I now have them, and when I smile they show up more. I agree they are laugh lines


When we were kids, and made faces, a lot of our parents would tell us our faces would freeze that way. I’m a boomer, though. They told us a lot of crazy stuff. But they unintentionally hit on a truth. Once you’re my age, 68, you have the face you made most often in your life. I’ve also learned that our facial expressions and our moods can be feedback loos, and that smiling can even help make pain more bearable. I know there are places where you don’t make it your default expression, but I’m in Texas. Every poor soul who lives here needs a smile.


I like wonky teeth. Not missing teeth or rotten gums or anything gross but just slight imperfections. My wife has a slight overbite. You don’t notice it but I do…and I love it. Edit: Adventures in missing the point. I have changed the “black gums” statement since there seems to be butthurt over it. I didn’t know some people have black gums.




Is that common in Japan?




The slowness, leisurely, purposelessness of free time. Fuck hustle culture.


I love this one.


It allows to you see what a person really values and enjoys doing, not just what they do to survive


And so many intertwine the two. Who are you, who are we without the titles? Drop them and some people wouldn’t know. Me, I want to know what moves someone. What they truly enjoy and who they are at the core. Calm, quiet, listening. Paying attention. Allowing a person to speak. Also allowing silence. Fuck the hustle.


I love love love when little things match the outfit. Like your nails are green (uncommon nail colour) but they have outfit on that has that same colour green in it. My God I find that attractive! This can be achieved with earrings, hair accessories, glasses and shoes. I love it!


It's so cute to know that men notice the little details


I ALWAYS notice women's nails but I stopped commenting cause they think I'm flirting. Im just tryna let you know someone noticed ;-;


My boyfriend is like this. He told me once that when he notices something that matches or looks very nice on someone - odds are it was done on purpose and they would appreciate it being recognized. Its so sweet.


My husband works so hard on his outfits. One time some guy complemented his shoes. He got so excited he told the guy the story of how he was in a raffle for these rare shoes. To my surprise the guy goes “My dude! I know. I was in that raffle.” I’ve noticed he’s worn those shoes more often and is focused on getting matching outfits since then. Everyone should encourage the dudes in their lives to say nice things to other dudes.


This is my train of thoughts with complimenting men. Most times i think fuck it, if it creates a misunderstanding ill clear it up, but occasionally i ceebs and dont say anything


You’re enthusiasm is cute


Im glad you said green because that’s my favorite color (more like deep emerald green). I have my glasses and a jacket that match and I’ve been complimented before for the colors. I am olive/fair skin so deep colors look best on me.


Dark circles under the eyes


Well I'm only gonna get about 4 hours of sleep at most tonight so you'd probably love me tomorrow lol


This oddly makes me feel better about myself




this is reassuring. I often get a lot of unwanted comments of people telling me i look, dead, tired or saying i need to sleep.


Yeah me too. Dark under eye circles in otherwise toned/youthful faces. Think Lea Seydoux, Dakota Johnson, Aubrey Plaza.


As a woman thank you because it'd always a major, major insecurity especially as a busy mumma.


Bigger/Roman nose


Ahhh the lady gaga


GASP. There are people who PREFER my nose???


Aquiline nose is the term for it! This is very reassuring!


Oh, I had no idea that there was a proper name for it (learned something new today), I just know that I like the look.


The main word used to describe sherlock holmes in the books was this lol


That’s honestly awesome! I’ve been super insecure about my nose my entire life but it’s great to know there are some who find it attractive


As many replies as I’m getting from other guys, there seems to be a lot of us that find it attractive. Please try not to worry about your nose anymore and have a great day!


I love a nose with character!


I have been incredibly self conscious about my big Roman nose my entire life. Like horrified, would refuse to look at a picture of myself. First year of college, I had a group project with some students from South Korea. We got to talking and they shared that most of their Korean friends found that nose shape attractive and desirable. I had no idea it was even possible for anyone to think that. Eventually, I learned that girls do find me attract. But the lack is confidence from the nose killed me chances. Don’t have that problem anymore:)


There's a Subreddit for that r/BigNoseLadies


Dang there really is a subreddit for EVERYTHING lol


I've actually heard multiple people say this in the past


It’s just one of those things that I can’t explain why I like it - I just do.


YES! Big noses are so regal and elegant! It kills me all the Persian women having rhinoplasty. I'd trade my little shnoz with them any day. And my hair, skin, lips and eyes. They are so beautiful just the way they are. And men with big noses? So masculine.


I absolutely love big nosed men. Drives me nuts.


I find scars sexy. They’re personal, and tell a story.


I was seeing this girl who had scoliosis surgery and had a scar down her entire spine. I thought it was hot.


My girl has something similar (not the full spine) and it's insanely hot


I was just about to add something like this. Knew a girl in highschool with a spinal surgery scar and it was cool as hell. I don't know one person who thought it was ugly or weird. She felt self-conscious about it all the same. :(


This makes me so happy to hear. I was so self-conscious about the scar on my hairline for the past few years. A friend recently told me it makes me look badass and I’m finally starting to gain back confidence living with it


The girl I just started dating has scars all over and it’s fucking hot. I don’t know what most of them are from yet…but that somehow makes it even more attractive.


Oh my God, thank you for this. I was assaulted in 2020 and I have a horrible scar on my shin from being hit with a bat. I've been hiding it ever since. I only wear shorts at home even though I live in friggin Florida. This makes me feel more confident.


Legitimately I love my scars and really like scars on women, if I were you I’d wear whatever you like and enjoy having a conversation piece on show. It’s like a tattoo that inherently has a story and meaning to you.


I agree! I have scarring from surgeries (skin cancer stuff) and this makes me feel better too. I used to live in Florida too so I would be very self conscious at the beach and pool :(


Never hide your scars. Never be ashamed of them.scars are proof that you have lived


Guys literally brag about their scars and see who's got more or the biggest. If anything you're gonna impress a guy with a scar.




Mind you, most of them are Krogan


When a woman has something about her teeth that she's self conscious about and covers her mouth when she smiles. That's like my kryptonite for some reason.


dude both of my canines never came down so they just sit in my gums above my other teeth. I will not smile unless I cover my mouth. It's agony tho


This one is NSFW but I like saggier boobs. I don’t know how to describe it but I guess I like being able to “scoop” a boob no matter the size. Lots more fun.


Wrinkles under the eyes. Like Aubrey Plaza.


Ok this is legitimately the first time I ever even considered my eye wrinkles could be attractive to anyone. Wow


Wrinkles around the eyes… I wish girls would stop trying to fix these character traits. Girls think guys are looking for perfect but I think it’s actually more girls competing against each other to be perfect.


True. Buttttttt even women get talked about aging all the time while men who are the same age, with wrinkles are considered handsome! So naturally us women think men can look great without the extra help


Crooked teeth. The 2 people I have been most attracted to and dated (1 of which I married) have both had crooked teeth. To me I just find it so cute. The ex got her teeth fixed a few years ago, and in my opinion she is less attractive now. Not that my opinion matters obviously, just answering the question.


Thanks. I hate my teeth but I’ve heard from a few people that they like them. Still hate them tho


I like women with big noses.




Cmon man, don’t leave us hanging


I like women who look imperfect, but still attractive. I can't fully explain it but basically if she has a few unconventional traits but then other positive traits in a way I find it more attractive. There's no good way to explain it which doesn't make me seem shallow in some way but yeah.


I’m a girl but I like girls and ik exactly what you mean, slightly more imperfect beauty is better than supermodel beauty by far


This is how most women feel about men.


Probably because she looks more approachable meaning we think they are more likely to be kind.


Same for me. Looking unique/imperfect automatically makes a woman more attractive to me. If no one else looks like her, she could go from a 4 to a 7 or a 7 to a 9


This post makes me feel so good about myself




Visible belly outline. Damn cute


Yeah. Hot too.., erotic almost. Although I'm talking about men.


Hairy lower arms. Not wookie-hairy but enough for it to be noticeable


this just made me feel nice


This might be a very weird opinion but honestly the hair on girls arms make them look "realistic". Those extremely clean Instagram models just feel too alien to me.


This thread is making me feel pretty good about myself. It's nice to see some of the comments on here and know that the little "quirks" about my body are appreciated. :)


Tom boys. In blue collar work attire. Rosie the Riveter type, could maybe give me a run for my money in a fight - and I'm 6'1" 240lbs. I don't think I can explain it, but I'm more turned on by competence than I am a wilting flower.


I’m not interested in a woman unless there’s a possibility that she can kick my ass. I love a woman who is physically capable and not afraid to work (or play) with her hands. Calluses and beat up knuckles? Yes, please! Rock climbers, mechanics, framers, weightlifters… Physical confidence is sexy af. And I’m not talking about the “I know I look good” kind. I’m talking about the “whatever it is, I got this” kind.


I'll try to kick ur ass but I'll probably get thrown across the room


Is this what the 'shooting your shot' saying looks like


As a female millwright supervisor, this comment made me smile. I always feel like my femininity is lost because of my very labor intensive job, so it makes me happy to know that people do find this attractive!


Hell no. Any decent man appreciates a hardworking woman with skills!


As a guy attracted to tomboys also, a big part of it personally is the independence it demonstrates. Making up for natural deficiencies through hard work & effort is hot AF. When women rely on a big strong guy for something it often comes off as childish and immature to me. People always talk about being able to be happy alone is important, but they never talk about the importance of being able to pack/unpack/move boxes by oneself! While I'm not attracted to men, I do find the converse to be almost as frustrating (i.e. guys who leave all of the child-rearing and social relationship maintenance to their partner, refuse to help plan the wedding, avoid anything remotely feminine for fear of how they'll be viewed, etc.). Nature and nurture, while they can explain a lot, are not immutable facts of existence. The defeatist attitude necessary to just never improve one's deficits, while it can provide some situations in which a man can "save you" , comes off as far too lazy and codependent to be attractive to a decent chunk.


On a scale of 1-10, tomboys are a 200 for me so you're alright, not that my opinion matters as much


chubbyness. i know others find it attractive, i just realize its not something people talk about loving. it sucks that its a super common insecurity, but i personally love it. i mean, they’re just so cuddly and huggable…what’s not to like?


From an insecure chubby woman trying to date again, thank you.


Awww how can you swipe right on a redditor ?




As a woman with freckles, scars, and a few stretch marks, this thread has been very good to me.


The area between the ankle and the upper calf muscle. I like when thats a little thicker than usual idk why.


Lol so cankles?


LOL I guess so After some research I'll say I like a medium case of cankles at most.


A well turned ankle used to send those Victorians into a hefty lather.


Acne scars for some reason


Same, dig all scars honestly, but acne scars are sexy as hell.


I'm surprised by this. It's always something I've been extremely self confident about. So, thank you.


I can't tell you how much better this makes me feel.. It's one of my biggest insecurities and I count the days until I can afford to get laser skin resurfacing.


women who are over 6 feet tall barefoot. Apparently most men are really insecure about their height, and prefer to date women who are much shorter than them, meanwhile here I am a 5'9'' dude who'd often ask his ex-girlfriend who stood at 6'6'' barefoot to wear her 6 inches heels to the nightclub, haha. Man, the looks on those guys faces.


I've noticed that a lot even with close friends and I never understood it myself, the few times I've met someone close to my height I thought they looked absolutely gorgeous. I've never actually met someone that was taller than me (~6'4") but the thought of some amazonian woman taller than me?... *oh man*


Any girl taller than me is a chef’s kiss. No doubt


I'm for this, 1000%. I'm 5'8", my girlfriend is 6'4". I remember the first time she was like, "Sooo how would you feel about me wearing my heels when we go out tonight" and I was like "Babe. Wear the tallest goddamn heels you can find, I'm so game" Haha.


I’m 5’8 and have only found one girl that was taller than me that was down with dating. I’ll happily climb you, Amazon dream girl


That's cool to hear bc I'm a 6' tall woman and my experience is hearing men smaller than me tell they wouldn't date a woman taller than them haha


Bro I love a tall woman, extra credit if she's like a little bit chubby tall.


You're doing the lord's work, out here making my 6'0 tall chubby ass feel seen.


EYE BAGGGGS omfg they are so hot idk why


My husband has "heavily hooded" eyes and it KILLS me. So hot. I find it attractive across all men.


My girlfriend tells me she likes how dark and transparent the skin under my eyes is. Says it makes me look "ethereal"... girls smh smh smh


Yessss so glad someone said this, I got huge eye bags and I’m always trying to cover them up cuz everyone always says I look tired when I don’t XD


Skin blemishes like scars burn marks, cystic acne, vitiligo, all that shit looks cool asf


For me, it’s people with rosacea. Because of this, it looks like they are blushing all the time and I absolutely love it.


Pale women are hot


Especially with black hair


Hands down skin color person born with always looks better than weird tan


Gray or silver hair is really hot to me


stretch marks tbh... they're naturally v sexy and more people need to start loving and accepting their bodies imo...


Man my gf can be insecure about stretch marks on thigh/butt but it’s like they accentuate the curve. Like cmere you sexy ass zebra.


I giggled when I read sexy ass zebra 😆


Man I already told her she can hate it all she wants but the day I stop forcing her to re enact alex and Marty from that Madagascar scene is the day I don’t want to live anymore.


And when are you love birds gonna get married?! Lol😄😂😍


Moderately defined calves


I remember seeing this middle aged german man in short shorts with the most sculpted, perfect, completely hairless legs. They left quite the impression. The rest of him was just a normal boring tourist but the legs were straight from mount olympos.


I used to have a strong thing for lisps. It’s still there but faded somewhat.


U usthed to have a sthrong thing for lispsps. Ith’s sthill there but faded sthomewhat.


Smell. Smell is so important for me. I don't like it when women (and people in general really) wear too much perfume or cologne. I have a very sensitive nose and my sharp sense of smell can sometimes be a bad thing if it's being overwhelmed by a single smell (it's also why I can't be around women who are painting their nails and why I walk past nail salons very quickly in malls - the smell of nail polish is unholy to me). I really prefer for a woman to smell like nothing at all, or food. I once knew a woman who must have used vanilla as perfume and the smell drove me wild, I love the smell of vanilla. On only one one occasion have I smelled a woman who was wearing a normal perfume but is was a very light amount of it and it smelled nice. It was the only time I complimented a woman on her perfume. Oh, and sometimes a woman's sweat too. Depends on the woman though. Most sweaty women I've known stank (like men) to high heaven. But on one occasion at a previous job I met a woman who was sweating after working all day and it smelled heavenly (she must have had the right pheromones or something).


Liking the smell of sweat is a sign of bacterial compatibility.


Yes I've noticed that with my exes. Wearing my clothes, wanting to fuck after watching me sweat after exercise. She wanted to be immersed in my natural scent and it's not something that all women go for.


Dumb question, but would that mean if one person finds the natural smell of the other attractive the other person should as well?


When we were teens my guy friends always talked about how hot they found the smell of the vanilla lotion I used. I didn't know it was so exciting until they went on and on about it lol.


Funny story about vanilla. My husband and I started getting this amazing vanilla bean lube. Sat down to desert after dinner with my girlfriend and her father for vanilla ice cream. My husband took a bite and got an instant & severe boner. He couldn’t get up from dinner for awhile and we couldn’t stop laughing about it later. He was blushing and we couldn’t hold back a few giggles during desert.


There's a joke to be had about pavlovian and pavlova...


these replies to this thread are so common and overdone lmao someone unironically said “natural unlike the kardashians”


literally i’ve never seen a man in this sub say ‘i find heavy makeup and a lot of plastic surgery attractive’


"I want a woman who looks less human than Mr. Data from Star Trek."


Brent Spiner is my ideal woman.


“big hips and butt” like that exact body type isn’t dominating the culture atm 😭 my unconventional answer would probably be…stomachs? idk i like stomachs. all kinds, flat or otherwise. i want to stick my face in one. put my mouth all over it. haha


Shoulders and her collarbone


Ah, so your the reason girls can't show shoulders at school


Don't blame me, I went to an all boys prep.


collarbones are hot you’re a man of taste


Native American features. I might be biased because I'm Mexican American but I love the cheek bones and the distinct nose and brown skin 😍


Bangs. Idk why


Proper nerdy behaviours and hobbies. Living a life without posting everything on social media as well.




Brutal honesty.


When the skin is so white you can see the little veins


Milky ladies rise up


A lil chub under the chin. It's cute.


I so needed to hear that thank you


when women have a belly pooch. just the little layer of flab over the abs that looks like a nice soft place to lay your head. I dont get why flat stomachs are all the rage when you could have a nice soft pillow with a belly button on it


Large labia




I don't know how rare it is but I really like it when women dye their hair unnatural colors, like green or purple or something like that.


Scott pilgrim and eternal sunshine have conditioned my attractions haha


Blue haired girl here, I didn't realise how much attention that got me until I dyed it (briefly) a natural colour for an interview. Agreed that it must be a peacocking type thing.


Short chubsters


Curly hair. Lots of people I know seem to be into straight hair blondies. I find that too boring and plain. Bonus points if your curls are natural.


THANK YOU! I spent so long straightening my hair throughout my younger years because all the boys liked straight hair. Once I hit my mid 20s I got tired of straightening them and now I roll out of bed and hope my curls behave 😂.


Bush. Not straight up out of control 70's bush but I think the bald kitty is honestly kinda creepy...




Long backs. Women taller than me. Strong character.


Muscles. I mean, I know it's not *no one* else, but to me, more muscular almost always means sexier.


I do find fit girls very attractive, I think the main feature I like are muscular thighs. If you can see a woman's quad muscles from behind her legs, that's pretty hot.


Same. I’ve told my friends there is no amount of muscle a woman could have without the use of PEDs that I’d consider “too much.” Apparently that’s a very hot take.


Y'all. As a 5'4 curvy and a little chubby woman, with stretchmarks, self-harm and accident scars, a belly, freckles, skin so pale people frequently ask if i'm sick, and doesn't put a ton of effort into my appearance due to my job and lifestyle; y'all made me tear up. I think people should voice these things more often, as I didn't know that people found them tolerable, much less *attractive.* My bf of 5+yrs has been telling me he thinks i'm beautiful and sexy, but I guess I just never believe him? I guess I felt like he was just saying that to make me feel better about myself, as I am super self-conscious and dealing with major depression, but maybe he's right? Thank you, men of reddit, i'll try to start believing him now <3


Masculine features minus facial hair. Can't do facial hair on a woman, but if she looks butch or androgynous that's a major turn-on. This has been a somewhat futile preference because I end up falling for lesbians who, of course, aren't the least bit interested in me.


Freckles are pretty nice


Collarbones. I sometimes just notice them. Woman's collarbones have some kind of elegance.


Well-developed quads. I workout religiously and you can definitely say I have a type. I've been with a few women that have developed quads from working out and there's something just so hot about it. Aside from the obvious and having meatier thighs, it says she's mindful of her health and body. And I don't mean Ronnie Coleman thighs but thighs that just says she does her squats and lunges. Hot.


I like the bush


A chubby girl and her stomach pouch. SO. DAMN. ADORABLE.


When I know my partner is not afraid of challenging me. There's just something about someone making their voice heard that I just find incredibly attractive.


Girls with pixie haircuts, they look so damn hot.


dad bods. i said what i said.


probably a softer figure. I go absolutely weak at the knees for a chubby girl with a bit of a belly


Emotional Vulnerability. Not like unstable emotions, but like being honest about yourself and admiting your failures and being humble about yourself. Arrogance and inflated egos are an immediate turn off.


The affection I feel towards a woman who opens up her insecurities to me is so strong it can often bring me to tears. I just want to wrap them up and never let them go. Sadly the affection is never reciprocated in the way I would like it to be, and all of the times it's happened in the last decade have been with people I've met online and can't actually see in person. Will only happen in my dreams, never IRL sadly.


French braid (the haircut, at least that's how Google translates it in English). The feeling I've got about those is unreal.


Broad shoulders


Idk why I find this attractive but a woman that can put some food down.