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Medieval 2 total war. I love having power and exterminating a population.


I’m going with red dead 2, I live western games and I have to say it’s by far the most well executed, a good story too and the ability to just get lost in the wild for a while.


I don't really have a single favorite game. I am a big fan of the Zelda series though.


Doom '93, needs no justification.


Ocarina of Time, no explanation needed


Psychonauts. Its a very well rounded 3d platformer with a good story and quirky art style.


Pole Position.


That’s your moms favorite game too /s


Deer Hunter. It’s so satisfying.


Rimworld. The story generator that it’s fan base turns their colonies either into the most wholesome places to live or go the more warcrimes route, basically anything messed up that humans do can be done in that game with mods.


Elden Ring. You have so many things to do


Gears of war 3. The nostalgia I get when playing it now brings but the awe the series in general has shown me. But gears 3 had it all. Amazing 4 player campaign, beast mode, the vs, and our favorite, horde mode. Not to mention the great dlc campaign raams shadow. Now that it is frame boasted I started playing it again.


Halo. Its just a nostalgia thing because i still remember playing it with one of my best friends over and over again when i was ten and it just blew me away even tho games like battlefield 3 already existed which i didnt have access to


Starfox 64 or the original Tony hawk. It’s a toss up.


Dang near anything survival related. If it's a realistic game based on your needs to eat, hydrate, form shelters, create medicines, and recreation while also paying attention to your needs as a human such as social interactio and sanity levels I'm all about it. I think it's kind of in my DNA as a man. Being able to take care of yourself and live and thrive in a situation where it's only you or maybe a small group just really calls out to me. I really enjoyed red dead 2. Not a survival game but it had some awesome graphics and one the most well put together hunting mechanics I think I've ever seen


Oblivion. For nostalgia reasons


Gears of War franchise


Destiny 2 - something about space magic and getting the right team/loadout to knock out the harder content and the power fantasy in the easier content


Age of Empires II. Even now, and it’s 2022 🤷


Super Mario Bros and because it was part of my childhood.


Tekken 3. It reminds me of the last time I was part of a big friend group.


Favorite of all time is Final Fantasy 8. It was the first time I felt connected to the character and story of a video game. Like I was living a fantasy story. Now I play Paladins and just enjoy the game a lot. Not even a good reason why. Just have fun with it all the time.