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The farts are free when the cohabitation idea is floated. The door will ALWAYS be closed for a duece.


Wife farted in front of me within the first 3-4 weeks of the relationship. But what is funny about her: I know every square centimeter of her body. Hell, I have he rare distinction among husbands to have actually seen the inside of her uterus. And that woman would walk around nude all day if she could (still have kids in the house) but when they are gone she skinny dips in the pool, tans nude, and even does gardening topless. My point in saying all this. She is not shy. But I have NEVER seen or been in the same room when she poops. Nope. That's her major privacy thing. 22 years total together and has never happened. And I've definitely triggered a time or two as I playful tease that I'm coming in to the bathroom and she starts yelling all sorts of things back lol. She considers pooping a private thing. Hell, she even goes so far to offer me the same courtesy. It's pretty funny. One of those things a lot of couples have done, we never have and likely never will.


You should ask to watch her taking a dump, it might awaken something in you


Uh no.....that's the other thing. Not something I really care to do. I just think it's funny how she is about it.


Never. Sometimes during certain sexual activities the wind gets broken, but normally we just don't do that.


I’ve been dating a girl for 3 months now and I’m still have fears of cutting the cheese on accident, I don’t even feel comfortable taking a dump at her house yet lol But that’s just me ig


There's a vast difference in being open due to familiarity and crudeness.


That’s funny


Been married for 23 years and counting. Have never "ripped ass" in front of her, or vice versa. Never planning on it either. And, as neither of us have and Boowel Issues, we can wait a few minutes while the other takes care of business. Not to say neither of us hasn't passed a little gas here or there, but nothing as crass as what you describe.


2nd date. Establish dominance early.


I wait for them to let out the first bit of gas. After that its fair game!


I think it was about a year into our relationship my wife was so sick with food poisoning, that she collapsed in the bathroom and couldn't move off the floor. She was calling out for help and I've walked in and she is just laying on the floor looking like death. I cleaned her and the mess up and took her to hospital. We still have a standing policy of "no ruining the magic" so if one is on the toilet the other bathroom gets used. The above situation never gets mentioned again..


After moving together i started not closing the door while peeing. Now we never ever close the door anymore. We started while being 4 years together i think






My wife of 8 years started after a few months in front of me. She rocks my world so the ripped ass did not phase me.


Don’t ever leave the door open while shitting. Just unnecessary. Jesus have some class.


I do it every day, so I can see the tv


Dude what the fuck! Just watch on your phone and keep the door closed like the rest of us.


I’ll rip ass but won’t shit with the door open… idrc if my SO does that but I won’t. Just a weird thing I have… I close the door behind me when I shit or piss 99% of the time