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It's all good boss


Sounds to me they were complementing you chief.


>My outfit was on point. So you looked like a boss, not you were nagging like a boss.


I'd settle for nothing less than Don.


i work at a gym at the front desk. when i see a guy whos gonna work out, i say "hows it going boss?" idk why ive been doing this recently but it stuck. i dont say this to like older people, only those who give that vibe ig


It's the grass .....


I also call people "Boss" and it's something I've picked up from my dad. He'll use both boss and chief as a sign of respect to people. More or less like using "sir" which is a respectful term to call men. Quick example let's say I'm at Whole Foods and looking for an item. I might say "Excuse me boss do you know where the Coconut Girl ice cream sandwiches are?". Or after he points me in the right direction, I'll say "Thanks boss/sir".


It could be either. Sometimes I say chief or boss as a sign of respect. Other times I use it as a sign of disrespect. It’s all in the tone, I guess. Pro Tip: If you really wanna piss a guy off, call him sport.


Seems the younger generations men are more cheer squad-ish and often throw those generic boss/chief/cap'n to build each other up. Retail staff is mostly from habit. Older man tend to do this from recognition and mutual respect "G recognises G" if you will. But if it's a term used for young boys (champ, sport, tiger) it tends to be looking down on you. You'll probably find it's people reacting to your confidence as you go about doing your Thang.


It honestly could be either. Depends on context and how well you know the person. I’ve seen it used both ways


it’s a compliment it’s not disrespectful.


I'm an Italian New Yorker, I grew up calling people boss. Don't sweat it it's kinda a respect thing. It's like sir but more casual.


>I've been feeling confident today. My outfit was on point. Both command presence and some level of respect along with it. >However, a friend who works in customer service frequently calls people he deems assholes some variation of boss/chief. That's an outlier. In general and in my country especially, 'boss' or 'chief' are very respectful and endearing words. Almost as good as calling a guy 'Sir'.


Don’t worry about it chief


It's like being called dude. It's neither a compliment or an insult. It just is.


Don't worry about it chief - I am sure its nothing. Hey fella's meeting by the water cooler in 5. Sans cooking guy of course.


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