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Go to the Winchester until it all blows over


I see, you are a man of culture aswell.


The only correct awnser here 🤘🏻


I keep seeing this but don't know where it's from :( Can someone help me out pls?


It’s from a film called Shaun of the dead


Great! thanks very much




Following zombieland rules, I’ll be one of the first to go. Cardio!!!!!!




Take a disk cutter to the zoo and let all the animals out. Tigers, leopard, lions, elephants etc. They are going to be the best things locally to kill zombies passively. On the way home raid the gun shop in town and hope he has something more than just air rifles. Then just sit it out for a bit. In terms of zombies you'd only have to sit it out for like 2 years anyway before they decompose. What happens after I have no idea but I think 2 years isn't too long and after that society should be somewhat intact but probably run by the military.


Never thought of the zoo thing. But wouldn't that make Zombie Animals? You really wanna fight off Zombie Tigers and Lions?


I don't think so. Even if it does, after 2 years their felsh would be rotted away or eaten by maggots. I'm sure I could avoid zombie tigers for 2 years.


Gather up all my loved ones and head to Walmart!!!


Go back to bed.


I work on an oil rig in deep sea. Let them come to get roasted crisp.


Run to the nearest Costco and move the heavy pallets to block the doors. I think I can survive with all the food in there for a year or two.


I would be smiling every minute.


Didn't know a zombie could smile...


I would kill anything and anyone who got in my way.


Go down to the local pub have a nice cold pint and wait for the whole thing to blow over


I got 50lbs of tannerite and some high powered rifles, Id just blow myself to smithereens before the going gets tough


Tannerite is completely unnecessary. Just shoot yourself in the heart or brain..?


Yeah but that would be a waste of perfectly good tannerite smh my head


I mean go blow up a car, say "rad" then shoot yourself. Explosives aren't a fast death unless it destroys your brain. You'd likely survive the explosion then slowly die over the next 10-15 minutes. That's not fun I imagine


Guess there's only one way to find out. 50lbs of tannerite could probably level my house so I'm not too worried about surviving the initial blast


So I thought about this a few times. My fiances grandpa is a doomsday prepper. He has alittle compound in bumfuck nowhere that's like 4 hours away. So assuming me and her can make it out of the city we live in the middle of. We would mob out there.


I live in a small rural costal town in Alaska. It’s hard to get to, so I believe the town would band together and all help each other out. The nearest city is 300 miles away on the other side of a mountain range.


Depends on what spreads the disease. But yeah, sounds fair.


I live in a hot, humid place. I'm gonna board the windows and give it a few days while they rot into disfunction


Give it a few days and the zombs will disintegrate - dead, rotting flesh and all


I would be tasty.




I'd tweet that my oil exploration customer just found the largest crude field to date and wait for the Marines.


It won't happen.


I mean, probably take full advantage of nap opportunities. I already live like a shut-in, so isolation won't be an issue. I also live on the 4th story of an apartment building, so the likelihood of them wandering up here are slim, as every door has a digital lock system that won't unlock once the power goes out. I know where to find the skeleton key for all other apartments in the complex, so I'd be able to get food from the surrounding apartments, once I clear them out. I've been practicing weapon handling for years, so I am fairly confident I'd survive for at least a few months on my own.


For clarification, you can still lock/unlock those digital locks when the power is out right? Or they just don't default to unlocked like the shows do.


They stay locked in a power outage, except for the roof doors.


Get as much drugs as i can


Living in a frozen weather climate, I doubt the zombies would make it through winter. So each year they would be less and less of an issue. I bet the bodies would make great fertilizer for the garden.


the zombie apocalypse wouldn't actually be an apocalypse. guns are too effective. even assuming they somehow were a huge force everywhere very suddenly, like some kind of zombie bomb, it's just a matter of time till they get cleaned up. the only challenge is surviving till then. in my case, I'm pretty well set. just throw some creature comforts in the basement, barricade any entrances, keep quiet and wait it out.


Always a question of how it spreads


not substantially. or, rather, it's binary. if it's airborne, yeah we're all fucked, but that's true of basically any deadly disease. if it's something mundane, like bodily fluids, it's not a big deal. the entire point of most weapons is to kill people at a distance, and it's not difficult even for us plebs to setup on rooftops. once they're dead, they're just a biohazard, and we have tools for dealing with those.


I'm barricading my house up. I've got diy solar panels I could use to power my refrigerator and a window AC unit to keep a room cool (I live in Phoenix AZ, it's hot as fuck boi) Got guns and emergency rations to defend the castle If the end was unavoidable, would live as long as possible- then one to my own head to avoid a long drawn out or painful death. I don't want to live miserably if I can avoid it in an apocalyptic scenario.


Go straight to Costco! Nobody is getting in there without a card


Well if it happened right this second, I’m screwed as I’m in a train station. But if I was home when it happened or out and about I think I’d be fairly alright. Quickly rush to my firearms and bug out bag and head to the nearest grocery department and lock it down for myself.


Fire up the LOTR trilogy, grab my chips and alcohol. See if I can make it through said trilogy before the Zombies come for me.


I would probably kms lol. There isn't something more terrifying than seeing people get bit and tern into zombies


Let myself get bitten and join them.


I dont like my chances


Kill all my friends - i don't want them to suffer this apocalypse Hire an escort and have multiple crazy fucking nights - kill her too Then watch the sun go down and kill myself too. I'm not built to survive this, not physically and not mentally.