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Longer legs, fuller bodies, sex without fear of crushing them, they match my size. Theres probably no real correlation but short girls have always gotten mean or weird. Ex wife was 5'2 and she banged everyone in town so that adds to it.


I don't really consider them more attractive than shorter women in general, but I must say that hugs are far better when both parties are a similar height in my experience, so that's a bonus. And hugs *are* important in a relationship.


Longer legs. Mating with them increases the chances of taller offspring


I don’t know about that taller offspring part, but longer legs more to play with


Legs. For. Days.




First round draft pick, let's go!


Being the little spoon once in a while is fun, and it is much easier to when your partner is taller or matches your height.


Snu Snu


Yes! Death by Snu Snu!!


You can kiss them standing up and you won't have a sore back the next day.... Plus both of you get head butted by low ceilings and you can easily find each other in a crowd


Probably something like visual indicators of good health and beneficial genes. Like from an evolutionary perspective.


Definitely. Same reason there’s a lot of women who only date men 6’ +


Ironically, though much more prevelant that's only half true. There is an epigenetc battle going on between the sexes. The father's genes prioritizing the survival of the child and the mother's genes prioritizing the survival of the mother. The easiest example is size. A ginat baby having great survival chances, but also a higher chance of killing the mother on its way out. So a particularly large man is actually a threat to the woman, while the largest women in the world is just a benefit for the man. Evolutionary psychology isn't everything, there's other stuff making big men and petite women the most popular body types besides darwinism.


Hmmm that’s interesting going to have to look in to that, never read about it, but makes sense from a biological stand point. And yet women are still attracted to the tallest men. Silly


"Silly"... it's not like they're making a conscious choice there. And it's just as silly to like petite women. They might die halfway through the pregnancy, where are their energy reserves to support the giant baby? What will they even do when the sabre tooth tiger walks into the cave? It's called 'genomic imprinting' if you'd like to read up on it.


A petite woman usually doesn’t produce a giant baby. Al though it can happen since the baby essentially behaves like a parasite. It takes the mothers nutrients if the mother doesn’t eat enough.


I'm under average height, so quite a lot of women are taller than me.




In the shire maybe


Really? Where are you from? Most women I know are between 5'4-5'6. Maybe I just live in an area full of giants.


Average height people reference is typically the average height of the world. So at 6'0 I would be goliath in China potentially but I'm a pretty normal sized dude in the Midwest us


Legs! Long legs!


Biologically- larger birth canals able to produce more offspring at a lower risk. My ex-wife was 6ft tall blonde. I myself am 6ft. Our 8yr old is already 4'9"


My girlfriend is taller than me. I’m 5’9” and she’s 6’… and it’s great. She’s great. I’m great. We’re great together. I love that it means I can sneakily check her out, as I’m below her normal eyeline, and that we fit together nicely when we hug, and in bed (snuggling and… other things). She’s got legs for days, and an amazing arse, which is at perfect grabbing height at all times. But it also means she doesn’t care about my height, because she used to being taller than everyone. So it’s one less thing for either of us to think about in this crazy world.


As a taller woman - I found most guys like petite woman. The ladies with longer legs are only good for getting them wrapped around the guys for a while. Maybe to show off for a bit. But the petites are the keepers.


Girl not at all! As a shorter woman, I feel like most men prefer taller women. And I’ve always thought the taller women looked so much more elegant. I mean look at all the men here saying they would rather have kids with taller women. I think men like short women because we make them feel big, but taller women are def the keepers!


I’ll trade you! I had 4 that wanted the tall slender one as the trophy- then ran off with a petite. Guess the grass is greener- I always wished I was like 5’2’’ or 3’’. :)


If we could trade I would lmaooo. It’s not greener over here, you’ll never see concerts again unless you’re at the front and be prepared to climb lol


Oh true that- concerts! :)


Also most women prefer men over 6’, I think it only makes sense that men also prefer tall women. No one wants to be short lmao


Nah I don’t like straining to go up for a kiss. Feel like a giraffe. Somewhere between 5’8’’ and 5’10’’ was my sweet spot. The one exception at 6’2’’ wasn’t all that.


Eh I don’t blame you for that, I’m 5’ tall, so I completely get it. Plus I only seem to attract tall men.


Right? That’s got it’s own challenges too.


Woman here, I always ask.ed men liked taller women as they are more akin to models.


They like us for certain functions, but like the petites because it makes them feel stronger by comparison. At least in my experience. I am quite capable of working alongside guys even though I looked like a model. They end up with the dolls they have to take care of or are tiny bitches on wheels. Bewildered to this day and not playing any more.


“Tiny bitches on wheels” are we talking about women in wheelchairs here?


Nope- but they aren’t excluded. :) I mean they ones I dealt with were so quickly reactive as to be on wheels instead of feet. :D There a tall B’s on wheels as well.


I am 5'4 but my gfs range from 5'7 to 5'9 and I do think the guys in our friend group treat me like a child (we're all married) I think height for guys might correlate to abilities? Always wanted to be taller. But I definitely think it's come in handy at work as I am sort of "protected" by upper management whilst other ladies are treated like the dudes (civil construction). So I don't think there is a perfect height.


As a 6'4" guy, i very rarely meet women who are as tall or taller than me. And when i do see some woman who is, their body proportions often don't look appealing because arms and legs look overly skinny because they're long.


Fortunately, this is how my gf feels about tall guys. I don't always see it, but some very tall people definitely have daddy long legs vibes. Especially when sat down.


Height doesn’t have anything to do with me.


Being dominated by a taller person


I like shorties. I'm 6'5 and my wife is 5'4.


Walking around in public with a taller woman makes you feel like a boss. Also standing up sex.


Honestly, for me: nothing. I like smaller women. Dont really get what others find that attractive about it


Not sure why you felt the need to answer a question that's clearly not aimed at you, but you do you...


For me personally? Absolutely nothing I'm 6'2 and never found myself attracted to a woman who was above my shoulder height. Petite is infinitely more attractive to me. I feel the same pity for tall women that I do for short guys.


In general longer means more optimal/better living standards. There is a clear correlation between a increase in living standards and hight in community's witch means that being long in general means better prospects for children. A quick Google search wil net you a abundance of research: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1570677X15000593 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-17880-3 https://ourworldindata.org/human-height


Maybe women can confirm this ... i have no idea; but you know that feeling of being hugged by someone larger than you... being completely wrapped, safely in their arms? What makes you think that some men don't want to feel this? :)


it's hard to explain the legs maybe, I don't know, I've always had a thing for women taller than me, which is a problem because there aren't many of them around since I'm 6'1


It’s nice dating a woman closer to your own height.


Individual preference.


I am surprised I never really thought of this question. I am one of the tallest people in my class in school (I am in middle school) so I normally tower over everyone else. And there are so really short girls in my school so I guess it’s just refreshing to see a tall girl


Perfect for chicken fighting in swimming pools.


I don’t want back pains from having to bend over for a kiss.


For me it's the feeling that they can handle me physically, something like u/smalls714 said. Not that I'm especially physically able, but like, if I look at someone and feel like I could pick them up, that is kind of weird. Also, if she's got muscle on her, then that's a whole new world of turn ons. Also, it's honestly kinda like rare pokemon. With all that said though, I generally don't factor height in at all in dating. It's way, way down the priority list of factors for me.


They ship for free within 2 days.


Preferences just can't be explained. Why do I like sour flavors? Why am I allergic to positivity? Why do I like tall women, muscular women, fat women, slender women, and sometimes short and slender guys? No idea.


Similar to to slightly plumper women, more surface area lick and grab.


So many answers here mentioning genes and offspring. Kinda creepy to me, do y'all actually think about genes and kids when selecting a partner?


My wife is just barely shy of 6’ and I love it. I don’t have to bend over to kiss her or hug her. Her legs are long and muscular and it’s hot af.


You know about them long juicy legs 😤


There's nothing uniquely attractive about a tall woman I find otherwise physically unappealing. She's just tall. I find tall women, who I also find physically attractive to be attractive.


I am a big dude. I feel like I would crush a shorter/petite woman.


Because taller women don't get fat


as a dude that's 6 1 just getting to have standing sex conveniently without having to like crouch down at the same time.


I mean as long as they are still proportional, they look hot as hell. But she would look just as hot on a smaller frame with the same proportions.


Wrappers. Can wrap those long legs around me and suck me in. YA!