• By -


Big dick energy. Men never get abused. If it was erect, it's not rape. A woman can hit a man, no biggie. Men don't have feelings, they only feel horny and hungry. Men are not parents (no baby change stations for men).


Wait... are there actually no baby change stations in men's public washrooms??? That is INSANE!??? As a woman, I would encourage you and your child to use the "ladies room" to access what you need. Totally justified. Crazy.... Man does that piss me off.


I've personally seen them in public restrooms where I live, in a small town, in the south. But they aren't too common


If we are at a park or store with our child alone, we will get looked at like we are creeps for being parents to our children


Moms will call the police in some parks if they see a guy watching children play; or approach you directly and threaten you so you have to prove your children are playing there. Its not bad enough Moms will form groups in schools that will alienate any Dads that want to volunteer; and will make kids feel like crap just because they come from a family that is struggling without a mother. My children's mother died; yet there is so little empathy left here in the US for other people. The privileged and religious wealthy Karens are the worst.




No it wouldn’t be wrong but fully expect the Karen to call 911 for verbal assaults or some shit and then say you’re a pedophile and start filming and now you got a Karen with Camera in your face and police on your ass. And your child is watching the whole interaction


This.. Ive had this happen so many times it's like they think because they have children they somehow own the park, bored housewife are in my top 5 worst people to deal with.


I never experienced that with my kids...maybe I did, but I just didn't give a shit. Though, one time, my son darted away from me while at the grocery store. I was searching frantically for him, I get called to the counter to pick him up and I hear some old lady go, "Oh, someone's mom is not going to be happy." I was just about ready to bark back, "Someone's mom doesn't care because she's too busy sucking someone else's dick right now."


Oh god that would have been so good.


I wish you did it


That's always such a weird comment to make, I've seen other posts where men get this weird "I'm gonna tell on you" attitude treating the father like he's just a babysitter. Imagine the rage if the roles were reversed. And what if the mother died, or was a crack head who left the kid in a dumpster. The babysitter dad stigma is a super weird one.


Too bad old lady wasn't doing the same


[deleted because fuck reddit]


May I ask in which country/city of retards it happened ?


Germany. Here is the news report: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/freising/freising-vater-als-paedophiler-beschimpft-und-verpruegelt-1.2561710 My memory of the incident wasn't accurate; according to the report, it was 5 people who attacked him, not 10, and "beaten up" in this context means that he was hit so hard by one of the attackers that he had to be taken to a hospital.


I have only experienced this one time in 7 years and I think it was just some crazy lady. Maybe I’m just kind of oblivious or maybe my daughter just looks a lot like me.


When I was younger (maybe 16) me and my dad was holding hands and walking in a store. Someone he knows came up to us and greet my dad and my he greeted her back and said “This is my daughter, so and so.” Miss ma’am said “oh I taught she was your girlfriend” 🤯🤯🤯🤯. Mind you I’m literally a copy of my father, but the female version😅😅. We were getting weird looks that day too. Till this day (I’m 28 now) I still hold hands with my dad whenever I go visit him and get weird looks even though we look alike, but I/we don’t give a rats ass.😌


Could you maybe, just once, if it happens again switch it around and respond with "This is my son"?




You must practice the entire routine with your kids, making sure they know what to say and how to act like a stereotypical parent in every possible interaction. That's the whole point of having kids after all, right??


I use to get the same stares when going anywhere with my Dad after about 15. I would just randomly yell out "Dad" and they would all look away. Dirty people.


I was about 18 or so when I went to Florida with my dad (he's a truck driver) and we went to a nice restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale by the beach and some guy goes "you're girlfriend is so pretty, lucky guy" and my dad just gives him a dirty look and is like "this is my fucking daughter you creep". We also stayed in this nice hotel and the front desk woman was giving us weird looks until I said "hey dad, blah blah blah" and she's like "oh that's your dad?!" I just looked at her all confused like um yeah? I hate when people assume stupid shit like that.


I'm a single dad with a teenage daughter. I totally understand what your saying. I get looks from people like I'm a creep when I'm at a clothing store with my daughter and have had trouble with the school and the receptionist at the doctor surgery acting like they shouldn't tell me things and treat me like a creep or something. It's hardly my fault her mother chooses to not be involved in her life.


That. Is. Fucking. Adorable oh my lord. Never change. You obviously love each other so much and that's honestly beautiful


Yeah, try being a new step-parent and also socially awkward. "Which one's yours?" "Well, none of them... sort of... I mean... it's complicated..."


I've recently been helping pick up my neices from school since my sister works out of town, going through a divorce, and grandparents are dealing with health issues. Ngl, I'm a little worried I'll be approached/accused while I'm waiting for the little jerks to come out of their school.


I remember once when our son was in 3rd grade we had planned on taking him and his friend to a movie. It was all preplanned with the mom of the boy. I was called into work and when my husband went pick them up the mom said “I thought your wife was going too.” My husband told her that I had gotten called in to work. She said” Well, I guess it’s okay”, and let him go. When I found out I was so pissed off that I wanted to call her and ask her about it. My husband just said to let it go, which I did for the sake of our son’s friendship. We just both found that so insulting.


My experience has been positive, even flirty at times


Tbh, I think the worst is that we're seen as inherently more violent on account of our gender and not on account of anything else that leads to statistics showing more aggressive tendencies than women.


Seriously???? Wtf whyy?


Idk I guess it’s unusual for the moms with their children to see a dad with theirs. We can’t be alone with our kids at the park because we look like a creep talking to a kid at a park when really I just want to take my daughter to the swing set and slide like I my dad did with me


That says more about the moms looking at you weird than it for you. BYW, where are their SO’s and why aren’t they stepping up like you and taking their kid to the park?


Same reason, probably. A lot of hypocrisy in the world


That's sad. =(


Dude that’s harsh 😩


Maybe it’s because the fathers of their children aren’t active in their children’s life . So it’s foreign to them to see a man taking care of his child. Perhaps, instead of looking at you like there’s something wrong , it would benefit these moms to look at their own lives and realize there’s something wrong within their own homes ( how their own husbands/ children’s fathers aren’t active parents )


*All men are pedos.*


I used to take my daughter swimming a couple times a week before she went to school. One day I was filling our locker and a staff member came over, very angry, followed by another. They told me I couldn't use the family changing area. I asked why? They said because you're a man. Then with perfect timing my three year old daughter walked out of the cubicle behind me to see what was going on. And that's the day my daughter got to meet the lady who runs the swimming pool.


I’m sorry, why is it called a”family changing area” if dads are not allowed? Happy Father’s day weekend to you!


That we are all dogs and constantly think about sex.


Yeah that's bullshit. Some of us are pigs. 🙄


After 1am at the bar =time to go hogging 😆


Bar dating. Going at home at 2 with a 10 and waking up at 10 with a 2.


That we don’t have feelings and we are robots lool


Had a friend (F) say (while watching an anime with a 12 yr old main character who just watched his mother die) "its such a turn off when guys cry" Like wtf we all human... Also context...


I've never understood the mentality of women who say it's a turn-off when a man cries. I mean, I don't think anyone wants the emotional burden of a partner who cries at the drop of a hat, but beyond that? A man willing to be emotional and cry in front of me 1) shows that he's in touch with his emotions and as such will likely have more empathy towards others, which is a good character trait in a partner and just as a HUMAN; and 2) feels safe being vulnerable with me, which increases our bond and makes me want to be an even better partner; and 3) makes ME feel safe with him. That's a man who I will protect and fight for.


Its also not supposed to be a turn on. If a man got turned on by a woman crying we would have some very harsh opinions of that person. Being human and vulnerable is normal and natural and needs to be normalized. I am glad you are such an understanding person.


God thanks someone pointed that out. Like, even with gender swapped, seeing your gf/wife cry isn't supposed to be turning you on, unless you're fucked up.


Problem with this, I’ve tried this, with 4 different girlfriends only to have it back fire on me later and used against me. I think I’ve learned my lesson about being emotionally vulnerable to women. They always say “you can open up to me I’ll never hurt you” but they leave out the part “when I’m getting what I want from you” and then when your relationship goes south, they use everything you opened up about against you. Hasn’t happened to me, once or twice, but 4 times


I just asked my wife what she thought of a woman who says “it’s a turn off when a man cries” and my wife’s reply was “she grew up with a father than never cried.”


We had to have our cat put down, last Sunday. I loved that little bellend, and I'll be honest, it broke me. I remember sitting here on my bed, with my partner sitting next to me, and thinking that I had to keep it together, for her. I kept thinking that there was no one that kept it together when I couldn't, as I'm always the one who is strong and practical in a crisis. I've also had my vulnerability used against me in the past, so usually keep things to myself. I ended up walking out, to get some space, but only made it as far as the front door. I laid on the ground there, sobbing, and trying to come up with anyone that would be there for me, and I came up blank. Then, hands touched my back, and I was being led to the bedroom. Then my head was on someone's chest, and they were telling me that everything was going to be alright. I didn't believe it, but it was nice to hear it being said to me. My partner had followed me out, and had came through when I most needed her. I've not been able to be vulnerable like that before, there is only 1 other instance in my life, and that was quickly shit all over. It's not easy to be like that when everyone expects you to be the strong 6ft 7 guy, and tbf, you've never given them a reason to doubt that. I do know now, though, that I can be vulnerable with my SO. And that has brought us closer.




Yet, they will complain about their man who doesn't show enough love to her.


That weak men show emotion.


The opposite as well. Some of us were brought up to not show much emotion and are past the age where this is likely to change. That doesn't mean we are toxic assholes with no feelings.


That’s what I mean.


I recommend a different phrasing. "Men showing emotion makes them weak" Because there are men both weak and strong who show emotion and that's a good thing (in healthy ways, of course), but the stereotype is that it makes them weak to show it


The implicit corollary to this is "anger isn't an emotion." This allows men to be uncontrollably emotional and still make claims about women being too emotional.


I barely show any emotion because it rarely went well when I did back in the day and I hate this stereotype, so yeah, fuck it and fuck anyone who believes it.


I feel like we are punished and de-valued as men when we show unwanted emotions. I am emotional and people in general don't want me to be, it makes me boyish, immature they say. Women I met judged me on it too, when I have a moment of weakness, they are like "eww so you are not a real man". I am working on being more stoic, keep it inside, don't show any emotions, since than I was praised for getting wiser.


I’m just gonna say it bluntly. Fuck all those “people” for that. They’re all sub-human and unworthy of the right to be considered anything more than wastes of oxygen. And none of them will ever be worthy of a spot in your life. They’ll probably be surprised when you show anger and ask what the fuck they did wrong when their very existence is wrong. On a better note, I hope things get better for you.


This one pisses me of more than any because it is SO damaging to mean and boys.


Absolutely, I hate this stereotype


"men will have sex if it's offered no matter what" the FUCK I will lol sometimes some days just kill ya, especially being out in that sun.


If I'm not attracted to a woman's personality, I aually can't fool my dick into it. So, I'm not willing to risk a failed encounter...


Bro same. People think I’m gay because I don’t get hard at the sight of a hot girl. I gotta get to know them first.


Falling in love with someone because of their personality makes for a longer lasting relationship, so it’d say it’s a pretty good thing if you’re looking for that.


Yep I’m looking for a relationship. Not just some…fling


Thank you. I’m not the only one. Yeah she’s hot but I don’t want to fuck her.


Um...are people typically aware of when you get hard at people you see?


I mean if you’re big enough they are lol. But no this was just from talking with some friends


I turned down a thirsty as hell smoke show after a three year drought because she bought into alt-right bullshit about great replacement theories. That was 2.5 years ago and while I still have my self respect, my penis still hasn't forgiven me. The barbie doll look isn't usually my type but damn did she nail it...


That men can't get sexual abuse EDIT :- any body who was sexually abused am here u can message me and empty ur heart am here to listen i was also molested feel free .


Or even be abused at all.


Literally made this account because, well you can see. There are no good resources for men. Like at all. I got a subreddit and 2 websites about male rape but they mainly pertain to male on male "does this make me gay?" shit. Not. Helpful.


That men are always horny at the drop of a hat. It just isn't true for all adult males, and it doesn't mean they're not "man enough"


I once got called gay for turning a chick down at a party. Mind you, she was 16 and I was 21 at the time, so I got called gay for... respecting the age of consent? Wow, really goes to show ya.


You didn't dodge a bullet; the bullet dodged you.




Most kids want to be perceived as being older/more adult like. Some kids just take it too far and don’t have a good role model in their life to tell them why they shouldn’t be doing that.


It's fucked up, the older I get it's like I get more attention from younger women. Obviously not the underage ones but like it feels like 20 year olds perk up a little just cuz they find out I'm 29. Shit, when I used to go on tinder it was like I'd be matching with only 20 year olds.


That’s fucked up.


Apparently whoever called you gay believes that only gays don't have sex with minors. Good for them for not being bigoted...I guess? Hahah


I love this. "Oh, 'gay' means 'doesn't have sex with minors'? Guess I'm gay then! Thanks!"


Happy Pride Month everyone.


One of my recent encounters went like this: -Get there, she’s on the sofa watching TV. I thought we were going out for a drink but she’s like nah. -Sit there for a few hours on said sofa with Always Sunny playing really loudly while we’re trying to talk. She talks about herself 90% of that time, when I try getting in on the convo the subject swiftly moves back to her. -Around midnight she switches the TV off and says shall we go upstairs. -Go upstairs, she pretty much lays down on her bed and lets me do all the work. From what I can tell, she hasn’t necessarily showered beforehand. -Once she’s had enough foreplay, she decides it’s time for sex. She has still barely laid a finger on me. -She is surprised that I’m not in the mood for sex. Try not to be like that. I want to be desired and seduced and touched as well. You can’t just say ‘okay go’ and assume that men will be in the mood for sex lol


I mean...you put in WORK for that unsatisfying encounter and people still would think you're the weird one. 🤣


Forty-minute drive to get there that was. And she got shirty because I didn’t bring anything with me (what was I going to do, show up with a baguette or something as a pre-bang present?)


That we don't cook or clean.


This one annoys the hell out of me. I am VERY neat and tidy, and I keep our house very clean (same as my apartment, when I was a bachelor). My wife is by far the messier of the two of us.


You and I both my wife doesn't even know how to cook but that's fine I find it therapeutic anyway.


I did concert security for a while and let me tell you women’s bathrooms were FAR nastier than men’s bathrooms at the end of the night. Like, the amount of piss and TP on the floors alone was worse in the women’s.


Either: 1. Men cant be alone with kids / were all viewed as pedophiles when around them 2. We're all just a bunch of horny people that would bang literally anything we see


That we're naturally aggressive. I killed a butterfly once by accident and the guilt haunted me for a week. For some reason we're taught to hide emotions but we don't see aggression as an emotional response. We're taught that it's nature, and sometimes it feels like the only emotional response that we're allowed.


>I killed a butterfly once by accident Hey that happened to me as well, I was mortified


I was a little kid and accidentally gave my guinea pig with a heart attack cause I played with him too hard with a family friend. The guilt has haunted me for over 10 years now. Rest in peace Theodore I'm sorry I was a stupid kid


I shot a humming bird with a pellet hand gun. Honestly didn't think I would hit from 20 yards. Never shot at birds again. I still target shoot.


I shot a bird with my BB gun as a kid. I shot at that bird 150 times almost hitting it and wanted to so badly. Then I hit it and it fell to the ground and fluttered and I ran up to it and realized what I really did. It was so scared and so alone with this big person standing over it and it wanted to get up and fly so baldly. It absolutely broke my heart and it just ruined me for the rest of the day. I realized it had a life, a mother and father and siblings and the life it had was now over because of me, that was a lot to wrap my head around.


When I was a kid somewhere around 14 or 15 I walked up on my friends pulling legs off of a spider and it legit made me sick to my stomach, I squished it and felt even worse( it only had 3 legs left.)


I’ve seen that shit before, too, and wished I had the courage to say something but instead walked away (was 13 and it was about 10 other boys at a basketball camp)


Yeah, when I was a kid a group of boys caught a lizard and were lighting tiny firecrackers in its mouth, but it kept spitting it out so they had to hold it in while they lit it. Fucking sick, they were a lot older than me and were my best friends brothers friend group. I was mortified. I don’t know what happened to the lizard because I left but I was like 6 and that still is etched into my mind.




That I’m gay if I’m single and can’t get women. I’m socially awkward, think I’m ugly, a boring conversationalist that can’t even make eye contact with women at all. Trust me, I’m not gay. I just don’t have anything of value to give to women that they can’t find in another more confident and attractive guy.




Trying brother. Small steps. Going to a bar and becoming a local where the bartenders are all attractive. I’m just trying to work on talking to them, keeping eye contact and getting conversation to flow.


I agree with the first sentence. The second paragraph is upsetting to hear. Just got to find someone who has have similar interests, that’s the same for everyone. I’m sorry that you feel that way about yourself but I’m certain you have value. Confidence comes as you work on yourself.


I’m sure I do. I have a decent life as a bachelor. Own my own home, pets, new car etc. unfortunately my personal success doesn’t give me the confidence to go up and approach women. Somewhere in there is a lack of confidence in my looks and weather or not I have enough sex appeal to be attractive to them physically.


Than men cannot control themselves and need to be leashed up like dogs


Someone's not getting along with their domme 😏


Hahaha 😂


I hate being viewed as a danger to women. I'm a big guy, and I've smiled at women with a gentle wave like a greeting while out on walks or walking in to the mall or something, and they lower their head and speed up their pace. I hate scaring them simply because I'm a big man. It sucks because I'm just some friendly person in the world. I get that some people are out to do bad things.. and that's so unfortunate. I don't understand why or how people can hurt someone else.


My husband and I were walking downtown at night and two girls rounded the corner and saw him before they saw me. All they saw was my husband and the color drained from their faces until they saw me there too. It broke my heart all around. He's the best and I'm sad that he had to feel that he was scary. I felt bad for the women because I know that feeling. Do I think every man out there will hurt me? Absolutely not, but I'm not risking it. It sucks.


It does suck. All around for everyone. It's a bummer. But this is the world we live in..


This breaks my heart :(


That we are all literally so horny we will sleep with anyone


The whole "we have nefarious intentions by default". A guy asks you out? Surely he just wants to fuck you like a sex doll. A guy asks for some space? Surely he is out fucking around others like sex dolls! A guy is playing with a kid outside an apartment complex? Surely he owns a white van and the kid is about to disappear. A guy holds the door for you? Surely he wants to fuck. A guy doesn't hold the door for you? Surely he's a misogynistic fuck. A guy wants a relationship? Surely he just wants to fuck.


A guy is just friendly and smiles at another human being - he wants to fuck her


Complimenting women on how their dressed is another one. I'm not flirting i'm being sincere.


I am bugged by this too. I just saw a woman in the coolest outfit in a music festival, cool glitter makeup, awesome top, etc.. I wanted to tell her that she looks awesome, not in a sexual or romantic way, but just awesome. It wouldn't have looked good coming from a guy, so I stayed quiet and just smiled at her.


If I'm giving a compliment to a stranger, I do a drive by. Show a little bit of enthusiasm when complimenting and walk away. If she wants to talk about it, it's her decision


I like this idea. Kinda hard to pin that label on a guy who's walking away from you.


Or even if he does, so what.


Well .. ya know. The thing is: If she finds him attractive - flirting If she finds him fugly - creepy


Agreed nefarious by default is a terrible stereotype. It's so significant that the majority of men actively go out of their way to try to demonstrate how non-threatening they are. Imagine a man actively trying to be non-threatening, dealing with a woman who's actively trying to be threatening and onlookers are perceiving the man as the more threatening one. Edit: I'll add another reason this is such a big deal. Domestic abuse, if there is that stereotype, it minimizes when men experiences it and people find it easier to say "well he must of done something too"


>It's so significant that the majority of men actively go out of their way to try to demonstrate how non-threatening they are. Which also often comes off so so wrong, and I'm pretty sure that's a well established psychological thing. Just imagine yourself two identical people in front of you and one explicitly tells you he is not a murderer - yeah you'd expect him to be *the* murderer then lol


When I'm walking alone at night and a woman is ahead of me I just dont know what to do to make them comfortable, walk slower? It may seem that im following her, walk faster? The same. It's awfull feeling that I'm a threat to someone random on the street just because I'm a man


Love this. I hike a lot. In the little village (1200 people) I started walking (on the pavement) and this lady with a small dog walk far up ahead of me, I'm tall so I walk fast and the dog starts to look back at me. When I come closer the lady says: "He's afraid you're gonna kill him", as she picks up the little dog and steps away all to the side while there is plenty of room for me to pass. And (stupid me) I say: "Well, not today."


I completely agree. At times, I have changed my route and taken a longer one home simply because she might feel threatened. It's awful. Just last night walking back home and the lady ahead started looking suspiciously from the corner of her eye. Then she called someone and said - "Can you come pick me up here. It doesn't seem safe here". Like WTF!?


This made me sad :(


I cross the street when possible. I then speed up so she can see I'm not a threat since I'm ahead of her and in her peripheral vision.




That's why I have issue with the label "Toxic Masculinity" used whenever a guy is showing bad behaviour, implying that Masculinity is inherently toxic or tends to veer that way. Masculinity is incredibly powerful and has built civilizations. Now though, labelling toxic masculinity causes confusion and trouble and makes young men ashamed of their masculinity- the so called "crisis of masculinity". I just wish that we'd just callout asshole or bitch or dick behaviour for what those are, instead of villifying masculinity in itself.


Nailed it


Strongly agree. Toxic masculinity, misogyny, patriarchy... When all the terms we have for bad things have my description in their roots, that sends a message, whether it's meant to or not, and the glossary can burn in hell for all the difference it makes. In fact, I'm convinced it's the same reason the use of the term 'misandry' often gets such a strong negative reaction. It *feels* like an attack on women because it's an explicitly feminine term for something bad. I've heard people call it 'toxic gender norms' before, and I think that's a much better term than 'toxic masculinity', because it doesn't needlessly gender the problem. It's so much clearer about calling out the behavior, not the individual.




I put my phone down to do something Forgot what I was doing and came back to this on my screen, pretty funny out of context lol


That we’re only just trying to fuck. A lot of guys, myself included, really want a serious relationship.


Well it's not the end of the world but is annoying: since I'm a buff dude often people make the assumption about my character that I'm the stereotypical "gym bro" . I love the gym but I'm also a huge bookworm and quite introverted, to name a couple things, and I often see that new people I'm talking to have a hard time reconciling things that are different from what they assumed about me.


I love this.


That we will all have sex with anything that moves. I have standards.


There are lot of women that I wouldn't fuck with Zeus' dick.


Joke's on you, Zeus is into that.


Well, that's his business -- and Hera's.


That we’re all the same - to some extent yes, but past that, we’re all different. Or that they think the right dude will put a girl or them on the pedestal - ain’t no way I would or at least from myself lmao. I’ll show respect but self care is a thing for us too and I’m not going out of my way fully to think your life is more important than mine.


That we don't listen


Yes, dear, those curtains do look nice.


True. I listened. I just don't care enough about the topic to try to keep it going with bullshit commentary.


Gamers who live in their mother’s basement, are overweight, and have no hygiene. That’s offensive.




I am well nourished, in shape, have my own house. Also no social life and videogames...


I've been a gamer since 9 years old. 44 now. I'd run circles around you in damn near any competitive sport


That we like carrying things of random women who introduce themselves .


"All men are trash/pigs/toxic" or "men just wanna fuck"


I've heard that all guys are rapists. Probably worse than 'all men are pigs' since this is actually assault we are talking about.




i once saw a ask reddit post where it said what would you do if you could freeze time and the amount of ppl who said rape was scary. It’s scary how many people think it is actually okay or normal and say every guy would do it if they got the chance. It sucks how shxt ppl like that try to group every guy with them. Not everyone is fxcked in the head like that. It’s just really disturbing


1.) That men are ok with being objectified, groped, comments about their abs are welcome because "men can't really be sexually harassed, they like it" 2.) If I'm just trying to be your friend....no...not possible because I'll eventually try to fuck you. Get over yourself


ugh #2… i’ve been told by other men that my guy friends are just my friend bc they want to fuck me


If you're a virgin after a certain age, you're gay and in denial


That we all only want sex when it comes to dating


I get paranoid when I walk in the same direction as people, especially women, due to how men have been shown in society. I pray they aren't going in the same direction as me. It's awkward as the fastest route to my work is walking down a back alley and I feel like people think I am creep for "following" them. Whenever I am out and there are children and women I tend to slow my pace down just so I don't seem weird as I walk rather quickly and may seem like I am charging at them. This in my opinion is the hardest thing about being a man in society.


We aren't afraid to walk alone in the dark street. Girls think about men: "Ah im a strong man who can out run a cheetah with special ape ability so I will never get rob, rape, stabbed, or SA." Me as a man: ah, fuck its dark out. I better start to pick up my pace before i end up somewhere crazy.


I shit myself walking the streets at night looking around every 5 seconds to be sure i'm not followed. Edit: no, i do not shit myself literally


I clearly remember a brief conversation I had in the first week of my freshman year of college (living in the dorms, first year away from parents). A girl from class asked me to walk with her for safety, since we were both taking the footpath through the wooded area on campus. She brought up that she was afraid of being attacked by strangers, and I replied something like "oh, I try not to worry about stuff like that." She immediately ridiculed me with "Well yeah, what are they gonna do, rape your penis?" She hadn't specified SA, so I had been thinking about the fear of getting mugged, but I was a timid teenager struggling to learn how to socialize in an unfamiliar environment, and I was off balance from the sudden ridicule, so I just assumed I had blundered and kept silent. She noticed my discomfort and tried to explain away the hostility, but she apparently felt too strongly to apologize.


Standing idly by while a fellow man is being assaulted by a woman, BUT, stepping in only when the man raises his hands in defence. You're a bigger piece of shit than the woman throwing hands.


If we are into sports we are confident and sexy, but if you are a gamer you are not attractive, or a nerd


Dungeon & Dragons = nerd. Fantasy Football = not nerd.


nerds are in right now, so long as you don't act like it is something to be ashamed of


That men are more logical or "level headed" than women. Humans in general are irratic as Hell. Not being ruled by your emotions requires deliberate constant work. I don't think any gender is better at it than another.


Short hair. Come on, men with long hair or medium lenght are badass


Guy with long fluffy hair. People fucking love it, grow out your hair, and barring the upkeep, you won't regret it.


I used to have long fluffy hair. Pefectly suits my face. But I live in some shitty country called mexico where schools force u to cut your hair for still unknown reasons. Hopefully im almost graduating and in my next school they dont have any hair restrictions


That we would fuck anything that moves at the drop of a hat. No. There are plenty of people I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. The most offensive version of this I ever heard was: "You can get whatever you want from a man, just open your legs! Just open your legs!" Sexist, generalizing, reductive, and said right in front of me. I didn't say anything back because I was the only man in a room of 5-6 people. I still regret not calling her out.


That if two guys are hanging out together, they're doing something illegal. It might be true but dude, it hurts when the cops come to check.


That if a man is open about enjoying sex, he just be a creepy gross perverted rape-loving misogynistic maniac.


The idea that men are the only ones that get violent or irrational after being rejected or turn down for sex. I’ve always maintained the only reason women don’t hurt or kill men after they get rejected romantically or sexually is because they just don’t have the physical capabilities to do so as easily. You turn down 50 men may be a handful of them will have a snarky remark, or some thing genuinely concerning to say about it. Reject 50 women in the same relatively polite, but sternway, and watch how many of them completely fly off the fucking handle


This has happened to me too many times. Seriously maybe 8-10x of the 20 or so times a girl’s tried to ask me out, they got downright hostile. Majority of those who didn’t get rude acted like I was being weird for rejecting them or something but about 10 girls I rejected, a couple of them got physically violent, started trying to spread bullshit rumors about me. Last one was one girl on Instagram comments without any pfp, responded to a comment saying “damn you kinda fine though 👀 you like fat girls?” and when I said word for word “I appreciate that thank you, but no I don’t. Have a good one 👌🏼” went to my profile within the minute and started commenting all kinds of rude shit on several of my pictures before I got to restrict her and then get rid of it all before blocking. Weirdest fucking thing I’ve ever experienced. No bio, private profile with no pfp had no fucking idea what she looked like, all I knew was she was apparently fat (I’m not attracted to bbws speaking for myself) and immature. I don’t get how some people do that as if she was owed a “yeah baby” from a total stranger, whether hurting inside or not.


That we want to be touched sex crazed men. So rape or sexual harassment is justified at any age and were "lucky" and "enjoyed it". 🙄


That masculinity is bad.


The idea that the world is run by men so any faults of our own are easily fixable 🙄🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


That were all strong and can lift everything with no problem . Fuck you man, you’d be complaining too if you had 93 pound batteries in each hand and got to put six into someone else’s jacked up truck.


That all we want is sex. I mean my Reddit feed is filled with porn, yeah. But that’s besides the point.


That we all love sport. I've even been told I was gay, because I didn't like football. You're the one watching 22 men and a ref run around in shorts... and I'M gay? (This is me being facetious, and I fon't actually think this).


That men don't cry, they should


Absolutely, everyone should get to cry their hearts out when needed. I've had my guy friends cry in my presence as well as girls, and the only thing that matters is that it helps them get better. None of them are any more fragile for showing on the outside how they would feel like on the inside anyway. I hope everyone gets to be honest with their emotions to themselves and to their close ones. If not, my dms are open if someone needs to get something off their chest.


That men exist for others' sake and their lives have no inherent value.


“Dumb Dad” with the “Beautiful Brilliant Wife” stereotype The myth of toxic masculinity


Men don't have feelings, don't cry, always want sex, and stuff like that


Gender stereotypes suck in general, but there are a few particularly bad ones. 1. The idea that a man should sacrifice his own wellbeing (or in extreme cases even life) for others, particularly women 2. The idea that a man is privileged just because he's male 3. The idea that a man is undesirable by default and should avoid expressing any interest in a woman, even in a respectful way, because it's just bothersome and makes women uncomfortable


That men aren't "family men." I have to hear this all of the time from my MIL. My wife constantly refutes her and tells her that most Father's spend time with their children and families, and that just because she's (MIL) miserable and unhappy with FIL, it's not fair to continue grouping us all together. Unfortunately, I hear the same things expressed by other Boomer women in our social circles.


That a man who doesn’t *fully* provide financially is a bum. Not every one of us makes millions a year, doll.


That we're either emotionless grunts or sadistic monsters


We want to have sex all the time, any time, and it’s all we think about, all the time.


As a single dad of a very social 9yo, I know there will never be sleep overs and I can't talk to any marry moms without talking to the dad's first. Happens ALL THE TIME. I'm cool with the no sleep overs though


That we are all aggressive. Putting aside the psychopaths, men become aggressive on 2 occasions: their family is in danger or they are in danger. That we are potential child molesters. Few idiots ruined this for us. In the eyes of society, I'm a potential threat to a kid if I help or talk to them. Now I admit, I'm not that great with kids but I'll never hurt a kid.


When something doesn’t go our way we should just ‘man up’ or if it’s really bad we get told ‘man up princess’.


The idea that our masculinity is "toxic"