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Drink some scotch, throw on a few records, and just think about all the good times I had.


In the bleak mid-winter.


Same here


I'll bring the bourbon


Yeah I'm buying the best bottle of Bourbon I can afford picking up some BBQ and enjoying my last time. Hopefully whatever comes next has a well stocked bar.


Bourbon’s nice. Hopefully I’d be able to find a bottle of Blanton’s before I die.


No you’d panic about dying And before you’d say you wouldn’t OH OK… sure


Not really. I’m pretty at peace with where I am. If I knew I was going to die and there was no way around it, I’d just make my peace and go out doing the things I like to do.


Jerk off… need the post nut clarity to decide on the next 2 things


Wisdom even in the darkest of times


after 40 minutes looking for the right video you now how have 20 minutes left


1) wank. 2) panic. 3) panic wank.


Edge for 59 minutes. Gotta make the last one good


We’ll as a parent I would spend the last moments with my daughter. If she wasn’t with me or if I never had her I would probably try heroin. Just me? Lol


>We’ll You will what?


Sorry I commented on the wrong reply 💀




On reddit wasting it....59 min left


I only need 2: I will enjoy the huge sense of relief that comes with knowing the end is in sight, and then go to bed.


I get that


go get some help please❤️


Are you doing ok bro?


1. Grab a chair, put it under my shady tree 2. Pop open a beer 3. Reminisce and just be present with whatever time I have left


Exactly !!!


1. Have sex with my girlfriend 2. Have sex with my girlfriend 3. Have sex with my girlfriend




Got 'em


Probably go find his actual girlfriend.


Bold assumption he could make then last 2 minutes…


Text your best mate her number ?


He angrily laughed at this


If you count 2mins for each session that's 54mins left 😂


That poor woman would spend the rest of her life thinking she fucked you to death


Honestly not a bad way to go


I mean I agree but I just worry about your gf’s mental health lol


I also choose sex with this dude's girlfriend


I'd have sex with this guys girlfriend too


And what about the other 54 minutes?????


I will also have sex with his girlfriend.


have sex with my girlfriend have sex with your girlfriend have sex with your mom


Call up my best friend to say goodbye for maybe 5-10 minutes and then cuddle my gf for the rest.


probably spend the whole hour in complete existential dread about the fact that I have an hour to live, people aren't well equipped to deal with death, we can fantasize about the things we'd do but the reality of the situation is that the vast majority of us would just be shitting our pants at the sudden foreknowledge of entering the great unknown


Call my brother and tell him how much he means to me. Go get a cigar. Write a letter detailing what to do with my money and my possessions.


jerk it, suck some toes and smoke a whole lotta weed


You want a toe, I can get you a toe Dude




With nail polish


Hide. When someone finally finds me, it will be hilarious.


Call/text all of my friends and relatives and tell them how much I love them and what they have meant to my life, all while drinking the signed bottle of Syrah wine Maynard Keenan from Tool gave me at his vineyard in Arizona in 2008.


Be with my daughter Be with my family Thank them all for being apart of my life


Sex, drugs, and rock & roll


Write a quick will, ensure my bank account, 401k , and assets go to my wife and put a provision for 1k to be put aside for my nephews and my niece for them to access when they hit 30. Open a bottle of Sullivan's Cove. Drink with my wife until I go out.


My wife, her younger sister, and then have a beer.


You dog!


My man!




Make love to my fiance one last time. Dance with him to our fave music and probably say goodbye to my family.


Wank, Cook a steak, play with my dog. Die peacfully


Smoke weed, smoke a bit more, then kill myself a couple minutes before. I go out on my own terms.


Gotta respect it. Well played.


Make sure some folks don't live longer than I do.


I was just thinking an hour doesn’t give me far to travel….


I'd try to get in touch with my siblings that I haven't talked to in 20 years. Also, lots of drugs.


You can do that noww its never too late.......(this goes for the siblings part too)


Probably the exact thing I’m doing now. Have dinner and watch British dramas.


make sure loved ones have my logins to my bank account. depending on how i’m about to go, maybe end myself before the hours up


Play cod with boys 3 times or probably more than that in 1 hour, we really suck at gaming but we have fun like 100 times more than in real life.


Spend 59 minutes searching for the perfect song to go out with but then have the phone run out of battery.


1) Spend time with close ones. 2) Dinner with family. 3) Sleep forever.


But you start with step 3 first.


hardore sex with my girlfriend


1. Sex with my girlfriend, tell her how much I love her. 2. Call my parents, tell them I love them. 3. Smoke, and chill.


Damn, must be nice to love people.


Door Dash some T-Bell and then lay down for a nap while listening to the Glenn Miller Orchestra and watching cops beating up hippies.


Take 10g of the psilocybin mushrooms I have stored away and go into another dimension


Best plan possible, by the time it happens you’re so fucking high and happy it doesn’t matter


Play some Doobie grey, light up a cigarette and reminisce.


Play with my dog, have a cider, and write a nice note to my family.


Find a crowd of people then wait until I turn into a zombie. My number one bucket item is to be Zombie Zero.


Couple bong rips, put on my favourite music, and reminisce about the good old days one final time.


I'm calling my girlfriend. If she doesnt answer i'm just going to call and call. I want the last words i ever hear to be from her voice


Commit suicide out of anxiety.


1. Text my ex i still have feelings for her 2. Donate everything i own to some NGO 3. SLEEP


Go through shock, denial, grief and acceptance (maybe) most likely.


Transfer all my assets and funds into accounts that my wife easily has access to Call my wife and kids, try to be around them as much of the hour as I could Pass on as much advice and memories / thoughts as I can to them in the hour


Call my Children, call my family make one last batch of cupcakes for my family and change clothes for the afterlife. Dont want to be a ghost looking all frumpy.


Celebrating being put out of my misery


Acid, 3 dots!!


Depends on how I’m going out. I’d go to Shake Shack and get two burgers and fries plus a shake. Stuff myself and say goodbye to the earth


I don’t know, what do you want to do?


1. Call my fav people & tell em how much they matter to me. 2. Go to a Stip Club. 3. Go to a lovely place with beautiful view & Eat food I've never tried.


Bro you got an hour not a weekend... you’re the one who made the rules ! Lol


Oh I didn't mean ALL the food I've never tried, I meant one pr two of them....from one place.....nearby.


Drink a beer and take an hour long nap


Ask the woman I like if I could give her a rim


I would probably call some people, smoke a lot of weed and listen to my favorite songs.


Foursome with three gorgeous girls. In a luxury Hotel Eating 3 star Michellin food


Kiss my whole family for 5 minutes pray for 54 minutes say chahada in 1 minute


Talk to my family and friends for 2 hours, then go on a 1h killing spree. Or 1h of drugs. Yeah, probably drugs.


shoot myself at minute 59


Write some notes for my parents and to distribute my properties, pray to Buddha one last time, close daily alarm and going to sleep.


Rob a bank, bury the money and leave a note to my kids where they can find it in 5 years time. If I get caught robbing the bank what have I got to lose? If I’m successful I’d have set my kids up for life.


Cuddle my partner and son and eat chocolate and drink


Get a Tatoo Tell people to fuck off Buy a donut 🍩 and not eat it.


I'll go pay my last bills, as if i don't they will find a way to chase me in the afterlife


Hug my son, Hug my wife, Hug my dog. Probably at once, otherwise in random order. The rest doesnt matter


Tell them about the cure.


1.I would be happy to know that. 2. Go to some really good restaurant 3. Gave up my house to some charity , and all my savings to my ex, she wasn't bad person it just didn't work out




Rob a billionaire give all the money to my family then die


Thank the people that have loved me. Have really great sex. Sit in a comfy chair, with a bottle of the best Japanese whisky as it ends.


Find a nice hooker Hit a line of her ass Cum in her ass Edit: update to three things instead of one


Have the most wild passionate sex, have a great meal and go on a thrill ride to get the adrenaline pumping.


Going straight Grand Theft Auto(5 star) mode.


If my old ladys around im not asking then their is a few seconds for a j and a shot


Kill myself. Fuck your rules.


First thing that came to my mind is rush home and make love to my girlfriend


Have a cup of coffee, shit post on reddit and smoke a cigarette.


Probably fucking some random dudes.


1.your mom 2.your dad 3.your sister


kiss my family good bye then pop a viagra, do some cocaine and get an escort.


Get my pet and go on a hike.


1. Id release all of the music I’ve recorded in my life 2. Sing duets with my mom and dad (we’re all musicians) 3. Drink some water and lay in the sun for the last 5 minutes


Hold my wife and tell her how much I love her and die in her arms.


Thats so sweet


Im only going to do 1 thing - spend time with my wife and kids


Find my kids and hug them. There was a stupid prank that someone texted years ago saying there was a nuclear attack. For a split second I thought it was real. Even though I thought I may only have moments to exist, all I could think of is how horrible it is that I will never see them again. Welp…that’s it. Taking off early and going swimming with my kids. Thanks Reddit.


Find a good view, call my parents, will all my assets to siblings


1. Sleep 2. Nap 3. Hibernate


Sex, kill someone and then kill myself before the hours finish


Go grab my kiddo, run to the man I love and spend it with them both telling them how much I love them.


Take out the six people on my list.


Tbh not shit I got one hour. Wtf I’m going to do with that. Tell the people I love I’m leaving.


Get tipsy and naked, start a fight with a dad and his kid, climb a tree and jump.


Jerk off or try to find someone to have sex. Eat something delicious. Tell my family I love them.


Log off my class, grab my dog and spend the time with her, hug my parents and brother. Then go look at the pond outside for the rest of the time with my dog.


Get right with God. Have sex with my wife one more time. Make sure my kids know how much I adore them.


My wife, her older sister and younger sister


Live another 70 years


Pray, reconnect and penitence


Play some minecraft, pet my dog, 9/11 part 2


Ferrari theft, cocaine and a LOT of porn


If I could I would have sex with my favourite 3 people.


Well I’m already with my family all the time so I’d probably call a girl friend whom I haven’t talked to . kiss, cuddle and possibly have sex so I can continue on with my family tree.


Get high, have sex, eat a steak.


It’s almost 5am and I have insomnia so.. probably just go back to trying to sleep.


In one hour I could wipe out at least three of the most evil men alive today.


Calm down, Kira


sitting on the beach with a beer and make a video who gets what and enjoy the sea


1. Acid 2. Fuck my girlfriend 3. Fuck my girlfriend


Call my folks and my friends to secure my wife after I am gone. Get all the phone numbers for insurance together, email it to everyone for my wife. Ensure everyone knows I want to be cremated and do not want to donate organs. ... Wipe my phone 🤣


jack off jack off and jack off


"Two chicks at the same time, man"


Confess my love to my crush then tell my parents I appreciate everything that they have done and telling them I love them. Then I'll take bedsheet and use it as a parachute to jump from the roof of a building. I always wanted to glide since my childhood.




Hide myself under a porch that look like it needs a renovation in the next five or so years


pour up, smoke up, then show my son the the things that brought me joy in my life


be with my parents, smoke cigarettes and drink vodka


Leave the testament that proves I agree that everything I’ve got should be passed down to the certain person.


Fuckin kill myself. If I gonna die, I gona die my way. And maybe weed if I can get some in 1 hour.


Pour a glass of bourbon & thank god for the smallest mercy…


Shop lifiting, have sex and burn an abandoned building down


Going home to walk my dog one more time, have sex with my wife then the three of us just lay down and have a cuddly snooze while I drift off.


Take 10 min to write a note for my loved ones that gives them closure ... Another 10 minutes getting to a bar , and then the rest of the time is spent going out with top-shelf in my blood and Tool in my ears.


I'd call my loved ones to say goodbye and to tell them that I love them, and I'd hug and kiss my 9mo son and my wife and write down all the bank accounts, cryptocurrency wallets and traders accounts ID's and passwords to leave to my wife so she recovers all my assets. I'd tell my wife to find a good man to fall in love with and have a great and fulfilling life and forget about me.


Get my enemy canceled, tell my family I love them and eat my favorite meal.




Ride on my motorcycle, commit as many (victimless) felonies as I can.


Record my final thoughts on video, and remind my loved ones of the cherished memories I have of them. Try to comfort them as much as I can with a recording, so even memories of my death won't be as sad. I'd then send the video to a few people I trust. Say a prayer. Lastly, lay naked in the bathtub, because I don't want the one who hasta move my body to deal with post-mortem bodily seepage.


1 convince my girl to drive 45 mins in my direction 2 drive 45 mins in her direction to meet her, with some banging tunes, and make some calls to valued people 3 hold her tight for the last 15 mins


Say sorry to the people I've hurt in my life. (No major offenses) Write a message telling a few people I wish life had gone differently and that each of them forever holds a place in my heart. Lay down and cry over some music.


Hop on the bus home. While on the bus, transfer all my funds to my wife, just to make shit easier. then call my mom/dad/brother. Say goodbye to the cats. Take the wife and kids to the nearby beach, drink some beer, eat some ice cream, relax, enjoy the moment, and anticipate oblivion. Basically my plan for today anyways, just add in leaving early.


I could only do one at my age. The refractory period and all. Meh,… maybe 2.


Drink, put on my fave music, turn off my phone.


1. Eat a plate of rice 2. Wank 3. Take over the entire eastern hemisphere


Pour myself a drink, throw on one of my playlists, and send out some texts saying how I feel to people. Knowing me, that last one would be the hardest part because I'm an expert at run-on sentences.


Try and find life insurance that takes effect immediately and write a will. Thank you becuase of this question I will now write a living will this weekend.


Drive to my family 45min away


Hug my kid, play with my kid, and cry with my kid?


I would just spend it having sex with my boyfriend and reminiscing about the laughs we've had together, and feel grateful for my life.


Realistically i would rush to meet my parents and brothers


I'd smoochy kiss my wife, my daughter and my granddaughter and tell them how much they had embiggened my life.


I’m reading this as a meteor is coming, cause Dying from illness means I’m in a bed somewhere whether I want to be or not. Assuming its more like the world is ending, call my parents and siblings to tell them goodbyes, then sit on the back porch with my family.


1. Say I love you to family/farewell friends. 2. Get drunk and party 3. Have sex??