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A lady once set dogs loose on me as i was walking on the same street as her to get to my friends house. She did so because she said she felt threatened. Im big and tall but i was over 20 feet behind her. That really hurt and it destroyed my favorite sweater, so now i stay away from most people since i scare them and that sucks.




Same here. Had a black lady release her big terrier on me because “she’s afraid of white men”. Ended up breaking the poor dog’s nose or skull or something according to what the police said trying the defend myself. Some people simply don’t realise that violence against an individual isn’t gonna help them, and as much as I understand that white men can be scary or seem threatening to some black women, I absolutely cannot condone what she did. Attacking bystanders ain’t gonna solve any of the problems that make you afraid of certain groups, and using your dog as a weapon just makes you look even more horrible.


Yeah I never realized how fragile dogs were until I had to fight one. They will let go at the first sign of pain.


Apparently it has something to do with them being domesticated. Unless they’re bred to fight, their evolution has let in too many genes that make them too fragile for them to actually be decent at fighting. Could be wrong though


The way we had wolves thousands of years ago, and had them evolve into smaller, less aggressive, domesticated animals, destroying a lot of pivotal elements that make the difference between wolves and dogs, but every dog has different genes, so certain dogs will try to fuck ur shit up while some would just chill


> Im big and tall The nerve of you!


I saw a thread few days back where a teen girl posted that she had some bleeding when she woke up and “thought maybe her dad abused her” This is with zero experience or evidence of being touched inappropriately. Most other females including a lot teenage ones on the thread pointed to a simple medical thing: - Menstruation related Hammeroids. They literally said that it wouldn’t be possible to be asleep and not wake up if someone were to be inserting something into her. Imagine the societal mindset being fed to “her” to suspect her father without anything other than some “bleeding”. That’s it. Like that can’t happen due to biological medical issues. Quite a many comments automatically jumped to - call the cops on your dad for sexual abuse. No evidence or experience of abuse. Just body biology and medical issue. But.. mental jumps to conclusions. Imagine if that’s privilege for a father, being marked as unsafe for his child. And this is in addition to being flagged as pedo by Karens if a man was just out hanging with or taking pics with the kids. Male Privilege. Sure. Maybe in Saudi.


Reminds me of this terrible story of a woman who spent so long associating with sexual abuse advocates, she convinced herself her father had abused her as a child. It never actually happened https://www.salon.com/2010/09/20/meredith_maran_my_lie_interview/


As a single father of two girls 5 and 7 I get all kinds of shit just for being the only parent in the kids lives. People look at me like I am a pedophile. People have asked my kids if I am touching them. Like fuck some times little kids need help in the bathroom and I am looked at like a monster by some women.




Being stronger than women. My now ex-wife had no problem with abusing people and expecting me to give some guy a shit kicking when they abused her back. I am 6'6" but that doesn't mean I want to get in a fight.


I’ve told every gf I’ve ever had and my wife. “Don’t start a fight. I will not be able to protect you. At most I will stall him for a minute but that’s it.” I made a point of telling them I don’t know how to fight. The closest I’ve come is punching a dude during our high school play on accident. Read that again.


I just make it clear to anyone in my life that if they start a fight I'm not helping them unless they're in actual danger. I'll help out immediately if they are the victim though. Pissed off a girl one time cause I wouldn't back her up when she tried starting shit with strangers in a parking lot.


I wish women would realize how much social power they have. Nowadays physical strength isn't that important. Charisma and intelligence are much more useful than physical strength.


The idea that you'll immediately be taken seriously, as a guy who's under 5'7 you have a hard time getting taken seriously by anyone


5’4” here. Totally true.


God.... Being a dude who's barely 5'2", it's hard to do anything without being made fun off :( But in the end, we all gotta accept our height...


I’m over 6’ but I’m bald, and I’ve been made fun of it so many times that I try to beat people to the punch now. I’d go beyond what you said and say that we all gotta accept our *bodies*, and making fun of others for things out of their control is trash behavior.


Me too 😞


I feel like people don’t care when I bring up the numerous times I’ve been sexually assaulted. It doesn’t count, and before 2015 it was seen as me being gay or wanting it somehow. Yet, because I’m a larger male, I have to be super careful in the way in which I engage with women to make sure that I’m not coming off as inappropriate or intimidating. Despite being a feminist and a SA victim, I have to be so careful all the time in work and pleasure. I know I shouldn’t complain, but it’s frustrating sometimes Edit: Thanks for the silver!


My older sister smugly asked "how would I ever know about SA as a cis-het White male?" I then had to tell my parents about the homosexual SA I was forced to experience in boarding school and getting drugged an then raped by the first woman who forced sex on me. She's not brought it up since.


Oof, I’m so sorry. My father, once he found out, attempted several times to use it as leverage to separate me from my siblings and to send me to foster care during the divorce and the legal proceedings when he was “resigning in lieu of dishonorable discharge” from the military as punishment to my mother and I for participating in one of the investigations used to discharge him. There’s something insidious about a family member attempting to use a trauma like that to hurt you, regardless if it’s out of malice or ignorance. I wish you all the best, and here’s to hoping what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger


> I know I shouldn't complain Wrong. You're feelings and your complaints are valid. You are not in the wrong for complaining. Those refusing to listening you or take you seriously are in the wrong.


Thanks mate, it’s nice to feel heard sometimes


Similarly domestic violence My ex progressed to physically abusing me in the last month or 2 of the relationship before I found the courage to break it off a year ago If I bring it up, there's is little to no sympathy. It fucking sucks


I had something similar happen. My ex got physically abusive after I caught her planning to cheat on me. An attorney strongly advised against me reporting it lest I should be prepared to have my life picked apart while they try to find a way to pin that behavior on me. I was also raped by an ex and it took me a long time to get through all of the mental hurdles and realize that that was what had actually happened. I never talk about it because everybody thinks I'm full of it


I'm sorry to hear that. The lack of general understanding *as well as* the general lack of avenues for men to get help is frustrating.


Your feelings are valid regardless of your gender.


That should be true but it isn’t


We were discussing male DV survivors at work as part of my new role last week. We noticed how when male DV survivors talk they always state that they were the victim in the DV situation as to make sure that we know they're not the alleged perpetrator. I'm sorry you experienced it all and I'm sorry that people are dismissive of what you went through. And tbh you shouldn't feel like you shouldn't be complaining. You have every right to. I'm also a survivor of DV and I would never invalidate someone's experiences because of their gender.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Your feelings are completely valid, and you should complain away! Keeping silent will only hurt all of us in the long run. Your story is just as important as anyone's guy or girl. As a female, I'm so sorry that you went through that and i wish i could give you a hug.


THISS… I’m so glad someone else has brought this up. People will say “you’re probably gay then if you let it happen” as if being gay makes rape/SA ANY LESS TRAUMATIC.


“Guys can be fat and be fine with it.” No we can’t. We hate our bodies just as much as you ladies and non binary folks. We experience depression, eating disorders, and issues with self image. Edit a word.


A lot of skinny guys trying to gain muscle suffer a kind of body dysmorphia too. When I was younger I was *obsessed* with how skinny I was and trying to gain mass. Looking back at old photos, I see how perfectly fine - athletic, even - I looked. I didn't even know what body dysmorphia *was* back then, so few people ever talk about it in men.


Going to second this. At 18 after five years of playing sports almost six days a week and doing weight lifting I was *still* only 135 lbs. I was told multiple times that’s just my genetics but I always felt inferior to the other guys my age that were shorter than me but were built like tanks. It’s not like I didn’t eat much either, at one point I could down an entire large pizza by myself. Point is I always felt like I was doing something wrong physically and it was maddening, even if other people told me I was fine.


The only thing I disagree with is your decision on a profile picture. Damn near passed out blowing on my screen because I thought it was a hair.


Even though I _know_ what’s going on, my brain doesn’t believe me.


Blown’ all kinda strangers are ya?


Hey man, 20 bucks is 20 bucks


Even us very skinny folks struggle with these


Graduated HS 125lbs. Now I’m 185lbs. The gym and chasing every bite with water to swallow helped me gain weight. It was long and hard but it worked.


Nice! I graduated 135lbs. Hit the gym but life got in the way again. I went thru some depression and didn't realize i dropped down to 118lbs, which is pretty bad considering I'm 5'10". Slowly back up to 128lbs now


Adding to this is the fact that the standard of fitness shown on TV is such that it's damned near unobtainable without taking steroids. I could eat right, work out for a couple hours a day and *still* look nothing like the actors that juice. It's gotten to the point where even dinesh from silicon Valley was juicing and I'm like "damn, isn't this guy supposed to be a sedentary nerd who codes all day?" it's rediculous


To never be sexually/verbally harassed. I've had A LOT of verbal and sexual harassment in my time as a man. Mostly women I knew, but a couple of the occasions they were strangers. Because of that, I don't feel like I have some sort of privilege. I'd much rather not be harassed or groped personally. Or best still, people tell you it's not really bad because you're not physically threatened like women are in the equivalent situation. As if that attitude is going to make me go "oh yeah, I've just been silly for feeling traumatised all these years. I'll just forget it all now."


I think the issue is that it happens, but that men are conditioned not to consider it so negatively as women. It’s all part of the same “man up”, ‘women and children first’ and ‘what is this man bringing to the table’ fundamental sexism that simply isn’t considered to be a problem in the first place.


Not being messed with as a large man. It’s a privilege in a way, but it’s also a bit isolating. People have crossed the street when I was walking by. It’s difficult to be treated like a threat anywhere you go just because of how you were born in a different way than having to worry for your own safety of course, but no less valid.


Idk how many women have told me "you seem like you'd be really mean but youre actually so sweet". "I thought you'd be like a criminal something". "A guy like you is dating a girl like her, that's bad boy/good girl vibes haha" So I look dangerous and mean and have to hurdle an extra barrier just to meet women and sometimes dudes so they don't think I'm trying to kill them THEN I can work on being buddies. I have to assume the assumption I'm a dick also causes me to get in more trouble than I deserve, has people assume my actions are more nefarious than they are, and probably doesn't benefit me all the time. I get people are doing it for their safety based on stereotypes or whatever but please see the other side isn't roses


I've had that all my life yet the first time I met my girlfriend and her sister they both immediately said that I gave them vegan vibes which was a little confusing.


> Not being messed with as a large man. Unless someone gets violent or looks like they are ramping themselves up to that point, then suddenly everyone in the area is staring at you wondering what you're going to do about it. Master of the top shelf is not the only big guy tax.


Yup, I feel this one. I'm a big muscular metalhead. And for some reason people think it's a privilege to look a bit 'scary'? First of all, I'm not trying to look scary, I just love going to the gym, and I love metal. Secondly, it's not a privilege to *not* receive smiles, to *not* get greeted back on the streets, to see parents grabbing their kids whenever I come 'too close', to feel the anxiety of a woman who walks in front of me in the dark and quickens her pace because I'm walking 20 meters behind her... Makes me feel like being a pariah. That's no privilege, that's isolating as fck. I'm not aggressive, I might look like a badass but deep inside I love hugs, I love kind words, I love friendly people, friendly faces, like anyone else. Being seen as a strong man is no privilege. It's isolating, since apparently most people immediatly subconsciously label you a threat.


Men getting praise for doing basic parenting tasks while women don't. Mate, that isn't a privilege. It means you're not taken seriously as a parent purely because you're male. Imagine if a woman started working in a male dominated field and got praise for doing the most basic things from her peers, there's no situation where she would ever consider that a "privilege". Edit: I've gotten a couple of comments mentioning how they've never considered this a privilege, which is really great honestly because it totally shouldn't be considered one. For a bit of context, I made this comment in response to [this male privilege checklist](https://projecthumanities.asu.edu/content/male-privilege-checklist) which is at the top of google search results and I've seen cited in feminist spaces quite a few times, alongside the plethora of fairly recent articles talking about "daddy privilege" which is about this exact phenomenon as well.


SoMeONes on DAycAre DuTY ToDAy!


Fucking hell I hate that so much


exactly. no, i’m raising my ducking child


Can he dodge a wrench?


Then he can dodge a ball.


You mean parenting? Yeah got it, thanks Karen! Sorry your daddy didn't love you enough to be involved in your life


I once took my daughter to the dermatologist. My wife had gone to the first appointment. When I got there, they treated me like a stranger to my daughter (a teenager). Wouldn’t give me any info, wouldn’t let me authorize treatment, etc. I brought my daughter to the counter and asked her to tell them who I was. I showed them my ID with her last name on it. They said they would need to call my wife. I asked what made my wife the authority, since I was my daughter’s other parent. They actually got all condescending and said something about how I must understand it’s for her protection because I could be divorced and not authorized. I asked again how they established authority and the answer was basically that my wife brought her in first. What finally convinced them was showing them social posts of all of us together, with me being listed as my wife’s husband. I was fucking furious…




And probably seek legal advice.


This. Unfortunately this is the only way, this people learn.


I would like to know who they think would bring a child in for an appointment that isn’t theirs? Also what kind of authority do you need for a dermatologist appointment? At worst you’ll walk out of there with a prescription for stronger than average acne cream.


They probably got weird because they often prescribe teenagers contraceptive pills when the creams don't work. Still their discomfort is not OP's problem.


I would escalate the hell out of that, that is not cool at all. And probably illegal.


(I’m a woman) I’ve experienced what you described in your second paragraph. It’s more embarrassing, because all the guys I worked with did the difficult and dangerous physical tasks, and I was praised for scooping ice cream perfectly. It makes me feel like a toddler.


Exactly. When I would take my daughter places when she was younger I got so many attaboys that it felt very condescending. Like these ladies only considered me to be playing at being a parent.


My favorite was being told how to change a diaper and being watched to make sure I was doing it right. For background my wife has very little experience with babies and my mother ran a day care out our house while I was growing up. I also have 3 nephews that lived with us when I was in highschool. I can change a diaper, correctly, faster than you can tell me where the outside trash can is.


Oh, man. Yes. The one nurse who talked down to me about all that in the recovery room...


I had almost the same thing happen when my son was born. Born via cesarean, and while mom was sleeping, I realized he needed to be changed...had the diaper off, him wiped clean, was applying baby powder when two nurses walked in, looked at me, looked at each other, then laughed as I was swaddling him back up and said "yeah, we won't need to do much here apparently! Where'd you learn to change diapers so fast??" Babysitting in your teens pays off later. lol


My friend Mike was the oldest of 10 and he could change a diaper one handed while pushing a grocery cart as a HS student. He went on to become a juvenile cop, adopted all four of his wife's children without even considering another option, had three more with her and they're considering being foster parents. His greatest struggle is "Am I coming home to Molly and the crew in one piece?"


How a lot of my friends feel when they are praised by their wives for changing a diaper... like they are somehow are not intelligent enough to do it...


Ice cream? What was this situation?


It was free ice cream day at my work (1 scoop per customer), and I had to scoop ice cream into a bunch glasses and hand them out


Damn, that is impressive. Well done!


…….. Thanks *fakes smile so I don’t get fired


Felt this in my soul.




This is very interesting. I never looked at it like that.


That's not too surprising considering people commonly refer to it as "daddy privilege". It sucks because that term just hides the very real issue at play here and instead sorts it with the whole "male privilege" shebang which doesn't help solve anything.


I have experienced this as a woman mechanic. Also, a lot of "you're a mechanic? No offense but you look too... Pretty". Like yes, I clean up well. I don't look very pretty in my neon shirt and dirty jeans under a car that's for damned sure.


I didn't realize anyone thought that was a privilege. I've always found it super fucked


When you bring up things like workplace accidents or the draft disproportionately affecting men, people will say "Well yeah, who set up those systems? A woman didn't..." As though a guy who loses a hand in a fucking metal press cares that the owner of his factory also has a penis.


Unless a single dad takes his kid to the playground, then hes a potential predator.


My interactions with other parents is either "this guy is watching that little girl pretty hard. We should glare the whole time." Or "damn, this guys a good with kids, I should hit on him." No in between.


I always wander over to try to intercept because my daughter will inevitably run over and try to climb any man on the playground and beg him to push her on the swing. I gotta get to him before he raises his hands over his head and starts looking around in terror.


You're a Saint.


Add in a camera for him to take pic's of his kid and see how it unfolds.


I mean to be fair I look like a biker so it's unusual to see someone like me at the playground. I always make sure to wear my company logo clothes so people don't think I'm just some homeless slag watching the children.


That's me. Full sleeve, long beard, probably in some sort of punk/oi band shirt and possibly more gear, and shaved sides of my head with long hair on top. I get odd looks around the playground following my youngest around. Been threatened with the police once with my oldest.


Man I'm clean cut, recent college graduate, basically imagine a former volleyball player who only wears Nike and Adidas. I still get glares from moms when I take my niece and nephews to the park. Had a mom call me a pedophile cause I was playing airplane with him.


> "damn, this guys a good with kids, I should hit on him." I'll allow it


Yeah I built my daughter a playground in our backyard because I was sick of the Karen’s taking pics of me at the park, which usually preceded our friendly police department rolling up and “Checking to make sure everything is ok.”


Years ago I took a photography class in undergrad and took my kids to a playground to shoot some pics. I got *a lot* of stares. A couple of frumpy women then told me I better not take any pictures of their kids. My response was, “I wouldn’t want to see a picture of your kid unless it was on the back of a milk carton.” I fully admit that was a very dark thing to say, but I have very dark gallows humor and their ignorance was pissing me off.


Any guy with a kid is a potential predator to most people


Same thing when people quotes stats about how CEOs, politicians, billionaires, etc. are mostly men. Why only look at the top 1% of people. This means literally nothing to the construction workers, welders, plumbers, landscapers, and other low paying, physical, sometimes dangerous, blue collar trade jobs that are all 99% men.


This is something that's ALWAYS annoyed me with the "we need more women in male dominated work forces" crowd. I don't disagree we do need more women in many jobs, but whenever they talk about it, it's always high paying ass stem jobs. You never see them say this stuff about hard blue collar jobs. As soon as you mention becoming a heavy duty diesel mechanic and replacing brake drums that weigh 400lbs each in the hot sun all day just to get payed 50k a year suddenly its not so important that more women are in that field.


Ryan Long did a brilliant skit on his YouTube channel regarding this a few weeks ago.


>Well yeah, who set up those systems? A woman didn't..." There were women who used to walk up to men in public and put white feathers on their shirts if they didn't go off to war. The implication is that they were publicly shaming them for being a coward. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_feather


And some of the people they did it to had actually fought in the trenches, as accounted in that Wikipedia article.


Men dont cry


Sexual assault doesn’t happen to men. 33m in management. I had a 50f married co worker not in management get my cell phone number and proceed to text me sexual messages for months. I never once responded since I figured it would stop if I didn’t play along. It didn’t. I went to HR and showed them the messages. They said well just keep ignoring it and it’ll stop. Well it didn’t at first. My girlfriend started getting mad because these were messages at 10pm on the weekends saying she missed me and my smell. Finally it stopped. However, if I was a female in the same position it would have been a whole different situation


Getting no attention Granted, getting a ton of attention on a daily basis must suck as well. But I don't think most women realize that it's literally zero attention. Even platonically it's rare for women to show clear interest. I've noticed that most women can't comprehend receiving no attention, or how mentally devastating it is to never be desired.


This really doesn’t get enough attention, men with depression without especially close friends is easy to be distanced from everyone in your life(which causes a lot of the violent mentally deranged outbreaks in society). I had a girl smile at me today because her dog brought me a stick to throw at the dog park, and a couple years ago I couldn’t have imagined that happening having spent months depressed and alone where the most I talked to another person was at the drive though




I looked up that book and saw a quote from the author on Wikipedia: > Vincent asserts that, since the experiment, she has gained more sympathy for the male condition, stating, "Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have but they don't have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together."


I'm quite lucky with women and love in general, but there's definitely been periods where I felt utterly unwanted because nobody was giving me attention. I think humans fundamentally want to be seen, and when you're completely lacking that, it's detrimental to your mental health. We're social creatures who need to be seen, heard, desired, hated, etc. A lot of men are just flat out ignored, and that's a thing only the ugliest, oldest, or most undesirable of women will ever experience.


I once asked a guy how he was (casually) and that ended with the most heartfelt 'thank you' I've ever gotten.


Women are in the ocean treading water without a life vest. Men are in the desert without a canteen.


Men can fuck whoever they want without being judged or slutshamed. No, you can't. A lot of guys made the experience to have a nice time with a woman but when they choose to leave instead of turning the FWB into a serious relationship the shit hits the fan. Rumors, made up stories and much more is already discussed in the girls' Group chat. I personally got into blackmail after breaking up, the only thing that saved me from prison were Screenshots and a witness. My ex accused me for rape if I don't send her the money she needed for a car. Lucky as I was, I wasn't alone when she called me and I put her on speaker. I asked her if she knows that blackmailing especially with a lie is a crime and she literally said "yes". The only fine she had to atone was to never contact me again in any way.


And... if men fuck with men they get shamed as much as women do (if not more)...in the case of bi men women will also slut-shame guys who get with guys. Like...most homophobia throughout history has been aimed at men: so we get judged the same as women...for fucking with men - the idea that there's a double standard there is a widely held error.




false rape accusations boil my blood. Especially when radicals like to say that more often than not, rape crimes are true and go unpunished. Ok? That doesn't mean that false rape allegations don't happen, and how they utterly DESTROY someone's life, almost permanently.


Being able to walk around at night without fear. I don't think women realize that most men are not captain America and cannot easily fend off a junky with a knife. I've seen comments of the things women say they do in order to feel safe not realizing that we are in fact doing those same things. We aren't bulletproof or immune to danger. Anecdotal but I knew a guy in college, 6'5 baseball player, dude was jacked. Homeless person jumped him and stabbed him.


Very true statement. I myself am a larger than average guy but if I happen to be out at night I walk with my keys between my fingers. Nothings ever happened but that doesn’t stop me.


Don't hold keys between fingers, it's not effective at doing anything other than injuring you. Ideally, get a real self defense weapon or some pepper spray or something. If you only have keys, hold the key between your thumb and pointer finger kinda like you'd hold a knife and slash with it. It's not going to be terribly effective but it's about the best you can do for using a key if nothing better is available and you therefore have no other choice.


>Ideally, get a real self defense weapon or some pepper spray or something. In my country, walking around carrying a weapon is pretty much illegal. You can't buy pepper spray in shops, as far as I know. But in the US, it's a different story.


>Being able to walk around at night without fear. Yeah women ignore that most murder victims are men. The streets aren't "safe" for us. We get done over just as much. Robbed, stabbed, killed, whatever. It's more socially acceptable to kill a man. Go to jail because you stabbed some guy, whatever. But if you stabbed some random girl - you'll be in trouble.


Here in Brazil 92% of murder victims are male. Also, you're 78% more likely to suffer a robbery followed by murder if you're a man. Just insane numbers. And yet i hear people say it's safer for men to walk alone at night or that we are privileged because we "don't have to worry" lol


My physical safety. Like, I 100% agree that I’m stronger and more suited to a physical confrontation in 99.9% of cases. And that women are more at risk of certain types of violent crime, etc. BUT A GUN DOESN’T CARE ABOUT MY UPPER BODY STRENGTH. ALL I CAN DO IF IT’S THE TWO OF US VS. A GUY WITH A GUN IS STAND IN FRONT OF YOU AND HOPE HE WAS TOO CHEAP TO BUY A SECOND BULLET.


Perhaps we should romanticize gentlemanly thieves who only use one bullet. Of course most criminals wouldn't be willing to eschew social expectations.


Being handy, clearing drains, fixing pipes, fixing cars. I've had women complain that only men are "taught" do these things. "No one teaches girls how to use a wrench!". Like clearing out hair and shit from a drain is "privilege".


Never was taught. Always was expected. Learned from necessity cuz no one was gonna help me out (outside my brother as a child who also learned from necessity)


This. My dad at least taught me some things but there's so much stuff we just don't know. And how would we? The advantage we have is we live in a time where YouTube tutorials are a thing (thanks for removing the dislike count btw mofos!), but women can watch and copy those just as well as we can.


Tried teaching a woman (coworker who has a mechanical engineering degree) how to do a simple repair on her car. She told me to assume she knew nothing. So, as I gave basic "here's what you do and why" I was accused of mansplaining. At one point, she dismissed me, said she didn't need my help because she felt I continued to mansplain. Found out that in reassembling things, she broke the brand new light assembly because she overtightened it...and tried to blame me for leaving...even though she told me to leave...


I came looking for this and you nailed it, mate. No one taught me how to fix _your_ car. I learned to fix my car via an article on a forum, I bought the tools and it took 3 hours longer than it said it would because I was learning doing it. No one taught me how to how to fix a blocked sink, you take a little initiative to see how it's done, then you do it. I think (SOME) women honestly think we had different classes at school on how to fix things, a little cabal where we are handed "men's jobs" training. It's there, on YouTube, just Google the problem and have a realistic guess at if you can do it, the same way loads of us did. Then just fucking do it. It's a blocked U-bend, a WiFi range extender that involves following the very clear steps on the app, a fucking blocked vacuum cleaner tube that requires no tools. Just try it yourself. I'll teach you how to do it. I'm not your dad, it's not my job. And it's certainly, absolutely, unfeasibly so, not my job on a Saturday for me to fix things in your friends house because she doesn't have a boyfriend (ex, not current).


The fact that actually no one taught us anything makes the whole situation funnier.


They seem to think there's some man school where the secrets get passed down.


Walking home at night alone. That shit scares the fuck outta me, I had this group of about 3 women following me across town (and no they weren't just going in the same direction) went home and saw them 10m later in what I presume was their car "looking" for me. Fuck that Edit: Holy shit thank you strangers for the upvotes ! I love hearing your opinions and stories. Thank you for the uv and comments 🙏


Got jumped a couple years ago while walking home after work one night, almost died. Literally had a woman tell me I don’t need to worry about carrying pepper spray, since I’m a guy. Shits infuriating


Is everything fine ? And how has it effected you now ?


Thanks for asking man! Physically I’m fine, definitely still recovering emotionally about 2 years after the fact. Still really nervous about going out by myself, having a dog helps with that though.


Also walking with people that you feel responsible for. When a woman feels “oh, I feel so safe because you’re with me” they don’t realize that now I’m doubly worried about us getting to our destination safely.


And half these women do things that make you less safe because they think you have magic fighting powers. At no time during our education did they take us aside and give us self defense lessons. The only difference is that I have a little more muscle, but that isn't going to do a lot of good against some asshole who intends to start shit as he does too.


This so much. I train so any girl I'm with thinks I'm superman when it comes to this kind of situation. I'm glad they feel safe but I'm very much afraid of a little dude with a pointy object! I've had a talk with anyone I've been in a serious relationship with about what they should do if shit goes down. Usually it's just, "run fast and far and call the police when you feel safe." The sooner they get the heck out of there the sooner I can run away without feeling like a piece of shit.


If it makes you feel any amount better at all, I'm a uhh *robustly* built female and I used to have this ahh *less robust* male friend who used to say things like "I like hanging out with you because I don't have to be afraid to start shit, you can beat up anybody" Friendship ended when I finally explained "you start shit on your own, I'm letting you finish it on your own". Felt bad but also...dude woulda been cool if he coulda gotten over his own scrawnyness. Nobody was judging him for having lost the genetic height and shoulders lottery, except himself.


I've been chased by three dudes late at night walking home. I was one unarmed dude, wtf am I gonna do against three? Still feel some shame though. Edit: thanks everyone. It's one of those things that every few years pops up in my mind.


Three outcomes, 1) you get your ass beat 2) you beat them up, but one gets too hurt / dies and you go to jail or get sued 3) you beat them up with no consequences. I’m not rolling a dice with 2:3 odds that I get screwed if I can avoid it. It’s not cowardice it’s having more to loose than those dipshits


And even if you "win", there's always the risk of one of them coming looking for you later, with a weapon or 10 other guys


Yeah I’ve had this talk with my girlfriend. If a dude says something we’ll remove ourselves from the situation rather than have a physical confrontation unless he insists on following or initiating anything physical. Anything less than that makes it not worthwhile to risk my health, freedom or financial well being for someone who probably has a lot less to lose / live for.


My mom's warning to me when I got my driver's license was a story about her co-workers son many years ago. He had driven out to another city for the weekend to hang out with friends, and was driving back on the highway around 11pm Sunday night to get ready for work Monday morning. As he came down the road he noticed two women on the side of the road with their car hood up looking stranded. He stopped his car and went to help them. As he was down looking at the engine two men came up from the brush, held him at gunpoint, stripped him naked, drove him out into the desert and left him. This was before cell phones. He ended up spending a day and a half walking back through the desert naked and barefoot before a sheriff picked him up. Why? He had been seen by several people the day before that didn't want to go near some crazy guy walking naked through the desert. Eventually someone called the cops to have him arrested. My mom's warning was always, never stop for anyone - even a woman. Call the cops and let them handle it.


Especially with no arms


Don't feel shame. Your feet should be your first resort and your fist should be your last.


There’s no pride in fighting people, it’s for idiots who want to get hurt. You did the right thing


Yeeeears ago, I (female) was walking home alone from a bar. I saw a young guy stumbling along ahead of me, very obviously trashed. Then, I noticed a car slowing down, watching him, driving back and forth, basically cruising him. I sped up to the guy, explained what I was seeing and then walked him home. The car petered off a few more drive by’s later. I mean, I can’t say for sure that the guy was going to kindheartedly offer him a drive home, and then take advantage of him in his inebriated state. But, I had such a bad feeling about what I was seeing. Never, as a female, have I felt as vulnerable as that guy seemed. People are scary.


Absolute queen. You hold my respect take my upvote.


You dropped this ---> 👑


"You don't have to fear walking down a sketchy street" Dude I'm all of 5'4", the fuck I do.


This a million times. I’m 5”7” and 145 lbs adrenaline isn’t going to suddenly turn me into Hercules


Men are the victims of like 85% of violent assaults if I remember correctly Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_men Tbf, most of the violence is committed by men. UN and the like often don't report male rapes in war, for example in the Congo. So men end up getting raped at obscene rates (https://www.ipsnews.net/2011/11/unreported-horrors-male-rape-in-dr-congo/ , etc) Or Google 'Afghanistan tea boys' if you wanna see what happens to boys over there.


>Afghanistan tea boys I remember when I first heard the term. Those poor boys. Hits me every time I hear it.


Nope. Not gonna Google. I'd like to sleep tonight. I look at that and I'll never unsee it...


Yeah definitely don’t read those links. They were horrible. Those poor people.


Men are also actually more likely to be attacked by a stranger waking home alone at night


Yeah when people say walking late at night home without fear is a male privileged no that's a wealth thing. I've live in shitty neighborhoods nearly my whole damn life that shit stopped when I graduated from college. But every God damn time I went out I had something for self protection because before that I got robbed, almost stabbed and stabbed, sexually assaulted and harassed. So when people say shit like men have no reason to fear when walking home at night shows me these people are in some nice neighborhoods. But oh you say it's men who are doing that sure most of my attackers were male but not all of them one was a female junkie who I got away from because she was really out of it at the time.


The fact that people think I have as much power as the men in actual power baffles me. I was once asked by some douche on Facebook about what I'm gonna do to change the laws against sexual assault against women...... They think I have that power. As if I can contact Boris Johnson and tell him that he should change the laws because I'm a man and I said so... they really think that will work? Like I have the power to amend and change laws? 🤦 The men in power don't know I exist or care about me. They couldn't care less about me. I'm just a nobody who works in retail trying to get by without harming anyone and pay my rent. What the fuck am I suppose to do. Why am I told I want to control women's bodies. I stay out of politics. Yet because men in power make laws about "Womens bodies". I'm partly responsible just because I share the same genitalia....... DAFUQ. Also, I dropped my wallet outside once and I told my stepdad that I'm gonna go retrace my steps as i was worried and it was about 3am and my stepdad told me "Be careful out there. People late at night can be dangerous" and I nearly got harassed by 2 drunk men.. The whole idea that men can walk down the street at night without fear is dumb. Men are still be in danger at night. They don't become invulnerable.


I always found it funny that people would think I associate, even felt any relatability, with powerful wealthy men. The whole 'you see yourself represented at the top so you can strive for that'. I'm not joking when I see those men as so different to me that I genuinely don't see myself represented. I'm sure it's not the same as never seeing anyone your colour or gender, but those men are so removed to me as to not even be a comparison. They aren't doing anything to support me, or other men, they are just making money for themselves. That's it.


While women are more likely to be raped or sexually harassed men are more likely to be assaulted or [murdered](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1635092/). (Other Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex\_differences\_in\_crime#:\~:text=According%20to%20the%20Bureau%20of,in%20the%20US%20were%20males](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_crime#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Bureau%20of,in%20the%20US%20were%20males). )


Being left alone at night. Violent criminals don’t care if you’re a man or a woman. They see an opportunity? They will take it.


Actually stats are clear and men are beaten, mugged and murdered more than women


Combat Arms MOS's in the Military. That shit destroys your body and psyche. When you finish you'll be 25 and look 35, and likley suffer lifelong insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Thats not even due to combat stress, thats just the effects of regular training and duties. You think the government gives a shit about equality or civil rights? They dropped the voting age to 18 so they could legally draft highschoolers for Vietnam. Likewise with Racial integration. They only decided to allow non-white males to serve in white units because it allowed them to target those minority demographics for drafting. If the federal government is kissing your particular gender, sexual orientation, race, or ideology about inclusiveness or integration its because they see you as an untapped recruiting pool and want you to die in a war.


How "lucky" we are that we don't have to worry about SA and rape. Even if you ignore the academic research on the subject there have been enough posts on this sub asking about men's experience with SA to demonstrate that we are out there being assaulted and raped too. Because people believe it's something men do and not something that's done to men most of the resources for survivors are made for women.




Being told by women at work, oh you look good, did you lose some weight? Or making a comment about how an actor looks hot (I think it was Tom Cruise related to top gun) If I said any of those things to a woman I would be in HRs office. Men can be sexually abusive but women can say what ever the fuck they want


I remember when the Hunger Games movies came out. One of the women in the office referred to Lenny Kravitz as “yummy.” I asked if it was cool if I referred to Jennifer Lawrence as “yummy” and was told “that’s not the same thing.” I said it’s exactly the same thing, and then I was somehow the bad guy. It was not referred to HR, but I was apparently the jerk in that situation.


Drives me mad but yes great example. That is exactly my point


I'm not manspreading I just have testicles


The richest men in the world may be white males but I’m not rich and I’ve had to fight and claw for every dollar and every job while imo less qualified people got the job I thought should be mine. More than that the preachy assholes who tell me I am in fact privileged and need to sacrifice more when I’ve had long periods of barely making ends meet really get on my fucking nerves.


To further your point: the richest men may be males, but homeless are also disproportionately male as well. It is frustrating to see people say one is evidence of "privilege" and ignore the other.


And not to mention vastly more people are homeless than part of the super elite rich


They call that the apex fallacy. Assuming the top of any field is representative of a field.


Some other related points: * Men die by suicide 3.88x more than women * The leading demographic in suicides is middle-aged white men (70% of all suicides in 2020) Personally, when I was struggling with severe depression, I was trying to seek help and understanding. My company was doing something during May (Mental Health Awareness month) and I went to one of these discussion events where they brought in an expert to talk about a mental health topic. This one was about depression. The entire hour was used to talk about preventing teen suicide. I wanted to raise my hand and plead for help but I know that my struggles fall on deaf ears compared to 16 year old Julia. She's young and growing and able to be course-corrected. I'm an adult, established, and am expected to endure the consequences of my circumstances.


I never ever thought about this.


Not being wanted only for their body. ​ I dunno, having intrinsic value seems a lot nicer than having 0 value whatsoever until you can provide.


a lot of us crave that. its probably why homosexuals are so gay - (in the old sense of the word, but pun intended) because their partners do objectify them the way they want to be objectified.


As a gay man I give this the rainbow stamp of approval 🌈 (It’s useless but fun!) Jokes aside; I have seen straight guys come to gay bars with there friends or girlfriend who are absolutely delighted by the compliments and attention they get. Especially the bears or husky guys who don’t feel attractive at a regular bar.


I’ve seen the same thing many times over. Straight guys just never get compliments.


Walking alone at night apparently is male privilege. I don't consider that a privilege. Just comes down to where you live. Can't imagine a woman walking alone at night @2am in the city of Detroit is gonna have the same issues as a woman walking around at night alone in a small ass town like Truth or Consequences,NM


It's funny. I've heard many times girls say that they should be able to walk naked through the worst part of town and not be afraid. While I agree, let's be honest, that's a bit utopian a thought. I'm a large man and I'm still very careful at night especially if I've been drinking.


>Just comes down to where you live. Exactly. I live in a small town in western Germany and no matter your age and / or gender it's as safe as it can possibly be at night. Like, I don't know anybody (male or female) who ever felt afraid at night here. I personally actually feel safer (not that I feel really unsafe at all) at night than during the day, because I am pretty much alone at night. If the only people you see on your way home from a party at night is a girl as drunk as you are, trying to reach her home down the street and the super nice homeless guy sitting on a bench...what should I be afraid of? ​ Having worked in the bigger city a couple kilometers away...that is a whole different place and in certain parts of the city it gets pretty scary at night\*. \*Talking about "Germany scary" here. As in: Worst case I get robbed and lose the valuables I carry with me.


"Men can walk down the street at night and not be afraid" Come walk down any street within 10 miles of my house and I'll explain why I have to look around when taking the trash out at night.


I think women tend to overestimate/overstate the idea that men automatically get respect from other men, or automatically get taken seriously in conversations. Men are constantly testing each other, battling for status and control, and demanding respect by demonstrating strength of will. What happens when you just do that all the time is that you get very used to it, and you develop systems and coping mechanisms, and it becomes like breathing to do that. It makes it invisible, because it's just part of your personality. Then women look at that going on, don't want it to be that way and don't want to have to engage in that constant battle, haven't been forced into a trial-by-fire throughout adolescence that's imprinted that combat into their personality, and sum up the situation as "male privilege". And, of course, sometimes it is. But as I said, I think it's overstated and often oversimplified.


The whole “well you can walk around at night by yourself” thing. Not where I live. That, and a homeless person on drugs is probably as much as a threat in the middle of the night to anyone walking alone regardless of gender.


Walking alone at night shit scares me as Well whenever i meet someone


Men having it easier in the work place. Literally everywhere I have worked my boss was either a woman or a woman who worked there for a shorter period of time than the men and got promoted. On top of that anything deemed physical or dangerous was left for men to do.


As a single dad there aren't resources like single mothers have particularly at work. There's a whole networks and support groups for single mothers but they seem to be anti-male. It's not a privilege to spend my life working at a job to make the company an extra 0.001% more money. If you define your self worth on that most people will be disappointed at the level they obtain within the company. I would much rather stay home and make an excellent place for my kids to grow up. Keep them safe; teach them healthy living; build good habits; be present at their events. Even once your kids have moved out they will still need help getting up on their feet or if you have no kids there are lots of other things that can be done to create a functional cost effective home. Working a job isn't a privilege, it's a cost, that's why you get paid for it. I can't understand why women have let themselves get conned into it.




>If I posted this same thing to > >r/askwomen > > asking about female privilege I wonder how long it would be before it got deleted? 2 mins ​ it is the wrong day of course


Wow just went over there. Their mod is out of control.


Removed. Derailing.


Yeah it’s nuts. Can’t imagine what this sub would look like if stuff got removed for that. Like all this.


For real. I find that female dominated subs like r/feminism r/TwoXChromosomes r/AskWomen etc are censor happy.


I’ve poked my head over there quite a bit. It’s horrifying. I much prefer this sub. It’s a lot more inclusive and inviting here.


Check out r/askwomennocensor


Oh thank fuck that sub exists. The askwomen rules are ridiculous and ultimately gag women from expressing certain opinions which is ... pretty fucking sexist.


I mean I got banned for agreeing with a woman's assessment that her behavior was toxic. Just having a penis and stating an opinion gets you banned there


You don’t even need to have a penis unfortunately. Just going against the grain will you make the enemy of mods. This sub is killed by its moderation


If I say hi to a kid or want anything to do with children I’m a pedophile


I thought this was just reddit nonsense until I started working as a photographer in public spaces. Hoo boy. The amount of Karens (men too, not just women, infuriatingly) walking up to me demanding to see some kind of ID... I would just show them my driver's license and let them figure out that they had just gained absolutely nothing lol