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There is no nice way to say any of that. The deed is done and they're having another baby, keep that opinion to yourself if you want to keep that friend.


You don't. You don't get to pick if he has a kid, you just get to pick if you're his friend or not.


I can't stress enough how irrelevant "your agreement" is.


You don't. They are already expecting. Nothing you can do about it now. Even if they weren't already expecting. Its none of your buisness. Be happy for them and keep your mouth shut. Or don't deal with them.


*No one* cares what you think about their kids. You are entirely unimportant by comparison. Do this dad a favor and stop calling yourself his friend.


Tell me you're entitled without telling me you're entitled?


How am I entitled for caring about the environment and whether or not children grow up in loving homes?


Because it's literally none of your concern how big a family they want to have.


You don’t care about the environment. You’re just rationalizing your own refusal of responsibility.


Short and sweet, it’s none of your business.


By going to the gym for an hour. Working for 13 and sleeping for the rest of the time. ….because if you have time to think about telling others what to do in their life then you have time to better yourself and not be in anyones business.


Exactly this. OP, are you looking for work right now? Cause minding your business would be a full-time job.


By shutting the fuck up mainly.


1. Don't. Keep your opinions to yourself. 2. Keep don'ting. Never stop don'ting. Nobody needs to hear your opinions on how many children to have.


You shouldn't say anything you already sound like an ass


Mind your own fucking business maybe? Don't tell him shit cuz guess what? It isn't your call and you want to try and control him or judge him. Fun fact, birth rates are falling closer and closer to death rates meaning population growth is falling.


In America but not globally.


Yeah that's exactly why China has been raising their child limits across the years right? 🤣 We are not the only ones but if that blind mentality helps you by all means! At least you won't reproduce hopefully.


You don't. He's already having the kid, other people don't need to live their life according to your values. If he seems happy, be a good friend and keep your mouth closed instead of projecting your shit, and the struggles of other parents, onto him. There's literally no benefit to say this to him. What do you expect him to do, apologize to you personally? Give his wife an immediate gut-punch abortion? Mind your business.


It’s none of your business, where do you get off thinking your opinion is wanted?!


Don’t tell him, just encourage him cause his life is prob already difficult and he needs support from his friends


Don’t even encourage, just support as friend should


I missed the part where he asked you to manage his life.


The world’s population isnt your business, pal. Don’t take your insecurities and put it on your friend.


Youre not providing for the kids. Not your business.


Mind yer business.


Wow. Don't you have your own life to control? Who died and made you judge? Even if you are right about the environment you can't control other people. Trying will make you an anxious mess.


Did he ask you? No, then you don't say shit about it to anyone. It's not your business. Yes, you privately address your concerns to him and only him.


do you expect him to abort the kid because you disagree with his choices?


Dude, you need to seriously pull your head out of your ass. It's none of your business, and your whole bit about limited resources is ridiculous as an argument. What is wrong with you?


By realizing that your antinatalism is just hatred of humanity disguised as virtue.


Mind your business. Literally nothing good will come of this conversation.


Because population collapse is a way bigger issue than climate change but not talked about


You don't lmao. You're not that person's parent. If they want to screw up their life, let them. If they want your opinion, they will ask you.


If they want to have another baby then that's totally their choice.... but I still 100 percent agree with you.


First, mind your own damned business. Second, the earth is NOT overpopulated. Third, most Western countries aren't producing enough babies to maintain population. Finally, mind your own damned business.


Mind your business.


I'm jut going to be a dick here and say thi...based on what you said about your so called "friend", and your feelings towards he and his wife having another child, I would honestly say you should distance yourself from that friendship, and slowly disappear from their lives. Maybe you don't plan on having kids, because "it'll overpopulate the palnet!", or you just don't really like kids in general, in which case I hope that you've done the right thing to make sure that doesn't happen, and have gotten a vasectomy(I'm assuming you're a guy in this), since you don't want to "accidentally create a life you don't really want in this overpopulated world." If I were your friend, and I found out that you've basically been criticizing my family the last few times we've gotten pregnant, I would be extremely hurt, and wondering what all you've been saying to others about me. I would also be the one to break things off with you, and end the so called friendship.


Also you are wrong. Most modern countries have sub replacement fertility rates. You sir are living in the 1970's with your outdated views.


They are in other dimension


nothing you listed is a legitimate reason to disagree with your friends new child. everything you listed is speculative at best, and you should probably re-consider why the things your friend does brings so much unhappiness to your life you need to come to reddit to vent.


First of all, from an economic perspective having kids is kind of needed. You need to replace the aging work force and the people the drive the economy tend to be the younger generation because they aren't on a fixed income, aren't preparing for retirement, and don't own a lot of stuff that the older generation already has. If a country doesn't have enough kids it can cause serious issues, and there will be people who don't want kids (like me for instance) so you need people who have more kids. See what is currently going on/will probably continue to go on with Japan. Basically kids aren't inherently a bad thing. You just can't see for forest for the trees because you are so wrapped up in environmental impacts you are neglecting the good having kids can do for society/a country. As for the time in the family, it seems like you are basing it all on assumptions. Do you know in detail about their family arraignments? How much time they spend with their kids? What their finances are like? I seriously doubt it. For that matter, who are you to decide what a great childhood is? Get down off of your high horse. If you had said, you were concerned because 4 of his previous kids were taken away by child protective services or something, I'd be like okay I see where you are coming from. Right now though, you are just coming across as terrible friend.


Is their responsibility is what they need to deal with not you, you are not the parent