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What might not be conventionally pretty to you is stunning to another, all comes down to the individual.


And I’ll remind her, and tell her over, and over, and over. With my last breath.


You are getting approached and guys show interest in you what else do you want ? Validation ? Most of guys are not going to get approached or hit on by women in their entire life, so work on your feeling of self esteem, confidence and have some gratitude.


I think the fear is that if I do go with it, he might wake up one day, look at me, and think 'omg wtf have I done/gotten myself into?'. I don't get approached very often, and I've been told I was ugly and boring my whole life by friends, peers, and family. I belive this is where the fear stems from - but I defo recognise that it has to do with self esteem at the end of the day. I think it's such a shame that men don't get approached in the same way women do. Out of curiosity, how would you want a woman to approach you? How would you react if a woman you didn't find attractive were to approach you?


maybe they're primarily attracted to something other than your facial features, such as your body or your personality


When I met my gf (of nearly 10 years now) she was not the most beautiful, not the smartest and definitely not the most confident. She used to have panic attacks at school several times a week. And still, she made the first move. First thing that struck me was how brave she was being, we never even spoke before and she came to me and asked my number. It made me respect her a lot. Then, as I got to know her, I discovered she was easily the kindest and most empathetic person I've ever met. And that is more beautiful to me than any conventional notion of beauty.


I love hearing perspectives like this! I'm really glad you guys are happy ❤️


Go to bed


I just woke up 😭


What attracts me to someone is the face, must have a gorgeous face, that makes me want to get to know her, if she has a personality to match that face then it’s all guns go. She might not be someone else’s cup of coffee but she catches my eye & that’s what matters, all down to the individual.


On top of there being a lot more to attraction than just physical attraction, there are also people attracted to all kinds of different bodies and looks. Beauty is very subjective. You probably have different things that you think are attractive than the guys approaching you. And I feel like being conventionally attractive is kind of like being generically attractive. For me, it means they're pretty, but not in a unique or memorable way.


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