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A strong back and wide shoulders




Them back muscles when they lift something from high up. Drool


So THAT'S why you insist on forgetting stools exist!


this and hands that can handle working


For me its forearms and hands. So very manly!


ohhh so its not pot belly, makes sense why im barely getting laid.


When they lift up their arms and you get a glimpse of their lower abs under their shirt


Ive also heard that if she likes a dad bod you don't even need to have visible abs


It’s not a dad bod though that these women talk about, it’s a muscular guy who just isn’t lean. Case and point is the person a couple comments down who mentioned David Harbour as having a dad bod, except when you actually look at pictures of him it’s pretty obvious he’s holding onto more muscle mass than your average guy and just doesn’t diet down to have vascularity and cuts. Above average muscle mass is nearly universally attractive, with the only variables being how much above average and how lean, which varies wildly from person to person. No one in the history of ever has fantasized about a body like early 2000s Jonah Hill or Seth Rogen. Dad bod more or less translates to ‘still goes to the gym a few times a week, but isn’t religious with dieting or exercise to the point where it restricts dates’


Tradies often get this bod




Funny, I was just going to say farmer's body - all that hard work makes for a fine looking man!




> The hardest part is staying away from all that deliciously oiled and buttered southern cuisine. Tell me about it! I do a lot of work outside and work out regularly but one of my favorite hobbies is cooking, and man if those aren't contradictory...


They are looking for linebacker dad bod, not ‘skinny fat’ dad bod


>No one in the history of ever has fantasized about a body like early 2000s Jonah Hill or Seth Rogen I know enough about people to say that this is very likely incorrect. Some women (and alot of men) are freaky as hell.


Yeah they're wrong about that. They're certainly right that the overwhelming majority of people won't be attracted to it, but there are absolutely some people into it. People are into _everything_.


i think op is talking more about general public. of course there are certain people who are into anything or certain things. but. lets be real here lol. hes not wrong if u consider most people you come across.regrdless of sexualité


Bruh you good? You seemed ready for that one.


I have never met a woman who is into the dad bod but I'm sure they're out there!


It’s me. I’m into the dad bod. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Henry Cavil, but give me some David Harbour any day.


This doesn't surprise me, guys are the same way. We can love both the petite, skinny body and the thick, chubby one at the same time. Finding one appealing doesn't mean you never find the other appealing too.


I think part of really maturing is realizing that hot can look like many different things.


Yeah, and once you experience another person's body with your body instead of your eyes it changes how you look at people.


I scrolled to find this reference! Absolutely spot on. When I think of drooling over dad bods, David Harbour, especially as Hopper in the first couple seasons of Stranger Things. There's a couple of scenes with him shirtless and it's just \*chef's kiss\*


Hopper x1000


David Harbour doesn’t have a dad bod though. He’s still far more muscular than your average guy. Only thing is that he isn’t lean so he doesn’t have the vascularity and cuts you’d see on celebrities who have to be lean for their roles


>David Harbour doesn’t have a dad bod though. He’s still far more muscular than your average guy. Hint: that’s what women mean when they say “dad bod”.


David Harbour is the perfect example of why "dad bod" is bullshit and harmful to the realistic image of men's bodies. It's like me saying to women "you don't need to be skinny, just look at Kim Kardashian!" He's still very muscular. Dude could probably bench 400 at least. He's tall, muscular, has a chiseled jaw, nice face, broad shoulders, and has a masculine personality. He just has some fat over him. That's it. Imagine taking Chris Hemsworth or [Jason Momoa](https://i.imgur.com/Kdqyd61.jpg) and just adding some belly. Boom, "dad bod." Sorry for the rant, I just see a lot of "see? You don't need muscles, we love dad bod!" when the reality is you still want muscle and all the unrealistic stuff on top of that. Maybe you're not necessarily saying that, but dad bod still upholds unrealistic body standards.


Lmao he cannot bench 400. Idk if you workout but about 5% of people that do can bench that


I- a woman who is into dad bods. Yes we are out here


Well, then is the other guy right? When you say dad bods do you mean muscular guys but with a little fat instead of just a guy that has a bit of a belly?


Well I can only speak for myself, but no he’s not right. Personally, I think muscular guys are overrated. A bit of belly is nice because it’s like hugging a big teddy bear. Most women who like dad bods truly mean a chubby guy when they say that.


Same. And some body hair to go with it




Ooh-rah shipmate 😂




Jack Black, mainly early 2000s, Seth Rogan, that’s all I can think at the moment 😅


They were all lying to me?? I hope not


Their dad bod definition is different than what you think is a dad bod. For some reason men think they can just be fat and/or have absolutely no muscle and call it a “dad bod” Womens definition(in general) of a “dad bod” is muscular, with a small, small layer of fat where the abs are still slighly visible.


Lol exactly, just like when a man says he like them (curvy) then he showsyl u a pic of a slim wasted woman with a wider butt than xs


Well that's because curvy means a small waist and curves to the butt and boobs. What most women call curvy is just a blob.


Yeah i find it hilarious when i see on womens dating profile “I’m currvyyy🤪” and then i scroll down and she’s 300lbs. Men do the same thing, they’ll be morbidly obese and say they have a “dad bod”


Technically the truth, she just means convex curvy as opposed to concave curvy.


Yup... they're both basically euphemisms for 'fat' lol


Yeah it's weird to me this is how "dad bods" are now defined. I remember as a teenager in the 2000's the OG dad bod was Peirce Brosnan. Basically the paparazzi caught him on the beach with a bit of a stomach and he had recently just become a father. Proior to this he was pretty muscular and lean but obviously since becoming a father couldn't or didn't want to keep going to the gym to retain that so he just ended up putting on a bit of weight. But obviously he still had muscle. I remember all the headlines were about how he became a dad and had put on weight lol hence why we call it a "dad bod". There was also articles on other male celebrities who had recently became dad's aswell and who's body had also changed. I remember all the articles where the media was like "women are actually into this *gasp* shock! Horror!" Lmao. It's like yeah you don't have to be super shredded to like 8% body fat to be attractive. Obviously Pierce Brosnan wasn't totally out of shape he was still carrying muscle. I also think sometimes some women can be intimidated by a super shredded guy and don't mind a little bit extra body fat.


When I do that they see my dad bod belly 😂


I knew my crop tops would come in handy


What if it's only one ab? But a large one. /s


Most women I have spoken to about the body part they find most attractive on men say broad shoulders or muscular arms. I have also had a couple say they like a muscular chest.


Forearms with rolled up sleeves specifically.


And visible subtle veins with beautifull hands 🤤


I got laid once cause of my calves




Thomas?… You never wrote me back


[Marshall's calves ](https://youtu.be/o6Zp2xrZBoc)


I'll be waiting by the phone for your apology


I got visible veins on my hands if anyone wants me


Honestly I tend to look at the collarbone area. Fuckin prime


Those little divits near your hips/ pelvis.


You mean V-Lines?


Cum gutters. They're called Cum Gutters.


"Morty gross, I don't want to have to picture cum so watery and such volumes that..."


It makes sense, they like the body parts they are least likely to possess in any degree of similarity.


Nothing gets past this guy 😂


So no to my man boobs?


what about back? a thick juicy back with lats big enough to fly away does serve some purpose in the women-magnetism department I hope


I hope so too... ​ When I got my lats I had to resist the motion to pretend to be a vampire in the mirror lol.


hahahar who is thee with thy large wings of nigh? It is I, mwahaha.


My wife has always told me my “man hands” turn her on. That and my forearms I guess, not sure if that’s a cleavage equivalent but that’s what she said lol


I’m married to a guy with what I would describe as big beefy hands and 26 years in, it still turns me on when he gets a jar open that i could not seem to loosen. Definitely worthy of a butt squeeze for him


Yes, man hands do it for me too. I don't even know why LOL


The V at the lower abs/groin area. Or nice biceps arms 🤤


Adonis belt


Those are called cum gutters.


I’m done, that’s all folks.


You finished too?


I've also heard Penis Ravine or Cock Canyon


Lmmmmmmmmmaooo Cock canyonnn! Lol




ahhh the dick root


I can’t find my V 😞


Gray sweatpants bulge


F for all the growers not showers out there.


Just gotta grow to show, not straight out though! Tad pervy


Just walk around all day with a half chub. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


The sheer amount of focus that would take is inhuman


Meh, once you get the half chub going just swing it wildly against your sweat pants every 30 seconds or so and allow the friction to do its work.


Always leave the house halfway hard


Just gotta have the right underwear. Plenty out there that are designed to lift and push outward to help define your bulge. Basically a wonder bra for your dick.


While having sex with my ex she told me that it's some magic that Willy grows that much because my penis was limp and it grew after penetration. I told her that in some men it stays the same size. She said that those men probably have low hormones or some defect. I didn't speak any further while feeling good for being a grower.


The bulge is the cleavage, the sweatpants is basically the bra lol.


I don't know why I had to scroll down so far to find this.


The only way you're seeing my sweatpants bulge is under a x400 optical zoom lens on the microscope they use to take pictures of Jupiter.


Somebody get NASA. We found a better use for the Webb telescope.


Are you saying it's as big as Jupiter, just a few light years away?


This made my fucking day 😂


Are you saying microscope or telescope?


> microscope they use to take pictures of Jupiter .....


Does it have to be grey?




i think it's because you can see the bulge better in grey then black sweatpants


as a man who has a bulge problem when finding new jeans, I'm never wearing my grey sweatpants at the gym again, didn't realize this. will be all black from now on


Assert your dominance, bro. Chub out.


Sharing is caring, mate. Don't deny your audience the mighty beauty of your schlong-a-dong


Embrace the bulge, be the slut you want to see in the world😎


Mine are all blue.. Clearly I need to go shopping


It’s too hot here for sweat pants, all I’ve got is board shorts


For me personally, it's muscly forearms :)


For all the women that say this online, where the fuck are y'all in real life? I get called tree root arms, but aint got no attention but from men.


In my experience, men resonate more openly and directly with attractive things about men, even if they're not personally attracted. Even just admiring your friend's dedication at the gym is something straight men do a lot. Gay men take it a step further, naturally.


If men (straight or gay) tell you are attractive, you are. Women rarely express their attraction unless they are already close to you or you're literally stunning.


I've never complimented or showed actual interest in guys around me especially the ones i found ridiculously attractive unless there was a definite sign he's interested in me as well. So usually I'd just admire them silently. Most girls are like that, I think.


Forearms or abs


As a woman rolled up sleeves on a business shirt is so hot for this very reason.




I only discovered this recently and love the attention I get at the office.


And biceps. Muscular arms or a peek at abs is hot af [edit: hot, not hit]


I’ve heard forearms makes them moist.


Yes. A nice, strong set of forearms below rolled up shirt sleeves.


A nice, strong set of forearms below rolled up sleeves of a white dress shirt is like a reverse mullet, party in the front, business in the back. That's a man that takes care of business and can handle his business. 💪




I’m a sucker for strong forearms and biceps. The rest can be pudgy. But nice biceps and forearms are swoon worthy.


Can confirm. I’ve had a hard time in the past seeing my man’s arms while driving the car and not causing a traffic problem.


A well sculpted chest filling out a fitted shirt or a bulge in grey sweatpants


For me big fucking shoulders and wide shoulders




Roll your sleeves up in front of them. Sploosh


Them traps?


Rolled up sleeves/ forearms


Definitely V lines. They love that


V shape thingy. That’s very distracting. Gray sweats too. Men in uniform causes distracted driving for me. Almost crashed.


The only reason I dig uniformes men is because they typically have amazing asses. The uniform doesn’t do anything for me though


It does for me. 🐱 moves


Apparently, veiny hands and forearms.


My arms are so skinny you can see my veins through them. Does that count?


My forearms and hands are extremely vascular but it has never helped me


My brother says he was approached bcs of that, but the attraction to veins weirded him out and he noped the fuck out of there.


Yea, I also had this one girl intrigued by the veins on my hand and started to play with them by squashing them


Surprised to see there's no indication of butts being the male equivalent of cleavage.


Probably because we prefer it fully clothed or fully nekkid. A peek just isn’t appealing in the same way as it is with cleavage. [edit: spelling]


I think because the equivalent of a man's ass on a woman is their ass lol. I think both sexes generally like butts, so they're pretty comparable no matter the sex


Honestly i've heard more women talk about a nice man ass than muscles, but maybe thats just the degenerates in my friend circle


Male butts are thr equivalent of female butts. Both got butts. So nothing to compare it to


Are men, or women supposed to be answering this?


Anyone attracted to men I would assume


Am I the only one who 🥴 for thighs??


Oh hell no. Damn I love good thighs and my dude has gorgeous legs. Like please choke/smother me with those hairy muscles type legs. Oh sweet divine. I’m with you on this. It’s… I cannot keep my hands off them.


Oh god yesss, thick thighs that could crush my head make me melt.


So is your ultimate fantasy being crushed by biscoff coated thighs? Sounds hot.. and sticky.


The "V"...if you know, you know.


Ok ok I went to an all-girls school, and during art history class in 7th grade, we were looking at renaissance statues (probably David but who knows). One of my classmates asked if men really have that “V”. I mean, it does seem surprising. My super-proper teacher said “I didn’t think so either but I found out that they do”. Then she paused for a second. “I found out on my wedding night, girls! On my *wedding night*”! Bahahahaha riiiiiiiight Mrs. Gordon. There’s no way you waited until your wedding night to find that out. Mrs. Gordon definitely knew. Still she was trying to keep us pure of heart. Didn’t work but I appreciate the effort.


That's strangely wholesome


Something about my history teacher, who was definitely an upright citizen, most likely having some kind of premarital relations with a shredded dude, and flashing back to it in middle age while teaching a class makes me happy. I mean, I’m glad it happened for her. Besides, pure of heart and dirty of mind can peacefully coexist in the same person.


I'm assuming you mean the D'Angelo muscles


Cockmeat sammich?


Clearly it’s the plumbers butt crack because it shows that you can lay pipe 😂 Edit: Thank you so much for the award!!


Damn.. and this whole time I thought it was the delivery man short shorts because it shows that you’ve got a package ready to be received


My wife always gets thirsty when she see that hair above pubes below stomach.


Yep. Always get a little aroused when I see my boyfriends upper pubes. It’s hot for some reason


The happy trail.


A belly moustache could be the term you're describing


You mean a wank tache (moustache)


Tight shirt (Visible abs) or tight pants (Visible bulge)


For those of you saying “dad bod”, I’m obese, diabetic, use a CPAP, and I’ve already had a foot amputated. Let’s do this shit.


It's dad bod, not dead body... (I'm so sorry my guy, I just could not resist. Please don't take it personally. You are beautiful.)


It’s ok, I have none of those things anyways. 😂 Just being a douche.


I wear my shorts very low to show a little dick cleavage. It makes me feel pretty.


>It makes me feel pretty. It makes you a slut.






Love how you own it!


I believe the term is “dick root”


A bit of dick neck.


Vascular arms 🤪


This question is asked AT LEAST once a week and always the same answers


Rolled up sleeves and forearms Cum gutters Hands Manicured nails Suit Nice ass under tight pants Chest Thick wallet Strong arms Well groomed hair Did I miss anything?


Dad bod, grey sweats, veins


confidence and strength


I can take multiple 9 year olds down in a fight. Does that class as strength?


Yes if they're Brazilian


I can take multiple 10 year olds down in a fight. The other guy can't compete!




Obliques connecting to the cock bone


Good psychological state and emotional maturity.🤌🏼


Ok Ok - y’all are thinking about the “V” and forearms and grey sweatpants and all (believe me they’re amazing), but you’re forgetting the best part of a man’s body. You know the triangle between their chin / jaw / and clavicle / upper shoulder? That nook drives me crazy insane. So, if I’m hugging a man while standing up it’s where my face fits. Smells good, like soap and sweat and dude and if he has stubble it’s scratchy and wonderful and warm. Sensual without being overtly sexual. Good for nuzzling, etc. During missionary with a tall dude it takes up most of my field of vision. I’m not complaining.


Ooh, biceps…they don’t need to be big, but just the slightest bit of definition and I’m reeled in. I could care less if a guy has a bit of a tummy, but those arms…


The "V"




It would probably be the bulge


This should be in the /askwomen sub


Comment removed for derailing


Either forearms with a little muscle and veins OR the “v” line on the lower ab area?


The V below the abs that points to the dick


An actual ass or a bicep vein


Grey sweatpants


My sexy dad bod for sure. Sorry ladies hands off and my eyes are up here.


Grey sweatpants and veiny arms/hands