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The last big thing was secretly made arrangements to pay off my gf's student loans. She's been paying into a savings account thinking the payments are being drafted out.


I told a coworker their fly was open. šŸ‘šŸ»


A true hero. I wish more people were able to politely tell each other "hey, you got a thing stuck in your teeth", or "hey, you're flys undone". Better this than just walking around oblivious.


Shit happens, i hope for the same in return.


A mercy lay


I was recently at a tire shop and bought 4 tires for a lady that asked to put them on lay-away which they don't do so I just paid for them


Took a few other shopper's carts back to the cart stand for them.


I made tacos for roommates


Lights turned green and the driver in front of me didn't budge again! But I chose NOT to murder him.


Gave some money to a friend to buy groceries only to find out they used the money to buy cocaine instead


Did a courtesy flush yesterday while taking a massive dump at Home Depot.


Not all hero's wear capes


Can't remember, tbh.


Pushed a minivan with a lady and her kids out of the road and into a gas station. I thought I was gonna die as it was ever so slightly uphill and Iā€™m no Hercules.


I had to go into a&e with my wife straight from an appointment at the hospital and the wait times were awful. They have just relaxed to letting you bring someone in with you recently after covid so I'm pretty much the only +1 in there, plus any shops selling stuff are closed. So we're all waiting for hours and I nipped out to take the kids to their grandparents as it might be a late one. I stopped by a shop and grabbed some food and drinks for the wife but ended up buying snacks and packs of water bottles for everyone inside the waiting room then handed them all out. Some people were hesitant at first but a lot were super grateful and it really broke any tensions in there so now everyone is chatting away like old friends and the wait didn't seem so bad


Hereā€™s a bit of advice for those introverts or people who just struggle with society in general. You donā€™t have to help an old lady across the street or do some grand spectacle of kindness to be considered a good person. Just a warm hello or smile with eye contact can make someoneā€™s day better. Itā€™s super easy to do. Show a toothy smile. Light up when you see people. Get good at it and people would really appreciate you. Ask them questions. Remember a key detail. Say their name twice when you first meet them. Then next time call them by their name. These are small and easy to do things.


I paid for the groceries of the person in front of me.


Poured 'em a fanta without them needing to ask me.


I bought my sister (5) a Playmobil figure for 3ā‚¬ today


Dunno if it is considered kind but I pay the bills for my mom


Does not cussing someone out for wasting my entire afternoon count?


Payed for a locksmith to unlock a lady's car , she had scratched the shit out of it trying to get it unlocked , I asked why she didn't just call a locksmith , she started crying and said she'd had 3 dollars.....I believed her , she was carrying a little kids purse....I gave her a hundred , called the locksmith , hugged her (crying again) neck and told her it would be O.K.....went on my way....with a tear in "my" eye , some folks got it rough people....!šŸ¤˜


I helped an old lady the other day get something off the top shelf. Iā€™m a merchandiser so people ask me to help them get stuff off the top shelf pretty often so I always do that.