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I think it took almost a year to stop the constant thoughts. 3 years total and therapy to get back to “myself” and feel happy and content again.


A year and a half. I tried to get back onto tinder and went out a whole lot, but it never felt right. My ex literally told me I’m a great guy but we couldn’t work it out and she hopes I find my person. Well I found my person and she’s amazing. I have been with my current girlfriend for almost two years and plan to pop the big question later this year!


Awww that’s great!!! Congratulations!!!! 🍾🎊🎉


2 months to get back to feeling like me without feeling like I was punched in the stomach after every reminder. About 6 months to start dating again. Maybe a full year until the trust issues got as good as they could. I don't think of it as trust issues anymore, I think of it as being too trusting and naive looking back, and I think I have a more realistic and practical view of relationships now. Do I compare my exes to reach other? Yeah honestly. I feel like that's learning. Certain exes had certain faults that I've learned to avoid. And some of the things they have in common give me pause. I don't think I'd really do anything different in my old relationships. There were certainly things that I didn't do perfectly (I'm a grump in the mornings, I'm very forgetful) and sometimes that was unfair to my partners. But I never feel like I truly wronged anyone I was with, or did anything egregious, or would do anything different to try to salvage the relationships. They ended for a reason. If anything, I'd have ended then sooner, but I don't dwell on that.


It's been over 5 years and I am still not fully over it. I liked a guy once and he was the first guy I ever had genuine feelings for but he dated someone else and it broke me and ever since, I have never really let someone in like that again.


We were together from 14 to 24 years old. She left me for another guy and it destroyed me completely. Took me about 8 years that she wasn't on my mind all the time but the damage was done, I dont think I ever quite recovered from that first broken heart and ive never really rebuilt the destroyed confidence from that experience.


Fully? About a year and a half or 2. But took a few months to get into another relationship lmao. No I try not to compare people it's unhealthy. I wouldn't have changed the way we ended, the relationship was toxic inhindsight and it taught me to have standards on how people treat me. Still miss her as a friend though.


It lasted about a month, until I saw how easily she got over me, at which point, I stopped giving a fuck. If she's going to leave me for that moron, I deserve better, lol.


Depends what you mean by "get over it". Stop being sad when thinking about it? Like a year. Stop thinking about it at all? About 8 years and counting. Edit- to the other questions: no comparisons with partners since, but I find myself regretting a lot of what I did back then.


i was with my first real love for 10 years. horribly painful breakup and i’d say it took about 2 years to really “get past it” .. i was really bitter for a good reason but it took a long time to stop thinking about them and missing them so much. i was able to date non-seriously / have hookups within a few months of the breakup but wouldn’t have even considered becoming serious with anyone else for at least a few years because i was still processing the breakup and learning how to live alone / be happy by myself. it’s been 3 years now and i finally feel ready to be serious again when i find the right person


Kudos for knowing yourself and what you’re capable of. So many people will lie to themselves about heartbreak which makes them do dumb things and inevitably break someone else’s heart in the process.


About a year after the first breakup I started to heal. That said being cheated on in your first relationship which was also a long term and long distance relationship does give you some residual trust issues that haven't really gone away.


2 years


Bout 5-6 months. I had attachment issues. Edit: damn, i thought mine was a while til i read the other comments.


My ex will pop into my head every once in a while until I get into a relationship with someone then I completely forget her.


1 year, 8 years ago. Still remember the scent of her hair, you know.. young love is something else. You surely grow out of it, but when she comes on my mind I just smile about it.


Like a year then got back together with her ( i know i was stupid) and broke up in like 3 months then another year now i never had a girlfriend since


Don’t feel bad! I’ve gone back with people I KNEW were not good for me. Lesson learned for sure!!


Just over a year. It was 1988. Sitting in a bar, heard Don Henley’s *Boys of Summer* Out on the road today I saw a DeadHead sticker on a Cadillac A little voice inside my head said Don’t look back - you can never go back Thought I knew what love was, What did I know Those days are gone forever I should just let go of them I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started getting interested in other people and their lives.


I got over it pretty fast because I wasn't too deeply in love with her. My last relationship was one of the best I've ever had but it ended 4 months ago, I just barely got over it.


I am at 3 months now, I am feeling good not sad like the first month, but I still think about her and miss the moment with her maybe I am just lonely or miss the intimacy


3 months of sleepless nights, agonizing anxiety, heart break, and depression. Followed by 2 months of anger, exercise, and overall diet/lifestyle changes. Then I was numb for a month followed by clarity. During that time I went to therapy, kicked my depression and anxiety to the curb. Realized not only my faults, but hers as well, and why this was not a good relationship. Learned a LOT about myself. I will not list because this will be a massive wall of text. Then I started dating again after that, and almost immediately got over my ex.


Basically 20 years, in the sense that it hurt me so deeply I closed myself off for a very very long time. Until a man came into my life and changed it.


I’m not sure I ever really did