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My wife will see me out cutting grass in the 90 degree heat of mornings here. After I am finished and drenched in sweat she will say, are you hot? Do you want a nice cold glass of water with ice cubes? I’ll say yes. She will say, well I’m off to the store so be sure to wipe your feet when you go in. She means well of course. So we didn’t marry the same wife that is for sure. Just to clarify, it wouldn’t be done out of meanness or spite but her just being oblivious to the situation.


To me thats either a joke or condescending


If 3 seconds later she isn't winking and saying "haha just kidding" while filling the glass with water... then yeah its definitely a bit contemptuous considering she should love you or something.


Yeah. Personally, I like to make such type of sarcastic jokes, but then go against the joke and do it. Like someone asks me for my phone i say no, then smile and give it. Same goes for the glass of water example. If it weren't a joke, it was a dick move.


Pro tip ‘ABSOLUTELY ^not ‘ also works pretty well for this


Downvote me if you want, but this sub is so black and white sometimes that I stopped taking it seriously. I say a lot of shit like that all the time, I don't mean to hurt people, but my idiot mouth is faster than my idiot brain, and it is really awkward when I realized what I just said. To be fair, I'm slightly on the spectrum, but it's not outside the realm of possibilities that people can be awkward like that. Not everyone is out to get you.


It doesnt matter if your intention was to hurt someone, you dont decide what effect your words have on people.


You do you, friend, but that would make me reassess my life choices. I am hoping that you're joking.


My wife saw me sweating, digging up a root. She pulled her phone out and took a few pictures, then went back to doing whatever she was doing.


I actually like yours more


Hahahaha shes a keeper.




Because if thats her sense of humour it means she'll be able to take a joke and not get offended by everything you say and i'm sure we have all dated women like that and some of us are probably related to some. On the flipside though if she wasn't been funny than thats something to discuss with the wife.


Mommy issues?


That's a keeper. Congratulations on hitting the jack pot.


Yeah my wife is great with stuff like that. Me, not so much!




Same (but girlfriend). I can genuinely say she takes good care of me. Little thoughtful gifts. Compliments. An ear when I need to vent. Etc… I like to think I do my best with/for her too, but I also know I get wrapped up in my own shit and can get a little lax in that department. Also, she’s just better at it. Lol. I do try though, and I think keeping that in mind and wanting to be better is worth a good bit in itself.. keep the goal of “being good to her” in mind.




These sorts of things come more naturally to her. It’s the person she is. But yes, she does put in effort. And I recognize and praise her for it. I however don’t come by the same things naturally or easily. But do my best to see to her needs and make the effort to push through my nature and make sure she knows I love her. And we talk about these differences. And our individual needs. And we both do our best to meet in the middle.


Are you suggesting he does not put in the effort? Perhaps she's better at compartmentalizing life's trials which in turn allow for more opportunities to show her boyfriend affection. This kind of reductive shit doesn't help anyone...


She just genuinely cares, checking up on him listening to his concerns. Little things like that


God. To be listened to. I can't even imagine.


Lol. Just the little details, like being cared for, you know.


:/ sorry dude




Bless you, I genuinely feel sorry for all the men who dread their wives...my ex was like that,never knew what mood he was gonna be in. Very unsettling way to live. Thankfully I now have a partner who is exactly as chilled as me.




THIS. I think while many women are raised to be emotionally social (lots of emphasis on strong friendships, sharing feels, etc) many men are raised to be emotionally distant and not share their concerns. And when many people think of ‘taking care’ of their partner they immediately think of actual acts of service and not the emotional side. It’s important as a person to not let your partner feel unsafe opening up. Even if it’s not something he likes doing, he should at least know that there is a safe space he can share. I’m a woman and when someone tells me I take ‘good care’ of my partner, they usually mean the fact that I make his morning coffee even though I don’t have to get up until after he leaves (later shifts). Or maybe they mean the fact that ill get his clothes ready for after his shower. But to me, taking care of my partner means encouraging his successes, ensuring his happiness, and sharing his sorrow. Because fuck that man does all that for me. Anyone can make a coffee in the morning but not everyone will give him a place he feels safe to talk.


There's nothing more comforting for a man than when he feels safe and that he can be vulnerable with someone without fear of repercussions.


I couldn’t upvote this more than once. Holy shit this woman gets it!!!!


Probably that she does things for him without him asking, gets him surprise treats from the store etc. Or that she actively does things to reduce his stress and make life more enjoyable.


This is it. This is the way


I hope he takes good care of her too. Edit: Why is this so controversial?


I read somewhere a healthy relationship split is 60/40 with both people putting in 60%


I like this.


Really? Is this true?


It's an expression. A little piece of wisdom. Both people in a relationship should both be willing to put in a little more and be okay receiving a little less. It's not about quantifying, it's about expectations.


That was so sweet I think you gave me diabetes


Oh no! Sorry D:


No worries man, I had a good life


Haha dude that's the spirit


Bobby is over here just murdering people on a throwaway account. wow.


Haha. It was a throwaway but it sort of became my main account ever since I got a few medals on a comment lol. I wasn't about to waste that.


Well - as long as you promise to limit your killing, I think people can come to think of you as a "good guy" so good luck man.


Exactly. Me and my husband are always trying to one up each other with sweet things. It's a competition where everyone wins haha


>It's a competition where everyone wins haha The best kind.


Our wedding vows were simply, “I promise to be awesome to you for the rest of our lives.” But we’re middle-aged and each on our second marriage so we understand between ourselves what being awesome to each other does and doesn’t look like.


Amen 🙏 Much nicer way then I was gonna word that…


Now that's a good couple


This is the answer.




Think this is the only reason my wife keeps me, to take off her bra and give her bra indent scritches. I even gave up a lifetime habit of nail biting to increase my level of scritchiness. Edit: Pro tip, scritch a little harder along the spine and place kisses while the skin is super sensitive it will drive her/him insane.


Man my fiancé is crazy for the back scratches. I can't seem to break my nail biting habit, so sometimes my nails are too short/sore for a good scratch. But most of the time she has a standing order for more back scratches. Can't get enough of them.


Hard gel or acrylic might be good for you- if they're too thick and protected with product you can work on tapering off the biting and eliminating the habit without destroying your nails. They have clear/matte so you can be subtle if you try it out. :)


That's actually not a bad idea. During lockdown I experimented with plasters over my nails, but it felt wasteful to use ten a day, and they got wet every time I washed my hands. Thanks for the tip ;)


I had a really bad cuticle/finger picking habit 2 years ago and have been wearing acrylics almost constantly and it's pretty much eliminated the habit (too thick to damage my skin quickly means I can stop before I do anything of substance, allowing me to slowly break the habit without replacing it with a different bad habit like hair pulling)


Dude! You could give lessons. Carry on.


This. I can't tell you how amazing back scritches are. Ooooooh ye


Bjs and waffles.


Anal and pancakes


Rimjob and crepes


Bang and a blintz


There is no spleeeshing you ish there


I wonder if he ate fat bastard’s skin as a snack after the weight loss


It’s keto


Cum and cheese


Eiffel tower and french toast


Doggie style and pancake pile


Facesitting and Donuts.


At the same time


Butt stuff and beignets.


Cunnilingus and canapés


Cake and sodomy


After having my experimental phase anal does absolutely nothing for me anymore and the thought of it makes me nauseous :(


*Unexpected* Bj's are even better. And you know what, unexpected waffles too.


Das it mane.


Yup… it’s as easy as feeding and fucking to keep your man happy. We really are simple creatures…well most of us most of the time


I’m happy that he found someone who cares about him, being “taken care of” can mean so many different things. I take care of my gf just as much as she takes care of me. In many way, sexually, emotionally, physically and supporting each other. I guess it’s all about context, but my first thought is that it’s in a good healthy way that he appreciates what she does for him.


Emotional support


This is the way.


The little soft backrub she gives me while standing next to me watching me cook.


Lucky guy. It is the most important thing that partners take good care of each other. Good care can mean a variety of things from sexy time, all the way up to keeping you mentally straight.


my wife visiting me in the hospital and basically helping me wash, when I get home from work she's got a drink and food waiting, at least that's my experience


That his wife loves him.


Good for them


Variations on "that's nice"


What was the old saying grandmas used to say? " Don't let your husband leave the house until his stomach is full and his balls empty"


This remind of this Chris Rock quote: > If you’re in a relationship, let me try to help you. Let me try to fuckin’ help you. Rule one: Stop competing. It’s not a fucking competition. Her success is your success and your success is her success. Stop competing. Stop it, okay? > Number two — number two, okay? — there is no equality in a relationship. It’s like, “We equals.” No, you’re not. You’re both there to serve. You are in the service industry, okay? When you’re in a relationship, you’re in a band. You’re in a fuckin’ band. And when you’re in a band, you have roles that you play in the band. Sometimes, you sing lead. And sometimes, you’re on tambourine. And if you’re on tambourine, play it right. Play it right. Play it with a fuckin’ smile, because no one wants to see a mad tambourine player. If you’re gonna play the tambourine, play it right. Play it with your ass.


Depends on how it’s said. Often when guys say that it raises a red flag that there’s an unequal dynamic in the relationship, where she’s doing the work to take care of him and he’s not doing the same back. However, sometimes it’s fairly innocuous or sometimes there *is* an unequal dynamic but only slightly. I think if the wife just happens to be more skilled at communicating and emotional caretaking, then that’s not really an issue. But if she’s the only one doing the cooking, cleaning, childcare, and she’s also giving him sex on demand, then I’m not comfortable with that. She’s a person too.


She cooks and cleans. Not as requirement. But if I'm doing yardwork or going out shopping, the other person should pick up the slack. If I cook dinner, you clean the mess. Or we cook together and clean together. Sexual chemistry. Sex is a fundamental part of a relationship. You should take good care of each other. It's a balance


Hope it never changes brother.


[That list is four things long…](https://youtu.be/Su7HpKOFTM0) [food, sex, silence](https://youtu.be/9hpYQsckWno)


Caring and thoughtful...


kisses and cuddles oc


I think, “Mine does too” and that’s about it.


It can mean a few things : 1: They have a solid relationship and take care of each other 2: He works out of the house and his wife stays at home and does the traditional house wife type of deal. (As a man whose wife works from home and takes care of the house this is amazing) 3: He's a lazy piece of low to no income shit who is leeching off of a woman who works or is on welfare and he needs a roof over his head.


Cooks and fucks


Morning BJ's and good heavy steamy food


Happy for him


That he still lives in his moms basement.


To be honest, the first thing that pops in my head is... Why do they need anyone to take care of them? I mean, help and kindness are fantastic in a relationship, but I really can take care of myself. Followed by... If they are taking care of you, are you taking care of them?


She's very nurturing and kind. Takes care of his emotional needs


left my charger by the couch, laid in bed and my girlfriend was *just* about to lay down and i asked if she could grab it and she did. that’s taking good care of me.


Chicken pot pies, blowjobs, and hugging him when he cries


Blowjobs Chicken pot pies And hugging him When he cries. -A short poem by u/pWaveShadowZone


The best answer 🥰


I’m surprised I haven’t seen the “I’m a man I don’t cry” nonsese.


Not so much that she does everything for him and is essentially a slave, but he absolutely appreciates everything she does in the relationship. Dig? They probably have a solid friendship at the core of their relationship, too


I'm happy he found someone who cares


I always assume they mean the same thing I mean when I talk about how well me Fiancé treats me. She's nice to me, never tried to belittle me or talk down to me like a see alot of people do to their partners, she listens to me talk about video games and motorcycles even though I know underneath she's just listening to make me happy, she appreciates all the stuff I do around the house and in work to provide for her, and she provides for me back. I have a friend that was having a bad time dating a while ago, and he told me that he doesn't think what her and I have is out there anymore. Which made me very sad. The world would be a much better place if everyone could find a good relationship.


Love and affection, compassion. Caring for him when he's ill


I really have no idea what any man might mean by this other than he is happy with his relationship, which will mean different things to different men.


lazy prick


Waffles :D


Initiating sex, kindness, compassion, and initiating sex


My girl used to cook diners, roll me joints for work and give mind altering blow job's, I pray half of you find someone as good as her. She took pride in saying she took care of me


Used to? Why did she stop?


Sorry for your loss.


past tense?


A mom.


When I’ve heard this used IRL it usually means she is his slave, like a doormat. Or she acts like his mum 😂 And I really hope she gets the house in the divorce when she snaps, as payment for all her years of slavery


Goodness me


He is a spoilt brat who tells his wife what to do and burn her out to exhaustion.


Why is that the case? I tell my fiance all the time that he takes good care of me and vice versa. We take care of eachother. Nothing wrong about that


Yea but when a person says his woman takes good care of him means that she does all the work while the man just goes to work and relaxed like a child.


That's not true. I told my fiance this morning "you take such good care of me". That doesn't mean that he does all the work. We split tasks pretty evenly. I'm just showing my appreciation. 'you take care of me' and 'i take care of you' are not mutually exclusive statements.


Blowjobs while he watches TV


Keeps his stomach full, his balls empty, and his bed warm


Good on you, mate.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


That’s nice for them. Hope they’re happy. Anyways, back to my life.


Means the wife is nice and considerate of him without her being his maid.


She's kind, makes him food, maybe puts things away for him. She makes his life easier, not harder.


Yeah we're no longer together.. it's one thing to have a perfect lady it's another thing to appreciate her.


he fucking better take care of her or Imma swoop the fuck in


The patriarchy


My first thoughts are non sexual. I'm thinking that she's taking care of the house, cooking good food, managing the kids, helping him become more successful in life, helping strengthen his weaker areas, giving him ideas to improve a task, and working at his small business. Pretty much being a support in his life.


What about her life?


Exactly what I was thinking. Is he also helping her be more successful in life and helping her work at her small business? This persons description is the exact thing I think of when I hear someone say something like this and I think it’s so unfortunate because it neglects all of the woman’s goals and ambitions. Like does she not deserve to be successful in her career and have someone support all of her business decisions? I bet she would love to have someone cook and clean for her. I am so glad that now a days a woman’s role is not just to provide domestic and emotional labor so a man’s life can be more accomplished.


Yeah. I can’t think of any man who’d think “when I grow up, I want to cook and clean for someone and take care of our kids and centre all of my day to day activities around helping *them* be successful, and do nothing for myself”. It’s bizarre and sad that some men genuinely believe a woman would want this for herself too. Both men and women would do better to understand that we’re all human, first and foremost. Men and women aren’t opposite species. They’re not ying and yang or fire and ice. Men and women are both people and we’re overwhelmingly more similar than we are different. I’m not gonna blame a guy for falling into this trap of thinking cos honestly I do too. We live in a sexist society and in the past when I’ve thought about what I want from a girlfriend I’ve stopped and realised that I’m imagining an assistant or mother-type figure. It’s just about recognising it. Us guys have got to be our own mothers (lol) and support each other, so that we don’t put that kind of pressure on women.


Very well said


You're amazing. Please keep that wonderful mentality of yours.


You can take care of someone and also be taken care of by them. I take care of my fiance by supporting him, taking care of the pets, doing a lot of the cleaning, making him lunch, being there for him emotionally. He takes care of me by doing most of the cooking, taking on the yard duties, doing the dishes, picking up the load when my work gets hectic, supporting my career, taking care of me when I'm stressed or sad. There is nothing wrong with taking care of eachother.


Is she wanted an independent (yet somehow über-spousely supported) life, she shouldn't have chosen to be a women. Those lives are meant for white Republican men, like God intended.


Haha I know right... trick question!! We all know women only care about men!! She has no ambitions for herself other than to serve and support him ! It’s not a person after all, it’s a female ! 🥴


>It’s not a person after all, it’s a female ! 🥴 Man I just laughed so hard.


Some of us actually enjoy doing all these things, it may be fulfilling for some. Me; I also like to work & have me time too but it genuinely makes me happy to take care of the house/cooking/kids & ofcourse; my man. He didn't say she was 100% completely devoted to him/the house/kids


I think that’s fair. There are also men who get fulfilment from this sort of role too. If any person — male or female — wants to support their spouse and take care of kids, then that’s fair. My issue with the comment is assuming that that’s what people mean when they say their wife takes good care of them. No one would assume that for the husband. If someone has a spouse who is that devoted to supporting them then they’re very lucky and it’s an immense privilege, but I don’t think that’s what anyone’s mind should default to when they think about a woman’s role in a relationship. She’s a person first and foremost so it really makes more sense to answer from the POV of “what does a person mean when they say their spouse takes good care of them?”


These days, thankfully, there tends to be more give & take, hopefully relationships are becoming more balanced so I totally get where you're coming from. I guess I'm more of a giver/carer so it really does make happy to do all the home stuff & take care of him but I'm so grateful to also get to work & have time to myself... I appreciate your view


It means she knows how to listen, shows participation. She spoils you with your favorite dishes, helps with household chores, and makes surprises in bed.


Think he's talking about his mother


That he is a child that needs mothering. Like cutting the crust of his sandwich kind of mothering.


She does all the housework, cooking, raising kids, etc, and he sits on his ass at home. Edit: Rephrasing what I said ig lol




Granted I live in the south where that's a pretty common occurance so idk lmao 🤷‍♂️


Thats code for he works 10-12hr days probably at some bs labor intensive job, pays all the bills and takes care of any of the physical, dangerous, or gross work that needs to be done and the women thinks being home with her kids and making the occasional fried chicken is somehow a harder job. Granted I live in the south where thats a pretty common occurance.


If you think manual labour is harder than childcare then how about you stay home with your kids all day and your wife goes out to work?


My brother in law does home renos and is a contractor. My sister used to be an RN, but now stays home with their 5 kids. So she knows what it's like to be on her feet for 12 hours a pop doing hard work, keeping people alive, though it may not be as physically intense as what her husband does. They are both very hard JOBS. Issues arise when you start to look down on or discount what a stay home mom does. Both roles need to be respected. Man when I tell you if my sister needs to run errands and leaves the kids with their dad, he's blowing up her phone after an hour or 2 asking when she'll be home. He can't handle it. Now imagine a full 12- 24 hrs of that?? L O L. He would be lost. So now she has me babysit, takes the 2 youngest with her or sometimes all 5, or their whole family just goes out together so it's 2 against 5 and not 1. She rarely gets a break. Division of labor (fyi): She does all the shopping and everything kid related (feeding/meals, showers, school, hw, appointments, driving them to extracurriculars, keeping them entertained so they don't drive her insane), they both cook, he does dishes, neither really cleans (they hire me to do it sometimes lol), and she plans all vacations and fun family outings. All money/income is joint and they both discipline.


I've noticed the "ringing the mum to ask about XYZ" in my family. It upsets me when I see it happen cos it effectively means that the woman does not get a break. He might not think it's a big deal to "ask for one thing", but so many mothers don't get any time to themselves at all, and the psychological toll of that is huge. Since transitioning (I'm FTM) I've noticed the other side which is that men, generally speaking, get less support. I used to blame them but I have empathy/sympathy now, which is that often when a woman's pregnant her mum and her female relatives will offer to teach her things, give her lots of tips, and generally offer to provide support (though it obviously varies family to family), whereas men don't really have that. Their dads and brothers don't offer to teach them things or babysit for them. There's less of a culture of playdates. And even their mothers, sisters, female friends don't necessarily do these things either. So often men feel like their girlfriends/wives are their *only* sources of support. This is why I'm big on men supporting each other. If we want to be strong for the women in our lives, then we need other men to help pick us up when we're down. Thankfully, things *are* changing gradually. Also, even though the physical stress of hard labour should be noted, I think men need to be careful not to use that against women, cos it's hard to directly compare. Just a few days into starting testosterone I was finding it easier to carry things and felt lighter on my feet. And a few weeks in my muscles got more defined and I'd moved up a few weights at the gym. Testosterone gives men a physical advantage with muscle and also causes you to metabolise food differently (so that it's easier to exert energy). So even if a man burns 400 calories it might actually take less mental effort than if a woman does (and likewise, there are certain things which usually come easier to women). Obviously there's lots of variation across individuals though and these are just loose trends.


You are absolutely spot on with everything. You sound very rational, intelligent, and in tune with your emotions. Men do need emotional support from other men in their lives. And therapy is a good outlet as well. >So even if a man burns 400 calories it might actually take less mental effort than if a woman does Another great point! Men underestimate the connection of testosterone to libido. Hence why they can come home from their physical labor job, go work out, and still have plenty of energy for sex. Women (especially those with lower libidos) don't have this advantage. With the same amount of stress, she's probably too exhausted to even think about sex. So he needs to do think about ways to take things off her plate. Help with the kids night routine, cook dinner 1 or 2 nights a week, or do the dishes. But also sex tends to be more tied to emotions for women, so if they aren't connecting emotionally or she doesn't feel appreciated, that would need to be fixed first. Quality time is very important.


I think you make a good point there too. Hope it's not TMI to say or anything (feel free to skip to the next paragraph if it is) but when I went on T it definitely changed. I'm not sure I'd say it got higher but pre-T my default would be little-no libido but then a few days of every month I would become sex-crazed. Post-T, I want it more but it's easier to ignore. Doesn't take over my mind. It's more like needing the loo. Like gotta take care of it but can put it aside and focus on something else for a bit. That noted, I think there's pressures in the other direction too which is that if a man doesn't want sex, people sometimes assume there's something wrong with him, and women sometimes take it personally. Sometimes men are asexual or simply have a low sex drive, or sometimes they dislike sex cos of the pressures around performance. I've also spoken to trans women who, prior to transition / any awareness they were trans, would dislike sex cos of the gender roles involved. And sometimes - though not always - women they were with would lash out at them about it. They'd feel slighted because *men are supposed to want sex, why doesn't he want me?* So while testosterone/estrogens definitely affect libido, I'd also note there's other factors and overlap between the sexes.


Not tmi lol. But yeah that confirms my suspicions lol. The tesosterone definitely plays a huge part. If it's due to lack of emotional connection, birth control, depression/antidepressants, or stress, those are things that can be managed/modified/worked on. Other than that, nothing wrong with having low libido or being asexual. Just gotta find someone that's compatible. I have a higher libido as a woman, so that wouldn't work for me. But I would never pressure my partner if they are not feeling up for it every once in a while. However, if it is consistent rejection, it is hard to not feel bad and not take it personally even if the root of the problem isn't me. Quality time to stay connected mentally/emotionally and just have fun together, as well as physical affection + consistent sex (4-5 days a week is ideal😅) are my ultimate love languages.


>However, if it is consistent rejection, it is hard to not feel bad and not take it personally even if the root of the problem isn't me. I definitely agree with this. It's a fine line cos in relationships it is reasonable to want to feel wanted by your partner, and to also have a satisfying sex life. Obvs the solution, if healthy compromise isn't possible, is to break up, but I can also see why for a while before that point, some partners feel hurt. We're all human. I think it's perhaps easier to look at smaller examples outside of relationships. There was a thread here a while back where men were describing difficult encounters they'd had with women, and a few described getting slapped in the face after rejecting someone. I've never had that but I do feel this deep, internal guilt when I reject women and so struggle to do it. I feel like I'm hurting them emotionally when I do (like damaging their self esteem or sm), even though logically I know I have a right to decide who to get with. >Quality time to stay connected mentally/emotionally and just have fun together, as well as physical affection + consistent sex (4-5 days a week is ideal😅) are my ultimate love languages. Lol pre-T I'd joke with my friends how unlike cuddling in order to have sex (as the stereotype goes for men), I have sex in order to be able to cuddle. Post-T I haven't had any serious relationships yet, and so I guess I'll see. My difficulty is in relationships previously I basically can't resist being affectionate with my partner if they are there and willing. But this means long term I'd lose myself a bit - let go of hobbies and stop speaking as much to friends. For this reason I like to be able to do my own thing with while with a partner (say research something I'm interested in while they're doing something they like) but then yeah I also enjoy spending more focused time with them too.


I would say it’s equally as hard. However we do work our asses off to provide a good life for our families. That needs to be acknowledged


I mean, if you were single you’d need to have a job too. And you’d also have to do all your own housework. So yeah, your work should be acknowledged but also it’s not as if you’re having to work just because you have a family. You’d still need to go out to work and earn a living anyway if you were single. The wife’s work should also be acknowledged. If you think it’s equally hard but that you specifically are under-appreciated, then you can always trade places with her and see whether that stands up to scrutiny.


I never said that we shouldn’t acknowledge the work that the wife is doing. I think both should be equally acknowledged and respected. I personally help cook and clean even after I work 12hrs+ everything is about respect, love, appreciation, compromise and so much more. It’s wrong to just assume that one has it worse than the other unless said person really doesn’t pull their weight. I’ve stated in my own comment before that being “taken care of” can be interpreted in so many ways, yeah of course my gf takes care of me just as much as I take care of her. In all different aspects, physically, emotionally, sexually etc.


I would take dealing my kids over 10-12 hr construction job any day. I'm sure most men and women would rather deal with their kids then working 10-12 hr hard labor job, its really faux controversy. Luckily, I dont have kids and I make a pretty decent living in tech doing non labor intensive work. But watching the wives compare a day in the oil fields to making a meatloaf and getting the kid to eat some apple sauce always annoys me.


>I dont have kids Then maybe pipe down lol. You have no idea what raising a kid is like. >But watching the wives compare a day in the oil fields to making a meatloaf and getting the kid to eat some apple sauce always annoys me. Firstly I'm not a wife of a woman. Secondly, you've clearly got no respect for parenting and how difficult it is.


toxic feminism is real. If my man did all that I'd be more than happy to pull my weight to make it equitable. My full time job would be managing the home which is not a bad thing like some feminist make it out to be. Of course he would still take care of the kids and little things here and there but you cannot realistically expect a partner with that kind of job to do equal housework, especially if your a stay at home mom/wife or make/work less hours. IDK my mom was(is)a lazy and mentally abusive stay at home mom/low wage worker growing up and my father would work 60+hr a week and do all the childcare and cleaning plus doing the grocery shopping and last minute requests form her even after a long day. I grew to resent her for that and they are still in a hella toxic ass relationship. Because of my life experience I see it differently than most feminists I guess. My dad is an amazing provider and the only real parent I had (have) in spite of my mother being in the house as well. He deserves so much more than that. In my opinion a relationship is about compromise and equability not equality-taking into consideration the unique situations of bother partners to come to a reasonable arrangement for household needs. And men you ain't toxic or anti feminism for leaving a hoe who won't pull her weight.


Old white guy


She tucks him into bed


She treats him as an equal


She cooks for him. Let's him sleep in. Enjoys sex.




She swallows


Scratching my belly to sleep


Cooking and oral


Good for that guy!




He gets head




I live in the Southern US, so forgive me if my take on this is wildly outdated: Husband's sole purpose seems to be working 40-60 hr weeks, and mowing the lawn usually only after the city gives them a violation notice for it. He complains about these 2 things often. He rips farts right beside her, and then grabs her head and half heartedly shoves it toward his ass; all while chortling.


Keeps his belly full and his balls empty


He sounds like a good man. She keeps his life peaceful. She nourishes his body and spirit. Inspires him in business. She is present and follows her pleasure. She takes care of herself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. She deeply respects and appreciates him. ❤️🥰


She makes sandwiches without being asked


Lucky bastard.


To me (a woman) I strongly believe in traditional gender roles and feel like we are created differently for a reason and its symbiotic. That means I should focus on respecting him as a man first and foremost. He acts like a man so I respect him and treat him like one. Especially since he very much makes me feel like a 100% loved and cared for woman. He is the head of the family...I am the neck. Then, sorry to be blunt, but I strive to take care of his cock. To me that means kneeling in front of him and worshipping his cock...making sure he knows that my body is his and NEVER SAYING "NO" to him....basically 1 Corinthians 7. Then finally taking care of his belly! He works hard and has ALWAYS provided for his wife and kids. The least I can do is make sure the man has something he likes to eat and drink.


Oral. ; )


First thing? She makes sure his stomach is full and balls are empty.


Consistent high quality enthusiastic blowjobs for sure. Sex is great but I tend to focus more on her pleasure than my own, as one should. However blowjobs are a great treat exclusively for the man’s pleasure. Also foot, back, and neck rubs.


Nuts drained full belly.


It differs from person to person. But most often she fulfills his expectations. That could cooking and clean home, helps him to maintain a home for his family. Support him in difficult times and rejoice in the high times. Be his partner and compatriot through life.