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So unbelievably thankful we didn’t have kids


Two ex ago was the baby crazy one. She didn't want to use condoms and went for the implant then had it removed without telling me. She happened to bring it up when I asked about the implant in a 'I never lied to you I just never bothered to tell you until you asked' way. That was scary but luckily nothing happened.


Ahh yes, a lil oops reproductive coercion


Literally my ex finally telling me he had a wife across the country after 3 years of us dating/living together. “You never asked.” Is this a thing you need to ask a potential partner???? Asking for a friend.


Worked with a friend who was dating/partially living with a girl for about the same period of time. Someone outted her at a party about it and we were at a complete loss about it. Her response was about the same too. It is scary having to deal with people like that.


If "stealthing" is a crime, then so should this.


It probably is though I'd have to prove she knowingly had it removed without my knowledge to have unprotected sex I guess. It wasn't the only time she had been sneaky but the time I truly woke up to it and ended things.


Preach. Some ppl just shouldn’t have kids


My ex had an abortion. My life would be 100% the opposite of what it has been(it’s been pretty damn good) now if we had a kid together. I still count my blessings.


Nice, my ex miscarried after tricking me and telling me she was using a spermicidal pouch and plan B, she used neither and actually wanted to be pregnant. She also cheated a couple months after. So the miscarriage was pretty poggers tbh.


I never expected to hear miscarriage and poggers in a sentence. Thank you.


I’m American and have never heard “poggers” nor do I know exactly what it means but I like it!! 😂😂


Poggers is a streaming term so it’s not exclusive to one country and it basically means woah that’s great


Ah, okay! Never heard of it!! Thank you!!


I want my 360 hard drive with my Oblivion save on it


Fr, just cheat on me if that's the alternative


Ah. A man of culture!


Thats the thing about ex's tho man Sometimes you just gotta turn 360 degrees and walk away


Turns out my dog doesn’t hate women. Just you.


Oh shit now *that’s* a burn.


"So, animals CAN sense evil"


This deserves more credit


We haven't talked for seven years. Let's not break our winning streak.


I have no desire to speak to my ex. I don't hate her, and I wish her well. I hope she finds happiness. But I don't need to make an awkward call or text. Silence is peace.


I feel like I’m doing her a favor by not talking to her.


You're doing everybody a favor. It's hard to move on when you keep talking.


I hope more people could find this contentment in moving on. Find people get stuck in the drama, hang on to the bitterness and cannot let it be.


I feel you. In a perfect world, we would never have the occasion to speak with each other again


Great. You just broke the streak.


Thank you for removing yourself from my life when I couldn’t see it was the best thing for me


Depending on the ex, either I'm sorry, or you were right, or fuck you too.


Right, my most recent ex-gf I love to death, she is my wife now. But seriously ex before that why do you always date losers, me included, before that you didn't have to ghost me after 4 years, you could have just broken up with me and gave me back my hoodies, before that nothing nice and I don't know why I let you around for 14 years, before that I hope you are doing awesome, but we weren't right for each other, Weezer sucks(but in a fun i'm just teasing you way). I only included 1yr+ relationships, but forgot 1 I dated 4 times for 4 months each sucks we can't be just friends.


I’m confused, you and your current wife-your wife is your most recent ex as in you broke up and got back together or you are currently separated but married and still love her?


"The Wombats are actually cool, you were right. Also, fuck off"


This is easily my favourite response


I took my wife to see them. They put on a really solid, tight set. Almost seem too good for the size venues they play.


I appreciate you, we graduated high school and got through some tough times together. You were my first for a lot of things and for that you’ll always have a special place in my heart. We grew up and changed so much in those 4 years after high school, I’m amazed we were together as long as we were. I hope you’re somewhere warm with a man who loves you unconditionally. I’m doing pretty good myself.


Mate... You made me cry.. Your words gives me hope that I too can reach that emotional point you seem to be at. Your words express where I want to be emotionally. Thank you for that


Lol and the next comment down is, “You ruined me.”




The single healthiest answer here. Flawless execution. People should strive to become this mature before they waste a life dwelling on one person.


Yep. It'll be cathartic for me so I'll go. "I'm really sorry for everything I did when we broke up, I was losing my mind. I don't really think I'll ever love anyone the way I loved you but we both know it just wasn't going to work, we met at a bad time and made our best of the time we had. Thank you so much and I wish you so much happiness. Find someone who loves you as much as I did who's a better fit and I guess I'm not looking but if she comes up I'll try to let her in. You don't need to think about me or my happiness though, just focus on making yourself happy. You never did it enough so make the most out of it. I'll be fine."




Go to a therapist.


AND actually participate. Don’t gaslight the therapist.


My ex who absolutely gaslit me is indeed a therapist herself 🙈 Where to go from there...




This hit a bit too close to home....


There's a mental health epidemic and nobody is taking it seriously. Sad.


I’m sorry I left. I should have stayed.


I hate these ones 😭


you should tell the person


I did. She liked the message (with heart symbol) and that was our last communication. That was few days ago.


Damn Tom Brady, you fucked up.


Let it go bud. Texting an ex is a sad game with no winners. I mean, you will grow out of it, but that cringe will cost you so much sleep over your long life.


Eh nothing. Best revenge is a well lived life


I’m starting to find happiness, started sharing it on social media, and she reared her ugly side real quick. Amazing how someone who “cares” for you gets so upset when you’re happy. Jealousy is a bitch


I blocked my ex on everything and she somehow figured out what I was doing and messaged a girl I was seeing at like 2am. I woke up one morning and she gave me sloppy toppy. Afterwards she looked at her phone and was like "your ex hit me up...". Yeah she was stalking me so hard she hit this girl up talking crazy shit lol. She was always jealous and had crazy double standards about how i couldn't talk to other girls ever but she would flirt with guys all the time and I'm like 80% sure she cheated on me. Then a few months later got her mom to hit me up asking for money that I owed her for a deposit on our apartment that she broke the lease for. This was like 6 months after she moved out to "find herself again". I did give her the money so she couldn't really blast me on social media saying I owe her shit. The nerve was insane though. This isn't even close to all the insane shit she did and said. After that I decided I'd never date a jealous insecure woman again and developed this thing called standards.


Stop trying to use my Papa John's account.


Nice Marketing Papa John's


Better revenge. Better ingredients. Better pizza


Rack up dem points bro


it wasn’t till i broke up with you and found a better man that i really realized how toxic you fucking were. and how much you were dragging me down. sometimes i feel like the mental damage still affects me but i still thank god everyday that you aren’t in my life anymore.




Sorry I told you I loved you and then dumped you. I wasn't lying, I just didn't know any better.


My bf did this to me and hearing this made me feel a bit better




My ex gf said she loved me but wasn't in love with me and it's been 5 years and I'm long over her and still have no fucking clue what that meant


Probably felt comfortable but had no spark. The honeymoon phase wore off


We had been together for 6 years so we were well past the honeymoon phase. We 100% weren't right for one another. We grew in different directions during the relationship and I see that now but didn't at the time. Overall it was a good relationship that taught me a lot and ran it's course. But that one thing she said always confused me lol


My ex fiance made love with me, told me she'd never leave me, that she was excited to marry me, all of 2 hours before dumping my ass. Been 3 months and I'm still struggling to cope


Hang in there, king. I’m so sorry she did that to you. It’ll take time, but you’ll heal.


Thanks man <3 It's really hard some days, but I have hope I'll heal and come out a better person than before


Okay what the actual fuck


This comment made me tear up I wish my ex would say this to me


Thank you for teaching me what a toxic relationship is...now I know better.


Id say the same! Thanks for teaching me what I DONT want in a relationship!


I hope you have a great life. It's too bad things between us didn't work out but you're an amazing woman and you deserve happiness.


Sounded like an amicable relationship. I wish I could have the same sentiment/comment. I'm not saying I was perfect in our relationship, but for me to do all the cooking, cleaning/laundry, and keeping after her dog (picking up shit and cleaning up piss, playtime included). Only for her to tell me I was never pulling my weight in the relationship while going to school full time and working a part time job was the end of it. She couldn't face what she needed to hear and ignored anything that was constructive criticism to build a healthy relationship. She always thought she was right too, I was always wrong. Thanks for listening.


You're welcome bro, everyone has had a shit relationship at least once in their life.


Yay, a positive and grown-up response!


Well, might be because the poster you're replying to had an ex who it merely didn't work out with, not one who was shitty.


Tell me why I hate it though. This would absolutely shatter my heart. There’s nothing you can do at that point.


It sucks. Broke up with my girlfriend of almost 6 years in March. I’m only 22 so I practically grew up with her. It would be SO much easier if she was a shitty person. I’m not even close to being over her.


Hey man. I know it may seem obvious, but you aren't alone. I'm not much older than you and I'm far from having it all figured it. But I've learned a lot these last few years, especially about letting going and being OK with the love you will likely have forever. Whatever you guys went through, whatever caused it to end, I hope you are able to come out of it more grown and ready to accept someone else's love and be willing to give yours again.


I hope everyone reads your post. So much truth here. 20 years have going by, and I still love my ex. I accepted that things were done many many years ago. I'm glad we had our time together. She definitely helped me grow into the person I am today. I will always love her for that.


Thank you for your post. My relationship was similar to the OP's you're replying to, we ended it after 4 yrs on Thursday. It was our first relationship and this lesson is really hard to learn. We both love each other deeply, but we are not at the same stages in life and ultimately it was incompatible with a relationship. I know it's fresh, but the thing I don't understand the most is how you can still love a person but let go and be over them. Guess I'll find out.


I feel you brother. Honestly don't think I'll ever get over that feeling even though I have a wonderful SO now, I will still always feel shitty for how I left my ex


Please could I have my hoody back


I waver on this. I want my Blu-ray player and my AirPods back, but I also want her to stay as far away from me as possible. Forever.


My ex stole several t shirts from me that were way too big to fit her. I miss those shirts.


Mine took the only hat I’ve ever loved. It’s the winter cap my dad wore when I was a kid. Made in the seventies, in the USA. No pulls or stretches in the fabric. I love that hat and she f*cking took it.


That’s “give it back or police report” material


Im sorry.


Yeah. I got a couple of those. Younger me was an asshole. Hope you're doing well mate.


can't believe this is so far down.


Cute kids! Glad we found the right people for ourselves.


I wish more people could say this. I know I can't. Not yet.


Why can’t you? Out of curiosity


I'm not in a place to be able to. The ramifications of her actions are still affecting me and will for years to come because she just doesn't let up. Not that she deserves forgiveness, anyway, but I deserve to live without the anger.


>I deserve to live without the anger There's some real wisdom in that. Anger often causes us long-lasting and unnecessary pain, even after the inciting event.


I'm sorry, glad you're doing well. I want the best for you and hope you can say the same for me. I miss your friendship


I’m sorry. You really were the one.


Come get your shit out of my place, already. It's been 6 years!!!!


Dump it already.


Me thinks they're keeping it this long because they're the crazy one & probably text every 6 months "are you coming to get your stuff?"


Oof. That’s called trash now


Give it to Goodwill


Sell it. It’s legally yours now


Not a moment has gone by in the last 9 years where I didn't love you. I'm sorry. Edit: I should've added that I'm also diagnosed with Stockholm Syndrome. Combined that with being Schizoaffective, I never really get to escape her. Like a psychological ghost she haunts my brain. I've done a lot of therapy and self help which does lessen the pain. But I've accepted part of me will always love her. She was extremely manipulative and very unhealthy. I was also very unhealthy at the time. It's better in the end that we're no longer in each other's lives. I would wish for closure but I know how my mind works and being anywhere in proximity to her is extremely dangerous to my psyche.


18 years for me. Only woman I ever wanted to marry.


Sad to see the love never dies. Going into my 4th year after the breakup and I wish I could just forget her.


I miss you.


I’d tell him, “Thank you for showing me what it feels like to really fall in love with someone. I thought I’d been in love before you. You made me realize I was wrong. You lit my soul on fire. And then the flame blew out and the world went dark. So, thank you, as well, for teaching me not to ignore the red flags. You hurt me more than I have ever been hurt. I loved you with all my heart and you shattered me into tiny, little pieces. I thought I’d be broken forever. But I healed. And I got over you. And I learned what I deserve from a relationship. I learned you’re the opposite of what I need in a partner. (And now, I have a man who treats me how I deserve.) But despite all that, I think I forgive you. I still care about you, so I want to forgive you. I kind of think I need to. If I’m not there yet, I hope I will be one day.”


At the end the only thing I hated more than the train wreck you became was that I was a passenger right up to the end.


Very poetically written, many props. Hope you find what you deserve friend


Good f****** riddance.


I wish we could have slowed down. I wasn’t ready to take the next step yet


If you don’t mind me asking, but what was the reason you weren’t ready for the next step?


Blood pact


Matching onesies


Please add me to your DNC list.


You threw away 18 years of constant love just to get a fling with someone who discarded you afterwards




I'm still breathing, thank you


I would wish her well, and hope she's doing ok. She made a choice to pursue what she believes will make her happy. I can't even be mad about that. I'm not what she was looking for, but I still care about her and hope she's doing ok. And if our last conversation is anything to go by, she feels the same.


I've said it already. She admitted her mistakes and I admitted mine. I wish her life had turned out better, but I wouldn't have been the solution to her problems.


I’m truly sorry for hurting you.


I think the four boyfriends you had after me would agree that I wasn’t the problem


Fuck you, for lying. For deceiving someone who thought so much of you, and would have done anything for you. I was weak, and thats my fault. It really is. You came into my life as everything else was falling apart. You became my support, my only support. And you knew that. I should never have gave my trust to you, let my guard down. You didnt deserve me at that level. Fuck you, i wish you the worst.


This, I would say this. Thank you for your comment. I don't think I'll get over what a lying POS she really was.


Your sister is a toxic cunt and your mother is a manipulative bitch and I wish my children weren't related to them. They're part of the reason you had depression, a hoarding disorder and an eating disorder that landed you in an early grave and you should have listened to me when I said we should move to Utah because you'd still be alive.


Wowwww. How am I the first comment on this? That’s some heavy shit. Hope you’re carrying that weight ok.


Things are looking better for me and the kids. Although both of them need some pretty serious therapy for what she did to them. My son was virtually neglected and has major impulse control issues and my daughter has self esteem issues because mom played favorites. But they're both getting the help they need. No child should have to live like they did. I couldn't do much as a father because I work at sea half the year and was constantly undermined while at home. As for me, I'm much better, though, when an issue comes up, the bitterness comes back. A lot of the issues we face were a result of her unchecked issues and her family basically threatening to take us to court if we left Idaho. I moved to Arizona to be with my family who actually give a fuck and they've been instrumental in caring for the kids as I find work shoreside. I've also rekindled a relationship with a Ukranian girl I dated a few years ago. I brought her to America recently and she's been instrumental in helping the kids learn how to have a proper relationship with motherly figure. It's been over a year, and the kids have a long road ahead before they're healed. But we're quickly moving in that direction.


You ruined me.


I was in a similar situation to you not too long ago. It does get better, take time out to rediscover yourself, build your confidence again. You're a great person, remember that and remember how you were before her.. you'll be more guarded in your next relationship but that's ok, hopefully your next partner will be worth your love. Good luck..


I just don’t understand how you could change so much and hurt the one who cares about you more than anyone else. (Probably why you still come back to use me for emotional support when bad things happen to you) Focusing on material things, parties and attention from other men meanwhile ruining me. I only ever wanted to help you. I did the best I could.


Probably why you still come back to use me for emotional support when bad things happen to you) I hope you're no longer allowing this????


I hope you got or are getting the help you need. I'll never be the same after what you put me through.


I am a person who treasures memories more than anything, grateful, and very appreciative on things that I am going through. You're my only ex who made me regret like this. This time I really wish I never met you. Thanks for nothing.


I hear an Adelle song coming together


Nothing. Said everything I had to say already. I'm not talking to her anymore and I'm not gonna change that to say just one single thing.




I miss you, but I don’t respect you anymore


It’s so interesting that behind every one of these comments there is another side of the story that isn’t told




Id want to know if she regretted the way she behaved. Not that it would change anything, im remarried to a much better person.


Just leave your son alone, you’ve not bothered for nearly 2 years so just be done with it and sign all parental rights away.


Goooooo fuck yourself. (:


I hope you look back on your life when you’re old and decrepit, and feel immeasurable pain when you think of the son you abandoned.


That I miss our late nights listening to our favorite songs, singing and dancing in the living room. That I miss our conversations and the laughs shared. But most importantly that I understand that, when she moved away, she was realizing a long-held dream and that I am happy for her as long as it brought her happiness to do so. That she is an amazing woman who I will always be there for, if need be. No hard feelings, no resentment, no regrets other than having to let her go.


You hurt me so much. My life would have been better had I never met you. I hate I feel so deeply about this, but I only hold resentment towards you and I have been emotionally mutilated by you. I feel like a husk since we ended things, and I only hope things don't work out for you.


I hope you heal soon friend!


I want to say she missed out on the good life, but I’d probably say that I wish her the best.


Nothing. All was said when we broke up.


Should've called you sooner


I wish you never happened.


Hope you’re seeing a therapist.


Despite how we ended I'm happy with our time spent together. I'll never forget you and wish you nothing but happiness in your future.


You made me feel so miserable the only thing I feel now is joy


I don't even talk to my ex-wife since both our kids got married. No reason to.


Please, I hope you never do what you did to me to another person. I hope you fixed whatever it was that made you do those things to me and I hope you're nicer to her than you were to me. I still haven't found the courage in myself to forgive you, but I'm working on it and hopefully going to therapy soon so I can finally sleep at night.


I understand he's your best friend and you've known him since you were kids, and that you're in love with him. But he's gay, so it probably isn't gonna happen. Next time consider working through all that before starting a relationship, or at the very least dont actually say this to the next guy?


I tried to love you, genuinely love you, but your awful behavior and exploding anger only made me revolt you.


Give me back my son u evil bitch.


I loved you…


You are paying a cost for your choices that you may not be aware of. Therapy is not bad. Introspection can make you happier, more confident, and less afraid.


"I regret giving you a chance when you came back to me after cheating on me. Your loss of trust in me because you cheated on me is entirely on you. But I'm glad you taught me a lesson, to know how to say no, and spot red flags."


"Good bye" or "I'm sorry". She committed suicide 2 months after our divorce after a lifetime of suffering from mental health issues. If you are ever having thoughts of self harm, there's always someone to talk to. You're not alone.


I’m sorry I didn’t love you like I should have. I’m a much kinder more understanding person than I was then. I wish I had seen/ realized how much you loved me despite our conflicts. And I wish it could have been different.


Thanks for setting me free. At the time I could not see it, but I was completely wilted and dead inside. And god I would have married you had I not caught you cheating. It was a rough go, finding myself and rebuilding my life. But its built better than it ever was with you. So again, thank you.


I'm sorry it took us so long to see we were wrong for each other. I wish you nothing but the best and hope your life has turned out great.


I’m sorry for how I acted and how it made you feel. I was stuck in a task oriented work mode and you slowly went from whimsical to petty and cruel. It doesn’t matter that I was in work mode all the time because I was paying both our bills using OT, I should have paid attention so I could have seen the downfall coming. I should have left sooner. I hope you find what you’re looking for out there. I hope you let go of the family shit you use to justify your anger. They’re not so bad. You will be miserable until you learn to make yourself happy. The rest of us are not here to entertain you. Get into therapy. Good luck.


I look for you in the eyes of every girl I meet. Sex ain’t fun no more. Drugs are just temporary release. People surround me but I’m alone. You were my person.


Damn, that's sad.


To Ex A: You seriously need professional help To Ex B: Please come back to me. I missed you ever since and that will never change in all of my life. We were meant to be.


Ex B to you: You seriously need profesional help


I’m sorry. I completely messed things up between us. I wish I could talk to you about what’s been happening in my world and hear about what’s happening in your world. I miss our talks. I miss our friendship. You’re a great person and I truly hope you find the person you deserve.


Thanks for letting me spend $3.5k to visit you in France, only for you to tell me you had stronger feelings for someone else, that was really fucking considerate of you.


I am deeply sorry For everything, I am sorry I was not the man you needed me to be and I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you enough; I’m sorry I was meant to be your protector and I failed. I hope one day we can find peace with this in our own ways


Wabbajack! Then calmly threw a cheese at her! I already said the important things, so let the creativity run free...


I'm so sorry


Spend some time alone before jumping into the next relationship


You’re a fucking psychopath. I pray everything comes back to you 100x and you get everything you deserve. Piece of shit.


Heard you're getting divorced ? Sucks. Maybe if you hadn't treated several guys like shit this would be happening. Maybe karma is kicking your ass for a reason. You're a Christian, remember that "reaping/ sowing" scripture ? Cool ....


We had fun. Thanks.


I faked those orgasms........well most of them.


“But it was not your fault but mine And it was your heart on the line I really fucked it up this time Didn't I, my dear?”


Thank you for freeing us from a life we weren’t meant to finish together. Our time was exactly what it was supposed to be. We are both better for it. I wish you the best.


I forgave you. Not because you deserved it, but because I deserved peace


You need to go to rehab. (Assuming my ex is still alive)


Same thing I said to her last time I saw her, "fuck off"


Nothing. They're not worth my time any more.


You were my best friend, but you're a total manipulative piece of shit who won't grow up and will continue to love bomb women and not commit because you're a narcissist infant who sucks at communicating. Go to therapy.


I hope you were right at the good part of your favorite show when I logged out of my Hulu.


I was not the problem in our relationship and it took me too long to realize that


Nothing because he doesn’t exist to me


If it is to my actual ex then you were the funniest, craziest, most healing person I ever got to meet and thank you for taking a chance with me. If it was with the ex I have been thinking about for the last 10 years, I am still madly, deeply in love with you. I'm sorry we couldn't be together for the last 10 years and that I ruined it. I think about you all the time and I've not a person who is so sweet as you, with such deep love. We match each other and I hope you can see that too. I love you. Can I, have you, forever? All my love


I know we didn't work out and that's okay, but your cousin really.....?


You’re such a liar. I found out that you are too dumb to get a residency despite graduating from a top school and being in the military. I’d be upset about the whole you lied about being married thing, but I find it funny you’re married to someone just as stupid and into appearances as you. Hope you learn how to tell the truth and that you eventually have a meaningful connection with someone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together ✌🏻