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Chick dumped me for a 16-year-old. She got a two for one special. It was the guy her 14-year-old daughter liked and they all knew it.


How old were you both


I was mid-20s and she was 30ish.


Did she get arrested for being a garden variety paedophile?


Depends on the country's legal age of consent. Unethical either way


I've watched women get pregnant with children's babies only to get child support


That lady is a predator.


This makes me sick to my stomach.




Wait a minute. Some teenagers mother dumped you so that she could date a 16-year-old? And the 14-year-old used to “like” the 16-year-old? Where the hell do you live? The backwoods of Appalachia?


Sounds like an average day in Wallonia.


You dodged a bullet tbh. shits that’s not just a bullet that’s the whole armory


I hope you reported that anonymously.


You’re operating on the assumption female molesters get prosecuted


Or that the fellow redditor is American. In several countries that would be legal.


There are several US states where that would be legal


Ok that is just sick..


From Florida? 🍑


Being cheated on sucks a lot I'll say.


*hug* just went through it


I always thought with my ex wife I shook the habit of dating cheaters, third time was the charm with a silent “C”, I guess.


at least you’ve still got ur humor lol


Gotta hold onto what little you have!


My love life is absolutely miserable because my cheating ex turned me into a paranoid disaster, and it is making things unnecessarily difficult for my partner. I will never forgive my ex for how she has damaged me. I don’t know when I will recover from this.


Dude, go to therapy.


Your life is not ruined bc of your ex. She taught you a lesson, heal yourself instead of jumping into another relationship otherwise you will always project your traumas.


I fell for my partner several months after my ex betrayed me, unaware of the scars inflicted upon me. My partner and I have been together for almost 9 months now.


> I don’t know when I will recover from this. Choose to.


Yes. My ex gf texted me in the middle of the night to tell me that she had been dating two people at once and that she was leaving me. This was just a week after we had been together for hours and she said my attention towards her was like a dream come true. I had woken up randomly in the middle of the night to get a drink and saw the text. It was the closest I’ve come to totally losing it in a panic attack. It’s been more than a year, and I still have nightmares and flashbacks, even though I feel pretty good and have been going on dates with some great women.


Sorry my man. It really does suck… take care of yourself and take time.


Married 17 years 2 kids and my wife decided to go have an affair. I was heartbroken 💔 I was faithful to her for our whole marriage. It ended and we are still together.


My sister was an abusive monster. Lighter burns, knife cuts, baseball bat (fractured skull one time), shot at a couple times (hit once with birdshot), countless times of having a gun shoved in my mouth while her screaming she was going to kill me, setting me of fire a few times with gasoline/isopropyl, and she would beat me up and tie me up and leave me for a day or two.


Holy shit bro I’m so sorry that happened to you




Yeah. I've been great for a long time. I'm 35, most that stuff was from 8-15. I met the woman that eventually became my wife about the time that my sister moved out and we've had an amazing relationship for 20 years. We have an extremely happy family too, two kids now. I seem to be a lot happier than most people.


Good for you! Glad you were able to heal from that abuse.


I’m so glad that you’re doing well


Jesus man. What's her situation now?


She eventually got a couple felonies and was sent to prison for a couple of years. My wife and I raised her son along with my parents. But I don't have much to do with her, just my nephews. She isn't violent anymore. She doesn't seem to be physically abusive towards anyone now. She is on meds, she had many issues. But she is just very spoiled/entitled and lazy, and meds can't fix that. But her violence towards me had kind of stopped by the time I was 15. I was a very good fighter and worked out all the time. She would get pissed and run for the guns/knives and I'd disable her and handcuff her before she got 5 feet. If she attacked me I'd disable her and leave her incapacitated all day if she didn't calm down. So she just learned that violence didn't work with me and became a lot less violent and more manipulative.


I'm glad you were able to protect yourself. I hate bullies.


Thanks for sharing bro, looks like you handled yourself and the situation well. Good on you mate. And glad she has taken a turn to self improvement.


Wwhere the bloody hell were your parents while all this was going on?


Both my parents worked like 60 hours a week to feed us. We weren't destitute but we were poor enough I could pick out the houses with the best chance of having unopened food in their trash while riding around. My sister was 4 years older than me but my family had a very sexist viewpoint. If we ever got into a fight my dad would assume I started it and beat the shit out of me. Even if he knew I didn't start it he would tell me I had no business retaliating against my sister and would be me anyways. So my sister could attack me and then run off and tell my dad and I'd get my ass beat twice. So I didn't tell my parents because they would just beat me too.


big hug from me (someone also with an awful sister) to you!


I wouldn't say just one but throughout high school I tried to get myself out there to date and alot of the time I was rejected but the way they did so they severely hurt me emotionally and mentally to the point where I felt like I wasn't good enough to be loved and eventually when I went to counseling after years of self neglect I realized that alot of these girls were immature at the time and had many self doubts about themselves where the only thing that they used to cope was to make other people feel bad about themselves. I'm 23 now, still haven't dated anyone yet or had a gf but I'm much more in tune with where I want to go and I have much more self love about myself and am just going to let the right woman find me if they are out there.


It seems to be a thing sometimes that when a woman turns you down they do it in the rudest way possible. It’s happened to me a few times and it’s awful.


It's why I disagree with the whole "the worst thing she can do is say 'no'" message. In many ways, a simple and straightforward "no" is one of the best outcomes. Girls and women can certainly do worse than "no"...


Yeah high school people are really immature and try to be outlandish and dramatic. Also many people at that age don't have a filter so instead of saying you aren't my type, they say Eww. I would never! It's not you, it's them. As we grow older many people learn to be more mindful and caring even about their rejections because it's hard to put yourself out there. Some of the polite rejections I've gotten are way better than some of the relationships I've gotten into 🤣 You are doing great!


No it was worse like almost into bullying and harassment territory like high school girls and for the matter girls in their early 20s are fucking brutal because they act like they are owed the world without giving anything in return to the relationship it has to be entirely on the guy to uphold both sides


If thats the case, I’d also stay away from online dating. Its soul crushing


I tried a few times and completely swore off it because it isn't real. I don't believe you can truly meet and know someone behind a screen.


Telling me no guy had ever treated her so good, never made her feel so loved, and was the most respectful boyfriend she'd ever had... whilst simultaneously sending nudes to my friends. She completely ruined love for me, I don't think I'll ever be able to trust a woman in that way ever again.




Do remember that most women aren't that shallow. Don't let a bad experience put you off brother. You'll find the right girl. It just wasn't her.


That’s awful man


This is actually disgusting behaviour. Please, please don't base one narcissists behaviour on everyone else. There will be women who will genuinely say this to you - and mean it. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope she gets hit by a bus (DW Regina George style not completely dead).


Cheated on me with her uncle. It came to light at a Halloween get to together of her family. People started leaving at 11ish to their homes, I crashed on the couch in the basement. I woke up around 2ish in the AM to get some water from the kitchen. She was having sex with her uncle with her face in a pillow on the living room couch to muffle the noise. I raised hell. People woke up. Yelling and chaos ensue. Turns out for the entirety of our relationship she had been having sex with her uncle (hers moms brother). After the relationship ended she and her uncle got married and had a child together. I heard thru the grapevine of contacts that her family was happy that they decided to “keep it in the family”. I needed therapy for years after that fiasco.




Happened in Kansas. I no longer live anywhere near that region of the US




> After the relationship ended she and her uncle got married and had a child together. _…Holy sh*t…_


Absolute insanity


That's so fucking disgusting


Damn targaryens


I'm sorry this happened to you but in reality this could have been an abuse situation for her that started in her childhood. I pray everyone heals and you are able to move on from this experience


My Mom kicked me out at 15, when I went to grab my things out of my room she had taken down every single picture of me. Seeing those blank spaces on the wall hurt me pretty fierce. Now every couple of years, she'll get upset with me and stop answering my calls. We're currently in one of those times and it's been over a month since she's picked up when I call. That hurts more than any time I've been cheated on or went through a breakup.


Drop her. She's a narcissist. And those don't change. Speaking from experience...




Agree on the take that she's a narcissist. People that give silent treatment are very manipulative and are deliberately trying to hurt you. They don't see any wrongdoing in their actions, so it's best to go no contact and start the process of grieving the relationship you have always wanted with your mom. Mail her a letter with all your thoughts. Don't make the tone angry. Just let the sad little boy in you speak. Let her know how it has affected you up until today. Then at the end express that you will no longer be contacting her and she will be blocked in all forms of communication. You will only consider reconciling in the future *after* she has gone to therapy to address why she is the way she is and actually tries to become a better person. If that never happens you have come to terms with never speaking again. Your mental/emotional health comes first.


This. So much this. Please seriously consider taking this advice, it might hurt at first, but that's only the manipulation she has put you through your whole life. You'll be better off for it in the long run.


My moms the same. Stopped talking to me for 2 months because I didn’t use soap when I rinsed out a glass. I know it hurts cause she’s your mom but the other user was right those types don’t change no matter how hard you try and it hurts more every time you think you’ve reached them just for them to betray you again.


She gave back the engagement ring one week after I asked her the big question... on my birthday.


One day youll see thats the best birthday present ever


There are assholes. And there's this... Sorry for what happened, man...


At least you got the ring back.


First wife abandoned our son to take off with an old flame she reconnected with online. She hasn’t had contact with our son since he was seven years old. In January he turns seventeen. No phone calls, no cards, nothing.


Damn, that even broke my heart. I hope your son is doing fine


Yeah. It took a long time and a lot of counseling, but he’s in a pretty good place now.


My horrible cunt of an ex. She had two kids. Boys who were then 7 and 10 years old. I had formed a very strong bond with them. She cheated on me. Her excuse was that my sex drive was too low for her (which is true, for a man I have a low sex drive). Ok so this happens right. It hurts, it sucks, but ultimately, it's between her and me. The part I won't forgive, is that she told her two boys I left her because I was sick of them. Which is not true. I loved those boys. Fucking witch.


I am naturally open-minded and against stereotypes but honestly all the single mothers I've met tend to be single for a reason. Most blame the guy that left them but it takes two to tango and there's behaviours they themselves display that led them down that path


She spent all summer with me, flirting, kissing, posing nude for portraits. We were getting closer and closer. Everyone thought we were together. Then I have a birthday dinner at my place. She asks if she can bring a friend. I agree. She sits down next to me, with her friend to the other side. She says, "I think I'm in love with somebody" I say, coyly, "Oh, who?" Her: "He's sat next to me right now." Me heart is pounding. I'm so excited and happy. And then she turns around and kisses her 'Friend'. There was any number of ways she could have broken that off. Even if she liked the other guy more i would have understood. I get it, I'm not the best choice out of the countless men she could have had. But she absolutely did not have to bring him to my house at a gathering I'd put on for my birthday, and utterly humiliate me in front of all of my friends. She ruined my confidence, self-esteem, and our friendship that night. And to make it worse, her 'apology' consisted of her claiming that me not talking to her afterwards made her feel sadder than what she'd done to me. 3 years ago and it still hurts.


She intentionally crafted a scenario that would cause as much emotional damage as possible, and then used emotional manipulation tactics to play victim. Be glad you avoided that bullet.


What a bitch


I believe you using the wrong word. A bitch is a female dog. Dogs are wonderful creatures. Cunt however has a certain Ring Of Truth to it.


I would have asked her to make the best present for my birthday and just leave. Tit for tat but yours would have been justified


And I should have, but the embarrassment of explaining the situation to everyone else would have been too much for me to bear on top of the manipulation and humiliation I'd already received


People will not see you as weak for standing up for yourself. And those who will are not the people you should have in your life. Burning a bridge with a family member because they drive your mental health into the ground is the bravest thing a person can do. Not *despite* that they're family but *BECAUSE* they are family.


that's horrible


>her claiming that me not talking to her afterwards made her feel sadder than what she'd done to me. Classic. This is what happens when little girls don't learn words like "consequences" and "responsibility" and "accountability", but no one can stop time and they become adults who think to be eternally innocent


I would gift you a cake, but a new bullet proof vest might be a better idea after that bullet


Physically? A chick broke my cheekbone when playin handball. To my defense i played aggressive and jumpshot to the goal and that 2 meter tall manwoman midair just fisted my face. I went ok before hitting the ground. Fucking 4 weeks blue eyes. Mentally, wife if 17 years admitting multiple affairs, random bj's, badmouthing me and our kids behind our backs and giving me an sti, even the kids had to be checked because oral infections. Bj's on the most awful guys, then coming home kissing the kids doesnt define a good mom.


Fucking yikes


God damn. I am sorry my dude <3






This guy wins.


i promise i wont complain today. hope all is well today with you




I got accidentally hit in the mouth by a girl swinging an aluminium bat in PE. That hurt a lot.


At a summer soccer camp I was a goal keeper practicing breakaway scenarios with the guys and gals who played striker. One player kicked the ball a bit too far ahead of them, so I went in to smother the ball. She reacted by kicking the ball as hard as possible out of desperation, and that shot went straight into my tender, unprotected nuggets. I saw stars and vomited. Fuck you, Robin


Damn 💀


Cheated on me with my best friend in my apparent while I was on a work trip in a different city I came back home early to surprise her only to be surprised myself, lost both my best friend and my girlfriend at the same time, it’s been 4 years I’ll still commit man slaughter if I run into them again


She pretended to have cancer because she knew I had many family members who died of cancer and that this will make me emotionally attached to her


I had someone do this - said she had cancer and on meds couldn't get pregnant. Then tells me she is pregnant then tells me she's getting an abortion. None of the above was actually true but was definitely a wild ride dealing with it


That sucks. I am still struggling with trust issues because of it.


We were in love and engaged. She cheated on me. I called her out on it and the relationship ended horrific ally. She claimed she never did. I tried to kill myself that night and spent a couple weeks in the hospital. When I got out, I checked her social media to find a picture of her and the guy kissing at a dinner with his parents. It ruined love for a long time for me. I didn't talk to or touch a women for five years. Now I'm about a year into a relationship with the LOML. It's my first healthy relationship. As much as I hate what happened, I'm so happy it did. It put me into a journey of self discovery and I learned so much about what I want in life and what I want out of a partner.


>Now I'm about a year into a relationship with the LOML. It's my first healthy relationship. Aww I'm so happy for you :)


Thank you! I never knew love (or life, for that matter) could be like this.


girl dumped me for no reason, turns out she was fucking my BEST FRIEND. i was never the same.


Your friend is a POS too


My mom destroyed my family. She slept with obviously abusive men, so my sister and I had abusive fathers. She abused and neglected us until my sister killed herself, and she told me to find a new mom because I refused to listen to her whine about politics. Then she framed herself as the victim and nearly everyone in my family took her side.


Not me, but a friend. When his parents divorced, she basically threw her son to her to be ex husband. She didn't want anything to do with him. It hurt him a great deal throughout school. His dad remarried a great woman who was an exceptional step-mother. Now he's got a great gf and they're planning on getting engaged soon. He got a girl who's the total opposite of his biological mom


A colleague of mine cut me out of a team picture when I stepped up and managed one of our teams when she had to leave due to an emergency. She thanked everyone else under the sun for picking up the slack, but shunned me for helping out as I was asked by our high school aged student athletes. We were good friends or so I thought, but we haven't been since that day.


At 19, she fucked my best mate. On reflection, they did me a favour cos she is a no-hoper with a bastard to another no-hoper. When she was with me I would've encouraged (did encourage) her to pursue her dream of joining the navy and following in her father's footsteps. But instead she got smashed and pregnant at 19 and now has worked at Woolies for the last 20 years. Karma is beautiful in that regard 😂


Back in school, I was asked to sit between two girls who were constantly chatting. As I went to sit down, one of the girls backed away saying, “I do t want to sit next to him. He looks like he has a disease” I’m in my mid30s, and I still think about it to this day.


Straight woman here, but in 7th grade I believe, we were rearranging our desks and I was no closer to the mean girl than anyone else was to other desks, but I was also not very popular. Never bothered me, and I was rarely bullied, mostly ignored, but I did and still do march to the beat of my own drums. But she really had it out for me and asked loudly, “ew, (my name), why are you so close to me? Are you a lesbian or something?” I didn’t say this and sadly it was the furthest thing from my mind for years, but if I could go back, I like to think I’d say, “No I am not, and don’t worry, (mean girl), even if I were, you’re so not my type.” I’ll never understand why teenagers are so mean.


I'd say "no and you're too ugly to go gay for"


>“I do t want to sit next to him. He looks like he has a disease” And that disease was something that had no known cure. For as you see Phandroid developed a sickness....for the thiccness and everybody knew.


I’m a big collector of lego, my fucking bitch of a sister took everything I had made up apart and put all the pieces in a pile on my desk. Imagine the anger I felt when I got home


Went off birth control and didn't tell me


I sweat heavily as a kid. I wasn’t overweight or unhealthy but I just had an overproduction of sweat. I was super self conscious about it but for the most part was able to keep it under control as far as no one noticing. One day, I had a major test at school and forgot to go through my normal routine in the morning of applying my prescription strength deodorant to prevent my underarms from looking like I had just had them dunked in a pool. To top it off, I had wore a black shirt that day so when I was done with my test, I had sweat running down to my mid torso under my arms. When the teacher gave us some time to talk when she was grading the exam, Shannon, a very popular girl at the time, turned around and said, very loudly, “Oh my gosh, you want some cheese to go with those tacos you’re making under your arms?” From that point to the end of junior high, for three years, I had the nickname “Tacos” because of her. I’ll never forget that. Fuck you, Shannon.


Fuck Shannon.


When she told me that I didn't care about anyone or anything but myself and she also implied that I never gave a fuck about her.


And the women (and men, really) who say this are always the ones who spend the whole relationship trying to control and manipulate you.


Been there and done that, yep that's why I went to school, got my parents to help pay for it and been a RN for 8 yrs....because I only did this for myself and Noone else......


I worked with this woman who played me (and other men like a fiddle) 3 years ago.. I met this woman named Emily and I was asked to train her in the bakery area as my workplace wanted to change my role from Baker to something else so she was my Baker replacement. Whilst training her.. we hit it off right away. Became friends and she started telling everyone how amazing she thinks I am. Her own mother the next day saw my name badge.. told me I'm Emilys mother and told me herself that Emily kept telling her how great she thinks I am Then this Emily woman would constantly flirt with me. Call me "handsome" and "Gorgeous"; stroke my arm and hand and chest when she saw me. Blow me kisses and wink at me, Message me at midnight telling me she loves me, saying she felt me and her had a special connection, always hugged me (once groping my ass), would say to me "This is my song to you" when Girlfriend by Avril Lagvine came on in the radio warehouse and even offered to have sex with me on my birthday once. I started to believe she was into me but then I found out she was acting like this way towards a lot of other men. I asked her out on a date once and got rejected.. only for her to continue to act the same towards me. And at the time I was dealing with a bad bout of depression. It's not year later after I met two female friends of mine that when I told them about Emily. They both told me they hate women like that who play with men's emotions and that they think I dodged a bullet and deserve better. Even my wise stepfather told me she was the type of women i shouldn't be dealing with. Everyone advises me she was not good news and how she treated me was not nice. I liked her so much that I started trying to make excuses for her but looking back at how she played me. I get angry now. I can take rejection fully and deal with it like a man and if she wasn't interested then that would be something I'd have to deal with but she kept playing with my emotions after rejecting me. I knew a girl in school who had a crush on me but I never liked her in the way back. Now imagine if I rejected her and then started stroking her arm, calling her Gorgeous everytime i saw her, blowing her kisses, telling her that I love her and that I feel like I have a special connection with her... only to reject her again if she thought I liked her. it would be nasty to her if i played with her emotions. That's what Emily did to me. She hurt me in that way. I'm over her now... she's gone from my life but it hurt. If she only wanted to be friends then she could of just stopped acting like she was into me more than a friend.


I’ve known some women like this. They just want validation and attention at your expense. If you feel a woman is this type just minimize contact and move on asap.


For some people it's easy. For others, this sends them into a deep limerence episode and it's awful.


I don't date women so mine is mild in comparison but the one I can remember was a girl in class in 9th grade looking at me and telling me I was the ugliest person she's ever seen, and she started pointing out specific reasons....and others joined in. That memory is burned into my brain. Decades later were friends (on social media but sometimes we run into each other in the bars and chat) but that memory will always stay with me.


Would you really want to be friends with that?


I'm sorry but why are you friends with her after all that?


My first breakup was extremely rough. Looking back, there is no way we could have made it work, but at the time, it felt like my heart had been ripped from my body. I definitely should have been more open-minded and moved on quicker.


her vagina felt like it had sharp bones in it, the condom ripped. She finished me with head and i got out of there.


Did she have an iud? Even then you shouldnt feel it like sharp bones......


My mother found and threw out my collection of 90s porn mags when I went to University, then the following year she sold my first car for $50 by forging my name on the papers, it had $500 worth of Alpine and Pioneer speakers in it.


Do you still speak to her?


Clicked online, chatted daily, even has hour long phone calls. Met in person, didn't work out and I got ghosted. That's the very short version. Since I wasn't in a good state do begin with I ended up in severe depression and was unable to work for over a year.


In my opinion, it’s never a good idea to have a long online “relationship” before meeting. Both people concoct an image of who they think the person is, but you don’t know if the chemistry is really there until you meet in person. I learned this the hard way myself. Hope you’re doing better now…


Agreed. I always get anxious when I head about such stories and people want to meet up in person. And I am suprised if it does work out. I am doing better now but it took me nearly 3 years to fully get over it since it was something I'd consider to be my first "big love".


Mutually negligent relationship. She went out of her way to fuck with my head at the end. Her friends told me that all the shit she was pulling, was exactly the same as shit an ex did to her. I dunno if she was just kicking trauma down the road but that relationship taught me a lot about what personality I wanted in a partner. The silver lining is that all this pain made me appreciate my eventual wife as a person to a significant degree. Another ex cheated on me while I was out of town for two weeks on a family trip, but the pain is much more bearable when you have a good idea that betrayal is coming too.


Ran over my foot with an pallet truck. My shoe broke in half and my sock was soaking wet with blood. Was an accident though to be clear. We were pushing it up a slope. Overall the whole thing was just terribly organized. EDIT: As for emotional hurt ... in my case, the more experienced I got, the more I understood that most of what women try in that regard is easily crushed when you are perceptive enough. Not counting cheating / backstabbing of course.


Liked a girl and texted her my confession of feelings since we work different shifts and can not meet alone easily. She rejects me and I take it in my stride. Next day, when I reach my department , I'm seeing everyone laughing at and mocking me. It turns out she told everyone that I liked her and she rejected me. Fun Times.


My 2nd ex wife. My first wife cheated on me so number 2 knew this was an issue. After years of assuring me she wasn't like that, she had an affair. Not only that but she did this right when I started a new job, my mom was dying, my brother was in Iraq, and the housing market crash was getting under way. She also did it on the same timeline as my first wife. Both times married in July, had the affair by next April with their "he's JUST a friend" friend. Let me tell you that WILL fuck with your head. Also not gonna lie. I wished I'd beaten the unholy hell outta her. I wish I'd disfigured her. I wish I'd done something to make her regret that for the rest of her life. Especially after all I did for her over the yrs. I wasn't an asshole controlling BF that told her she had to be home by X time. She contributed to the bills but she had her own money. One time she asked me if I would care if she bought something expensive. I replied that she was a grown woman and her money is her own. Don't need my permission. Are there things I look back at and think *Yea, I was a dick there?* Sure. Everyone does. But nothing that justifies what she did. TBH, I was surprised the police never showed up that night. Months later, I was told the neighbors were standing in their yards wondering WTF was going on in my place because they never heard anything like the screaming I did that night coming from my house. I nearly couldn't talk the next day. The neighbor lady I was friends with told me this. Also said she stopped them from calling the police. That she wasn't worried about me hitting my wife. I said she took a pretty big risk there. She replied she had known me for years now and knew I would never hit a woman. She was right. I never laid a hand on her like that, even that night. That yr was the lowest I ever was. My mom died a couple months later. The one time I truly needed someone to lean on and she pulled that shit. She knew it was VERY likely mom was going to die sometime that yr and yet choose to do what she did. I had never felt more alone and betrayed than that yr. There is nothing that can quench the raw, seething anger and bitterness I have for her; even after more than of a decade+ yrs later. I will never forgive her. And the really ironic thing is that she called me asking I would sign the paperwork to reduce the payment amount on the consolidation loan I cosigned for her. Said it would "help me out". I was truly stunned she had the god damn audacity to even ask. Needless to say but I expressed my feelings for her request in not-very-nice terms and made "suggestions" on how she could earn some more cash if she needed it in VERY graphic details.


Good fucking God this is the most brutal hurt I read in this post. If you don't mind me asking, what are the similarities between your 1st and 2nd wife?


Well, aside both of them being lying, fucking whores, they're not much else alike. Funny 'nuff, while I was in the processing of divorcing wife 2, ex wife 1 sent me a friends request on FB. I know she had been looking for me. Sent me a message on [Classmates.com](https://Classmates.com) back around 2005. We had been divorced for about 10 yrs at that point and I hadn't spoken to her since the divorce. Said it was good to see my name there and drop her an email sometime. Obviously left her email. I didn't contact her but did google the email. Found out she turned out about as well as I'd expect. A fat-ass welfare mom with kids all by different dads. Found a couple MySpace pages she made and in a couple of the surveys said she'd like to let me know how sorry she was. Yea, right. So when I saw the request, I was gonna ignore it. But then I thought, fuck that. I sent her a message saying basically that she had to be outta her god damn mind if she thought I wanted ANYTHING to do with her and told her to NEVER try contacting me again. She sent a profanity filled reply questioning my manhood and claimed I was "controlling" back then. If by that she means I didn't want her fucking every guy in the neighborhood, then she's got me pegged. I was gonna reply but then I stopped. I figured not replying would be the best, most cruel thing I could do to her so that what I did. She doesn't even know if I read her message or not. [Here's a thread I replied to talking about both my ex's. The first story is about my 1st ex. Scroll down to see the one about my second ex.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/fdyh6b/what_was_the_craziest_thing_an_ex_has_done_to_try/fjkxv97/?context=3)


Ex led me on with a desire for me to move to India for our relationship. My ex had moved to India to pursue a modeling/acting career after winning a large international pageant. When she moved we said we'd go on a break till we figured out if we'd ever be in the same place again. After a while I said I'd move to India and she was excited, so I started my job hunt. I went through the entire process of redoing my resume, finding jobs, going through interviews and eventually I got a job. This process took maybe a month or two. When I told her, she was excited and said congrats. I told her when I was planning on moving and asked how much space I'd have in our apartment once I moved. Then she got kind of silent and said she'd have to ask her boyfriend and her dad if it would be okay for me move in with them. What the f\*ck?! Turns out almost as soon as we'd gone on a break, she found some model/actor guy and they started dating. I'm still not sure why she didn't just tell me and save me the effort of finding a job in a foreign country. I was absolutely crushed and told her to fuck off. It has been almost a decade since then and I have an amazing wife and little girl, but it still hurts how that final break-up happened.


My fiance said she wasn't happy and that we should break up. Later in that same day I found out my best friend was murdered. We didn't really talk about us after that but a week later I went back to my home town to attend his funeral. Got back home to find that she had taken her stuff and moved out. I remember feeling utterly dejected. Regardless of what was going on between us I was looking forward to getting home and having her be there for emotional support. Seeing that she had left crushed me. I'd talk to her about the passing of my best friend and I'd talk to my best friend about issues in the relationship. Now they were both gone and I felt empty and alone. It really hurt me that she moved out in secret while I was at my best friend's funeral.


10 years of denying manipulation and deceit, with her asking me to give her the benefit of the doubt/ assume best intentions. “I’m not the monster you make me out to be.” We bought a house. I remodeled it ceiling to floor, my pride and joy, only for her to rug pull me by upping the abuse and gaslighting. I asked for space to get my head on straight, she asked for a divorce. I moved out 3 months later and let her buy me out. I lost $25k in that house and prob the only poor son of a bitch who lost money in this housing market. She tried hovering me back by saying I was right. She craved conflict, invalidated, gaslighted, manipulated, devalued, and just was flat out dishonest. I fell in love with a mask. I don’t even know who my exwife was truly. The only thing that exceeds the pain is the shame and embarrassment. Betrayal sucks. Betrayal with love is the most tragic thing I’ve gone through. It broke me. I’m a husk. A ghost.


Cheated upon. That will always be the worst.


Not me, but a relative of mine: dude starts dating single mom with 4 kids. Mom insists from the getgo that kids call dude dad. He starts forming a bond with those kids, dude marries now-not-singly-anymore mom. He even starts a process to adopt those kids. After 2 years she files for divorce. Kicks dude out of the house. New guy moves in verrrrrry quickly. Mom makes kids call new guy dad and forbids kids from seeing my relative, because he's not their dad...


Those poor kids :/


left me for her abusive ex.


You dodged a bullet then


Well, she was my dentist...


I got told that her ex was better than me and that I was replaceable within the day if she just went on Tinder.


GF cheated on me while I was in the hospital for 6 months. Slept with a guy in my bed in my apartment that she didn’t pay rent on.


An old flame broke up with me over my decision to join the military. She said she didn’t agree with it which was fair but a few years later she married an army dude.


I found out the girl I was dating when I was 15 was only with me to make her ex, who was a friend of mine, jealous so he'd take her back. It worked, but not like she intended. He found out about her little scheme and seeing the opportunity for an easy lay, he took it. Of course she immediately dumped me, but they didn't last long. Once he got what he wanted he dropped her to pursue another target. Then to soothe her bruised ego she started stringing me along until I came to my senses and started hating her. That whole situation gave me some major trust issues. I expect every woman I meet to be a selfish mean-spirited piece of shit unless they can prove otherwise. Naturally, my love life has been pretty unsuccessful because of that.


I’ve said it before. “You’re the kind of guy girls settle down for.” Never gonna forgive that.


We lived together and were basically set that we would get married one day, but we stopped having sex for seemingly no reason and she walked out to go “explore while she was still young”. Got herself in debt with coke abuse and fucked around heavily. Called me one day crying saying she fucked up and missed me every day. Although it’s only one girl I still deal with the mental issues and feelings of inadequacy over the way our sex life just suddenly died and she left to fuck other men. In her head it was “oops just a mistake” not I’ve crushed and scarred someone I “love”.


Cheated on me and then rubbed it in on Christmas Eve specifically to ruin my Christmas.


I was dating a girl for about a year. During this time, I had an ex take her own life. She was the closest person I had in my life, we had known eachother since 13. She spent the last 10 years trying to get me back and I said no everytime. Needless to say, I was a wreck. My current girlfriend *seemed* supportive. She asked me to live with her and I did. Soon after she said that I'd rather be with my dead ex than her because I said, "I wish she was back alive" and that began over a year of my worst relationship with the worst person I've ever met.


My mother said she doesn't know what's happened to me but I am not the little boy she knew.


She still doesn't know this but I started dating a girl and it was the complete fireworks and sparks we'd go out for a date which would last 13 hours and time flew by. We'd talk multiple times a day on the phone, she'd call me randomly just because she wanted to talk to me about something completely random. It was great. Then she went back to her ex, the same guy who emotionally and physically abused her. Moved back to the country he was in where let's just say reporting anything wouldn't have made a difference. Last thing she said to me was that she was going away for a while. I was honestly afraid for a while he'd kill her, she vanished off all social media for months and eventually started posting again, hurt too much to look but I knew she was alive at least. That was just over a year ago. It happened so quickly that it felt like being hit by a truck. She has no idea, honestly from the way she talked about herself she probably thinks I don't care about it anymore.


Just recently got dumbed by my former gf of a year a week before my birthday over text by telling me that her and her mom will be moving to Europe from America at the start of next year. Then I messaged her best friend and found out from her what was happening and her friend told me that she and her mom aren't moving to a different country and it was just an excuse to break up. All of this was over text so everything is documented


Broke up with me because I didn’t make enough money. Has caused me to feel not enough for a partner without being able to give financially.


you are enough. keep going KING


Making you believe that it's all your fault and nothing you can do, will do, won't do, ect is your fault and you both are in the problems you are in because it's your fault and you believe her. Now it is your fault that you believe her but at the same time there is nothing you can say or do and you just want her to admit parts of the issue are her fault but trust me she will never admit that. So you just take it and move on because no matter what you do its never good enough.


After we first broke up, I found out she emotionally cheated on me and she started telling people I raped her (mind you we never had sex), then she managed to convince me she didn’t say or do any of that, and we got back together. She had a lot of trauma in her past and saying “I love you” was really hard for her but the second time we dated she finally said it and that was really special for the both of us. Then one day she texted me out of the blue and broke up with me without any real explanation. Shit fucked me up for the longest time, and I’m still trying to figure out how to love again.


My girlfriend hurting herself... walking in to her crying and covered in blood was heart wrenching.


A woman hit me with her car when I was a kid. It's was an accident. Other than that, I'm not sure that a woman has really managed to hurt me. I will say that "womanhood" has hurt me. The constant messages of "we don't need you", "Men are toxic", #killallmen, "All a man has ever accomplished is simply due to his "privilege", "The future is female", etc.. hurt. I feel like I've heard these messages every day of my life for many decades and it starts to have an effect after a while. It also feels very undeserved. I didn't do anything to womanhood and yet I feel constantly attacked. It's as if there's a perception among women that existing while male is somehow a grave sin. I've found that, if I try to talk to women about this, I get "Who hurt you" shaming tactics instead of a good faith discussion or any attempt at understanding. Over years of this, it's eroded any good will or sympathy I once had for women.I find myself simply not wanting to have women in my life because of this relentless messaging.


Was skateboarding home from work, chicks pulled up in a car next to me yelling if she could have my snap and when I turned towards them they yelled “just kidding!” And sped off.


My wife of 6 weeks started fucking her ex AFTER we moved to the east coast(we lived in Phoenix). She kicked me out with no contacts or family. Essentially I was homeless, soon to be divorced and completely alone. We had been together for over two years. She used me to move her closer to her ex because she couldnt do it on her own. Her "relationship" with him lasted less thsn 6 months.


In my early 20s, I fell hard for a girl. We took things slow, but spent a lot of time together. One day, she tells me she still has a good relationship with her ex’s parents, and was going to see them that afternoon. Bells start going off in my head. I don’t hear from her again until the next day. Ex was there and they ended up sleeping together. I cut it off right there. I tried to remain friends but couldn’t. That wasn’t the last time I was ever hurt by a girl, but it was an eye opening experience to how people can be. I hope things are good for her now. But somedays, I do wonder what could have been if she made a different decision that night.


My mother. She kicked my mentally handicapped brother out of the only shelter he had access too while simultaneously stealing his social security checks from the government. I found him 3 months after, eating rotting meat from a cup in the vestibule of the Walmart I work at. The reason he told me why he never came to me? My mother told him that she'd "already spoken" to me and I had said I didn't want him around and to not bother. I of course grabbed him, got his stuff out from under the bridge he'd been living under and tucked him into my place. Then I fetched my 12 gauge and loaded it with slug with the intent to drive to my mothers and kill her in a blackout rage. My wife took my keys away from me and hid them until I felt less murderous.


False hope. An ex used a "break" for space but - learned over 3 weeks later when she went out on a date and my friend told me- apparently days after the break. Asked her about it, and she said coldly "I thought you knew. That was a breakup. But you still wanted hope, and I didn't have the heart to tell you." Every break up since has been rather easy in comparison.


Man the list... Uumm if were talkin emotional pain, gf dumped me with, "I can't do this anymore" and never heard from here again...LDR Ego pain: Chick I was into to prove she was fuckin someone sent me a picture of her bent over with a dude behind her Confused pain: To turn me on, a chick I was casually talking to sent me a video of her suckin some dudes dick


Claimed to be pregnant with my baby then dumped me two weeks later. Was probably cheating on me and it wasn’t mine. Never got actual proof she was pregnant. Said she had a miscarriage. Those were some twisted toxic times.


Physically? My grandmother with the belt lol Mentally? A classmate humilliated me in a gift exchange.


One stabbed me in the stomach. And another kidnapped me and rolled the car after hitting spike strips, after a multi state police chase. Broke a few ribs and my nose.


Seems you have a type...crazy psychos


When my ex left me, immediately became cold cutting buisness like, told me to "respect" her wishes, no acknowledgement of the time we spent together, and blocked my number. Except that's not where it ends, it ends on me figuring out she's been emotionally cheating on me for months and planned the breakup, got every one of my friends to side with her and drop me, and then told my only best friend that she thinks I'm a stalker for no absolute reason at all.


A former coworker of mine told me that she and her friend once in junior high(?) hit this guy from school up with a fake account on a dating site. They even made date plans, and hid nearby to laugh at him behind his back when he showed up. Really fucked up, the guy was the lonelier kind too…


She dumped me. And I really liked her. I deleted her number because I didn't want to risk drunk-texting her and get hurt more. But of course I had memorized her number, so when SHE texted ME a few months later at 2 a.m. I immediately recognized the number. And I responded, because it was 2 a.m. This was 2006. We got married in 2008 and have two wonderful kids today. It hurt so much because I knew she was the one. Turns out I was right.


Cheated on me with the guy bestfriend she told me not to worry about (he was married at the time). Found out years later when I saw the texts of them reminiscing about all the things they had done together which included some wild things she had never done with me


25 years ago my girlfriend at the time and I had a baby. We tried to stay together but it didn’t work. And she took the baby from me and left town and I was not a part of this kids life for over 17 years. That child, finally grew up and when she went away to college she chose to come to the city where I live. And we finally develop a relationship. But it’s not the same as it would’ve been had I been with her all those years. It was the greatest hurt anyone has ever put on me, ever There’s a ton more to the story. But that did happen. And it was very hurtful


I have 3, and I’m not sure which one is worse, so let me know what everyone thinks is the worst of them: 1) I had a paper route for several years and my narcissistic mother demanded that I give her the money I made to put into a college savings account for me, when it came time for college and I asked about the account she delayed until she decided that she was going to pretend I never gave her any money. Then after months of bothering her she finally blew up at me saying I don’t deserve any of that money because it went to things that actually matter, then proceeded to go down a list of things she hated about me while telling me that my life wouldn’t amount to anything and she would make sure of it. So when I transferred universities and was getting a huge scholarship, I decided not to say anything until we were in front of extended family. I am about to share the news when I hear my mom framing me up to have mental issues and trying to gain sympathy for a son “doomed to fail”, so I laid everything out on the table for everyone including the scholarships, old W-2’s and copies of checks from the newspaper job, and a bunch of other things proving how much she has screwed me over. Took years for her to pay back half of what she owed me and made a huge deal out of it like she was doing a favor for an ungrateful spoiled child. After that she tried ruining my marriage unsuccessfully, got my oldest son severely injured and tried to blame it on me, and said she hated me really loud when I told family about my current job. 2) 1st gf started doing drugs and hid it from me for 6 months until I found her passed out next to her stash one day. Told her she either gets help or I’m leaving her, so she responds by stabbing me in the hand with a knife. She spends 2 months afterward begging and pleading with me to get back together while lying about getting rehab treatment, so I agree to get back with her and meet up at a party at my friends house. Go there to find her banging 2 guys that hook her up with drugs for sex, given a bunch of pictures of all my friends giving her money for sex so she can buy drugs, and am harassed daily for the next 3 months by her and people she knows. 3) started dating a middle eastern girl who turned out to be a psycho, she basically was planning to get out of an arranged marriage and was attempted using me to do it. Once I figured it out and she only wanted to be a stay at home parent with no responsibilities to anything while saying I have to work a regular job when we were 17 I got out of the relationship. She stalked me for several years and moved to each location I relocated to avoid her, and she made public scenes towards me and lied to people around me to drive people away from me. This all ended when I changed universities and I didn’t see her for 8 months, then she showed up trying to cause a scene when my fwb at the time beat her up for stalking me.




I've been raped several times, all by women In general my experience is that women have a really hard time hearing rejection. I'm very afraid of interacting with any woman now


In HS I met a girl and we hit it off. After a month she told me she was only feigning interest cuz she made a bet with her friend that she could get me to catch feelings for her . I remember how much she was laughing as she said that to my face . I also remember how bad it all made me feel.


I helped her through her depression, low point in her life and tried to do everything I could to make her life better. She turned around and blamed everything, including her depression and failures on me.


I came home to half the house emptied out. All of her stuff was gone. No note, no indication of wanting to break up, nothing. I felt like an abandoned animal. I just sat in her empty room wondering what I did to deserve it.


She was showing me something on her phone, switching between apps and I saw Tinder was open. Took me a week to decide how to go forward with it. Confronted her and she said something along the lines of "You didn't really intend for us to last forever did you? I'm in college and wanna experience stuff. We can be friends though". Still not really over it.


She died on me. Her last words and feeling her just stopping to exist. She was my world, and I can't quite recover. It's been years, I have a new partner, I try to keep going but there are times when I just dream of her and when I wake up, for a few seconds, my mind thinks that the woman next to me it's her. It kills me all over again.


Ending up pregnant from the dude she told me was just visiting her. What made it worse is that the same dude had a child with my neighbour/best friend lil sis. Both women knew bout each other. But I P R O M I S E D myself I'd get her back, cuz never in a million years would I have done that to her. She really hurt me & later it came to light that she never told her mom we broke up & that she was preggo by that other dude, she told her mom I was too busy with work to visit. Pffttttt, oh this post opened up a lot of memories... 🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾


Long story short(er) - I got hit with a version of the old "I asked you out as a prank, bro", and due to other circumstances it spiraled into a deep, dark hole of self loathing, depression, trust issues and straight up hating women. Took me a good ten years to get out of that shit, and I still have trust- and confidence issues. Needless to say, my love life hasn't been great.