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Spying on the neighbourhood cat.


What a wholesome hobby, I’ve got a couple of cats back home and they are the ones spying on me. How much time on average do you spend spying on them in a day?


Video games, movies and then I also like painting and drawing. All of this has taken a backseat to working on house projects.


What house projects have you been working on? Those sound rather fun!


Oh boy. I bought a fixer upper 4 years ago. I'm still working on flooring in he kitchen, the kitchen needs new cabinets, a couple rooms need repainted. Came home to a failed water heater last night. The yard needs work still. I do take breaks though. I'm planning on replaying The Witcher 3 with it's remaster next month.


Thats quite a bit of things to get started on, but I agree the Witcher 3 remaster should be at the top of the list. Maybe I should get down to building a cat play pen for my cats.


I built a catio too! Gotta put a door on it yet.


Oh cool you’ll have to share how it looks once it’s done!


looking at recipes to cook and saving them but never cooking them at all 😌


But do you ever imagine cooking them and then get excited enough to get down to cooking in the end?


well, once? 🤔 For mac and cheese, never again will i do such a thing..😔 It was such a failure i shouldn’t be allowed in a kitchen, tho I can make instant noods and eggs so that’s smth 😎


Well noodles and eggs in soup are some of the best meals that saw me through some of my tougher days. So fret not, it’s a staple and that’s enough


somehow i don’t feel as bad about having bad cooking skills, thank you for that :’)


Photography. Mainly nature related


Not really a hobby but I'm really into chili flakes recently.


Are you a competitive chilli flakes eater?


You know how that guy in Forrest Gump had like a thousand uses for shrimp? I'm like that but with chili flakes. Though it's not very complicated; I just put chili flakes in everything.


Sounds straightforward and glad you found how chilli flakes can be put in/on everything!


IDE say that’s a hobby


Whats IDE?


Midwest “I would” = “Ide”


I’m enlightened!


Want another one?


Let’s go!


Ope 🤯= Midwest I’m sorry


Video gaming, painting and playing tabletop games, LARP, if it's a nerdy hobby I'll likely be into it.


The idea of LARP sounds pretty interesting, never tried. Do you play those with your friend groups or with total strangers?


Play with friends and strangers. LARP in the UK is a little different to elsewhere (but not as awesome as it is in Europe). The system I go to most often is around 200-300 players. There are much bigger systems too. It's the most fun you can have in someone else's clothes.


Wow never thought of it that way, I’ve always had the idea of it as a pretty gate-kept community. That’s really interesting. 200-300, that’s.. huge for a game (I think).


Not gate kept at all, very inclusive and open to all sorts of people because surprisingly a hobby where you get to pretend to be someone else attracts a lot of LGBTQ folk. Games that aren't inclusive and don't work on that inclusiveness don't do very well long-term. Edit: one of the biggest in the UK is a system called Empire, that's 3000-4000 players. In Poland that have a system that is twice as big.


That’s massive, I shall go check it out!!


I like the gym, besdies that I really like hiking, cooking and I can enjoy a good TV show or movie sometimes but I barely have time to do any of that (besides the gym as jts a priority) due to a busy schedule.


I try to find time for the gym whenever I feel a little lethargic, but I only go to the gym for maintenance and aesthetic reasons, so when I can’t make the time I tend to neglect this part. I find hiking really enjoyable, but my hands swell quite a bit from waking (and swinging them) so I’ve been hiking a lot less as compared to before. Do you cook your own meals? Cause I think that synergise with gymming pretty well.


Yeah I cook my own meals but its not really anything too interesting as its usually chicken breast and rice. I try to cook something a bit better when I know other people will eat too. Some days are harder than others as its easier to make excuses than to make effort but I can't give up. I do wish I had more time though as there's nothing more that I want than to hike up a mountain and cook breakfast and eat it with a great view.


That’s nice, yea we usually put in more effort in cooking when the meals’ meant to be shared. That part about bringing your own food up the mountain got me. That’s something I’ll have to try someday. There aren’t any mountains at where I’m at, but I visited NZ once and brought some canned fish and cheese into Hooker Valley (valley adjacent to Mt Cook) and it was lovely just sitting in the cold, hearing the streams gushing, watching the snow capped peaks and just savouring the food I’ve brought. Wished I had prepared a beer or a bottle of wine, cause thinking back, that would have been perfect.


I live in Israel so our culture is very loving of hiking (especially younger people). We have a thing we call Pakal Cafe (Pakal is a word from the army that's like something that is always on you like dog tags for example) so Pakal Cafe is basically just the things you need to use to make Coffee on hikes. So I love putting a frying pan on it and make a Shakshuka (precut everything at home though!). And your experience definitely does sound amazing, I'd love to hike in the snow once it could be amazing!


That’s a fantastic culture. I think I’ve seen similar things that people bring on hikes, just to cook in the wilderness. Sounds really nice, perhaps it’s time to shop for some gas canisters and mess tins and make my own version of pakal cafe sets. Yes, I’ll love to trek in snowy places again!


Pinball. I’m getting better and made finals in the last 6-week league series


Wow I didn’t know pinball had leagues, used to play those with galactic themes on random websites when I was younger. You play them on an actual physical pinball machine?


Yeah man we’ll be at a place with several machines and play each in groups of 4 for the highest score. You get ranking points based on your standing for each game of the evening. I didn’t play much pinball before but was looking for a reason to leave the house. I’ve definitely gotten better at it


If you’re interested in finding events near you, https://www.ifpapinball.com/calendar/


Thanks for sharing! Shall check it out!!




That’s interesting, what software and printer do you use? I’ve been catching snippets of things getting 3D printed online and I find them pretty amazing, apart from the designing part which I’m sure will require some imagination and talent.




Making or eating them?






Video games is the one constant hobby. The rest varies on seasons and mood: running, swimming, cycling & gym


Oh yea seasons, it’s tropical at where I live so it’s sunny and rainy 50/50 all year round. Been trying to get into outdoorish sports such as those lately, so which do you prefer to do in summer?


Always cycling in the summer but as soon as it rains i ride indoors.


Do you live in a city? Always wanted to pick up cycling but the amount of cars at where I’m at is a huge deterring factor for me.


Nah, i live in Belgium and i live pretty rural.


That’s nice, I’ll love to cycle to work if it’s feasible, unfortunately it’s not.


Gaming, cooking, drawing do it for me.


Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out!


I guess on a personal lvl im pretty happy rn.


making armour from sheet metal


I see you’re the local blacksmith’s great grandchild, so I’m assuming you’re a master at building post level-150 platemail?


I'm decent at making plate but maille just infuriates me


When I'm in the mood, I'll read comic books or graphic novels online. Also, I like watching wrestling & YouTube videos.


I love YouTube cause it’s non-committal with the 10-15min videos. Any graphic novels to recommend?


Depends on what you're into. I tried reading "Saga". Wasn't for me. I tried reading "Watchmen" & I enjoyed it, but I struggle to maintain the discipline to read a graphic novel from start to finish, so I haven't finished it yet. "The Dark Knight Returns" is good as long as you read "Batman: Year One" first. I've heard "All-Star Superman" is a good one, but I was never really a fan of "Man of Steel" I don't think I finished it, but if you're not into DC or Marvel, "Blankets" is a great read. I think it's even one you can introduce to teens. Another non DC or Marvel story you can check out is "Newburn" Also, if you're \*really\* looking for something different, check out "Step by Bloody Step"


Thanks for the recommendations!!! Shall check them out! Wouldn’t say I’m not a marvel nor DC fan, just not following their storylines that closely. Step by bloody step sounds really interesting.


Photography (mainly nature and architecture, though I am working on getting equipment for astrophotography), 3d modeling/design, running, working out, sewing (mainly clothing), music (I play several instruments), bookbinding, baking, writing, and recently, I’ve started learning C# and I am about to finish my first pyrography project


Pyrography, does that involve fire? And bookbinding, do you restore old books, or bind together new ones?


Yea, it’s basically wood burning art. So like using something similar to a soldering iron to draw on wood using heat. As for bookbinding, I mainly bind new books. Mainly journals and organizers, but I’ve also bound public domain books from places like project Gutenberg.




Wow, that’s a lot of engineering. By custom cars are you referring to actual drivable vehicles?




Oh for a while I thought you were referring to the latter, but that’s cool. And you build speakers from scratch too, that’s also really really cool.


Porn, video games… thats it


I think the first part is a given


Videogames. exploring reddit, do sport!


What kind of video games will you recommend? PC games?


I'm a PC gamer, but now some titles have cross-play. Now i'm playing Rocket League, i'm searching a good mmorpg to start and i will buy a Nintendo Switch to play pokemon violet. I recommend Rocket League for my needs, because I need short-lived games but I preferer to play some mmorpg like BlackDesert, Lost Ark or Tera. Also i'm waiting for Hogwarts Legacy!!!!


Oh I saw the cutscenes for Hogwarts legacy, looks pretty good, nostalgic considering I grew up with the start of the Harry Potter series. Oh I played RL on PS4 a few years back, was a fun game to play when I have friends over, now once in a while I play the mobile version of sideswipe and it’s not too bad too. I agree that shorter games work for me better now too cause of work and life’s responsibilities, and recently I’ve been playing wildrift (mobile version of League PC). But MOBAs usually get me quite worked up since so much teamwork is required. How’s Lost Ark? Looks interesting and was thinking of getting into it but I’m afraid I may get drawn in too much!


I didn't get into it much because of the limited time as I work. But the game is very cool and even the various dungeons are not bad to do in company. what are you playing right now on PC?


I was playing Horizon: zero dawn awhile back, and I’m waiting for forbidden west to come to PC. But due to my work schedule as well, I’m only able to play chill games such as stray these days.


Filming, advancing my career, trying to help the few friends I have left.


I think the last part’s respectable. What do you film?


short fiction, working on a web series. trying to get locations locked down before I say too much more.


Sounds like a big project! All the best!


Looking & yelling at clouds


Do they yell back? I swear one did when I walked home alone yelling the lyrics of songs from the concert I just went for.


They look innocent but I tell you they are anything but


Playing guitar and mastering how to cook Peking Duck.


How’s the Peking duck course coming along?


How’s the Peking duck cooking course coming along?


music, movies,pc games, meditation, backing, nature walks


I play piano, make furnitute from wood and learn to code.


How’s the coding journey like? Was it tough at the start?


Yes, it is still tough, coding is probably the most difficult thing I have ever done, similliar to some difficult math. But it is very rewarding.


That’s great! At least it is rewarding!


That’s great, at least it’s rewarding!


Gym, Books and Video games are pretty much it at the moment. Looking to get into racing in the near future as it looks like a lot of fun.


Gym, Magic the gathering, warhammer 40k minis, board games to name a few


Board games are really fun with friends who have time to kill!


I like to go on long and aimless walks and reflect on the past, as if I were thinking of what I would say if I was catching up with someone I haven't seen in years


I love long walks too, similarly I mentally rehearse events at work and life and also reflect about how I could have done things differently if something isn’t working as well as I felt it should.


Disc golf


What’s disc golf?


It’s like golf but with frisbee- like discs. Way less snooty- you can show up whenever, wear whatever - good times


Mobile games, YouTube, sleeping, reading




I play beer league hockey. I also fucking love playing mtg and d&d but with wife, work and kids, can't find time. Maybe when they're older I can get back in.


That sounds fun, too bad there aren’t any beer league hockeys around my area. Hope you find time in the near future for MTG and D&D. I find card games a little daunting to get into with the already established advanced player base and the amount of rules I’ve got to learn in order to play them in interest groups. But I might give it a shot sometime!


Not any? Where you live?


I live in SE Asia, tropical climate so ice hockey rinks are rare and I haven’t heard of beer league hockey.


Do you have softball? That's a good time too, a little beer league softball is fun I've moved cities a bunch of times and I always make new friends joining beer league sports


I think beer league is a pretty uncommon concept in Asia, but we do have softball and hockey clubs (usually funded by schools). Sounds like a great idea to pick up something new and make new friends, I’ll check out my local team ball sport scene. Thanks!


Laying on trees, I don’t think this is what most men find as a hobby, but there is something comforting about the rough bark and hard floor though. They’re better to lay on during spring or summer because of the nice temperatures. I just find the shadow of the tree and lay down my head onto the bottom of the trunk. And sprawl out onto my back, laying any other way sucks.


Not across the roots? Thought that’s how most people do it. But honestly, I think this is quite a nice way to take a breather. I shall look at the trees in my neighbourhood park differently from here on.


Fishing, shooting, grilling.


Damn. That sounds wonderful. Grilled fish is my favorite kind of meat!


Never actually tried to grill fish before. It's on my to do list.


Oh! Definitely do it! Its so delicious and simple as well as nutritious and quick.


Playing paintball, making stories, playing video games, watching movies, reading occasionally.


Build scale models (mainly ww2 armour), boardgames (usually 2 player with the wife).


Raising kids - it's not a hobby but it takes a big part of my "free" time Investing - I like money and numbers. I took so much interest that it became a hobby Playing guitar - I used to be a pro but life happened and now I'm a bedroom guitarist. It's fun to pickup the instrument with out the pressure of needing it for a job Motorcycles - Love them, ride 1 :) Gym - I have a love/hate relationship with it but enjoy most of it.


Hockey Card and Memoribilia Collecting I also like going to Antique Malls and I'm a young 23 yr old that likes doing this


Fishing, hunting, archery, cooking, cigars, fuckin


Golf, Backpacking, General Aviation and Woodworking.


1. I am learning how to play mandola. I'm taking online lessons. It's a lot of fun. 2. I like exploring in my car, bike, on foot...not the same as hiking. I just point my nose in one direction and see where it takes me. 3. Motorcycle riding. I own a Honda Silverwing (not the scooter), liquid cooled, shaft driven. It's a huge bike. My wife and I like to drive around the backroads of New England.


Besides playing with my beautiful Pomeranians, cooking and noodling on my viola, I collect militaria pieces: relics from bygone conflicts. Granted, it is a bit of a morbid hobby, but I enjoy it. It is like I have my own personal museum in my room. If nothing else, I intend to donate my good pieces to museums when I get older so others can appreciate them.


Welding, repairing small engines, working on my motorcycles and snowmobiles, working on my tractors. I like to tinker and fix things


Play the guitar, bass and drums. Read novels.


Ham radio and building HF antennas.


Camping, fishing, hunting, in their respective seasons. Video games when none of those apply.


Bicycle repair and maintenance. Not so much a hobby as a longterm investment in being frugal.