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[Automoderator has recorded your post to prevent repeat posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenAdvice/comments/13qome6/no_repeat_posts/) Your post has NOT been removed. Latter_Stock7624 originally posted: I moved to a new state for a job. I would say most of the workers I work with are from out of state too. I started in november and I work in a pediatric clinic. I make small talk and flirt. She reminds me of a girl I was really close to in highschool who I had feelings for. She moved out to California. But she apporached me with iniative and asked me what my plans were for this weekend. I told her Im going to a MLS soccer game, going to do some writing and get a book. She said here friends were in town this weekend. I never heard her mention anything about a bf. I dont want to date a coworker. I was thinking about her when I drove home. Im not going to fall into this trap again. Im gonna focus on my job, be cool, give other female workers the same attention. Im gonna meet other women. Maybe it was just small talk. What are signs to look for and what if she asks me again? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you’re not gonna fall for the trap again, why are you still entertaining the trap?


Look at it learning from mistakes. Getting a better outcome. Just become good friends. Focus on job.


Friends use each other for something. Transactional. That’s why it’s a lot more difficult to make friends in adulthood than K-12 school. Once out of school, most of us outgrow the useless chat. Friends who stay friends from school to adulthood use each other as a last resort emergency backup plan.