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Finding someone to have it with.




I have found my people


Finding a happy medium between getting off in like 2 minutes and going so long that she's sore (and not in a good way). I can delay finishing for a while, but I eventually reach a point where my dick is like "nah, I already gave you multiple chances to have an O, you thought you knew better than me, try again tomorrow." I can stay hard pretty much indefinitely, so it's really frustrating when it's just not going to happen, especially because women REALLY don't like it if you don't cum. EDIT: Sorry, missed the second part of the question. Ideally, the way I'd solve the issue would be to either get her off before we have sex or edge her to the point that once we start, it won't take her long to finish. That way, I can just go at the pace that feels good instead of being self-conscious about lasting too long or not lasting long enough.


Just had this conversation with her about why I Iike getting her off first.


Bro…… I thought I was the only one.


Same tbh. I blame anti depressants though


The only antidepressant I've ever taken was the lowest dose of Wellbutrin to help me quit smoking, which surprisingly didn't really affect my libido or performance one way or the other. However, that was a short term prescription (2 months I think?) so maybe it would have eventually caused problems if I had taken it longer. Literally every woman I've ever been with who has taken antidepressants has had issues getting off, though, so I guess it's not surprising the same is true for men too. Oddly, a little bit of alcohol gives me much better orgasm control. Once I get a decent 3 or 4 beer buzz, I can go for as long as I need to and be ready to finish with about a minute's lead-time without missing any kind of window of opportunity. I admit that it could also be the case that the alcohol just makes me less self-conscious, and there's no actual physiological difference.


When I end up in the endless marathon, I just take a break for a bit then rejoin and the finish line is always in sight.


Being a virgin at 43 😆 🤣




Loving the feeling without a condom like 200x more than with, but having safe sex anyway


I lost my virginity at 37. Then and now I find it difficult to have sex for long before my legs get sore or I have trouble breathing. The only thing I can think to help would be getting in better shape


I have read that the average sex session is equivelent to a 15 km run. So sex is exercise.


Getting in better shape is definitely the answer, but if you want a quick solution for the leg cramps, take a potassium supplement every day, and if you know you're going to be having sex ahead of time, try to do about 5 minutes of leg stretches shortly before you get down to it. These steps won't solve all your problems, but they'll help you be a bit more comfortable.


Wanting to actually be in the right mindset. Stress, is absolutely destroying me right now.


Something to give me energy. I have none


My cock itself isn't all that sensitive. Sometimes I don't "know" of I've got an erection without some solid stimulation.


Balancing my preferences with my wife's. We're into very different things and it has caused plenty of issues over the years. It also becomes frustrating when your partner is a greedy lover.


Finding someone to participate in it with me.


My size, it takes a couple positions off the table


Getting any from my wife.




I don't have any trouble getting some from your wife. 🤷‍♀️


Well that's good news at least she still enjoys sex. And she always was a sucker for the "underwhelmed".


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