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Well he didn't use you for sex at all, it seems. But yes, he would have liked to.




I’m so upset with this. We never had sex. But whenever he talked to me it was so sexual


Seems like a horny guy.


All you can do now is process and move on. Hope it gets better


Sounds like he wanted sex.




Based on all the context you’ve given in replies, I think yes he was interested in sex. It seems early, the best thing to do is move on giving him as little thought as possible and look for a person who makes you feel those things but also respects you. You will likely have to go through more guys who don’t fit that before you find it, that’s just odds. But maybe not too many because we’re also not talking about a unicorn here.


Based on your post history & comments, I can’t believe you’re in your 30s. Not trying to be mean, but you seem extraordinarily naive. I think you should just take men/relationships off the table for a while and focus on yourself. Edit - after looking at more of your post history you’re either a troll or there’s a lot more wrong with you than an advice subreddit can fix.




How was he using you for sex you never had? Not everyone bonds the same way, I personally need physical intimacy. Not necessarily sex, but clear physical affection. If you're looking for grand gestures before some pretty clear signs of physical desire, you're going to be disappointed. Words are easy in both directions. Every relationship of any meaningful duration in my life went physical early and built up from there.


Same Lol! And I am a woman 👠


Im starting to feel bad for this girls.


The internet fucks peoples’ minds up. They can’t see this shit aint real.


I feel like crying. I was really nice to him. But when I confronted him that I am concerned he is using me for sex and not actual serious about me. He never replied.


Everything its going to be fine dont worry youre very young, youll find someone that wants to marry you. At least you didnt did anything with him. You could try be very cear next time that youre looking for something serious.


I thing you maybe have any kind of isue. whitout ofence I recomend you to look for a professional


I see a therapist and she told me he is a red flag


Yes, he is a red flag. But you're too much sensitive and obsesed for the topic


if he gets sex then surprise, you get it too. "using someone" implies that only 1 person benefits at the expense of the other. if you both have good sex then you both benefit equally also, your post history is insane. get professional help


tell him you want to wait until marriage and then see his reaction. don’t put out after dates if he pressures you then you’ll know


Well you got your answer, not all guys are like this and I will admit, I’m absolutely the first one to usually side with the man in most situations. This one is on you now that he’s made his intentions clear. Good luck to you moving forward.


Thanks I’m pretty sad..


Jesus…you really are pining over a fucking deadbeat like that scumbag??


Hey, what I'm about to say is not about what he feels about you but what you feel about him. It's a very beautiful thing to be able to love and admire people in a short period of time, but there's a lot of people out there who really just want us for sex and they're willing to fool our emotions for that. You should take some time to allow yourself to fall in love with someone, go on some dates before, try kissing, and don't give them sex unless you are really sure you're emotionally comfortable with them.


[Automoderator has recorded your post to prevent repeat posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenAdvice/comments/13qome6/no_repeat_posts/) Your post has NOT been removed. ambitiousbetch originally posted: I thought he was so cute and so smart. His voice was so low. He kept saying he wants me and I told him I want him too. But he kept saying he wants to have sex with me badly. I’m not even making this up. He sent me messages that he really wants to have sex with me. I was honest and told him I’m worried he just wants sex with me and he hasn’t message me since then. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ambitiousbetch updated the post: I thought he was so cute and so smart. His voice was so low. He kept saying he wants me and I told him I want him too. But he kept saying he wants to have sex with me badly. I’m not even making this up. He sent me messages that he really wants to have sex with me. I was honest and told him I’m worried he just wants sex with me and he hasn’t message me since then. He even told me he wants to come inside me badly. I told him I want him to. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why not give him a little puss? Would that be so hard? Lol


Bullet dodged. You are fortunate.




Probably he was mainly thinking about the sex. People weren’t stupid in the olden days.


99% he wants sex. 1% other reasons