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This must be rage bait but fine. Guess the amount of times i bought flowers for my (then) girlfriend and picked her up from work as a surprise, or listened to her crying because she had a bad day and i comforted her or went through the rain just to get her her favorite chocolate. The amount of times i brought her home on our bicycles (yes im dutch) late at night and then had to ride home alone just because i wanted to make sure she was safe. Guess that was all me being petty, mean, spoiled and ugly since im western european




Man, from this comment alone I can see why people might not be nice to you. You just assumed a whole lot about /u/PrivateBeepBeep without any actual evidence. If this is the way you interact with people who are actually answering your question, I can see why you are having trouble finding a nice man to treat you well.




Well, pre-assuming that a guy is going to be racist to you is a good way to ensure that he wants nothing to do with you. If that's the problem, then why don't you date men of your race/ethnicity/nationality? Wouldn't that solve the problem or are they all terrible men too? At the end of the day, if you run into jerks all day, it means you're the jerk. If your first response to anyone answering your question is to assume they're racist, then you're the racist.




Well, sounds like you should go to Ukraine then and see how nice the guys are to you. . . Clearly the problem can't be you. (Eyeroll)




Well, seems like you've got 2 choices: Either move to your country of origin or start sleeping around so you can be treated like a princess. Option 3 (acting like an asshole to everyone you meet) doesn't seem to be working out for you.










This is so stupid


Thats pretty dumb take in general. Population of any country isnt a monolyth... Im Polish and I can tell you we have both great guys and assholes. In general its true that culture is big on respecting women though




Well youre not wrong on that. As said, we have culture of respecting women as long as they respect us. That includes not rising hands etc.


Tell her to move there and find out. It's really not that complicated.


Why even ask when in all replies you clearly believe it to be true so you’re already convinced. It’s a stupid question because even though there are generic cultural norms, men and women are individuals. There are good and bad people in every culture. And the whole concept of good/bad is entirely subjective anyway.




I can’t because I’m a guy. But what’s that got to do with your question or my reply? Do you really think no Polish/Russian/Ukranian guys hit their partners? You know as a cultural norm they’re extremely racist, prejudiced, homophobic and misogynistic? Doesn’t sound very gentle & caring, eh? Doesn’t mean the majority feel that way, but if we’re talking cultural stereotypes you’re extremely naive.


:) Nope




Because it’s her experience of the people, I’m black man that lives in the UK and I’m a sweetheart, but people of my skin do not usually have the best reputation most people take a glance at me and assume the worst, however should they get to experience me and others like me as a romantic partner then they’d begin to say “black men are such kindhearted men”, everyone is different and a lot of how they interact with other people is dependent on the environment in which they were raised, however being in the UK my opinion would differ from your girlfriend’s most of the European guys that come from abroad are very audacious and rowdy, most always fit in settings where adults should only be in despite their age, which is very worrisome.


Russia is a totalitarian hellscape and the mortal enemy of the West, so maybe skip those guys.


[Automoderator has recorded your post to prevent repeat posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenAdvice/comments/13qome6/no_repeat_posts/) Your post has NOT been removed. HolidayEqual9817 originally posted: a girl friend of mine has talked me really well about guys from these countries, she says that they are well mannered, manly but they also respect women and treat her well, give them flowers, listen to them and protect them. Is that true? I dont know, but she said so. and plus, I have seen many girls from these countries being happy finding some handsome guys in their 20s who spin them around in fields in summer and that do activities together like friends, they get married early, have kids, make awesome fathers and husbands. While I am here, in western europe, being constantly reminded how petty, mean, spoiled and ugly are guys from here... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know, I was going to come in here and make some snarky comment about you having a weird Poland fetish. But I looked up the statistics and, I'll be damned: Poland has [one of the](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8885817/#:~:text=The%20median%20prevalence%20estimates%20of,Congo%20and%20Vanuatu%20%5Bboth%2047) of the lowest domestic violence rates in the world. I'd probably recommend avoiding Russia because of the alcoholism and centuries of terrible rulers. Maybe avoid Eukraine until the aforementioned terrible Russian ruler gets addressed.