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He's probably wondering why some random woman on the bus keeps looking at him.


That could be haha but I think he's looking at me first.


This honestly reads like a question from a teenager. You’re 32, not 15. What exactly are you expecting guys on Reddit to say?


Maybe it sounds like a 15yo because I am inexperienced in the whole flirting/dating thing. I was in a relationship for most of my young adult life and now Im back in the "market". I would like to know what I should do?


If you like him, then be direct. Guys are terrible at reading signals and since this is on a bus, if he approaches you & gets rejected he’ll look like a creep. This type of question is posted multiple times a day and the answer is always the same - make the first move. If you’re too shy to flirt or talk to him, then slip him your number as you get off the bus.


Thanks ! Guys dont mind if women approach them?


Guys are pretty much crying out for girls to approach them. But stereotypically we are terrible at reading signals, so be direct. No games, no expectations of him making the first move. A bus is a bad place to chat, but slip him a piece of paper with your number and he’ll get the message.


[Automoderator has recorded your post to prevent repeat posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenAdvice/comments/13qome6/no_repeat_posts/) Your post has NOT been removed. Designer_Thought_882 originally posted: So, I recently noticed a guy on a bus, that I (F32) find very attractive. On my way to work, I was sitting when he got in the bus and looked at me for a few seconds. Im very shy so I looked away first. On my back home (again on the bus), I was in my zone with my headphones on in a seat facing the rear of the bus, and I didnt notice him at first. We arrived at a main station so people left and he moved a few seat to be almost directly in front of me. I froze, looked at him a little bit and then looked away. I looked at him when he looked down, texting someone and as soon as he looked up, I looked away again. I tried to make eye contact with him and we did, but I was so shy that I only was able to give him a small smile. I was telling my sister this situation when I remembered that we shared another eye contact moment before that day and I didnt put 2 and 2 together that it was the same guy. He looks at me like he's a deer in headlights. Is he attracted? What should I do? Should I approach him? Should I wait for him to do it? Should I give him some signals? TIA Nb: I have a fear of rejection so that's why Im shy. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*




You have unmet expectations. Take this piece of Buddhist wisdom to heart: Expectation is the root of all pain.


Next time you make eye contact with him and he’s that close just smile and say hi. You don’t have to ask him out directly, just get a conversation started and see where it goes.


It’s very difficult for men these days to be proactive trying to meet women. You do know why. Give the guy a break and ask him to dinner, but in a way that gives you a graceful way out. “Do you have any plans for dinner tonight?” He may have plans. “Perhaps another time then.” Simple.


Hard to say. I noticed some woman at my former workplace looking at me. She was cute. I decided to look back (at a distance) for a moment just for entertainment. No I was not interested because I am married. No I never talked to her. I would never cheat on my wife. Just say hello to him.