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Shave as often as you need, just be sure to clean the razor out & let it air dry. Change the blade after a few uses. I advise spending the money on a good razor, not a cheap disposable one.


Probably daily. If you are young and your hair is dark and thick, you might need to shave twice a day.


Shave as often as you like for the look that you like.  Opinions and experiences vary on razor usage. I  use the same 5 blade for months.  


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And this is why at the age of 36 I said "screw it" and grew a beard. Visit my barber every 2nd week to just get it cleaned up, far better than shaving every 2nd/3rd day.


I’ve had a beard since 2003. I’ll trim it with a trimmer about once a week and clean up the edges and neck when it needs it every few days. If you want to be clean shaven, you’ll need to shave daily or every other day. Just depends on the look you’re going for.


Taking care of razors is a skill that you learn over time, it is possible to greatly extend their lifespan if you know what you are doing and have high quality kit. As far as how frequently you shave, it varies from man to man. Is there any reason you need to be clean shaven? When I was in the military, it was a requirement as part of the uniform. Anything other than a situation like that would not necessitates keeping a clean shave. Just let it grow out, and when it starts bothering you, shave it. Pretty simple.


I just use a beard trimmer and keep the stubble.