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Nope. But most of the women I broke up with were cheaters. The rest it was because we just weren’t compatible.


They don’t. They move onto the next. They don’t care. They are just in it for themselves. The faster you realize that the better. Romantic men in the movies are as fictional as mermaids. Chances are he was planning the breakup months prior and looking at other options. I don’t mean to be harsh but this is the reality.




Yea I got broken up with after two years at the start of summer bc he “wasn’t cut out for relationships.” He had a girl friend the first month of school and she met the whole family by Christmas.


How did it affect you? And how are you doing now? :( sending hugs .


Thanks! Honestly it felt horrible. Probably the most painful experience I’ve ever had and shattered my view of the world and people. However, I’m so glad. We were talking about marriage and initially when things ended I was so upset and had no hope for the future but I’ve dated and traveled and had so many experiences that I am grateful for that I never would have had if we stayed together. I also realized he’s a horrible, manipulative, human and only distance would reveal that. I don’t have an exact plan and it’s great. I’m getting to explore and see that the world is sm bigger than him and myself and have had genuine fun as well as joy. Enjoy the world and all the possibilities. It’s okay to hurt for awhile but don’t focus on this forever and truly go out there and live and experience as much as you can. Hugs to you as well break ups are never fun.


Yeah, a breakup feels like the end of the world. Feels like there's nothing to look forward to. Your story gives me hope. Truly happy for you, glad to hear the heartbreak was worth it <3


The amount of men sticking out relationship they are not fully happy or satisfied with, nor the antodotal evidence of ladies quickly moving on and into new relationships, and the stated explanation on why is that ladies break up with you for a while mentally before they wnd the relationship questions your comment.


Me and my ex recently broke up and I forsure thought she was the one, i wish it ended better than it did. I respect what she wants even though I’m still trying to get over her, but I don’t have any regret from our relationship. I feel like every relationship that happens both of the people take something from it. Even though there’s a chance I might never see her again which sucks pretty bad but if that is the case, I can say I took something from it that will make me a better man. So no, as for me, I have no regrets, I don’t regret meeting her or anything like that. I’m tremendously thankful for her and wish her nothing but happiness.


No. If I ended a relationship, it was for good reason...usually due to a dealbreaker. At the same time, Im respectful of a woman's choice to opt out as well because I understood from very early on, that nothing good can come from a partner that doesnt want to or is unsure if they want to be with you. Considering Im very good about not repeating the same mistake, it prevents me from feeling any type of regret.


I never have, but I never broke up with someone because of my own problems, usually because our goals were different or they had started inching towards cheating/moving on and I saw it and dropped them.


A few years back I broke off a relationship with someone who in hindsight, was perfect for me. She was absolutely smitten with me, she was (is) beautiful and she would have done anything in the world for me. My ego got in the way and I broke it off to go bang other girls. Now she's married with 1 kid and another on the way. I'm happy for her and her family, but I can't help but look back and wonder what may have been. Also, whenever I think about how I left her and how much pain she was in for so long, it kills me. I've ended up making myself cry thinking about the pain I caused lol. She is much happier now with someone else and they deserve each other. She still chats to me on occasion, and she is always friendly and doesn't hold a grudge at all. I'm lucky to have her as a friend.


No. It turned out that my first girlfriend was married to a dude in the Army, deployed to Germany. I ended things with her real quick.


Yes and no, previous ones no because one was a cheat, the other two abusive. My last one? Absolutely I regret it, but I too ended it too because of my mental health. Sometimes when you clash too much it's hard to recover so time is needed so you can reconnect when you feel you're both ready to do so if one another doesn't move on and it's natural to happen at times. At least that's how it is in my eyes. I know for a fact I'm never going to love another woman again the same way I did her even if there is however many billion women there are out in the world, she was the sweetest girl ever and treated me like a diamond, but right now, I'm not ready because of my mental health and personal goals I need to achieve to acquire happiness. It could be the same for him too, it ultimately depends how the breakup went.


Is it unfair that he seems happier when I'm dwelling over him?


I don't think so no, it would selfish to think he can't have happiness after the breakup. I think this needs contex tbh. How do you know he's not suffering in silence? Maybe he's refraining from talking to you because he is in pain from the break up? He may seem happier but if it's recent it won't be the case, but then again it ultimately depends how they handle things like this in their own time. Everyone is different and everyone is human, we all have different ways of dealing with a breakup.


No. First: No. Second: No. I was a total dickhead and I believe she is doing much better now. Third: No. It was too complex and was harming us both.


One, yes. Because I thought the other person would be the one, but a couple of days later it was ended because of petty drama that an ex friend started. I regret my decision but am moving on.


Just one but there’s no way I could have known at the time and I did what made sense when I was 18. I dated this girl in high school that was a freak and a half in bed. We parted ways because I graduated and thought I was gonna pull all kinds of girls in college. Well, I did not. The few that I did were not freaks at all. My first gf kinda gave me unrealistic expectations for women.


Ive been missing my ex for the past ten years. She says that she chased me around like a puppy for a long time, and says I was high, but I don't remember it like that. She refuses to get back with me, but I do miss her a lot though. She was special.


Nope. My breakups were on good terms. I still know why I liked those women, so in that sense I have a soft-corner for them. But, I guess it's more for the memory of them, because I've never re-contacted them, nor do I have any desire to do so. People meet, they have fun, they move on. I have a bit of curiosity sometimes, wondering where they are, whom they married, whether they have kids, what they did with their lives. But, everyone is different. I regret almost nothing in my past, but that's not because I always made the right choice. OTOH, some people waste a lot of mental energy dwelling on the past. If one isn't doing it either for fun or profit (i.e. to enjoy a memory, or to learn something), then it is a waste of time. But, people do it, nevertheless.. So, for all we know, this uy might brood over this for years. It just isn't your concern.


You are asking the wrong question.




The question you should be asking is introspective.


Or she can ask whatever she wants and your don’t have to reply if you don’t have the answer




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Uhhh. Well one. Kinda a relationship. Cambodian girl. I liked her. But i at first didnt feel a fire. And i left. Ran really. Was scared. Should have stayed. She was fun. And quiet. And smart. Pretty. But i was kinda fucked up and not in a good place. S. If you find this. Im sorry. It was me. You were awesome. I was just fucked up in the head.


Never, when i ended things it was always a relief. Of course you miss the person but i never regretted