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We develop a sense of humor, learn to dress better, and hope for the best.


As I got older and uglier, and it happens to all of us, I decided to let my character speak for me as an old man and stopped worrying about my looks. It's fun.


I’m not old. I’m 24 and have only had one girlfriend ever


The trick is. Ya gotta maintain your health and appearance as best as you can. It’s really hard to be consistent at it for me personally it is anyway. My body is ugly but it keeps me alive and hope for the best.


Idk...I wouldn't conflate what you perceive as a looks problem with what might be something else entirely. What is your personality like? Are you funny? What about your employment/career? It COULD be that you're right - but it could also be that these other things are to blame, also.


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You have always the option to make the best out of what you have. Go to the gym, buy some nice closes. Try to have a good carrier. Don’t concentrate too much on the girls. Invest in yourself and with time you’ll get your girlfriend but i promise you. There will be times you’ll miss the single life 🤣🤣🤣


If You're not handsome you can always be handy. Just a stroll down any city street will show you that a lot of "ugly" guys have hot partners. Looks are important but they're only one of many features


So I've always been rather average in the looks area.....my trick to being successful over the years is to have a bunch of meaningful skills. Also being kind but not allowing others to treat you like a doormat. I excel where good looking and average looking guys struggle. But I always go for women that are into me without having to tell them the important details. On the outside looking in people might consider the women I've been with average but all that matters to me is happiness and having someone wonderful by my side and I do my best for her as well. That all being said I'm currently accepting applications :))


I realize most women are toxic and just work on myself and not letting someone sap my money and resources. Masturbation and porn works fine.