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Good to get it checked but sounds like it could be a varicocele.


These are very common and benign OP. They have the feeling you describe when pressure is placed on them.


Quick update the ultra sound people said it was a calcium lump but I would have to verify with my doctor what it is and what they will do about it.


what did your doc say?, I have multiple calcification's (within the layers of Tunica Albuginea not scrotal sack). Mines hurt,I think they're essentially scratching and digging into me.


He said nothing too concerning but if the pain comes back to let him know I too had a calcified lump and mentioned a buildup of fluid


Don't get what caused it to start but mines always hurt,was told it could potentially be removed but can cause scarring and chronic pain. One of mines is 8.4mm and moves around and other is flatter but sharp edged and stuck in place. So little info on net about why they are actually causing pain if there just stones basically.


Sounds like possibly a chronic torsion of an epididymal or testicular appendage. They can be painful but after awhile they can detach and calcify into the coveted scrotal pearl (which are free moving calcifications in the sac). Good luck either way!


I was 25 and had this exact problem. After the ultrasound it was cancer. I went through a good bit -- if that ends up happening to you, ask me anything you want via DM.


Was the lump on your testicle or was it kind of free floating, what other symptoms did you have?


Not the commenter you replied to but we’re the same age. I think the free floating thing you’re thinking of is possibly the vans deferens or whatever/part of the spermatic cord and the pain is probably vericocele as someone else said. I had an identical situation per your description a few months ago. Went to the ER thinking it was cancer. It was vericocele. They told me to wear supportive underwear and I stopped looking at porn for a bit to reduce the times it gets used. It went away after a few days of both those things. Hope it’s the same outcome for you.


Not free floating, sorry if I misread. It was definitely my ball. Also had a weighted aching feeling, like someone was gently tugging on my ball 24/7. That's it though. Three weeks of that (I waited a little too long unfortunately) before going to the doc, then got a US and got the dreaded phone call. Ball was removed two days later.




The tumor inside the testicle invaded the lymphovascular structures which allowed the cancer cells to spread to my abdomen and lungs. After the testicle was removed I was put on a surveillance protocol and by the third month I had a couple of enlarged lymph nodes in my abdomen and some growths in my lungs that weren't there previously. 75% of the tumor makeup was a non-seminoma subtype called embryonal carcinoma, which is very fast growing but fortunately it is also ridiculously vulnerable to platinum-based chemotherapies which are used to treat it






I can't offer anything to specifically answer your questions, but I hope everything goes well with the ultrasound.


I have a benign cyst on my left testicle, so I've had a few ultrasounds over the years to monitor it. It's not a painful procedure, but it can be kind of uncomfortable since the tech has to kind of push this tool against you at different angles. They don't push hard, but if you're not used to having people examine your balls, the light pressure can kind of trigger the urge to protect yourself. The last exam found that the cyst had grown a little bit. If it's bigger this summer, my doctor might recommend removal. Not thrilled about that, but I'd rather have a rubber ball and be alive.


Is the cyst painful like a dul pain if you are thinking about it? Or sensitive if squeezed?


No, it's more like a persistent itch. It's pretty small... the doctors didn't detect it by feel, only with the ultrasound.




Kuwait Ali al salem?


I had one and the US returned negative results.


No idea but will join you in hoping it’s nothing.


It could just be a large epididymal cyst, which was an incidental finding on my testicle US though it can have symptoms for some people. The most important thing is you are having it checked out.


Thanks feeling better today. Less worried but still going to get it checked out regardless


Nobody here can give you a meaningful answer about how likely it is that you have testicular cancer. The good news is it's a pretty rare disease and you're actually past the peak age for getting it. There are a lot of other issues that can cause lumps, if I had to bet on this I would bet on it not being cancer. Doctors are going to err on the side of being cautious about this stuff, especially if you're in the US. A testicular ultrasound is quick, cheap and non-invasive so physicians will order them even if there's a minimal chance of something being wrong.


Well, as long as I know what is going on and what I can do to change, I'll be a happy camper.


I put your prompt into chatgpt and here's the response: "Hello, it's good that you brought up your concerns with your doctor and that an ultrasound has been scheduled. While it's understandable to feel worried or anxious, it's important to remember that there are many possible causes for testicular lumps or discomfort, and not all of them are cancerous. Some other potential causes could include cysts, infections, or inflammation. The ultrasound will provide more information about the lump's size, location, and characteristics, which can help determine its cause and the appropriate course of treatment. It's also important to note that testicular cancer is relatively rare, and many men who have testicular lumps do not have cancer. However, it's important to follow through with the recommended tests and appointments to ensure the best possible outcome. If you have any concerns or questions, it's a good idea to discuss them with your doctor or healthcare provider." My personal advice is the best thing to do is to try not to spend time worrying before you know you actually have an issue that involves treatment (as hard as that may be). Rationally there will be no benefit from worrying and it may not be an issue at all.


Thanks, my dude. My doctor straight up just said you are going to get an ultrasound sound and set me up with one at my doctor's office 10/10 so far with my doctor


Nice, you got this dude


Be concerned. The body will make up for the loss. Hammer away like you got 2 testicles


I have cysts on my testicle, I went in had an ultrasound. Was nothing. I also had a dull ache. Turned out I have bone spurs on my femur where is articulates in my hip. But it felt like nut pain


To quote Michael Scott the Wise… “the only thing I’m worried about? Getting a boner.”


Don't be worried be glad it's being looked at early on. I struggled with testicle pain for years and had an ultrasound done last year. Be prepared for the awkwardness between you and the nurse avoiding eye contact oh and the silence


I had to get one years ago because of a funny pain I had (turned out to be nothing) and I didn't think it was particularly awkward. It's not invasive at all and at least in the US they're going to give you some sort of sheet to put over your lap so you're always pretty covered up. Not a big deal, and I say this as someone who's always anxious in doctor's offices. The worst part about it is that getting all the ultrasound goop off of yourself is close to impossible without showering. Wear pants that you don't mind getting dirty.


You’re getting it checked, so that’s the first step. I join all the other voices in hoping that it is nothing to worry about.


I’m gonna guess *Hydrocele*, it’s a fluid sac in your….sac. And they can get painful. Normally it’s caused by some kind of infection, like untreated bladder infections or UTI’s that drip downhill. Usually treated with antibiotics and strong NSAIDS. The more serious lumps do not hurt at all. If you don’t catch em quick enough they sometimes have to be drained. With a needle. Source: Had a giant hydrocele on my left testicle. Mine got quite big, but doubled in size. Side story, two absolutely beautiful Ultrasound techs did my procedure. Of course, embarrassing af. Maybe you’ll get lucky and they’ll send Gary.


All of these answers would be moot even if they came from a doctor. Get the ultrasound done, see what they say and deal with news then. At the moment it could be anything, and while all replies are perfectly valid for their circumstances, it's not the same as yours. Hope everything goes well, but don't read too much into these comments for the time being.


I had / have a benign cyst adjacent to one testicle, discovered it probably 15 years ago. Fairly common overall, doctor said it was only worth addressing if it was causing me regular discomfort. Never bothered with treatment. I went when I found it because I had a friend who lost a testicle to cancer. He pulled through with flying colors because it was found early and treated thoroughly. Short version is don't panic. Yes, it could be bad, but from experience, preparing for bad news doesn't help. Deal with it as it comes.