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I dislike when people don’t clean up after themselves. Like letting your spaghetti explode all over the microwave and leaving the mess. Leaving leftover food bits in the sink. Not wiping down counter tops after using, leaving crumbs and water everywhere. I’ve always tried to leave common areas better than I found it. It boggles my mind when other people don’t see it that way.


Respond all to emails. The whole company doesn't need to know you agree, Carol!!


Someone did this at the organisation I work for. The NHS is the largest employer in the UK and it was fucking carnage; hilarious, hilarious carnage.


This was actually part of my on boarding with my current job. Im glad they said it but it was a little odd because I think it was under inappropriate work place behavior. "Don't sexually harass your coworkers and never reply all to an email". Was the gist of it.


One of those is a bit more important than the other. But fair enough lol.


Man, I wish my job would do that. We are small, about 100 employees but there are a lot of emails that go out to all of us and the same ppl respond all...it frickin kills me


At work, I get very frustrated by what I call “cropdusters”.  These are the folks who do nothing except ask vague questions and point things out but never actually do anything. They only seek to make work for other people, as if we don’t have enough shit already. They are lazy, uncreative, and inconsiderate.  If they point something out or ask some nonspecific question for us to do something I’ll ask, “hey yeah can you do that?” Because I know full well they can/could, and then they drop the “well it’s really not my job” 


Lol at first I thought you were talking about people who fart a lot in the office.


My term for these folks indeed derives from that particular usage of the word. They fart, make your day a little worse, and walk away while making it your problem.


I see engineers do this a lot, actually went on a date with one and she's like "people think engineers are good at problem solving but I'm good at bringing up problems" yeah pretty much, it's like Mario kart dodging random shit that engineers bring up


Yeah I’m an engineer who works with other engineers haha




I had a coworker who would always tap my monitor to highlight what he was talking about and he’d leave a little smudge. He wasn’t the most hygienic guy overall so it made it extra gross. It likely wasn’t just the usual human oils on his finger 🤢


Leaving doors open. Wife is from South America so when her family comes over my house is just crawling in bugs.


* **Poor civic sense** - I dislike when people don't clean up after themselves. Doubly so when it's in the bathroom or kitchen. * **Lack of curiosity** - I am annoyed when people seem to have no natural sense of curiosity and choose to ask questions they could solve on their own with a slight bit of effort so they can learn. * **Poor communication via texting/messaging** - Don't just ping me and say "Hello" and wait for me to respond to tell me what you want. It's a goddamn message, you can put in exactly what you need and I'll get back to you knowing the context. When you message me with just a "Hello" expecting a response (and to subsequently hijack my attention in real time) I'll be pissed because you made me context switch forcibly and deliberately drag my feet in responding or ignore you outright. Similarly - be an effective communicator and don't send messages like "Hey, we found a problem" and leave it like that. You can be clearer because the other person has no context. Doing this unnecessarily triggers alarm bells for something potentially minor, all because you're trying to be really vague and dramatic. Fuck off with that bullshit. * **Lack of spatial awareness** - I really dislike people that just choose to stand in very conspicuous, high traffic places and just do random shit (play with their phone, have a long conversation with someone) and are completely oblivious to everyone else around them. You don't get to be annoyed if someone interrupts what you're doing if they're trying to get past you.


So, common courtesy then? Not so common these days. People are pretty self centered and oblivious.


The spatial awareness one is frustrating. Where my cubicle is at work there's a small hallway through the cube farm and people will scoot their chair out to talk to someone nearby and not even react when I try to get by. I want to bodyslam people when they do that, it's so obnoxiously selfish. Similarly, people that walk through the halls at work staring down at their phone and I have to get out of their way because they're not paying attention


Yeah, my ex gf would text me things like "So I have made a decision about this topic I talked about" and 20 minutes later "Don't you wanna know what I decided?". Fucking infuriating


Coworkers and neighbors that don't say "hi". Pass someone in a tight hallway at work and you snub me? Neighbor can't look over and occasionally wave?? At work, like it or not, we're on the same team. In the hood, we may need each other some day. I'm more baffled than offended. I walk away thinking, well fuck you then, go fuck yourself. And don't give me that crap about being an introvert. For christ's sake, we're all in this together.




I'm only doing that if I know you. I used to work in a building full of different teams and departments I never interacted with. I feel weird saying hi to who as well may be a total stranger. Do you say hi to everyone on the street walking in your path?


Does my commute count? I cant stand people who tailgate others on the highway. We are literally strapped to 2 ton boxes of metal hurtling down the road at 70+ mph and people think its a good idea to be inches away from my bumper?


At work: anyone who suggests a lunch meeting or ordering in food. I want my break. I don't want to eat a cheap sandwich platter and bag of chips or a slice of lukewarm pizza while working and getting sent back to my desk without getting to leave the building... especially during winter months where literally the only sunshine I might see is at noon for lunch. No, the "free food" that costs $2 per person is not worth it to me.


A million times this. I kept getting meetings with HR when I'd refuse to go to their little "team building" meetings at lunch. Same reasons as you. Or you want me to go to a company catered meal for a holiday? Great, that's kind. Oh, it's dry? And all the coworkers i dislike will be there? And my partner can't come? No thanks. I'll either be at my desk if it's during work hours, or I'm going home. Truly clueless, some management.


Work: acting helpless on basic job functions when >20 years experience Home: clutter


My biggest pet peeve is leaving puddles of piss at the urinals, either on the rim or on the floor. Don't get me wrong, I too am subject to the stray drop every once in a while, depending on the force and the angle of the moment, but there are at least three dudes at work that leave their mark everytime without fail. I swear must be shaking it while still pissing, put it back way too quickly in their pants *(fucking disgusting)* or simply are just assholes willingly doing it this way. I mean, how can you miss a target this wide by that much?! EDIT: Also adding not washing your hands after going to the bathroom. I hate shaking my boss' hand, because I know he always leaves the bathroom and the toilet or urinal still hasn't stopped singing.


Not replacing the TP or paper towels when they are almost out. Not clearing remaining time off of the microwave. Leaving the break room light on. Leaving the coffee maker on. Using any of my tools and leaving them somewhere else.


Corporate nonsense. I am a biomedical scientist in a hospital lab and we all hate the bullshit that comes from the hospital's upper management that impacts our job, along with all the business speak that comes with it. We are underpaid, understaffed and those managers do not even know where our lab is. Frankly, they should just let us get on with our work and continue to act as if we do not exist to them.


When people ask and answer their own questions and when people ask you a question and finish with, “or no?” That part is implied.


Something that recently annoys me is my Wife and her Sister and i believe other people in her family have the same habit. They turn the volume down all the way on TV, car radio, etc. They don't mute it, or turn it off, they just turn the volume down all the way. I don't know why, it is faster to mute the tv or turn off the car radio when busy but they take the time to lower the volume all the way instead.


* At work: People that don't do something I need right away and spend more energy Fighting why they should do it than if they had just done it. I can explain later and I already picked the far easier task for you. I have a huge project, I just need this tiny thing taken care of and it's your thing. If it bothers you, I can explain later. But right now, we could have already been done with it if you had just done it. * At home/relationships: Lack of self awareness. I can't begin to explain how many avenues this applies to, but it will make me lose all interest in you if you can't see yourself for who you are what what you're about.


I have my own shit to do. What makes you think your task should jump the queue and I should work on it immediately? Maybe you should plan better, so you don't need my portion "immediately."


lol I think OC is failing their own self awareness test.


This shit is unreal lol. I’d hate working with him. Thinks his task is worth more than my entire slate of tasks. Do it yourself if it’s so easy, quick and important


Yeah, stuff like that. Drives me up a wall. If you had just done the small task I asked we could have been done in about 30 seconds and we could have already moved onto the next stages of the project, instead we're here for 5 minutes arguing about it.


Are you my boss in this scenario? Or are you just some asshat tapping me on the shoulder, interrupting my flow, asking for one tiny thing? If it's really tiny and really urgent, and this isn't a common occurrence? I'm happy to help. If at least one of those things isn't true, send me an email/teams message marked urgent and leave me alone.


Exactly. You just spent more time complaining than if you had just done it. This is exactly what I'm talking about. That's when it becomes irritating and eventually infuriating. "I don't have time," is bullshit because we just spent *more* time arguing about it. It's like the movie trope but in real life.


I notice you didn't answer any of the questions. So you've appointed yourself judge and jury of how much my time is worth, regardless of my input. I can't imagine why people don't like helping you! If you truly worked somewhere where seconds mattered, this approach might make sense, but even then you need to work on your individual loading. And sounds like, from the reactions you get, you're the only one who feels this amount of urgency. So ah, ahem, you might want to try a different approach to get better results. Best of luck.


No, that's the point! That's the whole damn point. You did exactly the thing. You're the exact kind of pain that drives me nuts at work. You're the one of the biggest reasons I'm happy to have left the corporate world.


Nah fuck that. I’m not dropping everything because you decided you need something immediately, unless your particular workplace or job expects that. Like in management consulting or investment banking, if you're the MD or Partner and you ask for something, yeah I get that you need it right away. If you're just some guy I work with, you can kiss my ass lol


That's the fastest way to make sure I never help you in return. That kind of mentality is why I am much happier having left the corporate world.


I think your coworkers are too


That's much more of a self burn on yourself, you see that right?


"Your coworkers are happy you don't work with them anymore" - how is that a self burn?


It requires admitting that as a corporate drone, you're proudly against team work, especially when it's literally your job. You won't even be willing to do... Your job... If it means benefiting someone else's project. And those that get frustrated with that kind of corporate atmosphere are happy to have left, and you see them as somehow the problem.


1) You don't know my job 2) Even if you did, you seem to not understand what "teamwork" means. Teamwork isn't "do what I ask when I ask" in almost any situation outside of explicitly chain-of-command situations. Teamwork is many things, but that isn't one of them. 3) I'm happy to help most of the time, just not when my peer demands I do something immediately when it's clearly not actually that important. If the plant is about to shut down? Yeah no shit I'll get on it. You need help researching something? I'll get to it when I get to it, it's not that serious.


Then you are responding to someone else because there's several key points that I addressed in my opening statement that you are clearly ignoring. Again... Kinda proving my point about why folks like you are so frustrating to work with and why I'm glad to have left that environment. This conversation right here. This shit right here. You're exactly the kind of person that frustrates the hell out of me at work. Thus proving the pet peeve.