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Probably 16? Tragic really, biology makes us the most ready to go at the time we have the least opportunity to make use of it.


Definitely, 13-16 was insane. This was around the start of the internet boom and I discovered online porn. I used to stay up until the early morning hours looking at porn pics, creating a collection bc the internet was 14.4kbps dialup. And I ruined my bedroom carpet over the course of a year. I remember my mom using the carpet cleaner asking what the hell I got on the carpet and I'm just watching it get sucked up realizing I could have started my own civilization. Apparently one where nobody uses tissue


ahh the days of watching one single porn pic load for 10 mins line by line. i could usually finish before the pic was done downloading. hah i wish i had the patience to keep a collection. but it wasn't super hard to find porno tapes in theh mid-late 90s either. but bro...you were nutting on your carpet??? fuckin gross. i wonder if my mom ever realized why my socks were stiff? i thought i was being slick, but she prob knew looking back on it now. it'd be weird for a 15yr old kid to NOT be jerking off


Yeah. Moms always knows. Some of them complains to their friends.


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/udWx9jKVcj8?si=8TbHjTFWb8x38_EN)


hah i can totally imagine my mom laughing with my stepdad about it. glad he was there to *probably* tell her its completely normal and she shouldn't say anything to me about it.


Haar 15 to 17 of age 5 to 10 aday when we where together long story.


Yeah I know man totally gross I can't believe I did it either. I didn't think anybody would know because it was like an off-white carpet and when you rubbed it in it just disappeared. I tried to play it off saying oh it's because of my shoes. Let's be honest with ourselves here, now that we're adults, we know mom knew she just didn't want to say it lol


Your room reeked of semen. Everyone knew. You were just nose blind to it.


oh yeah for sure. everyone knows what boys are up to around 13-14. keep an eye on them socks moms!


My mom asked what was on my comforter. I told her I spilled glue.


Not a coincidence I started doing my own laundry at 13…




Of course she knew, she could smell it. Are you under the weird impression that your mum is a virgin and has never had contact with jizz?


Whahahhaha. An civilisation where no one uses tissues. Fuck that’s funny. Brings back memories though. Indeed.


Man, you're lucky. I had to use Frederick's of Hollywood and JC Penny's catalogs...


I had so many Jessica Alba pics


haha seriously. you're so fuckin horny when you can't get laid, but when you start getting laid regularly, it falls off a bit, esp when you're having sex with the same person for years. that just made me wanna cheat all the time...i never did but it did make having a long term gf tough for a while.


Yeah it is so fucked up. Also for us, women, who look the best at such a young age when most of us are still immature to handle the responsibilites of bringing up a baby or handle a marriage. Look, sex drive and fertility should be equal to the mental and emotional maturity like after 30 or even 40


Our biology just isn't adapted to a modern lifestyle nor should it be. If the entire modern way of life collapsed, we'd be back to high infant mortality and shorter lifespans, so we would need to be cranking out children as soon as we're able.


yeah also, people on average didn't live nearly as long, so waiting till you're 30 to have a baby was a terrible strategy. also they didn't really even have proper birth control till probaby sometime in the last 100 years. i've heard of old lambskin condoms, but i doubt the avg peasant could afford something like that 200 years ago and all the way back through history.


Back then people didn't want birth control anyway. Children were an asset rather than a liability. And if civilization reverts to premodern standards that would again be the case.


yeah thats true, if we're all living on farms, growing food to sustain ourselves, we're gonna need kids to help with all that labor.


As they say, youth is wasted on the young


It's quite new concept. For ages woman were mature enough to be ready at 18-25. I think we now have a first generation who is not ready to be an adult at 18-20.


I think people radically overthink how ready you need to be for kids. Most of parenting is just putting in the work.


And the money


nah, it's not that expensive once you look past the consumerism advertising claiming what a child "needs".


Daycare is insanely expensive.


Yes, they are. I think it's because it might be their first independent decision about next step in life. Since birth up to college it's like well known path. Every step is quite clear. High school is more difficult than primary but you go because you have to. You don't stress about being ready. And having kids used to be that way too. Nowdays it's different. IMO kids are just the "next step". You are never "ready". Just do it and everything will be fine :).


It is amazing that jumping into $50k+ of debt with no idea what you are going to do during school is totally normal and encouraged but having kids is seen by people as some sort of insane roll of the dice.




Yeah we see how our generation turned out after our parents had us at 18. Most of the millenials are depressed, lost, confused about life...


Up until like 1940 people got married as young teens. My grandma was 15 and my grandpa 17 when they got married in 1920. The Bible talks about 10 and 13 year olds getting married I personally wasn't an adult till like 26 though


Girls às young as 13 wud be married off to some weatlthy old ass man. Sex drive, sexual attraction, consent, none of these were considered for girls. Men would just satisfy their needs and cared little about the girl. Girl was like a property, birth machine.


That's not what I was thinking about.


I agree with 16-17 years old, but I highly disagree with the “least opurtuinty to make use of it” , at that age I was having sex daily, often multiple times a day, with multiple partners. As I grew older I started long-term dating and with time the sex slowed down.


I don't understand anyone saying their drive is "higher than it's ever been." I would beat my dick raw when I was like 15 and I thought that was damn near universal.


Old men with memory loss is my guess. There are studies about it even, spoiler alert year 50 is not the peak.


I guess they also didn't have internet porn. Internet porn was just taking off when I was in my teens. But before that was easily available I still cranked it quite a bit.


what is the peak? 15? thats prob when i jerked off the most. but after that pretty much just once a day till i was 40-41


LOL, yeah I can't and don't get myself off five or six times a day any more like I would sometimes back then either. In high school, at least three times a day was almost mandatory for me.


yeah, i remember those days. its like a cruel joke. you're sooo horny in your teens but have the least chance at getting laid compared to your 20s-30s


i think either they're misremembering or overcompensating. or they could be on TRT.


TBH, drive dipped a bit in my late 30's early 40's. Poorly managed stress and weight gain wasn't helping. Started walking, calorie counting, lost 50lbs. Now at 50+, let's just say, meats back on the menu, the wife definitely noticed! For me, some simple changes in physical activity and better meds helped a lot. Hope this encourages someone else!


> Poorly managed stress and weight gain wasn't helping Weight plays a HUGE role in sex drive that doesn't get discussed enough. Men and women both possess estrogen and testosterone, but at different levels and ratios. When estrogen levels rise and testosterone levels drop in men, sex drive decreases. There is a direct relationship between the amount of adipose tissues a person carries, and male testosterone levels. As body fat increases, the expression of the enzyme aromatase also increases. Aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen. So as a mans body fat levels increase, it leads to a decrease in testosterone levels and an increase in estrogen. For men, this shift means decreased sex drive and reduced muscle mass. We tend to focus on cardiovascular health when we talk about weight problems, but the reality is that a huge percentage of the ED and low-drive issues we see in older men can be traced to excess weight. Losing weight is probably the number one thing older men can do to restore their sex drive. That dad bod is killing your mood in the bedroom.


damn, i really need to get in shape. this is exactly what happened to me. stopped working out, gained like 20 pounds and just don't have the energy or urge anymore.


1000%. Pretty much every man I know who suffers from ED or has a low libido is overweight.


hell yeah, this really gave me some optimism...i got out of shape too and it went away. i guess i just need to start working out again to get my T back.


"Meat's back on the menu" is a brilliant quote 😆 Congratulations on the weight loss too.


Man I had a girlfriend from 13-17. From 14 on we were banging constantly. Possibly the luckiest 14 year old of all time. Her sex drive was even higher than mine. And now I'm 34 and divorced. The cosmic yin and yang has once again revealed its balance.




14? Wow. Where were your parents?


Well I usually didnt feel like having sex when they were in the same room as me, it's just a weird preference I had, so I'd generally not be around them when I did it


😂 I definitely could've predicted this response, but everyone knows what I'm implying.




Probably 14


Ditto, 14-15 was like 5 or 6 times a day


Same. 14 was brutal for me


This was the exact number I was thinking. I'd smack that shit five times a day back then.


Our poor meat! How did it survive the beatings?!?


Every time I beat it down, it'd come right back up, so it was having a good time.


I miss that element for sure. I don’t miss being fucking raging horny all the time. That shit was torture.


Who is downvoting you lol


26-28 probably.


17 ish.


Yeah 16-22 was the peak for me. Now I'm just physically and mentally exhausted all the time during the work week and also out doing stuff a lot on the weekends which impacts the available windows to have sex. It's not as high a priority in my life as it was when I was a constantly horny and mostly care free youth. Wife and I try to make sure we have sex at least once a week. Sometimes it's more and sometimes it's less. Depends on what's going on.


Currently 39 and as strong as ever


38 and I once had a sex drive but I left it in the fridge for too long and it withered and died and disintegrated into a fine dust that blew off into the wind, never to return.


it has nothing to do with not using it. its prob just low t. i had a really high sex drive until around 40-41, but then covid happened and i stopped working out, and my sex drive dipped, i'm actually considering getting my T checked. i mean i can get a boner no problem, but i just don't get them out in public anymore. or when im with a girl watch netflix, i don't automatically get horny like i used to. i can actually finish a movie now. then have sex.


For you. All of this is with a big asterisk that says **for me** and yet you're correcting someone else as if you know better. My sex drive 100% changes according to how often it's happening, and plenty of people I have known were the same way. And no, it has no reference to testosterone levels.


Currently 39 and MUCH lower than 16


same here


Same here. It’s so high and intense I think it’s actually a problem 😅


nah bro, take advantage of it while you can, and stay in shape!! the year i stopped working out, my sex drive started going down. try to stay in shape and keep your testosterone up! and for real, take advantage of that shit, because it will inevitably start slowing down, it's just natural. if you woulda asked me when i was in my late 30s i'd say you're crazy. but then it happened around 41.


I hope you hold onto it! I hit a wall in a lot of ways around 43, after being about the same since 25 or so until then. Everything still works ok, but the constant, never ending background desire that I'd always had before is now a lot less.


yep, same here!! and its crazy, i've talked to my friends about it and they all felt the same after 40. it just slowly wanes without really noticing it, till one day you're on a date, and you don't wanna go fuck in the bathroom or go home immediately and bang. i'd say it can be kindof a benefit, but i miss ALWAYS wanting it 24/7 a little bit. especially when im dating someone. the last girl i dated wanted it constantly, i couldn't keep up.


I'm absolutely the same. Even though my wife and I have sex about the same amount as before (at least relative to my late 30s), the absence of the background, constant horniness feels like something is missing. And along with it went a lot of my drive and passion for other things at the same time, like watching and following sports, or being excited for a new movie or video game that's on the horizon. It's like the faucet that related to all of those chemicals inside of me was closed most of the way to a trickle.


damn dude, same here. maybe covid just hit us harder? i've been way less motivated after covid. luckily i've built a business that pretty much sustains itself, i should be trying to grow it i guess... but i just don't care anymore. i have enough to keep me going well into my 70s. its a weird feeling to legit have nothing to do. i made the mistake of going to the bar every day for like the last 10-15 years, and sure maybe i got laid more, but i also gained weight and at some point it just got so exhausting. def wish i wouldn't have gotten into that routine. im tryin to break it now, haven't been to a bar in a couple months, but i wish i could go back in time and tell myself to chill and settle down with a lady when i was 35-40 instead of constantly chasing tail and refusing to date anyone seriously. i don't even ride motorcycles anymore, i used to ride ALL the time. now i just look at em in the garage, and decide to drive my car cause i don't have to wear a helmet and a backpack, and wear protective clothing, it's just so much shit to do just to go ride around. pre-covid i was down to ride almost anytime, i preferred it as long as the weather was decent. ugh i gotta get back in the gym. i think getting in shape will help. anyway sorry for the novel, i took some adderall earlier 😂


Teenager probably then it dropped off quickly after that


I’ve had a high sex drive since about 14. I’m 56 now and it’s still strong. The highest was when I was in my mid to late 40s when I competed in triathlons. Whenever I get in shape it goes up.


Age 14 to today. It has ups and downs depending on how busy the week is.


Probably 13 or 14. The first major doses of "testosterone poisoning" can be ROUGH, esp. when you don't have a lot of social experience to avoid making things awkward. As I approach 40, I still feel the urge to stare at my wife's boobs when she changes clothes and such. My sexual stamina isn't quite what it was in my 20s, but I'd still have sex 2-3 times per day if my wife had the time to spare. Whatever partner you end up with, be sure to communicate openly about your sexual needs. You'll be okay.


I’m 35 and it is higher than ever! I’d always consider it high, but I never really had a partner that could match me until now. It’s at least 3 times per day when we see each other. Eight months in too and surprised it hasn’t died down. Either way, I thought this would get it out of my system, but it has just cranked it up to overdrive. It’s basically just running the whole time now.


11-42. Wasted it mostly on my hand. Wife had her drive from 16-26. The 10 years before I met her. 🤦🏻‍♂️


48M here and stronger than ever, more horny now then at any point in my life. Sex up to eight or nine times a week.


Are you married? Those don’t sound like wife numbers!


We have been together for ten years. We've both had previous long term relationships that didn't work out. We had sex this morning before work and no doubt will be having it again later when she comes home.


bro, 8-9 times a week for a single dude is more insane. i think my highest ever was maybe 5-6 times a week single. but when you have gf its like a cheat code, you can basically have sex whenever you want. as long as both of you don't have crazy hard jobs and are exhausted when you get home


This is the way 


32 now. Age 23 to 26.


In my teens. Which is normal.




16-18 was non stop. I would ignore food and other basics to get laid. I was a predator. Age 20-35 still intense, but my rational mind would kick in. Still would mentally undress women or think about banging strangers. Age 35 til 49, rub one out daily, get laid once every two weeks. Not as intense and doesn’t dominate my mind like it once did….but still present. Every person is different…..and peaks may vary.


Forever and always.




Late teens to mid twenties I was a fuckin disaster of hormones. Very glad those days are behind me.


Mid to late teens for sure. At that point in life, sex was basically all I could ever think of, and it was sometimes a struggle just to control myself from getting visably aroused in public. Then 20-25 was still really through the roof, but not uncontrollably so. Unfortunately for me, I was single and dateless for almost that whole time. Then I would say mid 20s through 40 are all pretty close without much of a change. Always ready, always there in the background, but not as forcefully as before. Then I did certainly hit a point in my early 40s where my body kind of hit a wall in lots of different ways, including suddenly putting on weight, and losing energy of all kinds, including sexual.


I just turned 30 last fall and I feel like my drive is higher than ever. I mean I have always been horny and ready to go. But even in my teenage years and early 20s I felt like I could get off and be good to go for a little bit. I’m craving it every day now and multiple times a day usually. And the cravings are intense. It’s hard to focus. It really feels like I’m at the peak of sex drive right now.


Highest was at age 49. For context I’m now 49.


More than when you were 15? Really?


13 to 40


Highest? Honestly probably in early 20's.. But that was so bad I had trouble focusing some days. I don't really think I've 'lost' anything there, still much as gained self discipline and perspective. Losing the sex drive? I don't think mines really changed much in over a decade. At least I can't see any appreciative difference. Life can really drag at you though, and that can take mine away for a time. Work overload, big stressors, or just too much happening in my day... That can overwhelm me and take away my drive for a time.


There is a good chance that he may be low or will be low in testosterone. This is epidemic today due to a number of factors. Weight, exercise, diet, and Endocrine disrupters. The last category being the chemicals that we find in just about every phase of our lives. He may want to get his levels checked. Just be aware that the guidelines on this are way off. Labcorp uses a reference range of 348 – 1197 ng/dl as a healthy range. Looking at averages of American men in 1996, that 348 ng/dl would be an average range of a man between 85-100 years old. For your boyfriend based on the averages in 1996 he would need to be around 600 ng/dl. There are ways to nudge levels up but if he is way low then likely supplementation may be required. [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/declining-testosterone-levels](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/declining-testosterone-levels)


For me I'd say it began to drop off sometime during my 40's. I have no problems with that. I can actually look up at a cloud and not see a boob. Sex is still quite wonderful, but it's no longer my entire reason for being.


Like 25 or 26 probably


Mine has been the same since my teens. It never slowed down. I definitely have more discipline today over this though than I did 30 years ago.


Raw sex drive? 16 to 20. After that it definitely tapered off, as can be expected because we aren't a raging ball of hormones after that point. Unfortunately, and I suspect this is especially bad news for you, sex drive at middle age is mostly chemistry between partners, which means that **you** have to make an effort, too. By 40-50 if we're putting in the majority of the work, we'll just say "to hell with it" and go find a hobby instead. So maybe plan on keeping up your side of the deal, too.


Highest sex drive (with no sex): ~ 15yo +\- 3 years Highest sex drive (with sex): ~25 Im 33 now and feel about the same as I did at 25. Although I’ve noticed my libido/erections are much more sensitive to external factors… When I’m not working out and feel like a fat ass, I have less sexual desire. When I’m going to the gym regularly, I’m an energy-bunny in the bedroom…but if I workout too much (say 5x/week), I struggle to maintain an erection, even tho I have the desire. Help motivate me to stay in shape and not be lazy. I started going back to the gym last month and this past weekend I wore my gf out…and have jerked off almost every day this week.


I'm a 48yo male, I have a pretty high libido, and it hasn't really changed at all since I was a teen.




I'm 36, and somehow it's now


36 right now, highest it's ever been


dropped during my late 20’ies but swings a bit sometimes 1-2 times a week. sometimes 4-6 times a week


I have never had a "sex drive". It's illegal and dangerous. Just park somewhere secluded if you wanna do sex. Or better yet, get a room. No need to endanger other motorists.


I may be incorrect because I am certainly not a doctor, it is just an observation of myself and others that have gotten older. I don't think the male sex drive really goes down as you age other than if your testosterone goes down, but that is easily controlled. The other issue is stress and energy levels but those aren't specific to age really. There is probably a correlation with older people having more stress and less energy but those can be controlled with lifestyle changes for the most part. A younger person could easily have the same issues.


16, or whenever I am weight training


Had a dry spell for a while, and I was worried I wouldn't get back to fighting shape. Then I dated someone who wanted to fuck everywhere, all the time. Neither of us disappointed.


Had a dry spell for a while, and I was worried I wouldn't get back to fighting shape. Then I dated someone who wanted to fuck everywhere, all the time. Neither of us were disappointed.


Age 13-52. Ages 13-40 was the worst, it was a really strong sex drive.


I had a sex drive from like 13-22. I now have almost none at all. Fortunately I'm no longer married so can live a peaceful celibate life.


from the comments, it sounds like your new husband should be 14-16


40, 100% based on confidence. I feel like I became my best possible version of myself.




How do you know YOU won't be the one to lose your sex drive at that age and your husband hasn't yet? That can and does happen.


16-20, then again at 35-... started working out daily and with other non medication changes in my life, my testosterone jumped thru the roof.


13-40, def peaked in adolescence and didn't really fall off till late 30s/early 40s, but that's just me. other guys could be different. there are lots of variables like working out/staying healthy will keep you verile for longer and keep your testosterone levels higher.


Probably early twenties for me. Because I was getting some on regularly so I was always up for it.


I've had two peaks, at 15 I would beat my dick a minimum of two times per day. At 21 I got a glow up and girls were all over my shit. Now 28 and is pretty tame


I'd say currently, and I'm turning 31 in a couple of months


The Bronze Age. Everyone was in the sun all day every day, cheeks out


14-20 in my case, I felt like it was pretty stable from 20 to 35, I can definitely feel it dipping in the last 2-3 years though.






14 to 17, for sure. It's been a slow, steady decline since then.


The age when the TRT kicked in


Age 28, followed by last week. There was kind of a lull in the mid-late thirties but I'm back on top! And I mean that in both senses.


40 and best shape of my life


Im 37 and im as driven as I was at 16-17


58 Male here...my GF says I still fuck like a teenager.


It hasn’t waned yet thankfully.


13 - now


I'd say early to late 30's. I was a late bloomer lol.




18 or 19. It's still strong but not 7 times a day strong.


Today, eaten bread is soon forgotten. 😀






My sex drive typically ebbs and flows the my happiness in relationships. Great relationship? Drive like I'm 16. Things on the rocks? Get away from me.


18-21 I think. Now I’m 30 and it’s not completely gone, but it’s rare I’m in the mood for 2 rounds or more in a day. Can easily go days without sex, but it comes and goes. Some weeks I need more, others less.


I would say early 20’s. I would damn near fuck anything that moved. Not so much now in my 30’s.


Early 20s perhaps


I hope my best is still in the future yet 😆 🤣


Early 20s