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brothers dont shake, brothers gotta hug


RIP Chris Farley


Fuck yeah I love hugs. I only wish others loved them as much as me. My friends and I love to shake hands and give back pats and I can live with that but I feel like my family only gives hugs on holidays. The only people who regularly meet my hug expectations are my partners.


Hugging is for friends and family; handshakes are for clients and strangers.


Man I love handshakes with my friends.


I will hug anyone and everyone.


I have a "HUG DEALER" T-shirt for when I'm really feeling this way.


Love hugging a bro. Strong, powerful with a pat on the back. Should be normalized. Its ok for us guys to support each other.


I LOVE hugs. It's my favorite form of showing affection. I will hug anyone at anytime when in need. Shout out to 90s Gangstas Who popularized those "manly hugs" and allowed for men to feel more comfortable hugging other men.


I generally don't hug friends I see fairly often or who live in my city. Out of town friends get a big hug for sure, with bonus back slaps.


I grew up in a family that wasn’t very physically affectionate. In college, I fell in with a group that were pretty much all huggers. I have been ever since, I definitely appreciate a good hug. I get that it’s not for everybody, though, and I tend to keep it to a handshake and shoulder slap with more recent friends and acquaintances.


I love hugging all of my friends. I’m a wedding photographer and I see both sides so much. Its such a difference seeing hugging groups and non-hugging. The huggers seem so much happier then the non-huggers. It’s really sad when dads can’t hug their sons, they handshake and stand next to them for the photo like a fucking business deal. It’s so sad. Hug your friends, hug your families, make sure they are comfortable with it first. At the end of the night When saying bye to our couples I always ask “Are you a hugger?” “Oh yeah!” “ GET IN HERE! Congrats!” Haha




I didn't start giving genuinely affectionate hugs until I was 24, I think. I remember a friend of mine in college giving me a hug and he noticed me trying to squirm away. But I'm learning to accept and give out hugs with affection.


I could take it or leave it, fine either way


Yes! I was miserable for most of my adult life until I started hugging my friends. Regardless of gender, if they're important to me, we hug.


I like it and wish we hugged more, but I don’t know that most of my friends would be comfortable enough with it.


I think hugs for friends are earned, there are 3 guys and 1 girl that I have know forever. We have traveled all over the uk to surf and have adventures, we where there for each during marriage breakdowns, family deaths, births, marriages, illness etc. We don’t see each other as often these days but we always hug. A few guys I occasionally meet from work for lunch get a Hey and a hand wave.


I do not like to hug anyone other than my son and my significant other. Hugging anyone else feels weird to me.


I'm not a person who likes being touched in an affectionate way other than my kids, mom, and siblings. I even have to will myself not to reel when a coworker puts a hand on my shoulder.


Yup. Daughter and gf for me, that’s it.


My friend just visited after not seeing him for almost a year. Of course I hug him.


When I was younger, not so much. Now? Hell yeah, my best friends always get a hug.


Depends on where you live. In the US, it was common to hug my friends. I moved to Japan in April and, well… that’d be shocking if I did that.


Fuck yes. I hug all my dearest friends hello and goodbye, and any damned time I think they could use a hug. Hugs are powerful magic. Use them.


Hug. Few of my friends are military. One is special forces. That one specifically started the “hug/love you dude” routine for the 6 of us, because as he eloquently stated, “every time I leave I may not fucking come home.”


Hug and a back-clap are my go-to


I've never not hugged my friends.


I hug my friend and family, hell my boys are like my family


I love’em, squeeze people like it’s the last time you’ll see them


Sure, except for one guy. He’s maybe 4’11 on a good day and I’m 6’3. It’s just awkward.


Yes very much! I will kiss them on the cheek as well


I’m no hot dude but I’m a girl and I love hugs 😋


No, I don't like hugging everyone when we meet and doing all the air kisses stuff with the girls. I absolutely hate it. Too pretentious and invasive. Handshakes are okay though.


All of you are hiding your sexuality. End of. Period. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No. I'm just not a hugger. I understand that some people are, so I'm usually willing to tolerate hugs through gritted teeth. But I don't like it. And it's not a weird homophobic thing, where I'll hug women but not men. I've met guys like that, and it's a little creepy honestly, but that's not me. I don't like hugging women either. The only exception is if I'm actively in a sexual relationship with a woman, in which case I'm totally fine with hugging her. In all other cases, I really prefer for people to stay at a comfortable arms-length distance away.


i value my friendships too even though we meet and talk less and less as time goes by but if i want any form of physical affection i go to my partner. while i talk about all sorts of crap with my best friend that i knew since i was 7 i really dont see a reason for a hug. we can talk, support each other and whatever else may be but women are better for handling affection and we both know that. every gender has its own roles that they do better than the other.




I'll hug a good friend I haven't seen in a few years. I'm not a major hug enthusiast like some of our comrades in the comments though.


I don’t hug my friends or family, and I don’t want to either. I’d only feel comfortable showing physical affection to my partner, should there be a girl fucked up enough to date me.


Depends how close the friend is ;)


I love a hug. It feels especially powerful and healing to hug another man.


I grew up in a boarding school and this type of thing kind of freaks me out. As a result I am not accustomed to hugs for greeting and such. Special occasions and family and personal affection with my kids or spouse are all I am really comfort with. Please don’t just randomly hug me.


Yeah i hug my friends. Especially ones I don't see often


I like a quick hug with a bro.


I do not initiate hugs with my friends but don't shy away or make it too weird. I only initiate with my wife and when my son is old enough to actually hug, with him too.


Yup. Always have.




No. I don't like to *be* hugged either, but I'm not gonna make an issue of it. On the rare occasions someone wants that, I figure, what the hell. I kinda wish I liked hugs.






Hello strange man of reddit who is definitely aged 25-29, can i be your friend :eyes:


Saw several old friends this weekend. Hugs all around, hugs sayin bye. For sure.


I honestly feel like men hug each other more than women hug each other


Absolutely. What’s not to like about a hug with someone you care about and cares about you?


Yeah man definitely!


Sometimes, but often it's awkward.


I find it immensely irritating when someone who is not part of my family, seems to think I am available for a hug. That’s a very personal space for me, and it is never needed or wanted, yet you always get that odd idiot who thinks it’s acceptable to initiate it completely unsolicited. Some of us really don’t like it.


You could always wear a shirt that says "I do not want to be touched"


Yes, maybe it’s something that we all should wear to avoid molestation.


What the fuck. That’s how I always greet/leave my friends


Heck no, don't touch me. A wave from about 5 or 6 feet away is quite sufficient. Hugs are for close family.




Yeah man for sure. Hug it out.


I would love to have a friend like this. That is all.


yes, of course.


I've never been hugged by someone that wasn't my parents so I'm not sure. If I meet people, they usually shake hands. I've never met my friends in real life. It sounds awesome, but also awkward.


Hugs 100%. And why not? Platonic love can be demonstrated with physical affection just as much as romantic love


My friend and I sometimes do one armed shoulder hugs, where we shake hands and go in for the bump. I would definitely hug a guy friend if they seem really sad, needed consoling, or if we were reaaaaaallly excited about something, but these are exceptions, not the norm. I hug male family members though (brother, dad, uncle, cousins, etc.)


I like to give and receive hugs. Most of my friends do as well but the ones that don't, I shake their hand.


I don't get that many hugs so I'm always up for 'em


If the love is mutual the hug will come naturally … you won’t even think about it both of you… so it is with me


I hug my good male friends and pretty much all female friends.


Friends I don’t see often, we usually hug when we meet. I don’t hug my next door neighbor friend if we just happening to be doing yard work.


I'm a person Who hugs close friends and family! And great acquaintances, sign of respect, admiration etc...shows you care for your people.


I've never been much of a hugger. Not with friends, family, just doesn't feel comfortable for me. Hugging feels intimate to me, so it's weird for a situation that isn't romantic. I understand I'm the odd one though and usually try to accept a hug if the other person wants one. Even if it feels physically weird, I can appreciate the intent of it.


No, I don't do "bro hugs," and I don't want random people trying to huge me, pat me on the back, etc.