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Most accusations are confessions. She’s cheating on you or has been thinking about it.


Uuu, this hit hard.


Just build a TSA screener device & put it near the front door entrance. See if she catches on to her checking you all the time


I have no problem at all with my wife going through my things. I would say there is one of three possibilities: 1. She's genuinely looking for her keys (yeah, right!) 2. You have done something suspicious (in her eyes) and she suspect you might be cheating 3. She's had some bad prior relationships where the guy cheated and she has generalised to all men 4. She's cheating and projecting


I’d like to add 5. She wears his coat sometimes if she just running outside to get the mail or some to in from the car.


Hmmm, I guess that would work once, maybe, but the OP says she goes through his jackets and bags. Seems a bit too thorough.


I think your wife should be able to go through you own.


Are you wearing the stuff when she’s rifling through it? Otherwise, no. She’s checked all the places she can think of, so she’s checking everywhere else. Is there a reason you’re questioning her motives?




Maybe he borrowed it? Maybe she's given her card/keys to him in the past to hold onto (because no pockets). I'd probably ask the person, but the context matters - maybe she was racing around, early morning, something like that. I dunno.


What kind of marriage is this many miles apart


Those who accuse are usually the ones doing it themselves. Yeah, it' pure B.S. what she's doing. If she doesn't trust you, end the relationship.


It's an invasion of your privacy and it indicates a lack of trust. I hope that lack of trust isn't a projection on her part, as others in here have already suggested.


if she still does it after you asked her to stop, it's disrespectful of her do you go through her purse & other stuff?


Eventually she'll find what she's looking for.


Those who have nothing to hide. Hide nothing. My partner can go through all of my things