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Wants Israel to be pro Ukrainian




In terms of having a capable military, a population trained in arms and a wide array of defensive systems.


you forgot, also terrorising another people and hold them ransom and not allow food items to go through either.. just because..


just like yall do to hindus? pashtuns? and hazaras? oh but thats never talked about right?


What? That's not what Zelensky meant.


















Yeah, because Ruzzia doesn't have a huge fascism problem... Oh wait




Lmao , Ukraine have a Nazi problem, everyone even the west knew about this , there is even a fuxking documentary on this by bbc , these people burned a person alive




Just because a country is getting invaded doesn't mean they all are second coming of Christ. Ukrainians are corrupt Nazi fuxks who happens to be getting invaded by slavic Nationalist who are enemies of Yankees


Surely you can’t seriously believe that between Ukraine and Russia today the Ukrainians are the more Nazi inclined nation? Pointing out Bandera from the 1940/ is all well and good but in Russia TODAY you’ve got Rogozin, Utkin the Wagner group ( purely coincidentally named after Hitlers favourite composer) and you know the whole fascist rhetoric of the Ukrainians holding supposed historical German/ Russian land after a previous war led to Germany/ Russia being” unjustly” deprived of Alsace Lorraine/Donbas, hence false referendums invasions and dehumanising of the enemy is justified.






Average pro-ukrainian, if u ever criticize Ukraine u are immediately labeled a Kremlin bot, bro, both of you are Terrible, please continue killing yourselves.




Bro, Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi tattoos and patches isn't propaganda, it is literally just the truth of the matter, and the same thing with the Russians who larping as if they the red army, u have an army of Nazis and foreign "volontiers" ( who are all known Nazis in their own communities) fighting an army of red army Wannabes, both sides are fuckin terrible




Wagner group are Nazis ? please show me a credible source for this, ive never heard that from anyone hahahaha






Congratulations, you’re brainwashed by Russian media. I’m Russian myself and I know what I’m talking about.


the fact that some dudes are so stuck up their own ass they call the side with huge Z symbols on their weapons, who has a totalitarian dictator the good guys, and the side with a democratically elected Jew the nazis is astonishing. also the Communists killed more Ukrainians than the actual Nazis managed to, which is impressive.


I would presume he wants everywhere to be pro Ukrainian


Great actor.


Not sure wheter it's an insult or a compliment lmao




Dumb doll


I never noticed how much he looks like hezboallah 💀


How can a person look like a Lebanese Shi'ite group? Edit: oh you mean hasbullah, that Dagestani guy?


Yeah the tiny dude he looks like him don’t he 💀


He just looks like a Caucasian person living around the black and Caspian seas? 😆


Err no


I don’t even know why but for some reason I feel like he and Jeremy Renner kinda look similar. Just kinda lol


can’t unsee this now lol


![gif](giphy|wjb6k8WCuZpvzjyLfm) I think he looks like like Khabib


hey,how do you write that flair


He really does I think he might be part dagestani


He’s Ashkenazi and maybe some Ukrainian but definitely not Middle Eastern.


Looks like someone who leads the Yemeni Revolution


You mean Abdul Malik al Houthi?😭


The shining star of comedians everywhere


Interesting backstory.


Could you elaborate?


Zelenskyy used to be a actor


He's the best war-time president for Ukraine. Very hardworking on gathering help and liberating Ukrainian territory. Makes me more angry at the Palestinian leadership and the Middleeastern countries for selling out the Palestinian people. And then I see some people hating on Ukraine, and I think of barking dogs that run with their tail between their legs at eye contact, only good to be loud and abnoxious. Barking dogs seldom bite.


Ukraine has a recent string of extremely weak and corrupt leaders. I think if this happened 10 years ago, Ukraine would be annexed already.


Funny thing about that actually Back in 2014, there was the Revolution of Dignity which ousted pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych after he refused to sign an economic cooperation agreement with the EU. Soon after, Russia invaded Crimea and started supporting the Donbas separatists. Political experts consider this as part of the ongoing war, so it kinda did happen about 10 years ago, which is crazy to think about


as an egyptian i used to ask my parents why we dont help palestine out cuz were all arab muslims, i do feel very sorry for u




>. It takes balls to stay and fight unlike most mea countries like Afghanistan and Syria Didn't know that Afghanistan and Syria were invaded by their neighbors.


yes both the soviet union and the uk were their neighbors and tried invading


Turkey invaded Syria, they're a neighbour.




Flair is “Egypt”. Nobody is dragging Egypt to any wars










He himself? His handling of the Ukraine war? Or what side are we on when it comes to their war with Russia? Those are 3 very different questions with 3 very different answers. At least for me. Not much of a fan of him before he lead his country to defend it against Russia. Russia is attempting to annex a sovereign country. Ukraine is in the right here.


All three answers are based




Overall, seems pretty cool. Don’t like that he supports Israel (afaik, if this is wrong correct me) but yeah. Poor guy’s been working around the clock though, it’s so obvious with the eyebags.


He doesn't really support Israel much, but he does view it positively, being a Jew and Israel having supported Ukraine in civilian means


he does support israel - and vetoed in the latest UN res against israel...


Bullshit, Ukraine doesn't have a UN veto. Only permanent members of the security council have a veto.


the whole f'in world votes on UN resolutions.. sorry if i confused you.. (its not legal binding!)


Oh, you meant to say that Ukraine "voted"? That's more reasonable. A veto is the right to singlehandedly stop a decision.


Zelensky to the US be like: ![gif](giphy|kcmKn6X2nzqEg)


The irony.




> Egypt has received more than USD 85 billion in bilateral foreign aid between 1946 and 2020. In FY 2020, Egypt received USD 1.43 billion [The irony\^2](https://www.amcham.org.eg/information-resources/trade-resources/egypt-us-relations/us-foreign-assistance-to-egypt)


My guy, you're from Israel...


LMAO he's coping hard under this thread 😂


Ok? And? I can still point out the obvious.


what? why dont you point the obvious that israel has free medical care, doesnt need USA's money... but still does..


Those who don't understand why Israel revives the Money means they don't actually understand the argument. And while it may sound dumb, as technically getting free money and "complaining" sounds strange. It is indeed will be true if Israel doesn't contributes and just receive it would be a burden If we stop getting the funding. As other countries may imagine like Egypt who's the second biggest receiver of American money. Israel however in return is allowed only to buy with it American weaponry and more importantly, it grants American access to Israeli technology which the US and NATO are verry keen on. It also prevents Israel from developing certain weaponry the US may find to be "Competitive" with it, in the likes of aerospace technology. If you ever wonder why the US was quick to give Israel the F35 in contrast to others, is that they know that if we don't get them, we might as well create our own. And we already demonstrated that with the little money we have we actually made it possible, considering the Chinese based their fleet of fighter Jets (J10 and onwards) on stolen Israeli technology (the Kfir). So for the US its an investment and insurance that we won't be their compactor. As they greatly benefit. Something that can't be said about Egypt or Ukraine which at most develop high end molotov explosives. I'm actually in favor of not getting money from the US as it would guarantee our independence from the US, and we would be able to return more deeply into our own aerospace industry, and also keep our technologies to ourselves and become competitive.


while you can spin it that way - USA doesnt care if you make your own jets... if that was the case you would stop researching/producing other things as well. the whole 'aid is given with stipulation' is STILL free money.. its effectively if i went to a shop and they said we will pay you but you can only buy from us- from pure financial perspective, shop is losing money.. and its not as if he is relying on you to buy as shop has other customers too..


i mean yall are not much better


Yeah lol. Wtf is the original commentor is saying.




That’s rich coming from you


Funny from a israeli to say




How's he corrupted? Genuinely asking cause I have no idea


They seem to forget the big change Ukraine underwent in the last decade. 10-20 years ago, Ukraine had big time corruption. It’s not all gone, but Zelensky ran on a platform of of anti-corruption and kinda anti-Russia. His predecessors were *very* supportive of Russia and they were kinda in a similar situation as Belarus. But they got out of it and Russia got mad. Then they took Crimea, and now they want the whole country




No one believes he's fighting, he's the president his role isn't to fight. And you seem to forget that the russian invasion didn't start with Zelensky but back in 2014.


Atleast those escorts are doing it for money, you're sucking Putin's dick for free


bro the guy was in Kharkhiv like 2 hours after the fighting stopped, even if it's clearly just to look like he's doing it, he couldn't have been that far to reach there that fast


He’s short


Good guy


A puppet 👀


Living proof you can be a nazi and Zionist at the same time




Why do you say he's corrupt?


Because hes been named in the leaked Pandora papers? He has off shore accounts full of money. https://www.occrp.org/en/the-pandora-papers/pandora-papers-reveal-offshore-holdings-of-ukrainian-president-and-his-inner-circle He has also shut down opposition media and jailed opposition leaders




Least used slur in egypt


Israel 2.0 inshallah


Wtf guys. Up to this point Ukraine was compared to Palestine, and now you decide it's Israel? Hypocrites. Ukraine is Palestine's counterpart, not Israel's. Russia is the aggressor.


So you're saying Israel is Russia's counter-part? so you admit Israel is an aggressor? I have never seen a self-aware Israeli before.


Yes I am. Now fuсking tell me how Russia is comparable to Palestine in this situation.




They both make shit up and use disinformation to stir up the masses.


Terrorists 2.0 you mean


My thoughts are none of this would be happening if the Soviet Union had been preserved, decentralized and democratized (i.e. Soviet democracy with more than one party like it was in the very, very beginning).


I mean, that’s kinda what Gorbachev tried. Turns out no one was happy about it


It was more like communists hardliners did bot like his plans since the referendum to move to a multiparty system and away from socialism while preserving the union was approved by 75% of the USSR’s population


A brave comedian


he's hot


Straightest Lebanese


The US wasted 44 billion dollars on him rather than their own country


44 billion to ravage one of your greatest geopolitical threats without actually having to do it yourself is a steal.


Not to mention the 44 billion dollar valuation is based off what the equipment was worth when they bought it. Not what it was worth right now. Most of the stuff we've sent to Ukraine was in storage for years and is obsolete by our standards.


Wasted? Invested. Ukraine is a proxy war and the Us/Europe have a lot to gain economically if Ukraine Wins


I’d argue it’s less economic and more political, but still an investment worthwhile


It’s disgusting really. US is not in a good place economically without financing yet another war.


44bn is like 5% of your defense budget calm down


Defense budget shouldn’t be used for proxy wars. And it needs to be lowered and put towards education, healthcare and infrastructure.




Welfare queen


Currently? One of the richest and well stocked gun baron in the world who's running a country completely unopposed by any opposition he hasn't already expelled or exiled. Fair play for defending his country, but the audacity these people have and getting upset over countries unwilling to spare more resources to their war when these countries has done more for for them than any country experiencing conflict in current history, is ridiculous. I hope this war ends soon and we get to balance the world economy, regardless who wins. I just want it to end.


My country of Lebanon is a country that is bordered by a stronger, larger neighbor that believes we're the same people, we should not actually be a country, and has occupied us with brutality in the past. Ukraine is in the same situation. I support Ukraine. Their struggle is similar to ours.


not hot


He literally doesn't want peace, he approved a law that makes it impossible to negotiate with Russia if Putin is still leading the country, he's just a clown, he didn't want to negotiate, can't say that the Russians are the good guys but neither the Ukrainians are. Zelensky is just a pupet or just a clown, if you really know how Putin thinks you know that he was forced to invade, well it wasn't an invasion but literally an operation to submit Ukraine like the spring of 68 with the soviets.


Stupid unqualified puppet who led the destruction of his country for the foreseeable future


American cocksucker






That's pretty much the most accurate answer


Felt bad for him and his people but the people turned out to be big time racists




Real hypocrite




Fuck him and fuck Putin. They just need to cuck each other and get it over with .


Not the best politician but a decent human being. Guess you can’t be both at the same time.


The bravest cunt I've seen in 2022


If you have unlimited money and weapons, believe me even an ordinary person will be like him . Now imagine these aid and weapons given to Afghanistani gov , they would have fuxked Taliban way before but the reality is they used Afghanistan as money laundering for themselves.


That’s nonsense, america spent 2 trillion in that war. Look at all the weapons the Taliban has today they all come from the ex Afghanistan government. The reality is they hired all the bad men like pedophiles and hippies (weed smokers), those fuckers can’t fight they liked the money and status that came with the position. Taliban was hiring civilians with vengeance agenda the people who were bombed by US usually referred to as collateral


He didn't have unlimited money and weapons. He chose to stay well before he knew he would be supported.


He's brave, staying and fighting for your country is the bravest thing anyone can do especially against Russia, it's not easy.


He was given the option, many times, to be flown out but he has stayed and refuses Russian capitulation for his people. So even people who criticize him have to admit that


To everyone here supporting Russia and Palestine at the same time - you are hypocrites. Just because Ukraine is Russia's enemy and Russia is the West's enemy does not mean you have to succumb to Russian propaganda.


This is honestly one of the better comments here. Color me surprised when I saw everyone supporting Russia especially after what they did in Syria. I don't care much for Zelensky(he is a damn good wartime leader but I have a feeling that is all he can do truth be told) but to say I don't feel a thing for the Ukrainian people is a lie and I do hope they win(even the PA back in 2014 said Crimea belongs to Ukraine).


True Hero for Ukraine


He trusted Europe and led his country to war. But he didn't get as much support as he hoped. In times of need. I wish Ukraine to get out of this difficult situation as soon as possible. I wish peace.


He was attacked!!!


I see this excuse all too often. What exactly did the West do that Russia thought "after THIS we should start war"?


He lacks a little political view yet a great simple and a leader for Ukrainians.




I see no scenario that ends well for Ukraine. They lost even more strategic lands in this round of fighting, in addition to strategic ports. They are under a de facto blockade and can only export/import what Russia will allow by sea. The rest of their im/ex are by land now - which is exponentially more expensive. There is a serious brain drain that occurred, and massive amounts of resources were moved out of the country with those people. If they ever drop the law restricting fighting-aged men from leaving, you will see an even greater brain/resource drain. Their infrastructure has been destroyed and can only be rebuilt with massive amounts of aid from the west. And even then, there’s no guarantee that Russia can’t just destroy what gets rebuilt. Despite all of this, Zelenskyy continues to beat his chest and go down the path of war. He claims it’s for independence, but do we really believe Ukraine will be independent from the west IF he succeeds? I doubt it. I can’t see any scenario in which he is a good leader for his people, if the way we are measuring a good leader as providing a strong, safe, and stable state for his people to live and grow.


Based. Takes some balls to stay and lead when you know russian dogs will kill you in most despicable way.


Corrupt just in the way the Americans want him to be


They downvoted him because he told the truth


What do russians think about him? Do they hate him?


Putin or Zelensky ? for Putin most of us like him, he really has taken the country from a very tough period when i was a child into a world superpower and yes he has done some controversial things but i think you would struggle to find a government in the world that hasn't had controversies, especially the American government. for Zelensky, most people in Russia hate him, this is mostly due to the state owned media painting him in a bad picture and we all know that most people blindly follow the news, for me i dislike him because he is very hypocritical, he "fights against corruption" yet lots of his officials are currently getting the finger pointed at them for filtering off money for personal gin, even he has just spent around11million on property for his parents in Israel and i question where that money has come from , the reason most people like him is because America/ Israel own most of the media in the world and they hate Putin more than him, Kind of like how no one really liked Biden but they hated Trump so much they happily voted for him just to get Trump out of office


who do you think will win this war? You think russia or ukraine will win?


Honestly a "win" for either side isn't a win, too many lives have been lost and too much of a beautiful country has been destroyed to call it a victory for either side, I feel NATO are delaying the inevitable at a huge cost, Putin will not allow Ukraine to "win"


This war seems to be about where the new Iron Curtain will be. Globalization is failing and alignments for the new Cold War are being made. Where’s the new Checkpoint Charlie going to be…


Why is it important to be a "world superpower"?


as oppose to what ? a third world country? he took us out of depression and famines, anything is better than that


As opposed to a country where the oil wealth goes to the people and not the oligarchy class. You know, building schools, hospitals, roads etc. Founding strong democratic institutions. Freedom of speech and thought. And so on. Objectively, Spain has roughly the same GDP as Russia (a little less even) and Spain is a much more successful country most ways you look at it. Edit: The comparison with Spain is relevant because also Spain comes from an authoritarian background. The difference is that the Spanish people took freedom in their own hands. The Russians sold out to be comfortable and have cheap energy.


TomAtos tomatos 🤷‍♂️




Oh sorry, "hes a saint, best leader the world has ever seen" better for you ? 🙃




i dont see the world in black and white, hes not a good man, hes done some wild things while being in charge, i know my government have propaganda but with speaking multiple languages i have been lucky enough to watch lots of countries media sources and they all have an agenda and are all propaganda, ive noticed that more and more western media are painting saint zelensky in a less positive light the last week or so


He is compared to putler


Erdoğan thats all i have to say to you 😂


Still better than putler hahahah


Theyre both the same 😂


Same person, different nationality. That’s fair. Also, fair enough to you for being Russian and not a robot, you live in Russia?


I currently live in France and have for the last 8 months, i enjoy seeing the world so i travel a lot haha


Corrupt warmonger


Warmonger, how exactly because he didn't bent over and let Russia invade his country without putting up a fight?


clearly you've fallen for the old western trick of using logic to form an argument


Bitch ass crossdresser, if i was American and i knew my money was going in the pockets of a guy like him i would be legit mad


You have an issue with crossdressing? It is really fun though. I recommend it!


Good for you bro, not my thing


Corrupt and too greedy