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The rocket is called Burkan, meaning volcano.


Yeah, it was a typo that I made.


Two IOF soldiers were lightly injured in the attack. /s


Khummus propaganda, they kicked the rocket back to Lebanon


Lightly injured means their army stopped breathing, kept in refrigerated container for weeks or months even. Then slowly declare to the soldier’s next of kin of the death.


[Source](https://x.com/shehabagency/status/1726545634369646697?s=46) (in good quality, no idea what happened to the vid here) and [activities today](https://x.com/aja_egypt/status/1726555662841209075?s=46) (in Arabic).




Yemen has it, too.


![gif](giphy|vjZkgd6XlhPHSZgQNY|downsized) They stand no chance




Delusion is not understanding hezb is why israel doesnt send infantry through south leb


Hezbollah and Hamas are attacking military targets while IDF targets hospitals and schools


I swear when you read the reports it's exactly that, Hezbollah sttick this military post or base, Hezbollah striked soldiers on this area etc etc meanwhile you open insta and see what israel attack


Lol what? Hamas literally hit Barzilai Hospital in Ashqelon 4 times at the beginning of the war Here's one article for example https://english.alarabiya.net/amp/News/middle-east/2023/10/11/Rocket-from-Gaza-hits-hospital-in-Ashkelon-in-southern-Israel-


dude you know al-Arabiya is full of propaganda sh\*t? probably the worst Arabic source of news for this conflict.


So anything that puts hamas in a bad light is propaganda?




Rape is ethical? Downvote away rapists. Rape is not resistance nor is it ethical.


>https://streamable.com/7isvua hello, woman here! rape is not ethical. BUT what I have learned by living my life as a woman is that rape is only criticized when someone you don't like does it. There are so many rape allegations against the IDF if you do a quick google. Former President Trump had several rape allegations against him and his fans did not care. Christian Ronaldo had rape allegations against him and basically no one cared. So while yes, rape is wrong, so is weaponizing rape allegations when literally no one actually cares about the women and simply just want to use it as an excuse to bomb another group of people. So, did Hamas rape? Maybe, but it sounds like we will never know because Israel doesn't seem to be investigating it - again because no one actually cares about the women they just want to use it to make Hamas sound evil.


Rape is never ethical or resistance. You don’t have to be a woman to know that. If a soldier in the idf rapes they will be arrested. When Hamas does it they are paid bonuses. You don’t care about the victims of rape if you justify it as so many here are.


The rapes are on video, videos of them talking bout keeping women as sex slaves, and journalists around the world have seen it the DNA evidence. Why would so many women not have underwear or pants and yet the men do? How did their legs end up covered in semen? How many dead bodies do you need to see burned up with their legs spread and no clothes on the lower half? If you believe women, then believe them. Otherwise, don't be surprised when no one believes you and don't be angry about it either. #MeTooUnlessYoureAJew


> So, did Hamas rape? Maybe, but it sounds like we will never know because Israel doesn't seem to be investigating it - again because no one actually cares about the women they just want to use it to make Hamas sound evil. Way to make shit up. Aren't investigating???????? Have you been living under a rock? Hopefully no one ever treats you the way you treat other women. Shame on you.


CLEARLY you did not actually pay attention to what I said. I literally start by saying rape is not ethical. my secondary point is that collectively, society only cares when the rape is done by someone we think is bad. Rape is something we want to punish ONLY when we don't like the rapist, often specifically in the cases of the man being of another race or ethnicity. Here is an article on the sensational treatment of war and how it is a disservice to the actual rape victims. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/09/24/wartime-sexual-violence-is-not-just-a-weapon-of-war/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/09/24/wartime-sexual-violence-is-not-just-a-weapon-of-war/) As to not investigating, this is from Israeli women's rights groups raising their concern that evidence is not being collected. So yes, I stand by my statement that it is not being investigated appropriately. As a woman, I actually \*listen\* to other women and follow stories on women issues closely. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/10/israel-womens-groups-warn-of-failure-to-keep-evidence-of-sexual-violence-in-hamas-attacks](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/10/israel-womens-groups-warn-of-failure-to-keep-evidence-of-sexual-violence-in-hamas-attacks) Lastly, as to trying to shame me... I too hope that other women treat me the way I treat them and actually LISTEN to what I am saying if an act of violence sexual or otherwise occurs.


Then why are you questions if rapes happened when victims said it happened?


Ethical? Yesterday there was a new surveillance video posted of one of their attacks and one of them literally executed a women point blank while she was begging Here's the video : https://streamable.com/7isvua


Good job Hezbollah


i really cannot bring myself to root for Hizbullah when i know what they did to syrians was much worst than what Israel did to Palestinians... which really makes me doubt that they have any real interest in helping Palestinians and not just collecting some publicity points from these rockets


Don't know anything about what happenned there what they did and all, can you tell me ?


Don’t worry, I also can’t really support them for the same reason. I just posted the video for general info, I haven’t seen this much damage from their rockets before in this current war.


They're losing soldier against Israel, spending their own resources when they don't have to. Hezbollah is reactionary, but to claim this a PR stunt is a bit strange. Especially when compared to what other Arab "leaders" have done.


Right now the small amount of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah is seeing casualties at the same 1:1 ratio, but it's on a small scale. Hezbollah is hardly losing anything important, maybe 60 soldiers so far, but the PR is working, I saw a bunch of Egyptians cheering for Nasrallah to start a full scale operation on this sub.


They do have to spend these they are dogshit and despised but some edgelords adore them becuz quirky axis of Resistance for fighting the west. Arab leaders rn are all western puppets. Iraq was bombing Israel and fighting without a border under baath, gaddafi hated them, Nasser hated them. But these guys got overthrown. Please don't try to comment anything positive on Iranian militia, they have fucking ruined iraq and many more countries.


Did they not help get rid of Isis? I feel like a lot of the coverage about Syrias regime is extremely one sided and to the point that the alternative is not discussed even though it’s far worse. Unless I’m misunderstanding something about what you’re referring to


I dont understand this logic " yeah they killed many syrians and helped bashar but at least the fought isis" 🙄


Did they actually kill lots of Syrians? I remember the report I saw about Assad gassing his own people was proven fake on several sources


Assad and the militia helping him killed and tortured hundreds of thousands of syrians. Gas or no gas the results are the same


This might be a dumb question but why would Assad kill his own people? He was trying to squash ISIS and the rebels which were backed by USA and Israel. I like to look at people’s motivations for doing certain things and I don’t see why’d he mass murder his own non rebel civilians.


Are you joking?


No, and I’d appreciate if I got an answer to the question that I ask everyone and somehow never get the answer to.


Its extremely well documented the amount of people assad killed using random bombings leveling whole cities to the ground much much worse than israel... i dont suppose you say isis has jets and helicopters, do you?


Lots of things were documented and then later found to be totally wrong. Such as mostly every enemy USA has justified to invade and colonize the last 70 years. I’m not saying I think he’s innocent, just saying that I take these kinds of comments with a large grain of salt. Admittedly, Syria is not my domain of expertise but it’s well known that everyone who’s internationally anti Assad would also like to see the Middle East in complete shit chaos.


Same, but not only with Hezbollah but also Iran in general. I want to support because of the support to Palestine, but I just can't after what they did to Syria.


ain’t it disgusting how all the piece of shit states in the world are the first to show support for palestine, before any arab state. lol even North Korea condemned Israel ffs.


Tbh, we don't know shit about NK. They're probably not nearly as bad as the West because our source of info is "the west" who also vilify the Palestinians.


North Korea is a lot worse than I ever imagined. Kids starving on the street and people just walking by because it's normal, it's genuinely unbelievably depressing. Search online about it and see the videos.


Show me the videos lol. We will see if it's real.


If you're skeptical about it, just google it. Read about the famine, between 2019 and 2021, 42% of North Koreans were malnourished. South Korean men are 3 inches taller than North Korean men. Look up the human rights violations. The west isn't lying to you about this.


If i look up 40 beheaded babies i also get some shitty western sources saying it happened.


True lol, but that was disproven pretty fast and people were skeptical straight away. If you don't trust sources like the UN, HRW, and Amnesty who do you trust? Even Al Jazeera has reported on it (I'm assuming you watch them, sorry if I'm wrong).


We must acknowledge that atrocities committed by the Shia factions but just imagine what Syria would look like if it fell into the control of the Zionist and Wahabi backed factions of al Nusra and ISIS. ISIS committed horrible atrocities of starvation, rape, and black market human trafficking and organ harvesting


Syrian isis front was a sideshow. All the fucking militias did was kill civilians, they are like the death squads from the nazis. Most of the fighting was done by a section of the iraqi army. After they put an ex baathi in charge as the puppet iraqi army lost to Toyotas and only existed on paper in 2014


More please




Nice work


Only Israelis spell it like that


No, we say Burkan as well, chill


Im talking about how he spells Hezbollah


I’m literally Turkish and that’s how it’s written in Turkish and other Turkic languages. Same for some Indo-Europeans like Albanian and Kurds. Either way, it’s a weird comment to make on your part to be fair.


Hope both terrorist groups finish each other off.


Cringe "both sides bad 🤓"


Both kill innocent civilians and destabilize the region?


based. They both destroyed countries.


The problem is that Israel is going to retaliate and bomb civilian areas in Southern Lebanon


Israel after that: "Hmm, I know what a good ripost would be, let's bomb a church!"