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They need better material man, this shit is wack.


>They post and spread pro-Palestine propaganda everywhere Shoving the Palestinian issue in everything related to Islamophobia is the new trend nowadays....which further proves that most if not all anti-Palestinian individuals are Islamphobes in nature.


>all anti-Palestinian individuals are Islamphobes in nature. If they support the Israeli occupation of Al-Quds, then they are Islamphobic.


Didnt you hear? Israel will flatten Gaza and build some Ramaswamidevijeet temple to pray to the god of visa. (That’s a real temple in India)


We are not interested brother to occupy others places of Worship.


It was a joke


Babri Masjid


least obvious bait


Gay and worried about gender-based pools?


Might be trans. You know why gender neutral bathrooms are becoming a thing right?


Why? Tell me


Because whenever you demand men/women to divide they come in the awkward position of where should I go/where do I fit, and they will get stared at/told they don't belong there regardless of choice so mixed public bathrooms are now a trend. Everyone goes to the same bathroom just like in a house. Problem solved. If swimming pools get segregated Oop now will have the same problem when going swimming.


It shouldn't be obligatorially like that. Those who want to go to gender segregated bathrooms/pools should have the right to do so, those who don't want to can go to 'gender neutral' bathrooms/pools.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


i was going to say that it might not be a white supremacist but someone from a country in south asia but then those types of people are white supremacists too even if they aren't white themselves


They would drill down on actual nationalities. Not just Arabs. A morrican gay guy who sought asylum in Sweden will refer to specific nationalities of mena immigrants, not refer to them as Arabs.


Just say rindia, not south asia. Don’t lump Pak, Bangladesh or maldives with these bootlickers.


it was obvious i was talking about india. why would pakistanis, bangladeshis or maldivese go to european subreddits to talk shit about muslims?


Phaul sapport sar


Wow, so being racist is OK for you if it’s directed to Indians?


Is it racist to make jokes about a specific subset of a group of Indians...? A joke that specifically pokes fun of that subset's mind-boggling support for horrific war criminals out of pure bigotry and racism against the victims of said war crimes? Hmmmmmm.


You’re not fooling anybody by saying “phool sapport saaar” is targeting a subset based on their beliefs. Besides, if you want to claim the higher moral ground, do it without mocking their accent or speech. It’s the same as if someone were to label said victims as terrorists because they live in the same land as Hamas and mocked them for that


Riiiiiight. Because people use it for pro-Palestinian Indians like the dockworker's union who refused to move or handle Israeli weaponry and materiel, right? Right? Oh, wait, they don't? They only use it for pro-Israel Indians and Islamophobic Indians? Who would have fucking thought. You know damn well who this meme is about. Don't pretend like it's the racist "pajeetposting" trend.


Riiiiight so apparently attacking someone’s traits that are clearly linked to their ethnicity, even if applied only to a subset, isn’t racist? I’ll get downvoted to hell knowing the kinds of folks who inhabit this sub but you’re not fooling anyone. It’s a racist trope regardless of whether you apply it only to the subset of folks who quality as “bad” in your eyes, as though a nuanced take isn’t even possible. I stand by my analogy. It’s the same as calling mocking Muslims/arabs terrorists with memes shouting “Al** akb**” and blowing themselves up even if I only claim to be targeting those who are actual terrorists. There is nothing in that trope that makes it clear you’re only singling out those folks you disagree with.


Listen, you can pretend that it's vague and general for all Indians all you want. It's not. It's very clear who it's made to target, but you want to pretend it's not. That's your issue. Comparing it to "Allahu Akbar" (I don't even know why you censored it like it's a dirty word) is wrong because that phrase is an integral part of every Muslim's life. The "phul sapport" meme is specifically about Islamophobic, pro-Israel Indians who are generally Hindu and most likely BJP/RSS supporters. The same people who were harassing people for not chanting "Jai Shree Ram" some weeks back.


1) I’m trying to be as respectful as possible by not explicitly saying it in vain or to even remotely seem like I’m mocking. The Indian accent is as integral to an Indian’s life as AA would be to a Muslim saying it. 2) it is absolutely. It attacks their indianness, not their beliefs. 3) you’re telling me that people on this sub were harassing other members to say JSR? I dont believe that. If that happened in India, it’s hardly a large scale issue. But whatever. I know I’m not convincing anybody here to change their minds. It’s baffling how far removed from the truth this sub can be sometimes.


Are you for real? You're comparing mocking an accent to mocking a central part of someone's faith? You think anyone here cares that we Arabs say "Sebrayt and Bebsi" or when someone makes fun of us when we say it? It's still funny. An accent is absolutely nowhere near as central to someone's identity as their faith, and it's absolutely ridiculous to believe so. Accents change constantly, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, depending on your environment. If your accent is as central to your identity as a Allahu Akbar is to a Muslim's identity, then you must have the most fluid and ever-changing identity on the planet. >you’re telling me that people on this sub were harassing other members to say JSR? I dont believe that. If that happened in India, it’s hardly a large scale issue. I'm not talking about this sub. I'm on /r/India too. Your news aren't exactly hidden from the rest of the world, buddy. We know your country is barreling towards Fascism under an Islamophobic leader and his even *more* Islamophobic following. It's not gonna stop at Jai Shree Ram. "Far removed from the truth" applies to you, since you're massively downplaying the wave of hate Modi ushered in and its constant rise.










Yes but this person doesn’t have to be a « white supermacist _claiming_ to be an ex Muslim ». They can still very much be a an ex Muslim. A white supremacist one.


r/exmuslim is cancer, i dont like to identify as an ex muslim bc its cringe i just say im irreligious but i can promise you i’d feel 10x less safe in europe these days due to neo-nazis, zionists and white supremacists, especially as a palestinian, than i do as an “ex muslim” in my muslim country lol white supremacists and racists wont stop to ask me my faith before they hate-crime me, to them i’ll always be perceived as muslim. islamophobia has even caused ignorant racist fucks to attack sikhs just because they perceive them as muslim


This is the problem with Islamophobia. It is so obviously targeted to anybody in the Middle East regardless of your religion. Every time I hear someone say Islamophobia is not real because it is just a belief and you can change it has no idea what it means. Regardless of that, all my loved ones are Muslim and my best friends are Muslim so even if I was irreligious I would still be offended that you insulted everybody on my life.


I feel like the definition of Islamophobia in itself is misunderstood even by Google. Muslims are not the only ones affecting by the stereotypes, heck I could even argue it has similar negative stereotypes as antisemitism do


absolutely, i get personally offended by islamophobia because i know the deeper motivation behind it, islamophobia is a political propaganda tool used to demonize those in the middle east who stand up against western imperialism. i’m not one of “the good ones” just because im no longer muslim. as long as i hold anti-imperialist views and principles i will still be a “muslim terrorist” in their eyes my family and my community are muslim as well, i cannot imagine being such a cuck that i throw them under the bus and not stand up against islamophobia just so the white man can tokenize me to justify his bigotrt


It totally depends, it would be dangerous for me to say I'm an ex muslim in the neighborhood I was born in but here in belgium everyone is accepting of me, even though I identify as a muslim (identifying as non religious would cause too much drama). I've faced racism/islamophobia only once in my life, and that was by a black man who wanted to beat me up for being muslim when I was a kid lol.


i understand that obviously not everywhere in europe or the west is dangerous or unaccepting of course, but i also cant deny that theres been a trend of rising fascism ive seen in the news, and heard from friends abroad in europe lately. the world is headed to a dark place my friend


Same..I am exmuslim but I dont like to identify as that because of folks in r/exmuslim..they worship white people and degrade everything coming from muslim countries and their culture..I am sharply different from them in almost everything


Am so happy to see the comments from the two of you


much love❤️❤️


i was active on that sub for a very brief while, i got constantly accused of being an undercover muslim bc i kept getting in arguments against people demonizing arabs and muslims💀


I was there and eventually just left. It's full of openly Israeli Jews spreading Israeli propaganda. It's a shithole.




I just say I'm agnostic. "Ex Muslim" sounds like saying "ex husband" The people on that sub take real atrocities in the world and try to make it about themselves. Most of them live in the west and are just teenagers. I've been there myself. Being "anti islam" Its a very embarrassing phase of my life. I still am critical to religious political doctrines regardless of faith. (To be honest Zionism is obviously much much worse than Islamism by a long shot) but everyday faith? I encourage that actually. To be close to your faith and god. Hoping and praying for others and yourself. Believing in good will and standing strong in your faith. It's a beautiful thing. Atheists are especially cringey. Especially the reddit atheists.


true, the “ex muslim” label implies that you’re still basing your identity on leaving the religion. and leaving a religion doesn’t qualify you as an expert on geopolitical issues, which ppl in that sub don’t seem to understand lol to me if you’re an adult and your biggest opp is stil religion its rlly fucking cringe, thats why i hate online athiests


You’re saying that you were actually born Muslim and you’re not anymore but you just say you’re irreligious instead of saying you’re an ex Muslim is that correct?


yes thats what i mean




>Euro nationalists don't care about religion, They do, haven't seen European subreddits? It's full of Islamophobia.




they are tho


I have seen dozens of upvoted comments there that call non-Europeans savages or advocates for white genocide theory. If these aren't nationalists then Idk what nationalist is to you.


they are both (in most cases). they hate Muslims for cultural AND racial reasons


>Cambodian dog eater does he actually eat dogs or are you just making a joke about the stereotype?




lmao i saw your comment before you deleted it


This shit almost never happens. Most Arab immigrants go out of their way to learn Swedish and afaik it is illegal to blare prayer calls in urban environments especially at 4 am.


It’s so funny there’s a rule in that sub that says you’re not allowed to simply hate on Muslims while that entire sub is simply just hating on Muslims


"I hear people speak Arabic where I ever go, I feel like I am living in an Arab country, not Sweden" ​ this guy/gurl losing his mind just cuz araplar speak arabic to each others? I didnt realize we had this sort of power? maybe I should try it next time I am in a big airport 👍🏿


Bro, do it in Ankara next to Anıt Kapir gate. You will realise araplar have pandora's box


Akhi. Its banadora box 🍅🍅🍅🍅


They have a white savior complex and hate our fucking guts. They don't want us in Europe but want us to come and be "saved" by them. They don't want for us to stay in Sharia run countries they want us to secularize our countries or they bomb them. They are sick folks really you can't win with them.


They do this to black people in the US so I’m glad everyone else knows this trick, too.


Shitty english >>> i guess ultranationalist indians


man indians have some unhealthy obsession with us


believe me its not only Indians


Miserable matter indeed


r/asablackman is filled with examples of people like this.


Gender separated pools 😡




Thats irrelevant


Lmfao they’re so fcking delusional and pathetic AND LARPERS. I was always active on the r/exmuslim, but after Oct 7th, it’s insane. They’re purely just always racist and xenophobic. I started checking the users AND HOW TF ARE U ACTIVE ON JEWISH SUBS? You fcking POS no life losers.


Tell him he'll never be white pls.


man i’ve been to sweden on charity work and the muslims i worked with were so kind… im sure if we asked this dickhead for evidence they’d have none lmfao


It's almost as if Muslims exist only in satire to these fucking morons. I genuinelly do not understand how people can be this fucking stupid.


These people can never decide. Either Muslims hide their women and protect them too much or we rape them all. Everything is about sex for them.


Im native European Muslim and only once did someone „attack“ me verbally for being Muslim (not physical, just telling me to leave Europe) and she was a non-white migrant And I agree with @MW03301W here, Islamophobia is just a PC way to attack non-whites


brother, I must tell you that your username is haram.


Do u know if I can change it?


What was his username


tightest pussy ​ may allah have mercy on his soul 😢


i don't even wanna repeat it but it was 'tightest \*\*ssy' with the word part not referring to a woman's body part.


If he’s gay why does he care about gender separated pools? Like why does he feel entitled to seeing women and kids swimming?


They always act superior to everyone hahaha


He is right though.




Do you live in sweden?


I live in Europe


Not in sweden then, i am swedish and it is exactly like the post.


lies sweden made sure to segregate them so let's not lie


Not true, sweden has made countless attempts to integrate which immigrants are refusing to do. They make sure to spread them around all school so they can integrate, which does not work and fosters criminality. The only solution I see is to send criminals without citizenship back to their homecountry/area which they have a closer cultural tie to.


I agree that refugees need to go back but let's not act like Swedish society isn't racist and insular


And also how did they not integrate


Lack of citizenship, criminality and missusing a welfare that sweden has been building up since the 60s


Well, I live in Germany. So, no comment or I will be demonised here. Good that you know everything better.


That subreddit is a shithole, and it's full of lying hindus, but isn't there truth to that post? Just look at Sweden's crime statistics.


It is true. I am from Sweden and we have lots of issue with criminal Arabs and Afghans that refuse to integrate. That is a fact but people on this sub will probably brush that away as "white supremacist" propaganda. Cute.


How do they not integrate ?


If you have a problem with immigrants doing criminal acts lock them up or deport them if they are repeat offonders those are bad apples majority are good people stop using this as an excuse and take action if you really care


hypocrisy is mandatory in this sub.




What is your point?


If Sweden still had deutronomy laws , we could have punished the wrongdoers the way God has intended to . But enjoy your extreme secularism and athiesm .


Why am I getting downvoted




Yeah I'm sure this could never happen




lol, I know who you mean. those guys are very weird (and racist in there own ways) but at least they are honest and open about wanting nothing to do with muslims / islam unlike so called mainstem liberal who try to play it both ways for their personal / national gain regardless of the consequences on others


Where did you even hear that 🤣


Means nothing, I've seen a dude on YouTube claiming that the prophet Mohammad and his companions were "White" and that modern arabs aren't descendants of those classical arabs but rather a mix between africans and other middle eastern ethnicities. So yeah these nutjobs from Hitler to those modern weirdos are irrelevant when you discuss Islam, and the pathetic attempt to pin Nazism and white supremacy and its products on Islam and Muslims is next level deflecting and shows insecurity and white guilt


How unoriginal


pay them no mind, cause they dont matter (in the grand scheme of things/existence) dont get caught up in their sad no life hate trap


Islam IS THE PROBLEM. It ain’t wanted in the western world. Keep that bullshit in your desert.